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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse


Los Angeles

Fulcrum mentally hefts the tinman and they zoom out the substantially sized hole while Grid interfaces with the socket. By the time more thugs show up, firearms at the ready, the room is empty..

Several minutes later, after some quick changes into less conspicuous outfits (and in the case of James - skin), the three meet up at a gas station several blocks away, listening to talk about a shootout and possible explosion in a supposedly abandoned warehouse nearby..

*OK, you're out of combat, the reigns of control are yours once again*

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Walking Dad

First Post

"Let's get out of here."
Jakob begins to freeze them a way on the water surface.


move: continue movement
standard: create object to build a way over the pond.


HP 1

conditions: normal

DODGE 7 (1)
PARRY 7 (1)
TOUGHNESS 12 (10 Impervious)
WILL 8 (6)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)

Last edited:


*OOC: No need for the snowstorm, the vehicle's empty, it was another one thrown by TK guy. And there's nowhere left to go unless you head left or right perpendicular to the water. I think Jax wanted you to freeze a path over the pond so you guys could run straight across it in the shortest path away.**


First Post
Terry Quinlan, The Grid

"Well, that was an ... interesting first outing," Terry says once the trio has reconnected. "Now, are you going to be all right?" he asks the formerly-metal man. He lowers his voice to say, "I'm not sure what a dent translates to once you're soft like the rest of us."

Then something seems to occur to him. "I'm Terry, by the way. Things were a little hectic back there for pleasantries, ya know?"



Having been briefed on Jakob's powers, Jax took out one of his tonfas and hooked the handle onto the back of Jakob's belt and held on tight. "Let's go skiing!"

OOC: It appears you were waiting on me. Sorry I didn't realize.


First Post
"Cassandra," she adds to the introduction. "I don't know if you remember, but we've met before. Eye On LA? I was a junior reporter, really just a glorified intern and I don't think we spoke much more than introductions, but I recognized you when I saw the hatchet job the networks did on you with the whole 'assassination' thing."

She shakes her head. "I'm with a different company now, and they sent Terry and me to meet with you...see if you might be interested in coming back with us to meet them."


First Post
James sighed softly as he looked back at the warehouse as he was carried off. His dents in the thick metal covering starting to throb softly which only served to remind him of his failure.

As the metal faded from his form, the bruises on his body were readily apparent. As Terry spoke he turned his gaze back quickly to the two that helped him, he nodded quickly at the two in greeting.

"James... James Corwin", he said with a distracted tone. His eyes were dilated, but slowly he was starting to loose the adrenalin coursing through his body.

"I appreciate the help, from both of you, I just really wish I could have seen that through. That drug lord needed to go down." James added as he sighed again softly.

"You'll excuse me Cassandra if I do not remember you, it's been a hectic last couple of weeks, apparently my mind isn't in the right place, I never should have done that this unprepared." James said with a disheartened tone.

"I never should have let you put yourself in that danger, you shouldn't have come. Regardless of that, it's over now... this company... Drake right? They've made several attempts to contact me but this is the first time they've sent meta's." James said with a half smirk of amusement.

James though for a long hard moment before looking back to Cassandra again."Fine.. I'll meet with them, *but* I want you two there. If you are actually working for them they must treat meta's ok. I guess it's time to find out isn't it?" he said with a smile.

Walking Dad

First Post

"Hold on."
Jakob begins to freeze a slide of ice for them to free and obscures their flight from the others with a very localized blizzard.


move: platform flight
standard: environment control to reduce vision.


HP 1

conditions: normal

DODGE 7 (1)
PARRY 7 (1)
TOUGHNESS 12 (10 Impervious)
WILL 8 (6)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)



First Post
"Drake?" Cassandra gave Terry a confused look, then focused on James again.

"You've been contacted by Drake? No, we're with Gryphon Corporation, out of Metro City." She smiles and gives James a half-joking suspicious look. "Just how many organizations are after you anyway?"


First Post
James slapped his forehead hard trying to shake the cobwebs in his mind....

"Perhaps I took a shot to the head as well.. I meant to say Gryphon Corporation, though I'm not sure how many have tried to contact me, there have been several attempts to corner me. Luckily I can jump out of situations as need be. As I said you're the first of.... my kind they've sent to recruit me, so escaping has not been that difficult. Are they getting that desperate to 'talk' to me" James says as he air quoted with his hands the word talk.

Voidrunner's Codex

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