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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

Devlin and Sri:

((Sri: You can only use stun within 4m of the target, so you can't Rapid Shot with it...you need to move closer. So, moving you get one attack...and the attack is a 14, That's a miss.

Again, I'm going to NPC Devlin as Doghead hasn't been around since the 3rd. He switches the stun club back into his primary hand, charges the woman and swings it at her. His attack is an 18. A hit, and the woman fails her Fort save.))

The encircling blue rings from Sri's blaster arc out towards the woman, but she ducks and takes a quick step to the left to avoid them. A moment later, though, Devlin is there bringing his stun club down on her shoulder with all of his strength. It hits hard, and a shock goes through her body before she convulses and drops unmoving.

However, just as she falls, the Bith that had been originally taken down wearily gets up to his feet. Scrambling up, the lanky Bith grabbed its dropped blaster pistol before aiming it at Devlin's back and firing off a shot.

((Attack against Devlin is an 8. Miss.))

Thanks to the still shaky hand of the recovering Bith, the blaster bolt shoots past Devlin's side and impacts a nearby table next to the body of the stunned woman.

((Sri's up...))

Rannick, Archimedes, and Bruck:

((I made a mistake previously. The woman, R1, could not shoot at Archimedes because she was 'stunned'. She stays up, but was forced to drop her weapon. Because of the mistake(even though she missed), I'm going to consider her stunned for THIS round.

Because R6 is on top of the building, Archimedes has to shoot up a few meters to do so. This means that Archimedes is too far away for the 4m stun range and has to move to get closer(i.e. no Rapid Shot). So, his single attack is a 23. That hits, and R6 passes his Fort save. He's stunned until next round.))

Firing upwards, the blue stun bolts encompass the Rebel on top of the building. He remains standing, though a glazed expression can be seen on his face and he drops his blaster rifle to the ground, just as the woman had done before.

((Rannick is up. Both your opponents are stunned until next round.))

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
OOC: While stunned, you can defend yourself, right?

Archimedes takes aim at the rebel leader and tries to stun her again. "Night, night, rebel skum!"
OOC: Maybe I should just stab her and then stabilize her with First Aid...


First Post
ooc: I'd just keep stunning her until she fails her Fort save. As long as you hit, she'll remain stunned anyways. Also, I think my question from last page was missed about the medpack. If Rannick can use one on himself (I was never perfectly clear on that), he will do so... so Treat Injury +3, with a masterwork medpack.

((First off, I apologize for the delay. A bunch of things have had me busy, not to mention my Rebellion Era Sourcebook being out of my reach for a little while. And yes, that's getting serious use. :)))

Devlin and Sri:

((Sri's first shot against the Bith is a 7. That's a miss. Second shot is a 24...critical hit. The Bith takes 13 Wound damage.

Still no sign of Doghead since the 3rd, so NPCing Devlin. He again switches hands with the blaster and stun club and takes a shot at the Bith. Attack is a 20. That's a second critical hit...and the Bith takes 16 more Wound damage. He's very, very dead.))

Two quick shots from Sri's blaster rifle streak out towards the large headed Bith. The first shot goes high, but the second hits the Bith in the chest hard, burning a deep hole in his flesh and adding the smell of ozone to the air of the tavern even more.

Just as the Bith stumbles back, a third red blaster bolt fires. This one from Devlin's small blaster pistol, and the shot catches the Bith right in the head, sending the alien sprawling into a table behind him before slumping down.

"Where did everyone else go?" Devlin asked quietly in the silence that followed.

Rannick, Archimedes, and Bruck:

((Yes, Rannick can use a medpac on himself. I swear I'm losing my mind because I really thought I'd answered that. Also, Bruck's shot did miss. Again, sorry about that. Methinks my brain has gotten all fried somewhere.

So, Rannick's Treat Injury check is a 15. Just barely succeeds, and heals 3WP. Up to 4WP at the moment. And now the Rebels are up. Or, one of them is.

R1 is no longer stunned. Archimedes is right next to her, and instead of picking up her dropped weapon, she punches him. Her attack is a 21. Archimedes takes 4 damage. She uses the Heroic Surge feat to get a second attack...and that one's a 12. A miss.

The other Rebel is still stunned for this round.))

Next to Archimedes, the female Rebel came back to her senses from the daze of resisting a stun blast. Though its obvious her head is still spinning, she immediately turns to face Archimedes and lashes out with a fist. It doesn't connect, but instead glances off of his chestplate with a loud noise.

She does try a second swing, but it seems like the effects of the stun blast haven't completely worn off, as she nearly falls over halfway through the swing.

((Bruck's shot against R6 is a 22. That's a hit, and R6 takes 20 damage.))

The red blaster bolt from Burck's rifle arcs across the open plaza but doesn't actually hit the man standing there on the roof in a daze. It does look to graze over his shoulder, though, enough to get a surprised look on his already stunned and dazed face. He doesn't seem to realize he's been shot at, though.

((I'm going to assume Archimedes takes a 2m step back before firing at R1. The attack is a 19. A hit. So, she has to make another Fort save against DC 19. This time, she fails.))

Another series of blue rings extends from Archidemes' blaster rifle, engulfing the Rebel woman completely. This time, though, her eyes roll back in her head and she falls forward into the sand with a hard thud.

((Rannick is up...note that R6 will no longer be stunned on this round. If you need a new map, I can put one up, but there's not much new to see.))


First Post
Mjr Rannick, CompForce

Feeling a tiny bit better, Rannick sees that the trooper on the roof is still up... aiming his blaster pistol at the man, he'll fire a shot at him, looking to take him down.

ooc: that's R6 he's firing at, btw.
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
"Your outnumbered and outgunned. Surrender to me and I won't kill you. The others obviously won't give you that much." As much as I'd like your head on a platter, you're no good to me dead... yet.

Archimedes will attempt to stun the rebel (again).


*Sri snarls.* "Theirs are dead or stunned. See to them. Ours are taking fire." *With that, he runs to the door, opening and firing on the first available target. First available hostile target. Hell, first available target that isn't a Krayt.*

Bruck clucks disapprovingly at himself as his shot comes really close, but just short of telling blow. Come on, focus Bruck focus. Then with a quick exhalation he fires on his target again.
OOC: Fires on R6.

Voidrunner's Codex

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