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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

Sri and Devlin:

After you move and order the drinks, the Duros quickly gets them and hands them to you without a word. The rest of the patrons turn back to each other, all looking like they are doing their best to pretend you aren't around. Its mostly obvious in the sideways glances they give you every few seconds.

Everyone else:

From what Rannick can tell, there doesn't actually seem to be any kind of authority figure in charge of Anchorhead. In fact, there isn't anything of the sorts that's even comparable. As far as the information on the 'city' says, the place is more a spot for the 'local' moisture farmers and other spread out natives of Tatooine to gather.

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*quietly to Devlin:* "It doesn't seem like they'll be making any introductions. Do you think we should take the initiative here, or just wait it out?"


2nd Lt Devlin, Imperial soldier.

Devlin leans back in his chair, taking a relaxed posture. He keeps his voice low and unhurried.

"We have a couple of hours. So lets give it a quarter of a hour, then we can get a little more proactive. Of course, it would be a lot easier if we knew what it was that we were hoping to learn. I suppose we could start with the western desert.

"Did you see the Jawas out there? I really would like to talk to some of them. If the reports are true, they spend alot of their time prowling around the desert looking for scrap. At least, the around fringes of the desert."

Over the next fifteen minutes, Devlin monitors the crowd in the bar to find someone likely to know a little about the desert, and the Jawa. A trip to the pisser gives him an opportunity to move through the room and pick up a little more of the conversations.

If nothing happens in that time, he finishes up his drink and turns to Sri. "I'm going to do a bit of asking around. You want to stay here and keep an eye on things?"

Then he heads off towards whoever he has identified as the most likely to have something useful to say.


First Post
Rannick rolls his eyes. "It figured a waste of space like this wouldn't actually have any leadership... probably just a watering hole for the animals to gather at." he says quietly.

Next he'll try to raise the garrison or the Conquest in order to check on the scans he requested.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Archimedes begins trying to identify the more important structures of this town. Is there are water tower (or anything serving a similar function)? A food processing plant? Is there anything around that these miserable moisture farmers just can't live without... like a gas station?

Sri and Devlin:

As Devlin walks around the small tavern, looking for someone that might talk. He doesn't actually see anyone that isn't giving him sideways looks when they think he isn't looking, but eventually, a gruff voice behind him grumbles, "We don't want none of yer trouble, Imperial. Whatever you want, you ain't gonna find it 'ere. Just simple farmer lookin for a rest."

The man that spoke is middle aged, somewhat balding, and has the grizzled look that one would expect from someone talking like he was. He sat alone at a table near the back wall, watching you over a thick, blue coloured drink.


You raise the Conquest without any trouble, but they report that the scans are going to have to wait at least a few hours. Apparently, a large sandstorm is moving across the desert and preventing any kinds of scans. From what they can tell, though, it doesn't look like its going to be coming close to Anchorhead, but that area didn't show anything anyway.


You can't really tell any of the buildings apart, as there aren't any markings to dictate one from another. There was a small garage near where you 'entered' Anchorhead, but it was very small and looked to be empty beyond an old speeder inside. There are a couple of moisture vaporators sitting through the city, two meter tall spires that stick out farily noticeably. You did not, though, that there looked to be a small power station near the outskirts of Anchorhead...if this tiny place had anything that qualified as outskirts, at least.


First Post
Mjr Rannick, CompForce

The last thing he requests of the Conquest is to send him the meteorological data... the location of the storm, it's speed of movement, wind speeds, etc, and he requests for them to keep them updated on it's location for when the squad needs to enter the desert.

He messages everyone over the comlink "Well, it looks like it's going to be a few hours before the Conquest can make any scans of the desert. A sandstorm has kicked up out there, but it's not going to come close to this location. The scans they did of Anchorhead didn't turn up anything though. That storm is a concern now... if my thinking on this is right, if objective is out there, it may be buried if we don't move soon."

"Devlin, Sri... any progress where you are?"


*Seeing Devlin getting at least basic results, Sri answers, quietly, including Devlin in his response.* "Noted, Sir. Devlin is beginning to. Where will the storm be? It might help gain some trust if we could share that information...."


2nd Lt Devlin, ISB.

Devlin turns to see who is addressing him, and gives the old farmer an easy, if slightly tired smile. He is tired. Although the trip here was fairly relaxed, but there hasn't been a chance to escape the job since he joined the Dragons. It will take more than a good night's sleep to recharge the batterys completely.

"We're not looking for trouble," he responds evenly. "What we are looking for is a ship that came down in the western desert. Some sort of stuff-up in orbit and the brass are ... well, not very happy. And quite keen to find where it went down.

"So here we are. All dressed up and no idea of what really lies out there. But I figured that if anyone was going to know anything about the desert, the locals would. So I thought that I would ask. And grab a beer while I was at it.

"But if you don't know," Devlin looks around at the room, aware that most of the people in here will be listening, "Then you don't know." He shrugs.

Devlin hears Rannick's enquiry though his comm but ignores it, leaving it for Sri to handle. Patience. There is no point dashing off into the desert unless we know where we are going.

Voidrunner's Codex

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