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Freedom City Campaign [M&M2] - OOC Discussion

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All right, with the latest post, we should be pretty close to closing this chapter of the game. Please post asap with your next actions and we should be able to wrap it up soon.


Since I've grown tired of waiting for people to post, I've fast forwarded the game. If you read the most recent post, you'll see that the team has exited the underground facility and the explosion has gone off. You were able to warn everyone beforehand and there were no injuries.

OOC, I am more than a little disappointed at this game's attrition rate. We've lost at least 3 players in the past month. Some of this is my fault, as I was unable to post on a daily basis (although to be fair, I never promised to do so). At this point, I believe we have 3-4 active players. The players for Nanite, Century Girl, and Glory are gone. I have no idea what happened to them, and I'm no longer awaiting their return.

Going forward, I'm not sure if I want to continue the game. If the rest of you are OK with me sometimes not posting every day (or even every other day, twice a week, whatever), say so now and we'll get that out of the way. I cannot guarantee that I can post more than I have. This was an experiment anyway, and it's not going to break my heart in the slightest if we have to try something else.

Let me know what you think.


First Post
I'm still in. Meanwhile, I acquired Freedom City and Ultimate Power, so I fixed up Surge's background to fit the setting a bit, fully changed his secondary powers to being implant-based rather than the multiple-mutations thing, and have nearly completed yet another rebuild. i'll post that soon.


First Post
Here is the latest and hopefully last version of Power Surge. At the bottom are notes on what I did, and a couple questions.

Power Surge, born Sergio Paretti, is from an Italian immigrant family in the West End area of Freedom City. When he was a child, his father, who owns a small restaurant, empacised the value of hard work and perserverance, often telling of how his family came to America with nothing and built a sucessful life, despite numerous setbacks. Sergio deeply identified with his fathers' experience. He was never the strongest or the smartest in his class, but he always got by through good old-fashioned hard work, sticktuitiveness, and the support of his family and his close-knit ethnic neighborhood.

When he was 17, things turned sour for the Parettis, when gangsters moved into the neighborhood and began demanding increasingly-unreasonable protection money. Hoping to find information to anonymously pass on to the police, Sergio climbed a fire escape and began listening in on the gangsters' conversations. He was soon spotted and confronted by a guard, and when the guard grabbed him from behind, he instinctively turned around and struck the man. To his surprise, he felt as if he was being mildly electricuted. He felt the electricity go through him, and his hair stood up. His fist struck the guard in the chest, the shock stopped the guard's heart, and he fell from the fire escape (Developed Electrical Control). Sergio ran, fearing the mafia, the police, and himself. But no one had seen him, and the coronor ruled the guard's death to have been caused by a freak heart attack, rather than caused by a freak.

Sergio wrestled with the situation for a long time. He felt bad for the gangster he killed, even though it was an accident. On the other hand, the guy was a mob enforcer, a man who harmed the innocent for a living...and he would never again harm anyone else. Of course, it is always better for the bad guys to be caught and tried under the law, but he could not escape the fact that the world is better off on account of his strange accident.

Shortly after, he noticed a sudden affinity for machines. He never waited long for an elevator. In fact, if he thought about it enough, they seemed to come directly to whatever floor he was on, regardless of other calls. (Developed Computer Control, Datalink, Machine Control)

After graduating from high school, he joined the military. During his routine entry physical, the military tested his blood for extant or latant super-powers, and shortly after basic training, he was assigned to a special unit of similarly-unique individuals. There, they taught him to hone his powers through intense concentration exercises and use them to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. (Developed Enhanced Dex for better aim, APs and Power Feats on his Electrical Control Array, his Forecefield, combat feats, concentration) After a while, he was transferred yet again, this time outside of the military to an off-the-books CIA operation that dealt in especially delicate situations.

Among his many missions, he was sent with Corporal Atom, a hero with the ability to manipulate radiation, to destroy a nuclear research facility in /Fictional Rogue State/ that was about to begin production of nuclear weapons. Atom was to drain the materials of their radioactivity, and Surge was to destroy the rest of the facility. Something went wrong on Atom's end, and the facility's small research reactor exploded. Atom and Surge were separated in the confusion, and the radiation created too much radio interference for communication. Atom got out fine, since he is immune to radiation, but Surge was badly hurt. Oddly enough, however, the radiation actually strengthened his mutation, significantly increasing the amount of electricity he could produce and channel.

When he recovered, he found his way back to the military, and to a disgraced Corporal Atom who had assured their superiors that he must have been vaporized by the explosion.

