Gaming W/Jemal - Epic Mortal Kombat (Character creation.)


OOC-withing 30ft i have manyshot, which lets me fire +1 arrow for each 5 points of Base attack bonus up to 4 arrows with each attack at BaB 16 (I have a BaB of 27) with a cumulative -2 for each arrow (-8 for 4 arrows per shot) PHB pg 97. My BaB gives me 6 attacks, rapid shot gives me 7, and haste will give me 8 (though I haven't used it yet). 7X4=28 I threatened a crit with a natural 20, with a longbow which has a crit multiplier of X3 , but I accidentally rolled 31 arrows instead of 30 so just ignore the last roll. And since I don't think it critted only 24 arrows would count (if 1s are auto misses) meaning 24 points of con dmg (480hp lossat 40 HD) plus the weapon dmg (minimum 28X24=762) or immediate death in a geyser of blood .

OK, biggest problem - Yes, It does let you shoot up to 4 arrows as a single attack.. HOWEVER, Manyshot is a Standard action, it is not used as part of a full attack.
Second problem - You stop gaining extra attacks from BAB at epic, you only gain a max of 4 attacks for your BAB, +1 for Rapid shot, +1 for Haste.
That's 6 attacks as a full attack(3 at your highest attack bonus-2, 1 @ -7, 1 @ -12, 1 @ -17), or 4 arrows with 1 attack roll (Highest attack bonus -6) as a Standard Action.

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First Post
Wraithstrike is in? As a swift action?? I got the impression Jemal nixed that. But looking back I suppose saying that he really hates it isn't necessarily the same thing as saying no. Pretty close though.


First Post
Ok then, that'll teach me to try and make common sense conclusions in D&D like anything you could do with a standard action could be applied to a full action. [sblock=Jemal]So then with your permission I'll need to make a couple of changes as my concept was heavily based on that incorrect conclusion. Like trading out the wand of wraithstrike (for hunters mercy SC), and 2 feats (power attack and improved sunder, for Ranged Sunder CWar and Improved Precise Shot) the new combo is; Round 1: Cast Wand of Find the gap 11th caster lvl (11rounds) (use M device DC20) Full action (draw, use drop into pack). Round 2: use Wand of Hunters Mercy from caster glove (use M device DC20) and stay in position. Round 3+: Stay within 30ft and shoot 1 manyshot as touch, if it hits its an auto crit for 12d6+156+6con dmg(120hp loss at 40HD).[/sblock]


First Post
A standard action can't be combined with a full round action. That's common sense.

Manyshot = standard action. Full Attack = full round action.

The advantage of Manyshot is that you can use it with a move action, which you can't with Rapid Shot and Haste and so on. But to get the advantage of iteratives and rapid shot, you forego Manyshotting.


Also, dropping something INTO a container is a move action, not a free action. the Draw/cast/drop thing would end up dropping it on the ground. Just 'saying' you keep your hand over the bag while you use it is incorrect, it's an exploit people like to try, but doesn't actually work. If you kept it in a belt loop, you could Quick draw(free), cast(standard), Stow(Move).

what DOES work, is this : Tie a foot-long string to the wand, attach it to your belt. Then draw(move), cast(standard), Drop (dangles by string, can be retrieved and stowed later as an action, but you don't have to worry about loosing it)


*forgot to answer the actual question.. sry..*

Vertex - Permission granted, I hate when stuff like this happens and I know how you feel, sorry bout that.


First Post
Alrighty then, wand O------- is attached via fine adamantine chain to belt to allow fullround grab/cast/drop.

Another variation i came up with some years ago was a type of holster on the thigh that could hold up to 5 wands pointing them slightly in toward the leg (at the wearer) so you could just grab the exposed end of any of the wands and use a charge then let go without actually drawing it. (Using any of them is considered a full round action that does not provoke an AoO.)
But obviously this could only be used for wands that have a target of personal of creature touched.


First Post
[sblock=Jemal]Are you trying to protect my character because you believe he's underpowered? or is this part of some crazy plan of yours[/sblock]


First Post
are we waiting for someone in particular Jemal, or have we stalled? I know epic combat can bogg down very fast, but we spent quite a bit of creation time here :heh:


Actually, the main problem is I was called back to work unexpectedly (less than 12 hours notice for Sleep/Packing/Getting Ready), and don't have any of my notes/books/info with me. I'll be back in town on about the 14th/15th, but I don't want to try running Epic Combatants off memory right now, not to mention brain not working good right now. I'll have to update my Epic games (Both this one and my Prevention/Problem games) when I get back in a week.

My apologies once again for the delay, guys. :(

Crazy Plan. :D[/sblock]

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