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Game Administrivia


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I got in early tonight and boy am I glad I did. There is a lot here too absorb. Putting the final touches on my PC. Unfortunaltey I am now confused between the different point buy methods. In Agents we are using a 32pt system. And you scrapped the above mentioned system for the current campaign, but what stands in its place- what is the point buy level? and I take it the bonus profession/craft skills are gone?

Working on the background story, but might just have the rumors part ready to go, with the actual narative still needing polish

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Yep, there is a lot to absorb there. But you aren't going to be tested on it so don't sweat it.

OK, I will do a quick update to the Player's Pack - Page 6
Until further notice this is effective for all new characters.

Point buy - 32 points
There are currently only two perks available
2 - Good Contact - Somebody owes you a big favor
2 - Bonus Equipment - You have been gifted with, or found something valuable

At 1st level, each character can choose to spend up to 4 bonus skill points on a Craft or Profession skill.

For all characters that are 5th level or higher, you must decide if they are pleasing or displeasing Lady Felicia. If you are displeasing Lady Felicia, you will be suffering from experience penalties. But you won't be susceptible to certain types of divination and it will be more difficult for potential enemies to find out much about you. On the other hand, if you are pleasing Lady Felicia, then you are not suffering any sort of exsperience penalties. However you must come up with some good backstory that helps explain what people know about you.



For the last week there has been a weird thread in the general forum. ( Why punish a player if they can't come to the game?) Basically the premise is that not awarding exp to PCs of absent players is somehow punishing the player just because they missed the game.

I have always been of the opinion that exp is an earned reward. People that are at the game and adding to the game world, story and development tend to get more rewards from me. See, I like to encourage that. I have a very strong framework for what I envision for the gameworld, but I love input that adds to it. Characters that seem 'real' in that they have motivations and personalities that other people can relate to are a lot of fun. I also like people to be involved around the table rather than just waiting around for the next combat. If the combat is all that is important to the game, then there is no need for the RP part of RPG.

The experience matrix we are currently using is geared toward rewarding you for paying attention to the game, helping breath life into your character, using your skills & spells to help the group, and reward the PCs that are willing to act as the first line of defense/offense because they accept greater risks. I love the fact that we can go through an entire session without a combat and you don't need to feel like you have to kill something to improve your characters. That's why I 'broke' the skill system the way I did. If you want to have the diplomatic, linguistic fighter, that's great. I want creative characters that interact and change the world, not min-maxed, kick-in-the-door dungeonbash characters. So I thought I would gear the experience point rewards to reflect that.

But some people seem to feel that each character should advance at the same rate. Each character should receive an equal portion of exp all the time. It shouldn't matter if you show up, it shouldn't matter if you participate, not showing up and having fun should be enough 'penalty' for the missing player.

There is a certain amount of logic to this. It just runs counter to my default presumption that experience is a reward.

But I want to know what everyone else thinks. Even our newer players. Should we just baseline it so every character is the same level? Let's say 7th level. You will basically go up at the same time and you will always have the same amount of exp.

It's funny to note that this is similar to what I planned for the Agents characters. Fixed exp/session. That's one of the reasons why I am very picky about those characters. I have several stories that will emerge from that little campaign and it is important to me that they are told through the perspective of the PCs/Players. The choices of missions are extremely limited in that game, so it is important that the PCs drive as much of the characterization as possible. These are characters that will have the potential to change the world. These are characters that have the potential to assume roles akin to archangels. By the end of that campaign, these are characters that should be well known throughout the multiverse. There is no 'settle down' for these characters. There is no annonymity. They will either be known for the scale of their success, or their failure for trying to do something that is impossible. So I am looking for characters that are ambitious, self-assured and immersive enough that you will enjoy playing them in their roles without any other motivation than simple enjoyment of playing an angel type character standing between the mortals and the hordes of evil. If you don't enjoy playing that type of character, then you won't enjoy the campaign.

So what does everyone else think about exp? Should the primaries be equaled out and advance at the same rate? It certainly would be easier for me on the bookeeping and balancing side of things.


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I think I'm one of the people getting less XP at this point, since I've missed a few sessions, but it really doesn't bother me. I think I'm a ways behind the party (Deigh is 6th level, or at least has the XP to train to that level, from my notes), but that doesn't bother me. Eevrybody has been behind Ceru XP wsie for a while, and I still think that my characters have a positive contribution to the party, and I have fun.

As long as I'm adding to the group, and having fun myself, screw level advancement. A huge level gap could impare these factors, but a couple of levels of XP difference makes about as much difference to me as the price of tea in China.


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I feel just about the same way. If you can't be there to add to the game then there is no reason why you should recieve XP either. The only problem is if somone does get really far behind, for one reason or another, and can't seem to get their character up to par. But not sure what would be cause for that other then dying or missing the game a great amount. I say we keep XP the way it is.

This leads me to a quesiton though.

First, macbeth, I must tell you that my character is currently 5th level. If you hadn't been informed Tormal is no longer with us and I'm in the process of bringing a secondary character to life in the game. He managed to die by an attack from a chaos beast (Failed fortitiude save) and he eventually turned into one himself. Currently the party has left him where he was to continue witht he quest at hand. This leads me, and everyone else, to believe he is beyond any real means of getting raised and, much less, having the curse of chaos cured. I, as a player, still hold on to that hope because I loved what I had done wiht Tormal and where I had planned to try and take him. There may be a small possibility at the Ternell complex but i'm not sure.

This leads me to my question
Because Tormal died right before 7th level, do I lose all that XP i had before and move to a base xp level for 5th level? Or do I keep the difference?


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I responded in this original thread as one who did not see missing out on experience points by missing a game as punishment. I don't see a disparaging in levels as a bad thing. I think if I were to come back to the original campaign, some people in that thread would say David is "punishing me" for having a baby and not playing by making me bring in a character slightly below the average character level as any new character would be brought in. To me this is a strange way of thinking because I haven't wanted to play for various reasons and so why should my old character be kick ass at this point when I haven't done anything with her? I like to earn experience points the hard way :)


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I saw that thread but did not open it. I was assuming that it was about RBDMs who would take away experience from those who missed, or did crazy things with their characater when the player was not there. But to not hand out experience is a punishment? Common sense to me.

If you follow the arguement out that experience should be awarded even if one does not participate. Why award experience at all, just hand out new levels at appropriate times.


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Its Oceas, not Kultar
I see no need to be (and really no way to justify) getting experience points if you're not there to experience it. Ya gotta do something to earn your way up.

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