Military scientists determined that his now-strengthened electrical mutations could be used to power and interface with electronic implants. Perfecting a neural interface and dealing with power requirements were the only remaining obstacles they had to being able to deploy a number of implant-based super-soldier technologies. Surge could provide the power and the interface using his own powers, such that these barriers would not be barriers for him.

He agreed to be used as a test subject, so that the military could determine how to increase his powers to become a better soldier, to become better able to protect the innocent. They implanted a microcomputer system in his brain, and receivers in his eyes and ears. He gained a number of sensory, memory, and communications-related abilities, and very powerful (and power-consuming) computer-based abilities that he could activate at the cost of his offensive powers.

Additionally, he was given a set of implants that could shape light and sound around his forcefield. They could be activated to make him invisible and silent, or to imitate another subject.

Eventually, however, his unit was shut down when a new Secretary of Defense cut out certian black operations that the new president would have disapproved of. Surge adapted to civilian life by getting a job as a police consultant, and later a freelancer working with AEGIS, which gave him the access necessary to fight crime anonymously.

His perseverance and dedication are by far his most prominent feature. He will do whatever it takes to take down the bad guys, and his formidible defensive powers make him quite willing to take big risks. He fights well alone, but his military background taught him to be an adept team player as well. Occasionally, when he gets bored, he uses his powers to listen to civilian radio or surf the Internet, rather than paying much attention to whats going on around him. If he's bored and fidgety, he's probably listening to music. If he's bored and angry, he's probably listening to talk radio.

Surge is of medium height and a bit stocky. While good looking, his time in the military and later covert ops sometimes keeps him from opening up to people as much as he wishes he could, and his ability to lead is hampered by the lack of the hierarchical power structure he's used to. His military background also, however, makes him fiercely protective of his allies, and is quite willing to take a bullet -- or a tank shell -- for his friends, especially since no normal weapon short of a battleship's gun battery can harm him. Nonetheless, he is, outwardly at least, reasonably easy-going and wryly humorous. His hero costume is camouflage pants, a white shirt, a mlitary jacket, and an American flag bandana with eye holes. This seems to have the same quasi-magical effect as Clark Kent's glasses, making him strangely difficult to identify ( (; ).

Nowadays, he is an independent super-hero, police consultant, and investigator. Due to his military background, he has close ties with AEGIS, though they are aware that he does not always play by their rules. Nonetheless, he retains his security clearance. He also has a number of cyber-personae, and passes information to other supers, policemen, and rivals of corrupt corporations or politicians. Once he uncovered a trap the mafia had set for the mafia-killing assassin The Silencer, and warned him, an act that he remains conflicted about to this day. He can easily avoid being traced because he uses his long-range datalink power to remotely-control computers on the other side of the world. They may be able to trace him to a cybercafe in Seoul or a university computer lab in Moscow, but that doesn't really help them, since he is not actually there.

Some mechanical notes: Many of his attack powers have Homing becuase electricity needs to go somewhere rather than disapating, so it can arc back to the target if it just misses. They also tend to have Full Power because he focuses his power by imagining them weapons such as bullets and grenades, and their effects cannot typically be modulated. He has limited uses of the rockets beucase no one typically carries large numbers of those, but typically does carry plenty of bullets. The grenades have ricochet and explosion, because grenades do that. In addition to whatever descriptors these powers inherently have, all implant-based powers have the electronic descriptor (in addition to the electrical descriptor). All powers based on implants have a duration no better than sustained, because they are based on an internal Datalink-like ability (flavor only and only works for the implants, no additional point cost, not part of the actual Datalink power he has), and datalink is sustained.

Sergio Paretti, aka Power Surge, Mutant Super-Soldier
PL: 10 (150 pp)


STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 14 (+2/+1)
CON: 20 (+5/+4)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 10 (0)
PP Spent: 14


Bluff 6 (+5)
Concentration 15 (+17)
Diplomacy 15 (+15)
Drive (+2)
Escape Artist (+2)
Gather Info 10 (+10)
Notice 10 (+12)
Pilot 1 (+3)
Sense Motive 8 (+10)
Survival (+2)
Swim 1 (+1)
PP Spent: 16.5

FEATS: Attack Specialization: Electrical Control Array (2.5), Dodge Focus (2), Improved Initiative (1), Precise Shot (2), Elusive Target, Evasion (2), Move-By-Attack, Attractive (1), All Out Attack, Contacts, Well-Informed, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Connected, Improved Crit: Electrical Control Array (1), Second Chance(Failed Concentration Checks On His Own Powers), Benefit: Security Clearance

