• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

Sri, Devlin, and anyone going with them:

A few of the people give you curious looks as you walk to the building, and a couple of Jawas hide behind a large, but not very good for hiding behind, power converter of sorts that's up against one side of the street. The door to the building opens when you approach, revealing a small, square interior that could possibly be a tavern...or a house...a house with many people drinking and sitting at tables in the cramped room. There is a makeshift counter at the opposite end, with a grey-skinned Duros behind it talking with a human woman.

When the door opens, everyone looks straight at you and the place goes silent.

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Archimedes starts a small foot patrol along street. Slowly circling the landspeeder. Filthy aliens... he thinks. One day the Emperor will grind you beneath his heels. He takes a deep breath, remembering his 'father's' words of tolerance.


*Sri raises his eyebrows, and takes in the crowd, scanning for practical concerns - blasters slung at people's sides, clusters of aggressive looking folk, back exits, etc. His Longblaster is slung across his back, and takes care to take a non-aggressive stance.* "Good afternoon to all of you as well."


2nd Lt Devlin, ISB.

OOC: Sri, I thought the rifle was in the speeder. Or is the long blaster something else?

Devlin notes the Jawas. You and me going to have to catch up some time. Better take it easy though, look skittish.

He strolls easily into the room and runs his gaze around the room. The attention that they have drawn is pretty hard to ignore.

"Afternoon," he announces with a nod and easy smile in the direction of few of patrons. Not shooting yet. This should be easy. But first things first. And easy does it.

"Right what you having?" he says to Sri. Once drinks and a table are got, Devlin settles in to enjoy the first one.

To Sri he say quietly, "Take your time. Give them some time to get used to us. Who knows, they might even get curious."

Devlin takes the opportunity to look around, and wait for a way into conversation. Once in, warm them up, then see what's what.



OOC: The Longblaster is indeed the rifle. It's stowed (slung across his back on a strap) rather than carried, but with him.

*Sri orders something that is as close to pure alcohol as possible - beer can be mived with and filtered through who knows what. Hard liquor might be watered down, but it's likely to still be mostly alcohol. And what isn't will hopefully be sterilized. He nods to Rannick, and does his best to relax, letting the more personable officer take the lead. He does continue to survey the patrons, though he attempts to do it as a basic curiousity, rather than a glaring assessment of their threat level.*

To Rannick, though loud enough to be overhead if people were trying: "Damn sight sandy out there. Glad we're inside now."


2nd Lt Devlin, ISB.

Devlin sticks to something simple, like beer. He doesn't care if it is watered down. So long as it was water that they used. He wants a clear head. Sri had better keep one too.

dead_radish said:
"Damn sight sandy out there. Glad we're inside now."

"Better get used to it, its not going to be any better where we might be going."

He considers asking Sri if he sleeps with the rifle, but decides against it. Besides, I already know the answer.


OOC: Yes, yes he does. ;)

"Fair enough. Though I feel like a Mynock wandering blind out in those deserts. No landmarks, no trails.... I can't see how people are able to do that."


First Post
Rannick will use his link to the local garrison to look up the person in authority in Anchorhead, along with a holo of them and where they live.

(ooc: computer use +5)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Talking to Rannick over the comlink, "Sir, do you think it'd be worth our while to pull up the local census guide's projected farm productions, cross reference those projects with what was actually taxed, and look for discrepencies? If there are, perhaps we could find out where the discrepencies originated and then interview those farmers. The rebels are bound to need supplies from the local populace."

Bruck stood a few paces behind Rannick. All the better to give the image of simple bodyguard duty. He fought the urge to hum to himself even though it would not be heard outside the helmet. He relied on his superiors to come up with and execute the best plan. Best not to rock the boat too much. New meat in the unit and all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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