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Gaming W/Jemal - FinalFantasy D&D (Going Again!)


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Mesa Crawe

Mesa Crawe
Monk 6, Psionic Fist 4

Mesa Crawe is a 6’2”, 200lb man with brown curly hair in need of a haircut and green eyes that warn of mischief about to erupt. He is 19 years old and full of himself. Coming from a wealthy family, his cloths are expensive, of excellent quality, and of the latest style, but look to have been somewhat abused. He seems to be the type of person that any respectable mother would tell to comb his hair, change his cloths, and wipe that smirk off of his face. This sort of bearing makes him seem younger than his age, despite his obvious full grown stature. His bearing has also gotten him in trouble in many a tavern and cardhouse. Not many men appreciate a spoiled rich kid spouting his mouth in their tavern, especially when he flirts with their women and takes their money in cards. Despite his rambling young ways, he has a good sense of self, and values honor and discipline, but does not want to completely grow up yet.

Str16 (18 w/gauntlet)
Con18 (16 +1 at 4th, +1 at 8th) (20 w/ ring)
Wis18 (20 w/ periapt)

HP 8+3+3+6+7+4+2+4+2+4+ (10*5) +(4*2)=101

AC= 10+1+4(+5 w/ periapt)+1(+3 w/ belt)=16(19)

Initiative= +1

Fort=+5+1+4(+5 w/ring)=+11 (Immune to non-magical disease)
Ref=+5+4+1=+10 (No Damage on successful Save)
Will=+5+4+4(+5 w/ periapt)=+14 (+16 against Enchantments)

• Unarmed= +11/6 Damage Unarmed =1d10 (2d6 w/ monks belt) +3 (+4 w/ Gauntlets)
o Flurry= +10/10/5
• Shuriken= +12/7 Damage Shuriken = 1d2+3(+4 w/ Gauntlets)
o Flurry= +11/11/7

Speed=60 (80 w/ belt)

Class Features[sblock]
• AC Bonus +2 (+3 w/ Belt)
• Unarmored Speed Bonus +30 (+50 w/ Belt)
• Flurry of Blows
• Evasion
• Still Mind
• Ki Strike (magical)
• Slow Fall (30)
• Purity of Body (immune to disease)[/sblock]

• Human-Wild Talent
• 1st-Psionic Body
• 3rd-Up the Walls
• 6th-Mental Leap
• 9th-Practiced Manifester
• Monk 1st-Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Fighting
• Monk 2nd-Deflect Arrows
• Monk 6th-Improved Trip[/sblock]

• 5*10=50
• Skills
o Spot5 (+5)
o Listen5 (+5)
o Move Silently8 (+1)
o Tumble4 (+1)
o Balance9 (+3)
o Sense Motive5 (+5)
o Concentrate9 (+5)
o Jump6 (+4)

• Manifestor Level 8
• Power Points =10 base + 20 Bonus + 2 wild Talent= 32

• Powers
o Metaphysical Weapon
o Inertial Armor
o Psionic Lions Charge
o Animal Affinity[/sblock]

• Monks belt 13k
• Chime of Opening 3k
• Handy Haversack 2k
• Ring of Invisibility 20k
• Ring of Health 4k
• Periapt of Wisdom 4k
• Gauntlets of Ogre Power 4k[/sblock]

Subject to your approval Jemal, but Mesa is now a Anime/WireFu Spoiled Criminal Brat. Some Changes along the way, but I like the final product.

EDIT: I messed up the skills, so I corrected them. :heh:
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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Jemal said:
Azure - Nightstick is ok so long as you only use it to actually TURN UNDEAD. I don't allow them to work with divine feats.
As for the rest of the character, it seems fine. Also, you forgot to note that Touch of Healing cannot restore a character to more than half their Maximum HP.

Also, RE: Death, Raise dead, Pheonix Down, etc.
OK, I'll be doing some changes to death. NOW, when someone 'dies' for whatever reason during combat (Death spell, con damage, level drain, or by being reduced to -10 HP), they don't "DIE". They are reduced to -10 HP (if they were knocked out by something other than damage) and are in 'critical condition'. At this point they do not Naturally heal, and loose 1 hp/minute until True Death (Which happens at -HP = your max HP). During that time, Magical healing will Stabilize them, but will not actually restore HP.

Raising Spells: Raise dead, Ressurection, True Ressurection no longer have Material Components, and do NOT restore you from True Death. Casting time is reduced to 1 full round for each, and the effects are as follows:
Raise : Target is returned to 0 HP, healed of Half of any Con damage or Level drain, and restored to Conscoiusness.
Ressurect : Target is returned to Conscoiusness, with 2 HP/lvl and cured of all Con Damage/Ability Drain.
True Ressurect : Target is returned to full health and conscoiusness.

Pheonix Down : Pheonix Down's will NOT be available at start, but may be found later.

Avalon - I'm reading over the info. Will give you opinion soon.

