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Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)


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:( Goodbye Mr. Gygax. You were a living legend to us all. The great thing about legends is.........they never really die.

You and the magic you created will live on in the hearts, minds, and dice bags of every player and GM, and the future generations.

We will pass the word.

My condolences to the family.

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I'm sitting at my desk desperately trying to keep it together, and mostly failing.

Gary Gygax may very well be the second most important man in shaping my life, behind my own father. I grew up around science fiction and fantasy, but it didn't really become mine until I discovered D&D. One of my earliest memories is of being at a science fiction convention, and my mom leading me to the game room, and asking a group of D&D players if I could sit and watch while they played, and they agreed. I don't know how long I sat there, but I know I sat enthralled, not saying a word.

In middle school was when I became serious about the game, buying the Psionicist's Handbook before I even had a Player's Handbook. Then during a summer class, I noticed someone in the class using a scanner to get a picture out of a Dungeon Master's Guide. I talked to him about the game, and joined my first real gaming group. The friends I met through that group remain some of my best friends today. And the friends we met in other places tended to get drawn in as well. I mean, we were playing D&D! What better way was there to spend all Saturday?

We know that D&D is not just some game. We've met life long friends and loved ones through it. We've experienced great emotional highs and lows because of it. Heck, I probably wouldn't be nearly as good at math were it not for my years of playing D&D.

I've just spent the last 5 days immersed in D&D, from the D&D Experience (just one of MANY conventions of people playing the game he created) to my home D&D game on Sunday. Just that shows how much of an influence he's had on people's lives. But for me personally, I'll never forget sitting and listening to him and my dad reminisce at a convention, and me thinking just how crazy it is for no one to show up at a talk with the two of them. Then after my dad passed away, Gary sent along his condolences, which meant a lot to me.

I am deeply honored to have met him (and played in his game), and will continue to enjoy the results of his creation for many years. At my game this Friday, I will dedicate the playing to his memory.


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This, then, explains the extreme slowness of ENWorld right now. :( I thought it was just because of GM's Day, or maybe a dreaded DOS attack on the server- but instead it's much worse.

My condolences to the Gygax family.

I only met him once, briefly, at Gen Con 2007, and I will cherish the memory, for its like shall not come again. Neither, of course, will the man himself- though I hope the family and close friends can find some comfort in the knowledge that he brought years of joy to millions of people across the world. Whatever else happens, none of us here shall forget him, or the debt of happiness we owe to him for the game (and genre) he brought to us all.

I would try to get my gaming group together tonight, for a special memorial game, but I sincerely doubt many of them will be able to make it- I suppose I'll have to do it on our usual Saturday date instead.

Godspeed, Game Master Prime. We shall miss you.


I feel like I've lost a part of my family.

We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Gary and Dave and it's extremely saddening that we've lost one of our "Fathers".

Rest in peace Gary. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


As others have said, though I never met him in person, Gary has made an enormous impact on my life. I feel that I got to know him through his interactions here online, and without a doubt I can say he was a class act to the end. Rest in peace, Gary.


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Thank you, Gary, for many years of enjoyment that the game you created has given me, and for all the inspiration and creativity it nurtured within me.

Tal Rasha

Strange, how the actions of one can affect so many, both direcly and indirectly. One of the greatest experiences of my life so far consisted of a game based on D&D.

May he rest in peace.


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He stood among giants.

And what a legacy he leaves. There are not many "games" in the world that have lasted as long nor has had such a impact on modern culture as D&D.

I have had friends come and go but D&D has been one postive constant in my life since 1974. Nothing else in my life has been as enduring and has colored who I am more than D&D.

Thanks for the lifetime of memories and friendships due to a little game you created and yet has such a profound impact on many the world over.

Sleep the sleep of sleeps and dream of worlds far for evocative than is one, Gary.


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