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Gen Con Reports?

Dextra said:
<SNIP>And Thunderfoot truly did the worm. He rocks. <SNIP>

Thanks D, and I promise a repeat performance next year... Of course if anyone wants to see it, they'll just have to stick around!. ;)

As an addendum, I realized how old I really am when Ranger Wickett said he was born in 81 and it dawned on me that I have been playing D&D longer than he's been alive.

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The following was originally posted on my LJ just giving my initial, rather disjointed comments off the top of my head regarding GenCon this year:

Alright, back from GenCon.

I went so incredibly over my budget, but only because Wayne Reynolds is a smooth talking man. Damn him and his sneaky, sneaky British accent... ;)

Planewalker didn't win at the Ennies this year, but the nomination is still an honor. Sat at a table with some of the Palladium/Rifts group. Kevin/Piratecat did a great job, and the other presenters likewise. I had a great time.

Got to meet some of the Paizo folks, and finally snagged Wes Schneider to chat for a brief few minutes. Cool guys, and they made off like bandits at the Ennies. Well deserved bandits of course.

Got to hang out with Rip and Orri after the Ennies, drinking way too much diet coke at the Alcatraz till we just about got run out of the place around 1am.

Ran two games. First game was a mixed m/f group, the second group was considerably later in the day and all guys. They each respectively had very different tones to the game and some of the characters. Amusing. Very amusing.

Yay $3 sodas!

Finally snagged Shadowrun 4e and two newer SR books. They look snazzy.

Got to play Fluxx with WotC Mel, Clueless, Skip Williams, and two other folks at the Wiz-O party on Saturday night. WotC provided hot wings at the RAM = yummy. Very cool people. :)

TSA hassles that were remarkably not very hassle'y.

Teflon Billy

Allright, this one is going to take some doing...

TBR gathered after the ENnies and, with the requisite amount of organizational jackassery (everything from people needing to go back to their rooms to get changed to a group of us agreeing to escort the incomparable Gelflings safely back to their room)...we managed to arrive at our beloved Red Garter without incident.

OK...bear with me from here out.

Nothing--not a single goddam thing--happened.

The Founding Members--Twin Rose, Cthulhu's Librarian, Ethernaut, Hand of Evil, and Yours truly sat around in silence, and utterly failed to have an earth-shatteringly awesome time filled with the proverbial "Wine, Women and Song"

Twin Rose did not have what was roundly considered the best stripper in the place sitting in his lap for an hour "on the house"

The Journeymen--Stebbins, Truth Seeker, Rel, and Ladytoll sort of milled around and looked at each other (wondering why they even bothered) and did not in fact comport themselves like the true Rapscallions they are. Their utter lack of enthusiasm set an example that the initiates will probably follow for years to come.

Ladytoll did not have Strippers snatching dollar bills out of her cleavage with their teeth.

The Initiates--Kiznit, Reveal, Diaglo, Fick, Nakia, Old One, Xath, Gwydion, Fett527, and Klaus shouldn't have bothered. Nothing whatsoever happened.

Diaglo should never have bothered bringing his Hat of d02, either. It was totally ignored by the ladies who were not naked, and they never put it on or rubbed it all over their bodies.

Klaus did not...well, suffice to say Klaus is most certainly not assured of getting his full pin next year, ans he didn't put every other Rapscallion in his shadow with his antics:)

So, to recap: Nothing Happened.

The same way nothing ever happens in TBR.

I can't wait 'til next year for nothing to happen again:)

Up next Gen Con miscellania, the wrap-up and the "Year of..." announcement
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Treebore said:
IE Peter Adkinson.

He was just standing there and no one was paying any attention to him. So I went up, said what I said, then he started talking to me and asked me to sit down with him. A surprisingly warm and approachable guy. I have whole new levels of respect for him now.

Maybe he thought you were Stephen Colbert? ;)


First Post
coyote6 said:
Maybe he thought you were Stephen Colbert? ;)


I am very certain he knew I was a fan boy nobody.

My con plans from now on are:

Troll Con 5 in Oklahoma in March, then the LGGC next July. I just got to game on Gary's porch! Then GenCon 07, where Gary will be guest of honor.

Thunderfoot said:
For those of you that didn't stick around for the after-party you missed a lot of fun. If nothing else you missed seeing Ranger Wickett dancing and me doing "the worm".

The first thing I need to do now that I'm back home and recovered is make a list of all the people I met at the con, so I can keep faces and screen names connected in my mind. Man, you doing the worm was awesome. And I need to track down that last song DJ Achilles played, because anything that gets Dextra grooving enough that she dances back to back with me has to have some sort of magical party.