PP Spent: 21.5


Electrical Control Array: 20pp+11pp (APs) = 31pp

Electrical Control Array

Default Setting (Unless Stated Otherwise) :
AP:Cyberbrain Container Array -- He can use his electrical control array and his Datalink to power and interface with a powerful microcomputer implanted in his brain. Outside of combat, the array is always on this setting
4.5 Enhanced Skills ((Flaw: Sustained), 1pp for 8sp, so 36sp
Enhanced Computers (Flaw: Sustained) = +15
Enhanced Disable Device (Flaw: Sustained) = +15
Enhanced Gather Information (Flaw: Sustained) = +5
10 Enhanced Datalink 9, AP Enhanced Communication(Radio) 8 w/Subtle(Encryption)] w/Subtle (For Datalink, its encryption, for Comm, it becomes the second rank of Subtle, making it undetectable)
1 Enhanced Intelligence 2 (Flaw: Sustained)
1 Enhanced Super-Senses (Radio: Subtle, Analytic)(Flaw: Sustained)
2 Quickness (Flaw: Limited 2: Computers Only, Flaw: Sustained) 8 ... 500 times speed
1 Feature: Internal Devices - Masterwork Computer, Masterwork Electronics Kit, Phone, 2-4ep of eq, depending on whats redundant with other powers
.5 Comprehend (Codes)1(Flaw, Sustained) Universal Decrypter/Codebreaker

Non-Weapon Powers
AP: Mind Control 10 (Extra: Conscious, Flaw: Check Required(Concentration DC20 to activate)) w/Homing and Noticeable
Causes electrical arcs to appear around the target.
(10ranks*(2base+1conscious-check required)-1 noticable+1 homing = 20pp)
AP: Animate Objects (Mechanical) 10 (10ranks*2base = 20pp)
Manefests as an advanced-looking PDA that connects by firing a cable into the device (attack roll required)
AP: Computer Control 10
Manefests as an advanced-looking PDA that connects by firing a cable into the device (attack roll required)
(10ranks*(2base+1conscious-1ranged)-1 full power+1 homing = 20pp)
AP: Teleport 9 (Extras: Accurate, Medium(wiring)) w/Easy and Turnabout
Manefests by transforming briefly into a bolt of lightning shooting into the medium, than another bolt coming out of the medium at the destination to the spot he is to appear

Weapon Powers:
(Blast) 10 Full Power Drawback, Homing (Main EC Power)
Manifests as a pistol
(10ranks*2base-1fullpower+1homing = 20pp)
AP: Disintegrate 10 (Modifiers: Full Round, Unreliable (5-times method w/1hour mental excercises to recover. If he runs out of uses, the entire array goes down)) w/ Extras/Flaws Full Power and Homing
((base4-1full round-1unreliable)*10ranks+1homing-1fullpower = 20pp)
Manifests as a rocket launcher
AP: Strike 10 (Extras: Penetrating and Incurable and Full Power)
Manifests as a melee weapon, usually a combat knife if he is doing lethal damage or a baton if he is doing non-lethal damage
(10ranks*(1base+1penetrating0-1full power+1incurable = 20pp)
AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Shapable Targeted Area +1, Distracting -1, Full Round Action -1, Autofire 3 +3, Check Required (Concentration DC20) -1, Flaw: Must brace self on solid surface (i.e. can't be flying) -1, -1full power, +1 homing
10*(2 +3autofire +1targeted area -distracting,-1 full round action, -1 concentration check -1 flaw)-1 full power +1 homing = 20pp)
Manifests as a very large machine gun, and requires him to stand still, brace himself on the ground, be really careful not to hit allies, and not defend himself much to deal with the recoil
AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Area 1: Explosion, Full round) w/Full Power and Ricochet. (10*(2base+1area-1full round)-1full power+1ricochet)
Manifests as hand grenade
[AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Autofire 2, Distracting, Check Required(Concentration), Full Power, Homing)
Manifests as assault rifle with scope
AP: Strike Aura 10 (Modifiers: Full Round Action, Distracting, Duration 2, Aura, Full Power, Incurable)
Diverts power into Force Field to make it damaging

End Electrical Control Array

Force Field 8 (Extras: Impervious, Continuous, Flaws: Action 2(Full Round Action)) , Selective (8ranks*(1base+1impervious+1continuous-1permanent)+1selective = 9pp)

Impervious Toughness 5 (5pp)

Enhanced Dexterity 2 (2pp)

Enhanced Constitution 2 (2pp)

