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[FR] Heroes of the Vilhon Reach II (updated 3/6!)


Rel, I've learned so much from you! :D

9-10 Ches 1373, Year of Rogue Dragons: The Temple of Ilmater

Twilight Hollow was like any other village in the Western Heartlands of Faerun except for one striking feature: A large stone temple dominated the town. The edifice loomed through the driving rain as the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach entered the hamlet. They trudged down the main street, which in the torrent had become an ankle-deep, muddy stream. Benito, Ellysidell, Grim and Meliane continued on towards the temple to Ilmater, while Khirin and Souliss secured lodgings at the Double Bolt Inn, the first place they came to and apparently ,the only boarding house in town, just as Khirin had predicted. The merchants entered the place only to be greeted by stares as a hush fell over the patrons. Souliss stamped the dampness from his boots. Khirin shook and squeezed as much of the water from his travelling cloak forming a puddle of muddy water near the doorway. He looked for someone who looked like they worked at the place and spied the bartender.

"Hail and well met, good sir. We seek lodgings for six weary travellers."

"Is your whole party present?" asked the barkeep narrowing his eyes in suspicion

"No, but they will arrive shortly."

"Then I cannot give you rooms," came the gruff answer.

Khirin raised and eyebrow and he and Souliss walked over to the bar. He dropped some coin and negotiated, pleading with whom he discovered was the innkeeper Okrosh Danrat there behind the bar, emphasizing the foul weather and scarcity of patrons in thsi secluded hamlet. The owner compromised, but would not allow the pair to the rooms until the others arrived. Shrugging his shoulders and holding his hands palm up, Khirin retreated with his companion Souliss.

"Let us dry ourselves as best we can in the meantime, my friend," said Khirin pointing to a bench near the hearth.

A fire roared and invited warmth and comfort. Souliss saw that it was a stark contrast to the patrons all of whom appeared to be locals. Khirin realized that this inn was the only diversion in town for these folks. Whispers and averted eyes accompanied them as they went to their spot. Some tavern-goers even moved as the pair approached.

Souliss, mind-linked with Khirin, said These villagers do not seem very friendly.

Pay them no heed, good Souliss. They are beneath us after all

Khirin smirked and looked around with mild disdain. He concentrated on drying and warming himself and nudging Souliss invited him to ignore the patrons and take advantage of their prime location by the fireplace.


Meanwhile, the four remaining heroes continued down the 'avenue' first coming across a statue of Ilmater. Water cascaded along the folds of the statues robes and flew from the stony cheeks of Ilmater's face. The statue, once exquisite, was now weathered. Benito paused in reverence to a member of the triad despite Grim's fidgetiness. He read the near-faded inscription, located at the statue's base, aloud :

"Ilmater, protect us and give us faith. Your suffering brings us strength."

Then, he led the way towards the temple. The party passed between two galleries perforated with arrow slits. It reminded Ellysidell of a gaping mouth. They continued unchallenged until they reached a raised, wooden porticullis. This looked like a set of teeth to the wild elf. An acolyte carrying what looked to Benito like a lantern, came out to greet them, seemingly unpulsed by the rain.

"Welcome to the Temple of Ilmater. What is your need?"

Benito explained and the acolyte motioned for them to follow. Two temple soldiers rushed to meet the group and in the rain and dim illumination, led the party past the gate and into the courtyard. There a robed woman leaned against a stone cistern. The acolyte bowed, spoke briefly to the woman, and stepped to one side.

"Thank you, Gwenned." Then turning to the party, "I am Andress Nagheson. Welcome to Twilight Hollow. We will be able to help your friend. I hope that perhaps, Ilmater has sent you to help us in turn." *

This was followed by a heavy sigh. In the downpour, Benito saw that the priestess of Ilmater wore robes of mourning. Now they were drenched. Her hair was worn in ragged tufts, cut short. The wrinkles around her eyes hinted at suffering.

Benito, feeling a sense of duty to these allies of his faith, asked Andress to explain how they could help. They were only passing through in search of a missing friend. The holy justice re-explained their situation and asked if Malarites were common in the area. Andress spoke to her acolyte and the younger woman rushed into the temple on some errand.

"I was hoping that some heroes would search for the soul of a lost companion of mine. She was very dear to me and to this village. However, while the matter is pressing, it can wait until tommorrow. You appear to have travelled far and look to be in need of rest."*

Benito assured her that he was not too tired to help the cause and insisted that she explain even more. More sadness fell over the face of the priestess, but she managed a smile and was encouraged.

"Perhaps you are the ones who will free her soul. A paladin of Ilmater named Shaunnara suffers as few have suffered. Something has her soul and she can neither die or be raised. Ilmater has given me a glimpse of her plight. It was horrible."*

Andress pauses and shuddered, hugging herself in the dampness and cold.

"Her pain amuses some merciless thing. The creature resides in a valley to the west. It is an undead beast."*

Benito looked to his companions who looked back at him pleadingly to not accept the quest. The cleric of Tyr was torn.