No worries on the Nightstick. Re: Touch of Healing, I didn't realise I hadn't listed the 50% limitation (on checking, I found the limitation listed in the full feat description in my character document, and not in the short list I cut and pasted from. Gah! ). I apologise for the oversight.

Thanks for the summation of the death/dying rules. That'll come in handy. With your permission, I'll use the money I had tentatively spent on the diamond dust/phoenix down for 2 Pearls of Power (a 2nd-level one and a 1st-level one), 4,000 and 1,000 gp, respectively.


OK, Official Update Time!

RE: NAMES - Keep'em comin, I still need a couple countries. Also, if you have an idea for the desert, go ahead Shayuri.

ethandrew - City in the sky!! I KNEW I was forgetting something. Hmm.. Now, to quote the famous Diablo Mage 'Where would I put this...' *thinks8

TheMagician - Thats ok re: the internet downtime. I would suggest a Conjuror Specialist wizard, there's several good feats that could help. Also, I've figured out the 'major' summon powers. (See info section below)

Thaedrus - Excellent character, but could i get a list of what those psionic powers do?

Also, that reminds me: ROGUEs GALERY

Azure - No problem (to all comments)

OK, I started an 'information post' a while back then got sidetracked by some other stuff, so I'll update it and repost it HERE...

*OK, I have a ROUGH draft of a map, but It's too large to Attach.. Help?*

Now, for some info on the different places :
Mazerka - This is where the troupe will be starting (Specifically at the Red dot labelled 'start'). Mazerka is the only country yet to have defeated Andren in a battle, and in doing so capture 2 of its Airships. One of these was later stolen who now roams the skies as a pirate. The other is being examined to discover how it works. With this example of MagiTek, they hope to finally find the secret.
Magic : low-mid lvl mages common, a few high level ones.
Tech : Motorized Vehicles, Electricity/lights.

Principality of Andren - These are the invading southerners. They're the only country yet to rediscover the long lost art of MagiTek, though Mazerka is on the verge.
Magic : High level.
Tech : Motorized vehicles, Guns, Airships. MagiTek.

Flynn - Flynn is a prosperous country, having the only Ports aside from Andren. They consider themselves neutral to all factions, though Andren doesn't seem to be abiding by their cease-fire.
Magic : Same as Mazerka
Tech : Electricity, Motorized Vehicles, on a slightly larger scale than Mazerka.

Walesh - Nothing really special to say about them. They're your average country. OK Magically, Technologically, and Economically.
Magic : Low level mages common. mid level mages rare, High level mages VERY rare.
Tech : Electricity/Motors. Slightly less than Mazerka.

Kingdom of William - This kingdom is ruled by the great Archmage, William. He started out with just a tower, and expanded until he had taken pieces of the neighboring kingdoms for his own. Eventually a peace treaty was settled between him and his four neighbours.
Magic : Most of the people in the kingdom came to learn from William, and as such it is comon to find Mid-level mages here, though very very rare to find high level ones other than William.
Tech : Standard fantasy, a bit of spillover from neighbouring countries.

Templedom - The Theocracy of Templedom is very anti-Technology, believing that it has turned people away from the gods.
Magic : Very prevalent and common, replaces technology in doing many things. Low-mid level mages and priests very common
Tech : Mideival with strict laws against technology or its use.

Leandra - The elves of leandra are a mystical and mysterious people. The shortest path to your destination will take you straight through their forest.
Magic : They're elves. What do you think?
Tech : Standard Fantasy, as well as a few trinkets they've managed to pick up.

Dwarven Empire -
Magic : Low level mostly, they're most trusting of their technology than their magic.
Tech : Very high. Motors, Electricity, Modern Weapons, etc.

Northern Wasteland - The northern Wasteland is a frozen tundra filled with Glaciers.

Great Desert - It is said the Great Desert used to be habitable, but a large magical disaste turned it desolate and destroyed any trace of the great civilization that once lived there.

This information is primarily for TheMagician. The rest of you can peruse it, but it's not Common Knowledge.
The village of the summoners is in Walesh, a peaceful little town.
Many people believe that Summoning is just the act of temporarily bringing a servant too you, but Summoners know the truth.
Summoners have discovered that every creature and object on the earth has a representative or 'avatar'. When you summon a creature, you are in fact bringing forth a representation of one of those beings, not the being itself. They also know that it is possible to bring out power by calling not on a creature but on an object or force itself... True power comes from the AVATAR'S of primal forces themselves.
The known 'Major' Avatars, ONE-of a kind powers, are: The Glacier(Ice), The Desert(Fire), The Ocean(Water), The Mountain(Earth), The Weather(Wind), The Sun(Light), and The Moon(Darkness). Summoners do not speak of The Forest(Life) or The Grave(Death). These are the providence of White Mages and Necromancers, respectively.