Flight 1 (2pp)
Manefests as a jet-pack, with the bottom glowing with electrical energy like certain space-ship engines

Concealment 3: Normal Sight & Hearing (5pp) Full Power (Cannot become just invis or just silenced)
When invisible, the other abilities' visual manefestations are also invisible

AP: Disguise Container 1 (1pp)
3 Morph 3, Flaw: Action (Move), Any Humanoid
1 Feature: Mimickry
1 Enhanced Cha 2 (Flaw: Duration, Sustained)

AP: Displacement 1 (1pp)

Cyberbrain/Implact Powers (without the extra juice from the Electrical Control Array) All sense have the sustained flaw rather than being continuous bc if he is stunned or otherwise unable to act, it breaks the neural link between him and the implant, and it must be reestablished. As stated above, they have the electronic and electrical descriptors in addition to being senses:

Super-Senses (Radio, Default Acute Radius and Ranged, plus Accurate (Thus constructing the radar power), Extended, Penetrates Concealment, Danger Sense)) (Flaw: sustained)(4 pp)
Made up of:
Super-Senses (Accurate on Radio, Making Radar) (Flaw: sustained)(1pp)
Super-Senses (Danger Sense on Radar)(early warning) (Flaw: sustained)(.5pp)
Super-Senses (Extended on Radar)(radio waves travel far) (Flaw: sustained)(.5pp)
Super-Senses (Penetrates Concealment on Radar)(radio waves generally penetrate objects) (Flaw: sustained)(2pp)

Communication(Radio) 2 (2pp)
AP: Datalink 1 w/Mechanical Control(1pp)
Comprehend Machines 2 (Speak and Understand, Flaw: Sustained) (1pp)

PP Spent: 67


Toughness 13 (flat-footed 13, Impervious 13)
Fortitude 9 (4pp)
Reflex 9 (7pp)
Will 9 (8pp)
PP Spent: 18


Base Attk: +5 (10pp)
Base Defense: +5 (10pp)
Initiative: +6

Typical Attack: +10 (5+5Attack Spec)
Typical Damage: +10
Special Effects (Homing, Area, Autofire, whatever) vary
PP Spent 20


Most powers do not function properly or at all under water, or where electricity cannot be easily controlled -3
Offensive Powers do not work where the weapon they simulate cannot work -1
Minor Weakness: Rubber/Especially-Nonconductive-Fantasy-Materials Weaponry -1
Minor Weakness: Water-based attacks -1
Concealment Array only works when the forcefield is up. -1

PP Spent: -7

PP Spent 14abilities+21.5feats+16.5skills+64powers+21saves+20combat-7drawbacks = 150pp


Secret Identity -- Though it is classified, the DoD knows who he really is. So do a number of his former coworkers (and possibly old enemies?), some of whom moved on to less honorable professions after their program got cut.
Enemy -- Corporal Atom, who still works for the military, resents Surge's inadvertant role in ruining his career
Enemy -- the mob boss who tormented his neighborhood turned on his associates and is in witness protection in Iowa. Surge knows where he lives, and is sometimes haunted with the desire for vengeance.

Mechanical Changes:

Various shuffling of points among mundane stats. I also upped skills a little and added a couple of combat feats.

Attack Specialization is 1pp for each +2. Can I buy an odd number of attack spec using half points? (I want to split my 10 evenly between base attack and electrical array spec)

Added "Continuous" and "Action:-2" to Force Field. It now stays up when stunned, but takes a full round to reactivate if taken down directly.

Enhanced Technopathy:

Bought Comprehend Machines so I can talk to controlled machines
Bought Communications(Radio)2, and AP'd Datalink 1 with mechanical control on it
Bought Eidetic Memory (represents digital storage)

Added the CyberBrain Container Array to provide more acutal technopath powers beyond controlling devices he's in the same room with. I wasnt sure how to duplicate the equipment capabilities, since datalink and radio totally or partially replace phones and computers, so I bought it as 1pp for 5eq and only used 4eq, even if I had to buy the phone and base computer, 2eq if i didnt. Technically its rank of the Feature power. Is that a reasonable 1pp buy of built-in equipment? A pretty much took all the technopath powers, even though there is a great deal of overlap between them.

Gave the concealment array some more versatility in its ability to bend light and sound, but also had it piggy-back on the forcefield, so it goes down if the force field does.

Added a couple more configurations of attacks in the electrical control array. The versatility may or may not actually be worth it considering how many there are and how few fighting rounds occur in PBPs, but it makes sense for the character.