So yeah, geek dancing was fun.

I hope this is not a sign of me being jaded, but in past years when I got to meet people like Monte Cook or Peter Adkison or Keith Baker, I was thrilled just by getting to hang out with them. Which is how it should be for any good geeky fanboy. I'd been very lucky in past years to be able to hold a few brief conversations with each of them and more, but this year they were busy whenever I ran into them. I still got to meet these great and awesome people, but circumstances just didn't work out as well as in past years, so I came away feeling a bit disappointed.

I know, it's silly. Plus, I ended up running into and having friendly chats with industry power-houses whom I hadn't had a chance to talk to before, like Chris Pramas, Nicole . . . wish-I-could-remember-her-last-name of Green Ronin, and Mike Pondsmith of Cyberpunk fame. Man was he cool.

After the particular wonder I experienced last year at Gen Con, I wasn't surprised that this year wasn't quite as great, but I still had a good time.

Tons of random stuff:

I remember meeting Eosin the Red, and having him explain his name means 'Red the red,' because of something medical or chemical.

I realized Gertie (Xath) is a kind, cool person, especially in the face of a half-dozen blitzed gamers.

I saw a side of David (Diaglo) that I had missed before -- the vulgarly, cheerily drunk side that is a hell of a friend to party with. He's amazingly candid, and it was fun to see lots of people meet him and realize they would actually like him. I came to call him D.

I got to chat with Scott (Rel), who I still called Rel because there was another Scott somewhere in the group, and I didn't want to get them confused. At least I think his name was Scott. Where Jeff (Teflon Billy) is the smoldering cool of a bad-ass, Rel is the laid-back cool of a billionaire playboy who wants you to hang out with him on his beachfront mansion.

Kevin (Piratecat) and I never really had a chance to hang out, in large part because I was hung over from drinking with Diaglo, Hellhound, and others when I should have been playing in Kevin's game. However, I got to slide into Alenda's game -- what's her real name? -- along with Peggy (Kid Cthulhu) and FickleGM and others who sadly I remember by face but can't recall their names. I got transformed into a woman, and Peggy and I had a sudsy grapple with a sorceress in a bath robe, which is a unique way to defeat the main villain. It was a fun game, and a good way to get over a hangover.

Ken (The Universe)'s M&M game Wednesday was great. My Thursday 20th level steampunk D&D game was not quite as successful -- I mean, the game was fun, and the players had a good time, but 20th level games take so long! I'd spent most of the evening before leaving for Gen Con trying to prep stats for three fights we didn't have time for. I wish we'd had more time for it.

Stu (fusangite) is a bad man for convincing me to start drinking that wretched whiskey. But he's great fun to listen to. I need to meet more crazy people, so I'll be able to tell stories like his. In fact, about the only thing I remember clearly from Saturday evening was that politician/conspiracy theorist nexus from Canada. The rest was washed away by whiskey.

If I forgot you, well, next year, do a better job of telling me your name multiple times. *grin*

Uff da, what else? The ENnies dance was awesome, but it was the rest of the evening -- from the indoor rainstorm at the Westin to LARPing space Jesus to seeing Justin Achilli's friends shouting "NO FUMAR" -- that were some of the best memories of the con, just because they were so f***in' weird.

There were some events that occured that were personal and pleasant, and a few that were unpleasant, and neither shall be shared, but overall I was pleased with the con, though I'll take a page from my Canadian friends and apologize to folks for being bitchy once or twice. I had a few regrets, like being hung-over more often than was wise, but I'll know better next Con.

I look forward next year to planning a few more games, keeping my lunches free so I can hook up with random EN Worlders, and making an effort to spend every evening with a group outside of my hotel room.

In the meanwhile, I need to set up a GameDay so I can hang with D.

Oh yes, and let's not forget Carlos (Truth Seeker) trying to raise everyone's self-esteem at the EN World gatherings by giving compliments and spreading love. It was tender and friendly and heart-felt, and I think we should make a drinking game out of it. *grin*

Love ya, Carlos.

coyote6 said:
Maybe he thought you were Stephen Colbert? ;)

One night of the con, I had a dream that I ran into Stephen Colbert outside Peter Adkison's office. I chased after Dr. Colbert (he's got an honorary PhD, don't you know?), through some sort of Alice in Wonderland-esque white-rabbit obstacle course, asking him to tell me about his character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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