"If it is Tyr's will, we will find Shaunnara. If it is his will, we will leave tommorrow for this valley."

Grim, Ellysidell, and Meliane pursed their lips, but held their tongues. Gwenned, by that time had come back with several sprigs of herbs. Andress instructed Grim and the heroes how to consume the herbs. The remedy if taken tonight should stop the curse of lycanthropy. They thanked her and left.

Benito was contemplatative--already deciding that he would ask Tyr for guidance in the morning. First, though, take care of Grim and rest. The march had wearied all of them.....
*Some of the dialogue paraphrased from Tears for Twilight Hollow by Angel Leigh McCoy and Christopher Perkins (Dungeon #90)
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First Post
twilight hollow

cool post Broc :) I like the attention to detail in the town. As for the quest for the lost paladin it is... complicated. The desire to help is overwhelming but it seems as if the party (Benito) may fast be realizing that they cannot help everyone that they meet, because people that they have already sworn to aid will suffer from the split in time and devotion to their original cause.

It seems that Broc has it out for poor Mourn, lol. At the rate were going it's a good thing he's an elf because at the rate were making progress to find him it will take a looonnnggg time before we actually do ;)

A quick poll, what do you think we should do ? Does the party accept the quest and go to free the entrapped soul of the paladin of Illmatter, Do they respctfully decline so that they can continue the quest to find their friend Mourn or Do they attempt to do both, all the while hoping that this split devotion will not lead to dire consequences for the lost bard Mourn... If any of yall out there wanted to drop your 2 cents in on the matter it would be great, cause Tyr's advice lately has been very circumspect (read questionable :p)


Re: twilight hollow

Malachai_rose said:
... If any of yall out there wanted to drop your 2 cents in on the matter it would be great, cause Tyr's advice lately has been very circumspect (read questionable :p)

Oh yea of little faith! All the divination have been correct and not contradictory. It is not my fault that the heroes can't decide on the proper course of action.

Granted, 'Yes' and 'no' questions are hard to interpret and divinations are by their nature cryptic, but my goal is not to confuse the characters--they do a good enough job on their own :eek: .

I only seek to drive the story....:D
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First Post
Awaiting on a new post from this excellent story hour!

In response to M R's new poll, I say help the Ilmaterians...

- Chris


First Post
WOW! I stopped reading this thread a bit after my initial post, as I got caught up in other things. That is a mistake I shall not repeat. This story hour is amazing! It's my number one story hour now, in fact.

The brutal assassinations on the PCs were great (no offense to the PCs, heh) and I love the way Benito has taken charge of the party. Aris' will, the forced retreat from Westgate and the party conflict are all fantastic. Hopefully the party can pull together and stop fighting amongst themselves soon. I think as long as Benito maintains command the party will do what's best, though his hold on the group is tenuos at best.

It's probably too late to respond to the poll from Malachai_Rose, but if not, I say you should save the Paladin. Mourn does need your help, but so does the Paladin. And Mourn is at least still alive and not in horrible torment (hopefully, anyway) unlike the Paladin. And really, given the answer to your divination on which way to go, it would seem as if Tyr wants you to save the Paladin.

Are you really going to ignore your gods counsel on the matter? Perhaps by saving this Paladins soul you will gain something that you need, or at least can greatly aid you in your quest to save Mourn. Anyway, that's my opinion. Hopefully you guys can pull it out and save both Mourn and the Paladins soul. I'm eagerly awaiting more of this great story!


Shaunnara, eh? Ever read Terry Brooks, Broc? ;)


psi-crystal dictation vol. 1

10-16 Ches, 1373 Year of Rogue Dragons : Tales from the Wolverine

So much has changed in my life the last few days. It all started that first night in Twillight Hollow. Now it's six days later and we are in the City of a Thousand Spires, Irieabor. Here in the High House, I can look from the battlements and see the River Chionthar far below. Kirin got us the rooms here. Apparently, he still has it. I for one still hope that he does. The mechanical constructs that we found and want to sell will require all of his merchantile savvy. He has told me that several bids have been offered including one the city of Irieabor.

So here we are sitting high on the Tor. Of course it doesn't hurt that we follow Benito Moltos, a Holy Justice of Tyr and the city is ruled by a paladin named Bron. Diplomatic privileges and all that. My perspective has changed. I was once Souleis now I am a Wolverine. Should I pick a new name? Benito still calls me by my human name. It just doesn't seem to fit. Am I getting ahead of myself? Maybe my attention span has gotten shorter. I seem a little more hungry all the time. Anyway....

Twilight Hollow--I really don't want to go back, but after Benito replenishes our supply of healing, we are heading there. Following him has seemed to imply following the Will of Tyr. Not that I'm complaining. It is a noble task to rescue the beleaguered soul of a poor village's champion from a foul demon. Tyr says we free the soul so we go to free the soul. Still, I'm not releshing a return to that 'one horse town'. Funny thing, that one horse belonged to the paladin we seek. OK, Souleis or whatever your name is...get back on track.