I now have all the various info/favor feats: Connected, Contacts, Benefit: Security Clearance, and Well-Informed. Since they can affect plot, I ask: are you okay with that or will they be too useful or not useful enough? Also, is the loose AEGIS affiliation acceptable?

I bought penetrates concealment for the radar (which fits the package much better than darkvision, which I got rid of) to go through objects, although radar might do that anyway. Whatever, though, he's very point-efficient as it is.
Last edited:


DM_Matt said:
Here is the latest and hopefully last version of Power Surge. At the bottom are notes on what I did, and a couple questions.

[sblock]Power Surge, born Sergio Paretti, is from an Italian immigrant family in the West End area of Freedom City. When he was a child, his father, who owns a small restaurant, empacised the value of hard work and perserverance, often telling of how his family came to America with nothing and built a sucessful life, despite numerous setbacks. Sergio deeply identified with his fathers' experience. He was never the strongest or the smartest in his class, but he always got by through good old-fashioned hard work, sticktuitiveness, and the support of his family and his close-knit ethnic neighborhood.

When he was 17, things turned sour for the Parettis, when gangsters moved into the neighborhood and began demanding increasingly-unreasonable protection money. Hoping to find information to anonymously pass on to the police, Sergio climbed a fire escape and began listening in on the gangsters' conversations. He was soon spotted and confronted by a guard, and when the guard grabbed him from behind, he instinctively turned around and struck the man. To his surprise, he felt as if he was being mildly electricuted. He felt the electricity go through him, and his hair stood up. His fist struck the guard in the chest, the shock stopped the guard's heart, and he fell from the fire escape (Developed Electrical Control). Sergio ran, fearing the mafia, the police, and himself. But no one had seen him, and the coronor ruled the guard's death to have been caused by a freak heart attack, rather than caused by a freak.

Sergio wrestled with the situation for a long time. He felt bad for the gangster he killed, even though it was an accident. On the other hand, the guy was a mob enforcer, a man who harmed the innocent for a living...and he would never again harm anyone else. Of course, it is always better for the bad guys to be caught and tried under the law, but he could not escape the fact that the world is better off on account of his strange accident.

Shortly after, he noticed a sudden affinity for machines. He never waited long for an elevator. In fact, if he thought about it enough, they seemed to come directly to whatever floor he was on, regardless of other calls. (Developed Computer Control, Datalink, Machine Control)

After graduating from high school, he joined the military. During his routine entry physical, the military tested his blood for extant or latant super-powers, and shortly after basic training, he was assigned to a special unit of similarly-unique individuals. There, they taught him to hone his powers through intense concentration exercises and use them to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. (Developed Enhanced Dex for better aim, APs and Power Feats on his Electrical Control Array, his Forecefield, combat feats, concentration) After a while, he was transferred yet again, this time outside of the military to an off-the-books CIA operation that dealt in especially delicate situations.

Among his many missions, he was sent with Corporal Atom, a hero with the ability to manipulate radiation, to destroy a nuclear research facility in /Fictional Rogue State/ that was about to begin production of nuclear weapons. Atom was to drain the materials of their radioactivity, and Surge was to destroy the rest of the facility. Something went wrong on Atom's end, and the facility's small research reactor exploded. Atom and Surge were separated in the confusion, and the radiation created too much radio interference for communication. Atom got out fine, since he is immune to radiation, but Surge was badly hurt. Oddly enough, however, the radiation actually strengthened his mutation, significantly increasing the amount of electricity he could produce and channel.

When he recovered, he found his way back to the military, and to a disgraced Corporal Atom who had assured their superiors that he must have been vaporized by the explosion.

Military scientists determined that his now-strengthened electrical mutations could be used to power and interface with electronic implants. Perfecting a neural interface and dealing with power requirements were the only remaining obstacles they had to being able to deploy a number of implant-based super-soldier technologies. Surge could provide the power and the interface using his own powers, such that these barriers would not be barriers for him.

He agreed to be used as a test subject, so that the military could determine how to increase his powers to become a better soldier, to become better able to protect the innocent. They implanted a microcomputer system in his brain, and receivers in his eyes and ears. He gained a number of sensory, memory, and communications-related abilities, and very powerful (and power-consuming) computer-based abilities that he could activate at the cost of his offensive powers.

Additionally, he was given a set of implants that could shape light and sound around his forcefield. They could be activated to make him invisible and silent, or to imitate another subject.

Eventually, however, his unit was shut down when a new Secretary of Defense cut out certian black operations that the new president would have disapproved of. Surge adapted to civilian life by getting a job as a police consultant, and later a freelancer working with AEGIS, which gave him the access necessary to fight crime anonymously.

