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Forked Thread: Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5 Continued


Jillian, when you finish your task with the altar, you should take a look at this. There is a stone block within the anti-magic field. There seems to be some sort of keyhole above it roughly circular shaped. Zorn informs her.

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Jillian and Fin manage to bypass the traps only to discover that the altar holds no goodies. The big opalescent glowing stone might fetch a few coins if you could get the thing out of here and if you were willing to put something with so obvious an evil aura on the open market...

Presuming you go to search as Zorn suggests...

A search of the eastern wall in this area reveals a small slot with the letter ‘O’ faintly traced above it. The slot is of sufficient size to accept a coin or a flat gem. It is also just right for insertion of a magic ring. It doesn't take a great leap of logic to determine that that the slot and that mysterious anti-magical stone are associate, but the nature of the relationship remains in doubt. There is no lock or trap here at least.


Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76-10+3DR=69/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11

"I know that somebody is just itching to put a coin in that slot! But, hey, before you do so, please give the rest of us some warning so that we can back up outside the blast radius!"


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"The riddle on the entry hall floor did say that a magical band would open a door - and didn't we just find a magic ring in the other room?"


Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76-10+3DR=69/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11

Fearing the worst, Logan gradually gravitates to the rear of the party, because he just knows that somebody's going to screw with the hole in the wall and bring destruction down on us all!


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Realizing who shes travelling with, Ballista also moves to the back of the room. Her bow is ready for anything that might be summoned by the young ones.


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Grackle finishes piling precious shinies into his holding spaces, and sees a couple of people backing away from the room. He looks around dumbly, not sure what the heck they're doing, then jogs over to them and tugs on Logan's armored pant-leg. "Hey, hey, what're we doin'?! Are we gonna hide 'n' seek? Or go summare else? Did you see more shinies over here? Or find sumthin' fun o'er here?" the gnome asks eagerly.


Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76-10+3DR=69/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11

"No, no 'shinies' back here, Grackle. I'm just trying to stay safe, if that's even possible here." The Priest runs his fingers through the gnome's hair playfully, the way you might pet a good and loyal dog.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
*sigh*" the courage of the masses is everful encourageing. who has the ring? I will try to open the door with the ring."


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Fin will try to blend in with any shadows around, hoping that his instincts are wrong, but they usually were spot on. His deadly bow at the ready.

Voidrunner's Codex

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