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Gamer Grrls

Snow Savant

Chaos Kitten,

If you love the game and you're a patient person, the right group will find its way to you ... and the game will one day be absolutely magnificent to you.

As a Chick Gamer, it took me 3 years of playing to find the group with the right social chemistry. And I actually found 2 groups! When it rains, it pours.

At least in my neck of the woods (New York City), the Gamer Grrrrl demographic is on the ascent. And I do my best to evangelize the game as well, having converted a number of Chick Friends to this totally faboo game.

If you are ever on the WotC boards/forums, send me a PM and we'll talk.

Take care!

Snow :]

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First Post
As you may have noticed, my english are not so good -althought i m really trying to work this out(of course english is not my first lunguage).I can understand complex "technical" text but sometimes i know i miss the meaning of rather simple phrases of idioms.(the cause of the previous misunderstanding was different thought-u may call it bad timing because i was not in a great mood by the time i saw your reply and u paid for it hehehe.)
This can lead into stupid misunderstundings(such as the previous one) and rather defensive behavior(such as the previous one).
I am a very proud person (not for nothing i hope) and the experience of not beeing completely able to understand things as easy as in "real" life scares me a lot!
Madman75 i am really sorry. I didn't "get" it (Oh Lord, this sucks and i am definately not the kind of person who tells this : "I didn't get it", stupid ,ork-like thing easily)).
Sorry again.
-However i am new around (told u, 18. -at the first year of university as a civil engineer so its only about six-seven months since i really started lurking around) and i didn't know what happens when one of the hundred, no, billions of pretty girls who lurk around posts a foto of her.
Butter-cup i hope i somehow mend the terrible picture u must have of me ok?
I don't bite anymore -i am safe .
Do u mind if i edit my last post into a blanc,because i feel really stupid now .
-please answer something if u can.I will feel a lot better if i know u've read that.
The Wizard
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Cerubus Dark

First Post
Snow Savant said:
As a Chick Gamer, it took me 3 years of playing to find the group with the right social chemistry. And I actually found 2 groups! When it rains, it pours.
OMG a Jack Chick gamer?!? Those are really rare, quick someone catch it!

Really though, post online your looking for a group online and you will get a lot of people who will play.

Salad Shooter

First Post
I also have a problem with half-naked female characters. Why aren't they all the way naked?


I'd rather a girl (or woman, or man playing female characters) play an intelligent character who is ugly, than a really hot, half naked character who is dumb. Dumb characters don't get you as far, unless they're tanks. I've played a number of female characters myself, and I don't think any of them were half naked. Play what you want to play, dress how you want to dress. If your group protests, zap them with those mystical powers girls have...don't know how they do it, they just do. Good luck, and good RPing!


As a DM who has always welcomed female gamers to the table, I can only say that your group is indeed narrow minded, however they're typical of the male gamers that I know. Note I said typical, not representative of all.

However even in one of my current groups where my wife plays, you can see the male stupidity kick in (and yes we males generally act stupid around women don't deny it). We've been gaming together as a group for nearly 10 years and they still ignore her ideas and tactics, even laughing at her sometimes. She's proven that she can handle herself many times and even solved tactical situations, however it's not good enough for them.

Until the RPG world realises that its not a men-only club with women being "allowed" to join it will be the same.

Of course I have found that the White Wolf Storytelling System groups I have played in are more dominated by women so go figure.


First Post
Buttercup said:
If someone said that to me, I'd knee them in the groin. It gets the point across in a way that can't be mistaken.
Excellent suggestion.
Prove to them that not only can your character beat them up, but that you can too! :)

*Pants, giving bad advice since 1996.*

I haven't had much experience with gamer grrrls. Both times, the grrls were the siginificatn others of players. In one, the woman in question played a kleptomaniac thief in both quests. Pretty funny actually.
In the other, she just wanted to try the game out. Didn't last too long, she happily bowed out after 2 sessions.

Not too bad actually, but not very good either.
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First Post
<<Heh the problems stems from the fact that a lot of gamers have very poor social skills, and those skills only get worse around females.>>

Way too true.

I was going to type a really long post about my history with sexist behavior from gamers. But It would have been really long. I'm a guy, and have been married for 8 years, my wife also games, and usually she is the one targeted by poor behavior. We have moved several times over the past 8 years (military) and have had really poor luck finding a good group (about 2 good groups, one okay group, and 6 really bad ones). Not always because of sexism though, we ran into racists, deviants, and just some plain creepy people (where did all the normal gamers go). There are good gamers out there, just like there are honest auto mechanics and decent injury lawyers there just a lot harder to find than the alternative.

In general, the only problem I have ever had with a female gamer (ie a woman who is actually there to game, not support a boyfriend, or who just wants to see what it is like) is maybe they don't know the rules as well as some of the other players in the group (I think this is due more to the fact that most of the guys in our groups tended to be a bit obsessive about gaming or were more into power gaming), but they were usaully a lot more enthusiastic about the game, quick to stop a rule argument, and would do things in a game most guys wouldn't think to do. Like carrying a bag of flour to test for traps.

The bottom line is if you are not having fun find a new group, and if you keep finding bad groups in the same place look somewhere else.


First Post
I don't know too much, but the only experience I have with gamer girls are two girls that were playing a game a while back, and their characters were lesbians in a Dragonlance game. As a gamer who takes his roleplaying somewhat seriously, I thought that their 'lesbian' action in the game was distracting, unthoughtful, and definately not appropriate, and I thought of them as immature, whiny girls who couldn't roleplay for anything...

but that was just them, and I know that not all women roleplay that way (I hope). :)

And, apparently, I found out last week from two other DM's that the two girls I am speaking of play these types of characters in any game they are in.


First Post
dvvega said:
We've been gaming together as a group for nearly 10 years and they still ignore her ideas and tactics, even laughing at her sometimes. She's proven that she can handle herself many times and even solved tactical situations, however it's not good enough for them.

I had the same problem, along with another girl player, with my old group. I never really had a problem with guys stereotyping me or my PCs... especially once they saw me game. :)

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