His perseverance and dedication are by far his most prominent feature. He will do whatever it takes to take down the bad guys, and his formidible defensive powers make him quite willing to take big risks. He fights well alone, but his military background taught him to be an adept team player as well. Occasionally, when he gets bored, he uses his powers to listen to civilian radio or surf the Internet, rather than paying much attention to whats going on around him. If he's bored and fidgety, he's probably listening to music. If he's bored and angry, he's probably listening to talk radio.

Surge is of medium height and a bit stocky. While good looking, his time in the military and later covert ops sometimes keeps him from opening up to people as much as he wishes he could, and his ability to lead is hampered by the lack of the hierarchical power structure he's used to. His military background also, however, makes him fiercely protective of his allies, and is quite willing to take a bullet -- or a tank shell -- for his friends, especially since no normal weapon short of a battleship's gun battery can harm him. Nonetheless, he is, outwardly at least, reasonably easy-going and wryly humorous. His hero costume is camouflage pants, a white shirt, a mlitary jacket, and an American flag bandana with eye holes. This seems to have the same quasi-magical effect as Clark Kent's glasses, making him strangely difficult to identify ( (; ).

Nowadays, he is an independent super-hero, police consultant, and investigator. Due to his military background, he has close ties with AEGIS, though they are aware that he does not always play by their rules. Nonetheless, he retains his security clearance. He also has a number of cyber-personae, and passes information to other supers, policemen, and rivals of corrupt corporations or politicians. Once he uncovered a trap the mafia had set for the mafia-killing assassin The Silencer, and warned him, an act that he remains conflicted about to this day. He can easily avoid being traced because he uses his long-range datalink power to remotely-control computers on the other side of the world. They may be able to trace him to a cybercafe in Seoul or a university computer lab in Moscow, but that doesn't really help them, since he is not actually there.

Some mechanical notes: Many of his attack powers have Homing becuase electricity needs to go somewhere rather than disapating, so it can arc back to the target if it just misses. They also tend to have Full Power because he focuses his power by imagining them weapons such as bullets and grenades, and their effects cannot typically be modulated. He has limited uses of the rockets beucase no one typically carries large numbers of those, but typically does carry plenty of bullets. The grenades have ricochet and explosion, because grenades do that. In addition to whatever descriptors these powers inherently have, all implant-based powers have the electronic descriptor (in addition to the electrical descriptor). All powers based on implants have a duration no better than sustained, because they are based on an internal Datalink-like ability (flavor only and only works for the implants, no additional point cost, not part of the actual Datalink power he has), and datalink is sustained.

Sergio Paretti, aka Power Surge, Mutant Super-Soldier
PL: 10 (150 pp)


STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 14 (+2/+1)
CON: 20 (+5/+4)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 10 (0)
PP Spent: 14


Bluff 6 (+5)
Concentration 15 (+17)
Diplomacy 15 (+15)
Drive (+2)
Escape Artist (+2)
Gather Info 10 (+10)
Notice 10 (+12)
Pilot 1 (+3)
Sense Motive 8 (+10)
Survival (+2)
Swim 1 (+1)
PP Spent: 16.5

FEATS: Attack Specialization: Electrical Control Array (2.5), Dodge Focus (2), Improved Initiative (1), Precise Shot (2), Elusive Target, Evasion (2), Move-By-Attack, Attractive (1), All Out Attack, Contacts, Well-Informed, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Connected, Improved Crit: Electrical Control Array (1), Second Chance(Failed Concentration Checks On His Own Powers), Benefit: Security Clearance

PP Spent: 21.5


Electrical Control Array: 20pp+11pp (APs) = 31pp

Electrical Control Array

Default Setting (Unless Stated Otherwise) :
AP:Cyberbrain Container Array -- He can use his electrical control array and his Datalink to power and interface with a powerful microcomputer implanted in his brain. Outside of combat, the array is always on this setting
4.5 Enhanced Skills ((Flaw: Sustained), 1pp for 8sp, so 36sp
Enhanced Computers (Flaw: Sustained) = +15
Enhanced Disable Device (Flaw: Sustained) = +15
Enhanced Gather Information (Flaw: Sustained) = +5
10 Enhanced Datalink 9, AP Enhanced Communication(Radio) 8 w/Subtle(Encryption)] w/Subtle (For Datalink, its encryption, for Comm, it becomes the second rank of Subtle, making it undetectable)
1 Enhanced Intelligence 2 (Flaw: Sustained)
1 Enhanced Super-Senses (Radio: Subtle, Analytic)(Flaw: Sustained)
2 Quickness (Flaw: Limited 2: Computers Only, Flaw: Sustained) 8 ... 500 times speed
1 Feature: Internal Devices - Masterwork Computer, Masterwork Electronics Kit, Phone, 2-4ep of eq, depending on whats redundant with other powers
.5 Comprehend (Codes)1(Flaw, Sustained) Universal Decrypter/Codebreaker

