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From Peasants To Heros Occ


Guest 11456

Here is something I used for the start of a campaign where the PCs start with a NPC class then advance as a with normal PC classes:

Advancement from 0th level to 1st level requires 500xp. Keep base hit points from NPC class, but only count Con bonus once (e.g. an expert/rogue would get 6 + 6 + Con bonus for hit points as a first level character). Keep BAB from NPC class (e.g. a warrior/paladin would have a BAB of +2 at first level). Carry over half of base saves from NPC class (e.g. a devotee/monk would have base saves of +3 in all three). Base spells from NPC class carry over to PC class (e.g. a disciple/sorcerer would have 8/4 base spells per day and know 6/3 spells; an apprentice/wizard would be able to cast 6/2 base spells per day and be able to learn 3 plus his Int bonus first level spells).

Suggested NPC classes for PC class:
Barbarian – Warrior
Bard – Expert
Cleric – Acolyte (Spiritual)
Druid – Acolyte (Natural)
Fighter – Warrior
Monk – Devotee
Paladin – Warrior
Ranger – Warrior
Rogue – Expert
Sorcerer – Disciple
Wizard – Apprentice


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Q&A Time

Lord_Raven88- what happened was I was originally going to make it 4d6 drop the lowest, but for my campaign idea that would've made characters alot stronger than I wanted to go for. So I edited it back to 3d6, and guess I forgot to take off the drop. I mean, I don't want you all to be weak and puny, but I also want it to be known that you all will not be the "normal" type of adventures. You should be weaker than normal, and as such I think a combined mod of atleast 2 should do it.

airwalkrr- He looks great to me, though as deities go......I'm not so great at making any new one so if you want to go ahead, and make one that would fit with your character, than you're free to go ahead and make one. That also goes for anyone else

Tailspinner- That's just evil......I don't want to switch again and say everyone has to switch to that, because that would make me look fickle (Though in reality I didn't put alot of thought into this campaign. It just came to me in the shower) but I know for sure I'll be using that with my table top group.


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The NPC class adventure Heroes Are Made, Not Born from Goodman Games solves the "commoners get hosed" problem by giving the pregen commoner higher stats (CON, most importantly) than the other pregen characters.


So will you be using any existing pantheon of gods? Are the ones from the PH ok? I only ask because Ehlonna seems a perfect fit for him.


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If that's your choice than I don't mind. Like I said, I'm not great at making my own pantheon so I'm being pretty easy going on deties


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Ivellious said:
Q&A Time

Lord_Raven88- what happened was I was originally going to make it 4d6 drop the lowest, but for my campaign idea that would've made characters alot stronger than I wanted to go for. So I edited it back to 3d6, and guess I forgot to take off the drop. I mean, I don't want you all to be weak and puny, but I also want it to be known that you all will not be the "normal" type of adventures. You should be weaker than normal, and as such I think a combined mod of atleast 2 should do it.
Okay here are my new rolls below using the 3d6 method

8 14 7 5 7 8 -7 mod's :confused:
11 12 13 12 16 12 +7 mod's :cool:

At the moment I seriously toying with the idea of playing a Half -Orc Sorcerer.

Also what sourcebook are availble for us to use.
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I don't have very many rules on source books, though if I don't have it then I'll need a description of whatever you're trying to do. That said though I've access to alot of book so don't be afraid to ask


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I'd like to play, here's my submission:
[sblock=Sash Chant]Sash's stats
Sash Chant
male human apprentice (wizard)
NG humanoid
Age 17
Height 5’ 7”
Weight 124
Init +0; Senses: Spot -1, Listen -1
Languages Common, Elven and Celestial
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
(+0 Dex)
hp 4 (1/2 HD, +3 from toughness)

Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
-Melee quarterstaff -2 (1d6-2)
-Melee dagger -2 (1d4-2)
-Ranged sling +1 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp -2

wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
1st—Magic Missle, Sleep (save DC: 14)
0—Prestidigitation, Ray of Ice
Abilities Str 7 (-2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 8 (-1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 15 (+2)
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Diplomacy +4, Concentration +2, Spellcraft +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Craft (intruments) +7, and Perform (flute) +4
Possessions: Spellbook, inkpen, ink, wooden flute, quaterstaff, sling, spell component pouch, robe, satchel, artisan's tools, and dagger [/sblock]
[sblock=backround]Sash is learning the basics of magic from a kindly wizard in town. As the youngest in a line of powerful enchanters, Sash has been sent away from his family to study abroad. His parents have yet to tell him that his elder couisns, his uncles, aunts, and grandparents are all wizards for a reason. You see, the family is under curse by a true neutral demi-god: to mantain balance, whenver a Chant is born, an evil counterpart is also born, one who has all the potential of their good twin. And either the Chants learn how to break this curse, or let their line die. But, Sash makes his way, a polite and smiling youth, unawares of the danger he might someday find himself in.[/sblock]
[sblock=appearance] Sash is a short and frail, standing not much taller than 5' 7'', and weighing 118 pounds. He usually wears a faded red robe with several patches at the elbows, on top of a deep green shirt. Although he is such a slight person, he is surprisingly tough, and isn't bothered by cold wheather much at all. His hair is short, ash blond in color, and his eyes are a sparkling hazel. With a disarming grin to match his naivete, Sash has a likeable prescene and personality. Although he is popular around town, Sash believes that this is just the way the world works: everyone treats eachother the way they treat him.[/sblock]
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