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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order


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Rannick, CompForce soldier

To Archimedes: "Finding the rebels might be a way to go, but I'd hate to concentrate on trying to find them and just end up tracking them to a ship they've already recovered due to wasting too much time trying to locate them first... the plan has potential though."

He listens to the governor, thinking things ove in his mind, and after Sri speaks he says...

"Well, hold on Sri. Before we go that way, I think keeping this low profile is best." he nods to Devlin. "The less attention we attract the better. We don't want everyone here making some mass-exodus into the desert to try and locate the fighter before us in some attempt to profit from it. In fact, I think it best if all of us left behind our Imperial uniforms, taking only our identification with us. I'd be alright with the stormtroopers bringing their armor, but wearing it would probably just attract the wrong kind of attention. We're going to have to ask people a lot of questions to find what we need, and something tells me the emblem of the Empire isn't going to help much with the kind of people we'll encounter here. Especially with the blockade in place."

He addresses the governor

"To that end, we'll need clothing to help us blend in with the locals. Weapons that are not obviously imperial issue... my apologies to those in the group with personalized weapons, but they'll stand out just as badly as our uniforms here, if I'm not mistaken. Thus, governor, if you have a store of confiscated weapons and equipment, giving us access to that store would help."

"Once we're properly equipped, we can head out under the guise of being released from the garison stockade, and then blend in and try to find out what we can."

"And, men...unlike our previous commander, if you see any glaring holes in my plan, I want them pointed out immediately. I'd rather go in with a solid idea than to pander to my ego. So, if you have ideas, let's hear them."
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Lobo Lurker

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"Hmm... while it's not a flaw in your plan..." Archimedes looks at Bruck and then at Rannick. "Its not the armor that makes the storm trooper. I daresay that Bruck and I will stand out regardless of whether or not we are wearing armor. The armor can be taken off, the disipline and training come part and parcel with the trooper... one cannot be separated from the other. Though I will, and I'm sure Bruck will as well, do our best."


Devlin, ISB Agent.

The briefing, Devlin decides, resembles a news conference more than a military briefing, what with everyone pushing and shoving to get their questions in. Devlin holds his peace until Rannick opens the floor.

"I agree in prinnciple, but I'm not so sure about the role. Why would ex-cons be beavering around looking for a crashed ship. And how well would we be able to pull of the role. We definately wouldn't be able to pass as locals.

"Perhaps something moderately official would work better. A recovery team for a crashed satellite or transport. Nothing so unusual as to draw any great comment, but something that would give use reason to be asking the questions we wish to ask. It would also allow us to draw stay in contact with the Planetary Authority without risking our cover.

"An Imperial tech team with a couple of Troopers for support, or perhaps a private salvage venture working in cooperation with the Imperial Planetary Authorities come to mind, although there may be better ideas."


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Rannick nods as he listens to both officers.

Alright, you both make excellent points. I had some nagging thoughts about all our appearances, not just the troopers. It's possible we're much too clean cut for this environment, however, I was hoping to temper that some by choosing our roles carefully. However, Devlin's idea is a good one. It might be enough to downplaying our actual roles in favour of something a bit more balanced."

"I think with the Star Destroyers in orbit, it would be difficult going with the corporate angle and still look legitimate, so the tech team with a couple of troopers for support would be the better choice. If we go that route, I'm assuming that it wouldn't be a problem for Archimedes and Sri to get some local armor, and the rest of us would need tech uniforms. I can't imagine that anyone here would yet know why the planet is being blockaded... if anyone asks, we can let it 'slip' that some rebels have been tracked to their base here, and the Destroyers are here to make sure they don't escape. Maybe that'll get those rebels scrambling out of their hole."
he chuckles.
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Devlin, ISB Agent.

Devlin switches mental tracks for a moment, putting himself in the shoes of the rebels looking for the agent.

"If you would bear with me for a minute ... " Devlin glances in Rannicks direction. Assuming he gets the nod.