Non-Weapon Powers
AP: Mind Control 10 (Extra: Conscious, Flaw: Check Required(Concentration DC20 to activate)) w/Homing and Noticeable
Causes electrical arcs to appear around the target.
(10ranks*(2base+1conscious-check required)-1 noticable+1 homing = 20pp)
AP: Animate Objects (Mechanical) 10 (10ranks*2base = 20pp)
Manefests as an advanced-looking PDA that connects by firing a cable into the device (attack roll required)
AP: Computer Control 10
Manefests as an advanced-looking PDA that connects by firing a cable into the device (attack roll required)
(10ranks*(2base+1conscious-1ranged)-1 full power+1 homing = 20pp)
AP: Teleport 9 (Extras: Accurate, Medium(wiring)) w/Easy and Turnabout
Manefests by transforming briefly into a bolt of lightning shooting into the medium, than another bolt coming out of the medium at the destination to the spot he is to appear

Weapon Powers:
(Blast) 10 Full Power Drawback, Homing (Main EC Power)
Manifests as a pistol
(10ranks*2base-1fullpower+1homing = 20pp)
AP: Disintegrate 10 (Modifiers: Full Round, Unreliable (5-times method w/1hour mental excercises to recover. If he runs out of uses, the entire array goes down)) w/ Extras/Flaws Full Power and Homing
((base4-1full round-1unreliable)*10ranks+1homing-1fullpower = 20pp)
Manifests as a rocket launcher
AP: Strike 10 (Extras: Penetrating and Incurable and Full Power)
Manifests as a melee weapon, usually a combat knife if he is doing lethal damage or a baton if he is doing non-lethal damage
(10ranks*(1base+1penetrating0-1full power+1incurable = 20pp)
AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Shapable Targeted Area +1, Distracting -1, Full Round Action -1, Autofire 3 +3, Check Required (Concentration DC20) -1, Flaw: Must brace self on solid surface (i.e. can't be flying) -1, -1full power, +1 homing
10*(2 +3autofire +1targeted area -distracting,-1 full round action, -1 concentration check -1 flaw)-1 full power +1 homing = 20pp)
Manifests as a very large machine gun, and requires him to stand still, brace himself on the ground, be really careful not to hit allies, and not defend himself much to deal with the recoil
AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Area 1: Explosion, Full round) w/Full Power and Ricochet. (10*(2base+1area-1full round)-1full power+1ricochet)
Manifests as hand grenade
[AP: Blast 10 (Modifiers: Autofire 2, Distracting, Check Required(Concentration), Full Power, Homing)
Manifests as assault rifle with scope
AP: Strike Aura 10 (Modifiers: Full Round Action, Distracting, Duration 2, Aura, Full Power, Incurable)
Diverts power into Force Field to make it damaging

End Electrical Control Array

Force Field 8 (Extras: Impervious, Continuous, Flaws: Action 2(Full Round Action)) , Selective (8ranks*(1base+1impervious+1continuous-1permanent)+1selective = 9pp)

Impervious Toughness 5 (5pp)

Enhanced Dexterity 2 (2pp)

Enhanced Constitution 2 (2pp)

Flight 1 (2pp)
Manefests as a jet-pack, with the bottom glowing with electrical energy like certain space-ship engines

Concealment 3: Normal Sight & Hearing (5pp) Full Power (Cannot become just invis or just silenced)
When invisible, the other abilities' visual manefestations are also invisible

AP: Disguise Container 1 (1pp)
3 Morph 3, Flaw: Action (Move), Any Humanoid
1 Feature: Mimickry
1 Enhanced Cha 2 (Flaw: Duration, Sustained)

AP: Displacement 1 (1pp)

Cyberbrain/Implact Powers (without the extra juice from the Electrical Control Array) All sense have the sustained flaw rather than being continuous bc if he is stunned or otherwise unable to act, it breaks the neural link between him and the implant, and it must be reestablished. As stated above, they have the electronic and electrical descriptors in addition to being senses:

