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Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

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It's been a pretty rough day for all of us. Something struck me as I read through hundreds of posts. I am done with the word Grognard, I will try to strike it from my vocabulary. We are all D&D players regardless of the edition we game in.

Earlier thoughts on today's sad news

Yesterday was my first day back at work since D&D Experience and I was largely floating around the office on the high that was D&D Experience. I had gotten good sleep, hung out with the family, and chilled out most of Sunday so I was feeling great.

Still feeling good, I rolled into work Tuesday ready to tackle the day.

At 8:45am I had to put out a small fire regarding a conference call with the European office.

At 8:50, I settle into my desk and login.

At 8:55, Shelly Mazzanoble punches me in the gut, "Gary Gygax died last night"

What? Where? Holy . My body sank. (denial) no send me the link! This is a hoax right?

I sprung into action, I needed to confirm. "cancel the call with Europe". I feel a little dirty admitting this part, but "The Rouse" sprung into PR Mode.

* To our PR Manager, "call the agency I want a statement ready by noon"
* To web "we need a tribute on the main page in a couple hours"
* To the the community team "we need a thread pinned on the boards so people can post. Merge any existing threads"
* To my product manager "what can we put for a dedication in the front of the core books"

By 9:15am it was done, PR mode was over and it was back to "Scott".

An then wave two hit me around 10am. I went on the boards and saw the reality of what this meant. One of the most influential people in gaming, no entertainment, a pop culture icon had passed.

A few meetings took my mind of the situation but after lunch I came back and read the whole memorial thread on our boards and now I realize this:

A person who I met once briefly at GenCon, who made a game I love to play, who has allowed me to work at a company I love, have a nice house, drive a nice car, feed my family, and who for the better part of two years as allowed me to have the most rewarding professional experience of my life is gone.

How profound it is to realize that someone I never really knew has so positively changed my life, altering it's course, possibly forever.

Thanks Gary, I am playing D&D for you today!

Rest in Peace.


First Post
Farewell to an Icon

So many feelings, so few words. I'm writing this after reading a full 13 pages of posts - nearly all of which I read while nodding and thinking, yes, sounds like me too.


8th Grade, late 70's and a friend of mine playing with the white boxed set and the D&D basic blue book - a friend I am still in touch with today, in fact, he brought this sad news to my attention


D&D introduced me to gaming, gaming helped me develop better critical thinking and creative thinking skills. Skills which later served me well in my professional life (Nuclear Engineering, Navy Submarines).

Also, I developed adaptive and roleplaying skills which allowed me to be a better communicator, a better leader and a better instructor.

To this day, I use the skills every day where I teach field-grade officers at an Army school. I encourage them to adopt different points of view, I put them in situations and use the term role-play to ensure the exercise and training is immersive.

As many have pointed out, the 2nd and 3rd order spin-offs from D&D can not be measured. Would we have MMORPG? or the blockbuster fantasy PC games of the early 1990's?

My 18 year old son just two weeks go ran a Star Wars RPG session with several friends from high school. Would that game even exist today if not for Gary's influence?


To Gary's family and friends, my deepest condolences on the loss of someone close to you. Please accept the outpouring of sincere remembrance as we all grieve with you.

Note - Cross posted from another touching Gary Gygax at the Troll Lords forums, where I first read about the news.

Another Gary Gygax Memorial Thread


First Post
(Goes silent upon reading this, goes offline, and contemplates all the wonder and joy that came into his life (the IRs on this board included) because of that one man: Gary Gygax.)


Thanks Gary for giving me the tools to unchain my imagination, for giving me countless worlds to roam. Now I have shared it with my kids.

RIP Gary Gygax, your legacy lives on.


Much to my regret, I never met him. But all I could have said to him was, "Thank you." My life wouldn't be the life I have without his work.


After hearing the news I had to shut down my computer and take some time to think. Its funny how a man you have never met can have such an impact on you.

Thanks for everything you have given us.

Rest in Peace.

aka thotd


First Post
Everytime I think I've posted all I can bear to on this sad day I read another thread and another post just wells it up again.

I wish I were playing tonight, somewhere with friends this game has brought into my life. I guess since I'm not the best place I can be is here on these boards and on others talking about the passing of a man worthy of praise and saddness in his passing. When I do get sleepy and head off to bed I think I'm going to grab up Gord the Rogue and read it till I can't see words anymore.

To make people happy, to bring joy.. That's the best any of us can do in life.

Gary thanks for it all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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