Last time I was in Twilight Hollow the villagers beat me into unconsciousness. There was this thing about a prophecy and a dark stranger and the tavernkeeper kind of freaked when I slipped and accidentally revealed that I could read his mind. Next thing I know, I get knocked over the head by a few farmers and the owner. Next time...blast first, then probe mind. I woke up in the temple of Ilmater as my companions arrived. The farmers and the innkeeper had turned themselves in and been beaten for it. The next day their punishment was even more severe. Public flogging. I really didn't care for that. It seemed more appropriate for a place like Mulmaster than a village in the Sunset Vale (yes...even the middle of nowhere has a name. I just found out here in I'bor). Grim seemed to enjoy it. That little guy is vengeful. Mental note 2) Do not upset Ellysidell's little brother. smirk...

We left to find the soul that very day. That very night I died. shudder...

Howlers, I later found out. I did not even last six heartbeats as a pack came at us on the ridge above that foul valley. Apparently, I was torn to pieces. Kirin, my fellow watch companion fell also, but was stabilized by the healing magics of Meliane or Benito. The heroes prevailed while my soul wandered. I have a vague recollection of an endless plane and thousands upon thousands of souls wandering aimlessly. Then as I wandered I was yanked and there were many lights and then the green of a forest.

My point of view had diminished and there overlooking a fog-enshrouded valley were my companions standing over Meliane who was touching my body. That was strange. I felt the tug of my psi-crystal and bounded forward on all fours. At first I thought my spirit was crawling on its hands and knees. Then as I moved through the brush I felt that I had more hair and I looked and saw that I had claws. I could smell my companions and my dead corpse better than I could see them and the rotting vegetation smell coming from the valley almost overwhelmed me. I began to panic as it dawned upon me what had happened, but it was too late, my friends had already seen me. I was angry at the druid and growled. Ellysidell and Benito drew their swords. I became scared again and squeaked something like, "No, it's me Souleis!" and cowered. They lowered their weapons.

I was now a wolverine, and I talked and I felt that my mind magic was still there. I just sat there on my haunches for a while. Someone put my psicrystal back around my neck as I stared off into nothing. I vaguely recall someone else telling me that the party was assaulted by a spikey dragon and a ghostly cat-like creature after I fell. Now we were going down into the valley. Grim gave me a wide berth. Ellysidell looked at me funny. So did Benito. I remember thinking, "I don't want you're pity!" and making a face. That came out more like a growl also. Kirin finally shook me and gave me an Arisism, "Things might seem bad now, but we must stick together and stay the course."

Something like that. That was six days ago. I said that already, didn't I? Grrrr....can't get that itch from behind my ears to go away....Did you record that? Stupid crystal....

One hears some scuffling in the background that stops after a few seconds...


Liquid Awesome
That was a wicked cool bit of writing there, Broc. Loved it.

And sorry to hear that you are feeling bad.

Have some soup and wrap a hot towel around your head. It worked for Ferris Bueler.


do wolverines howl?

Rel said:
That was a wicked cool bit of writing there, Broc. Loved it.

And sorry to hear that you are feeling bad.

Have some soup and wrap a hot towel around your head. It worked for Ferris Bueler.

Yeah...I was having a bit of fun writing/recording from the point of view of Souleis with permission from the player of course. Next, I will probably write from Kirin's point of view. That should be very interesting seeing how unappreciated Kirin is. We'll see that bitter Tethyrian edge!

Thanks for the sympathy. I live in South Texas and eventually you get sensitized...these allergies have been plaguing me to the point of migraines! I think I might try that towel thing....


First Post
Really? I thought that was the player who wrote that. A very nice piece of writing, Broccli_Head. Being a Wolverine Psion isn't so bad, I think. At least he's a class that isn't hampered too much by his new form. Great stuff, I look forward to reading more.


First Post
Post !!!

Hey whats goin on round here... whast this ... a post ? A Post ! OMG IT'S A POST !!! WOOT WOOT !!! Heh, well good to see that your allergies haven't totally melted your brain Broc :) Cool post by the way, I think that writing from the different characters viewpoints will be a nice way to get different insights into characters that we otherwise may not have gotten to see, I mean for the readers fo course :p I get to see these misfits everytime we play... heh. Perhaps I will write a post from Benitos point of view later :D heh, it would go something like this...

"What ? why would you do that ? grrr... If I wasn't lawful good... grrr, Yes Tyr told me to go here, why would I make that up ?!?"

Lol, maybe not, Benito does love his friends (Grim and Ell) it's just the large group of newcomers that have joined them in the last two weeks that seem to do nothing but question the direction the party is headed ie.. why are we rescuing this guy Mourn, why do we keep asking Tyr for advice :) But it does seem kinda cool, were gradually getting back to a steady group dynamic. Well Broc hurry up and post some more. And saturday would be good for us, I talked to Khirin/Aris and the rest of us could do it, plus my brother is going to be here, so he could play any m.i.a. people. Well let me know whats up.

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