Super-Senses (Radio, Default Acute Radius and Ranged, plus Accurate (Thus constructing the radar power), Extended, Penetrates Concealment, Danger Sense)) (Flaw: sustained)(4 pp)
Made up of:
Super-Senses (Accurate on Radio, Making Radar) (Flaw: sustained)(1pp)
Super-Senses (Danger Sense on Radar)(early warning) (Flaw: sustained)(.5pp)
Super-Senses (Extended on Radar)(radio waves travel far) (Flaw: sustained)(.5pp)
Super-Senses (Penetrates Concealment on Radar)(radio waves generally penetrate objects) (Flaw: sustained)(2pp)

Communication(Radio) 2 (2pp)
AP: Datalink 1 w/Mechanical Control(1pp)
Comprehend Machines 2 (Speak and Understand, Flaw: Sustained) (1pp)

PP Spent: 67


Toughness 13 (flat-footed 13, Impervious 13)
Fortitude 9 (4pp)
Reflex 9 (7pp)
Will 9 (8pp)
PP Spent: 18


Base Attk: +5 (10pp)
Base Defense: +5 (10pp)
Initiative: +6

Typical Attack: +10 (5+5Attack Spec)
Typical Damage: +10
Special Effects (Homing, Area, Autofire, whatever) vary
PP Spent 20


Most powers do not function properly or at all under water, or where electricity cannot be easily controlled -3
Offensive Powers do not work where the weapon they simulate cannot work -1
Minor Weakness: Rubber/Especially-Nonconductive-Fantasy-Materials Weaponry -1
Minor Weakness: Water-based attacks -1
Concealment Array only works when the forcefield is up. -1

PP Spent: -7

PP Spent 14abilities+21.5feats+16.5skills+64powers+21saves+20combat-7drawbacks = 150pp


Secret Identity -- Though it is classified, the DoD knows who he really is. So do a number of his former coworkers (and possibly old enemies?), some of whom moved on to less honorable professions after their program got cut.
Enemy -- Corporal Atom, who still works for the military, resents Surge's inadvertant role in ruining his career
Enemy -- the mob boss who tormented his neighborhood turned on his associates and is in witness protection in Iowa. Surge knows where he lives, and is sometimes haunted with the desire for vengeance.

Mechanical Changes:

Various shuffling of points among mundane stats. I also upped skills a little and added a couple of combat feats.

Attack Specialization is 1pp for each +2. Can I buy an odd number of attack spec using half points? (I want to split my 10 evenly between base attack and electrical array spec)

Added "Continuous" and "Action:-2" to Force Field. It now stays up when stunned, but takes a full round to reactivate if taken down directly.

Enhanced Technopathy:

Bought Comprehend Machines so I can talk to controlled machines
Bought Communications(Radio)2, and AP'd Datalink 1 with mechanical control on it
Bought Eidetic Memory (represents digital storage)

Added the CyberBrain Container Array to provide more acutal technopath powers beyond controlling devices he's in the same room with. I wasnt sure how to duplicate the equipment capabilities, since datalink and radio totally or partially replace phones and computers, so I bought it as 1pp for 5eq and only used 4eq, even if I had to buy the phone and base computer, 2eq if i didnt. Technically its rank of the Feature power. Is that a reasonable 1pp buy of built-in equipment? A pretty much took all the technopath powers, even though there is a great deal of overlap between them.

Gave the concealment array some more versatility in its ability to bend light and sound, but also had it piggy-back on the forcefield, so it goes down if the force field does.

Added a couple more configurations of attacks in the electrical control array. The versatility may or may not actually be worth it considering how many there are and how few fighting rounds occur in PBPs, but it makes sense for the character.[/sblock]

I now have all the various info/favor feats: Connected, Contacts, Benefit: Security Clearance, and Well-Informed. Since they can affect plot, I ask: are you okay with that or will they be too useful or not useful enough? Also, is the loose AEGIS affiliation acceptable?

That's fine. I'm not all that worried about those feats ruining the plot or anything. Looks good to me.

I bought penetrates concealment for the radar (which fits the package much better than darkvision, which I got rid of) to go through objects, although radar might do that anyway. Whatever, though, he's very point-efficient as it is.

Looks good, DM_Matt. I'm going to have Power Surge join the rest of the remaining heroes very soon. I just need to find out what they plan to do next.


In the interests of trying to nudge the game forward, I'm going to post another turn. If you're still playing, please post an action by Friday if possible. At this point, I am under the assumption that our heroes are Mnemonic, the Entrapper, Bastion, and the new Power Surge. The rest will mysteriously vanish I guess, just like they did IRL.

Voidrunner's Codex

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