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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

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Devlin:[sblock]Krayt Dragons are simply the most dangerous predators on the planet. They're huge, vicious, and fiercely territorial. The quartermaster suggests that in the unlikely event you happen to run into one that you keep on running and ignore the rumors of pearls in the creature's gullets less you find out the hard way.

As for the last few days, all the man knows is that they've been moving a large amount of stormtroopers and other personell through the garrison, probably adding at least five times as many Imperial soldiers on the planet than normal.[/sblock]

The trip to Anchorhead is long and boring...but thankfully, due to the speeder being enclosed, comfortable. As you pass over sand and rock and sand and rock, you come to realize that there seems to be little else on the planet beyond...sand and rock. And the sand seems to be dominating over the rock, too.

By the time you spot the small settlement of Anchorhead, the twin suns have risen to their peak in the sky, bearing down heavily on everything below. Anchorhead is a very small town, and the word 'town' is even pushing the definition. There are only two 'streets'(though a street on Tatooine is exactly the same as a desert...just with buildings on either side) that meet like a cross at the center of the town. Lining the roads are a collection of sand blasted, stone buildings, none higher than two levels. If anyone actually lives here, you're hardpressed to find the houses. Likely, they are the buildings without markings, but that's still just a guess. Though you do see a small garage, it seems to be occupied by a couple of ancient landspeeders in disrepair. The few other speeders you see are parked on the side of the road, just sitting in the open sun baking...like everything else that isn't protected under a cloth overhang or similar draping.

There are a good amount of people in the streets, eyeing your speeder in a curious manner though you know that they cannot see in through the heavily tinted glasteel viewport. Though mostly human, you spot the usual collection of short, glowing-eyes Jawas and even a few green-skinned Rodians moving about. Somehow, it wouldn't surprise you if the amount of people you see here are the was the entire population of Anchorhead.

((Rough Tatooine map attached. So you can spot things easier, Mos Eisley is marked in Blue, Bestine in Red, and Anchorhead in Green.))


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OOC: I just realized I have no clue what phrases in SW convey the equivalent of "Holy cow." ;)

"What a useless, backwater place this is. It's no surprise the rebels are forming here, though if the citizens would just accept the Emperor's aid, I'd bet they'd be offworld in no time.... Still, I can see why the Governer didn't think he could just head out to search. So, you think there's anything that passes for a bar in this place, to find a few guides?"


2nd Lt. Devlin, ISB

Devlin is fairly quiet for the duration of the trip. He puts together a data file from the material he has found and once he has confirmed it with Rannick, passes a copy around to the others.

If there is room in the speeder, he practices field stripping and assembling the blaster rifle a few times.

He redistributes the contents of pack.

He doses.

The Jawa in Anchorhead catch his attention.

"From what I can understand, the Jawa spend a fair bit of time cruising around the desert in sizable Sandcrawlers. They collect and sell scrap. Which would make them, in my estimation the most likely third party to stumble across the craft we seek. I don't know if the different Sandcrawlers are in contact with each other, but I think it would be worth investigating.

"I would also like to look into the possibility of opening up a line of communication with the Sandpeople. It may not be possible, but I'd like to see if it has ever been tried."

Lobo Lurker

First Post
"...somehow I doubt that many rebels come from this sandball. These people are likley just trying to survive. If any of them found our objective, they'd likely sell it whomever would benefit them the most... and that's not necessarily the Empire or the Rebels. Look at this place, there's literally nothing here. Which means that smugglers have to be everywhere."

OOC: do we have some sort of computer uplink to the Imperial Headquarters on Tattoine, or to the orbiting star-destroyer?


*Sri shrugs* "In any case, this is going to be a dirty, dusty experience, so I'm going to start with the local bar. I assume they've got one - people here have to *need* a drink a lot. By your leave, sir."


First Post
Mjr Gair Rannick, CompForce

"Sounds good Sri. Devlin, you should go with him. We shouldn't have anyone off on their own, just in case. Keep in contact via comlink."

Rannick then makes a call in to the Conquest "This is Major Rannick with the Kryat Dragons on the surface. Is there any update on the scans we requested?"

(ooc:if he ends up talking to someone of higher rank, he'll be more respectful. I'm just not sure who would "pick up" there. heh)

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