From Citadel to Bastion: The Sunless Citadel

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"Ahh...well if you wouldn't mind, may I follow Lamont down? They may need some help if they run into trouble, hopefully I can provide it." Farah will then wait for Moon and Lamont to proceed down the rope before heading down herself.
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Ashrem's glimpse into the future reveals nothing.

Moon nods his willingness to descend the rope first and begins quietly climbing down to the ledge fifty feet below.

Quick style point: if you remember when posting, click off the Show Signature checkbox. It's a minor nitpick, but it makes the posts flow more continuously.


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Lamont will drop his heavy flail down, since there's no convenient way to carry it down a rope. He will then begin to climb down the rope after Moon.

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem, mumbling under his breath, walked over to take his position as the last one down the rope.

He didn't like not knowing what lay ahead.



First Post
The rope ends at a sandy ledge overlooking a subterranean gulf of darkness to the west. The ledge is wide but rough. Sand, rocky debris, and the bones of small animals cover it. A roughly hewn stairwell zigs and zags down the side of the ledge, descending into darkness.


First Post
While stooping down to pick up his flail, Lamont picks up one of the bones and examines it, trying to determine what type of creature it's from.

OOC: Untrained Wilderness Lore check.
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