"If I were a rebel, I'd be hoping to be able to find the fighter and/or agent and slip out while avoiding any Imperial entangelments. Assuming that the planetary lockdown has reached the local news services, the rebels are going to take it that we know that they are here. At least, without being able to dismiss the possibility, they will work on the assumption that it is so.

"So it would seem that there is no reason to keep the search quiet hoping to lull them into a false sense of security. Instead, I think that we should inform our people that we are looking for someone who came down in the Western Desert. That way, someone who runs across the rebels might put two and two together and alert us when otherwise they might not have.

"Equally, if someone else, a third party, finds or agent first, they will know where to come. I assume that the independant parties on this planet would rather work with us than fight us.

"Perhaps a bounty. It would be an incentive for any third parties involved to work with us. The only question is, would it make our target too interesting? Are there any third parties on this planet ballsy enough to risk irritating the Emperor by trying to dig out of the target why it is we want him?


Sing it, Mr. Heston

*Sri nods at Devlin's words.* "I think you've hit it, Devlin. The rebels are going to assume that an Imperial force is here to look - they know the ship was stolen by an Imperial, they'll assume we'll follow up. So trying to hide from them will only serve to slow us down. I doubt they'll confront us directly, and if they do, I doubt they'll survive. I agree that casting our net wide might be for the best. Sure, the rebels will learn we're looking, and who we are - maybe it'll make them sloppy."

"But if I know bounty hunters and thugs, they won't care about irritating the Emperor, at least not on a backwoods planet like this. Hell some moisture farmer could find the ship, and decide he's going to be the Hero of the Rebellion.... Still, a good plan in general, I think."

*He turns to Rannik, finishing his own press statement.* "Oh, sir, and with all due respect, my weaponry is hardly restricted - the Longblaster is common enough with mercs and the like that there's not a lot that would directly link it to the Empire. And you will have my gun, as they say, when you can pry it from my cold dead fingers. Sir."

OOC: I'm loving this game, btw - one of the best I've run in so far. :)
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First Post
Major Gair Rannick, CompForce

Rannick's eyebrow goes up at Sri's last words "I don't appreciate the attitude, soldier, so stow it! If I order you to destroy your own weapon, you'll not only do it but you'll sing a song to the glory of the Empire while you do it!"

He turns to the others.

"I think that there's one flaw in the idea of a bounty... that there are likely people on this planet who would seek to profit from the ship themselves. Especially considering the Governor's mention of a crime syndicate. That could possibly be the Hutts. They may even decide to help the rebellion rather than let the Empire gain the upper hand. These scum profit from the civil war, so prolonging it would be in their best interest. However, I have no difficulty in tossing aside any thoughts of cover to just go get this job done."

He thinks for a moment.

"Actually, it's just come to mind again that the rebels have been tracking the ship from system to system, so if the local rebels have been given the tracking signal, they can likely trace it... to that end, Governor Serack, I'd like your men to coordinate with the Star Destroyer in orbit, if your own orbital satellites aren't sufficient, to scan the desert to the west for signals or anything else unusual."

"If we're going to get this done, we're going to need a speeder, some scanning equipment, and maybe while you're at it, put your troops on the street just to put the fear of the Empire into these scum. Maybe the Star Destroyer can send down a compliment of troops as well."

"But for the moment, I want those scans done, and get to work on your contacts, Devlin, to see what you can find out."

Bruck had remained quiet through out most of the exchange. He was trooper and he'd do as he was told, but there were occasional nods of agreement with Archimedes and a frown at the suggestion of abandoning his armor. When he had an open moment he'd interject with his own slight clarifying question. "Sir, Might I request that I wear the local armor rather then Sri? As Captain Daxson suggested I would stick out like a sore thumb without it."

After listening quietly for a few moments, the Govenor speaks up again, "I'll get word to the Conquest as soon as possible to began scans. I'm not sure it'll turn up anything, but its at least worth a try. As for the cities, don't worry about that. We've already got the local garrison troops out and about. Though we are undermanned, so troops are spread thin through some of the more troublesome towns."

Voidrunner's Codex

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