While most things can be summoned by anyone with the talent and connection to magic, the Avatar's must be bound to a person before they can be summoned. In order to bind an avatar, one must find one that is NOT bound (or find a way to unbind it from who it is bound to), and then convince that Avatar the he is worthy of summoning it. (Usually through proving himself in combat or a difficult task). The Summoners village knows the location of Five. The Glacier is in an ice palace in the Northern Wastes, the Ocean is bound to the headmage of Flynn (A summoner from this Village), The Mountain resides in and works with the Dwarven Empire, The Dessert is in a great cavern under the 'great desert', supposedly a burried city of the once proud civilization that stood there, and The Weather itself is what keeps the Village safe, it has bound itself to the protection of the Summoners.
Nobody knows where the Sun or the Moon's avatars hide, and they have not shown themselves in many ages.

[sblock=Starting Party/Caravan Info]
The Starting party, once again, will be:
Caros - Kyo
Brother Allard - Aluf
Arkhandus - Mikken
Sound of Azure - Frida
Thaedrus - Mesa Crawe.
Kayista - *I've spoken to her and she's changed her char. concept. She's no longer a black mage*

As for the start, I want your opinions on something. I'm planning on having Aluf approached to go along with and guard/guide the caravan to it's destination (It's a fairly long trip, aprox 600 miles). It will be suggested to him that he take 'the kids' (Mikken, Kyo, and Frida) with him on the journey.
Thaedrus and *kayista's character* will be part of the caravan for their own reasons. (Though it isn't hard to blend in, it's a LARGE caravan as you'll see later).
So the question is : Do you want to roleplay Aluf/Kyo/Mikken/Frida getting ready and going to the caravan, or should we start with the caravan leaving, everybody allready there?

Caravan Info:
The Caravan is comprised of dozens of motorized vehicles. They are fairly large (dump truck sized) and stacked with supplies for the journey and the settlement. There are also a few passenger vehicles. Enough for about ~3-400 people at a time to ride in. Unfortunately, there are nearly a thousand people in the caravan. Since it is motorized, the caravan can travel for ~12 hours a day, with people taking turns walking and riding. Loaded as they are, the caravan moves slowly(2 miles per hour, 25/day). The Caravan itself is essentially a moving town, with several of the resources of one, and when you stop for the night, can be treated as such.
I'll go into some more detailed history/info later, just wanted to get the basics up there.
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First Post
Jemal...er...I may have missed this, but I went back to the posts where you gave character gen info and I couldn't find it...

How do we generate stats? I saw minimum level for "join ins" was level 12, but I'm fuzzy on stat generation, as well as money for a level 12. 36k for starters, but that's for level 10.

Heeeeelp! :)


Shayuri - Stat system I posted was ( i believe)
you get one 18.
You get 10 in every other stat.
You get 14 points to put into your stats on a 1-for-1 basis. no stat can be increased past 17(Before Racial/level/etc).

As for money, It's 36K plus offense+Defense item. As I stated earlier, I'm not sure exactly what level I'll be starting other characters, so I'll leave it as a base of lvl 12 and 36K GP for now. Will add more if/when it becomes appropriate.

Also, I think I got the map fixed & Added by changing it to black&White.


  • FFWorldmap.bmp
    56.3 KB · Views: 70


First Post
Ah ha...thank you, sir.

Two other questions. Will we have any spare exp for item crafty? Gadget mage is pretty much based on the concept of "I make cool stuff." :)

Also, I took Improved Familiar, with the intent of getting a neat little "familiar construct." Some kind of steampunk/clockwork gizmo that accompanies her around, maybe helping with tasks. Not really a combat drone, since she can make Effigies for that. I envision it as a sort of...tiny helicopter Artoo thingy. Know of any rules for that sort of thing?


Guest 11456

City in the sky: Caelum Aedificium - Latin for sky, heaven & building, structure.

Great Desert: Valde Derelinquo - Latin for great, exceedingly & to forsake, desert, abandon.

Northern Wasteland: Inculta Solum - Latin for waste, desert & land, country, soil, ground/bottom, floor.

Isn't Latin great.
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Latin's cool, but not the flavour I'm looking for. maybe for one of them.

Shayuri - One thing I should've probably pointed out...

Flight is VERY uncommon. The only things that can fly that can't do it NATURALLY are the Andren Airships. Without actual MagiTek, it's impossible to get true flight. Magic can supply Lift, and Tech can supply Thrust, but all attempts to combine them have failed utterly and disastrously.

Apart from that, i don't see a problem with a clockwork gnome.. Er, I mean familiar.


First Post
How about the Valde Desert? A little Latin never hoit. :)

Jamel, doh...but okay. Maybe I can "upgrade" the little fella later on? :)

I think, if it's okay, I'll base its stats on a tiny monstrous spider, which is a normal familiar possibility. Then I'll switch it over to Construct type, and give it a neat trick or two to make it a good Improved familiar and to make up for the loss of poison...

Also, what do you think about the idea of there being old ruins and ancient "technology" buried out in the great desert? I was gonna make it a background element for my character that she got a lot of her unusual construct knowledge from raiding old ruins out there. It'd also give her a physical "place" in the world, to make it easy to tell when she's encountered.

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