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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

Devlin:[sblock]1. All you can find out is that the Intelligence agent is a part of a very high level project. There is no data on it beyond that, as it seems that this project is under the direct supervision of the Emperor himself...or at least one of his top advisors.

2. There seems to be a countless number of 'factions' and personalities throughout the planet. Its almost as if everyone in the galaxy has something on the dustball. Of note, though, is the Hutt crime lord Jabba, who has a fairly large hold on the planet(though doesn't interfere with the Empire enough to be considered any kind of threat). There seems to be many other rival crime lords and gangs amongst the planet, though, again, most of the stay out of the Empire's way. Little is known of the Rebel presence on the planet beyond that it exists, and it is likely in one of the smaller cities as both Bestine(the Imperial Capital of the planet) and the spaceport Mos Eisely(where the garrison you're at is) are well patrolled by Imperial troops.

3. The deep desert is considered unhabitable, and as such, there is only a small amount of information about the areas closer to the eastern edge. Moisture farmers are scattered all across the planet, so it is likely that at least one or two are crazy enuogh to be out there. Scavanging Jawas use old Sand Crawlers to bring in technology and sell to whoever. They seem to have a habit of picking up anything that looks even slightly metallic...though they're little more than trash rats and keep to themselves for just that reason. One definite presence in the outer desert is that of Sand People, the dangerous nomads that are marked as a higher priority than the Rebel cell. It seems that Sand People simply attack and kill any patrol or outpost near whatever it is they consider 'their land. They are fierce, and very violent savages who are killed on sight by anyone with any sense...of course, they usually travel in large packs, and from what you find, it is likely they are not as easy to kill as the report is boasting.[/sblock]

((OOC: Everyone else can get pretty much any kind of armor they'd like that's light, though the two stormtroopers can easily acquire Sandtrooper armor(+6 Fort vs. hot temp) if you'd like. A landspeeder can be assigned to you for transport, and it has basic survival equipment and supplies with it.))

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Archimedes tries on his newly requisitioned sandtrooper armor. The click and whir of the internal micro-ventilators startles him momentarily... his usual armor doesn't make noise internally. Now fully outfitted, he straps on his blade and slings his rifle. ...a little tight in the shoulders. But then I'm pushing the upper end of the storm trooper size regulations.

He also requisitions a few water & trail rations (name?) that can be easily loaded into the speeder. "Any one know how to pilot one of these things? Demolitions was my combat specialty, not piloting & repair. For all his bluster, Cadet Dralon was an excellet pilot."


First Post
Mjr Gair Rannick, CompForce

"Yeah, except for that time he crashed that prototype fighter..." Rannick says blandly. "Anyways, I've had some training with vehicles, so I'll handle that."

If he can get a combat jumpsuit with desert survival modifications, he will. If not, he'll just use his own armor and get a desert poncho and a helmet. If what Archimedes requisitions for food and water won't cover everyone, he'll get more. I assume the survival stuff with the speeder includes food and water, but just in case. And who knows, it could be used as a bargaining chip if negotiations are necessary.


*Sri too will pick up appropriate desert gear, equivalent to a blast helmet and vest if possible. He'll get more water than food, to be sure.*


2nd Lt. Devlin, ISB

As Devlin digs through the files on the sand people, it becomes clear that they can be more dangerous than the 'official' material would suggest. He comms Rannick.

"Devlin here. Reading through some of the local directives and standing orders, I get the impression that the sand people can be quite a handfull. With the squad we have at the moment, I think we should be fine. But I thought that you might want to know. I think that the appearance of strength might be a real asset.

"There is a bit more, but it can wait until catch up with you."

Once Devlin is done, he heads down to the quartermaster's office himself. He grabs two cup of what ever the base serves on his way. One he hands one to the quartermaster.

Devil gets a desert poncho (cos ponchos are cool!) as well as some monoculars and whatever other bits and pieces the quartermaster suggests for desert work. He bags some boots, pants, a jacket, the kind worn by the local army grunts and a small pack. To that he adds a blaster rifle. If we do run across the sand people, hopefully it won't be close enough to use the pistol. {1}

If the quartermaster seems ameniable, Devlin chats away with the quartermaster, keen to pick up any first hand information about the set up here, and the western desert in particular. {2}

Once he's done, he strips off his ISB uniform and pulls on the army duds. The ISB uniform he rather carelessly folds and uncermoniously stuffs into his small bag. Part of him wonders if he will ever put the white jacket on again. What a strange thought Devlin. The old man would burst a vessel if he heard that. He stuffs the bag into the pack along with the other stuff. Devlin wonders if some of the appeal of the idea doesn't lie in that fact. He buckles on the belt and clips his blaster, stun rod and monoc-case to it. Would serve the pompous old bastard right. He slings the pack over one shoulder and grabs up the rifle. Bugger me, this stuff is heavy. Going to have sort it out later.

Finished, he thanks the quartermaster for his help, then comms the others to get their location. He sets off to join them.

OOC: {1} so what's the damage boss?
{2} DIPLOMACY +8, GATHER INFO +6 - do you want us to post bonuses etc if we think they might be approapriate?

Bruck also swapped out his armor for local issue. Pausing a moment to run a finger over small nicks and cuts. Those are memories. Hope I get them back when we're done. He gave a few practice blows and K'tara drills testing how much the armor would restrict his movements. "Not too bad." Once he was finished he'd holster his blaster rifle, put the vibrodagger away and report ready for duty.

Devlin:[sblock]The quartermaster seems grateful for the attention, though you can tell he's been severly overworked in the recent days. He doesn't know too much about the western desert, as he's only been stationed here at the Mos Eisley garrison while on Tatooine. He has heard stories, though, and most are about lost patrols. There's also rumors of Krayt Dragons and other dangerous creatures said to roam the area.

((Blaster rifle: 3d8 dmg; 20 crit; 30 range; 4.5kg; DC 18 stun.
And goes ahead and put appropriate bonuses if you want. Its helpful to me, but you don't have to do it.))

((For everyone. We ready to head out? The only armor with desert modification is Stormtrooper armor(since its powered), so light and such won't do you any good. Though everyone can throw in an All-Temperature Cloak to their equipment(+2 Fort saves vs. severe weather). And if that's it, we'll move on. Wanted to head out to Anchorhead, yes?))


First Post
((ooc: yup, we're bound for Anchorhead via landspeeder, and Rannick will pilot there. He'll add the all-temp cloak on top of his masterwork combat jumpsuit. He'll grab some goggles too... it'd suck to get sand in his eyes when he's trying to drive. heh. Rannick will leave a request with the Governor to contact them with any results the Conquest comes up with via its scans.))


2nd Lt Devlin, ISB

AMG: [sblock]When the quartermaster mentions Kryats Dragons, Devlin is startled for a moment until the quartermaster finishes his sentence. Devlin asks the man what the Dragons are supposed to look like, and why they are so dangerous (if he doesn't already know).

He also asks about the last few days, curious as to what has been keeping the quartermaster so busy. Devlins fisrt thought is that it is related to the crashed agent, but the western desert is quite a way from here, and Devlin had got the impression that the Govenor had not taken any great steps up to now.[/sblock]

((Ready to set off here. Oh yeah, Devlin will pass on the results of his inquires to Rannick when he gets the chance.))

Voidrunner's Codex

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