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Gen Con Reports?



Getting in at midnight, and still finding the Canadiana to be in full swing.


True Dungeon (though it started out a bit stressful) was still awesome. Kiznit totally stole the show by solving most of the puzzles immediately.

I got to playtest a lot of new games on Thursday as well, including Clout, which I seriously consider taking up as a hobby.

Crothian's Paranoia game was full of fun and laughs. I'd never played Paranoia before, but I really enjoyed it. Some of my favorite moments were when Piratecat constantly hid under the table, and when people literally tried to hide behind each other in order to keep from getting shot.

The post-Paranoia gathering at the Ram. Yes it's true. I can get quite wasted on half of a glass of wine, and half of a margherita. And no, Chardonnay and hot wings do not mix.


The ENnies. It totally sucked that the Westin screwed us over, but we managed to pull through with flying colors anyway. Special props to Dextra for keeping cool in the face of catastrophe, and Hellhound for blowing up at the people who needed it so that Dextra didn't have to. People really seemed to enjoy themselves, and I think it was a huge success over all. Also, mad props to P-Cat for his MC skills. It was completely kharma that the cieling fell in on the ballroom after everyone left. ...Stupid Westin.

Girly-Night. It was great just to sit down and talk to everyone. I won't go into too many details, so that the guys won't know what we did...

The Garter. Certainly was not what I expected, but I had a lot of fun. Can't go into that either, because what happens at Gencon stays at Gencon.


Waking up to find that my costume had fallen apart, but still managing to put it back together in time. Special thanks to Ladytoll for all of your help. I wouldn't have looked as nice for either the Ennies or the Contest without you.

The Contest. Tons of fun, as always. I had a bit of a "holy crap" moment. I asked one of the girls in the green room what her costume was, and she said that she was a judge, and she wasn't in the contest. She really liked my costume and we talked for about 10 minutes. An hour into the contest, I just kind of stopped, and went "Holy crap! That was Gigi Edgely!" I didn't even realize who I was talking to...Doh! And I got 2nd place. That rocked socks. Congrats to the Gelflings for sweeping yet again.

Truthseeker. Thanks for barricading me from the creepy following guy. Mik says to tell you that he'll buy you many drinks next year in appreciation.

The Canadiana Suite (part deux). It was nice to relax and talk to everyone. I had a blast.

Dead Gentlemen Present: The Gamers, Dorkness Rising. Aside from the fact that it started 1 1/2 hours late (partially from parts of the Westin ceiling collapsing...again) it was completely and absolutely worth it. Just as funny as the first one, and with a bigger production budged. 6 Weeks to DVD!!!

Hanging out with the drunken remnants of the Canadiana suite at 3am. I can't believe you guys drank a gallon of scotch.


The Gamer Olympics. I didn't get to go through the whole thing this year (much to my chagrin), but I at least got to do the fight. I won both the 1on1 and the 2on1 battles. They remembered me from last year as well.

Hanging out with Kiznit for 2.5 hours at the airport. We talked, we had beer. It made having my flight delayed much more fun. I was told to get to the airport 4 hours early because of all of the security, and I ended up getting completely through checkin and security in less than 15 minutes. Kieran, it was awesome hanging out with you. Congrats on your upcoming marriage, and I'll hopefully see you in LA next year.

After Kiznit left, I immediatly ran into D20Dwarf which led to hanging out with him at the airport for 2.5 hours, also over beer. We had so much fun talking, I almost missed my flight.

All in all, it was an awesome Gencon.

nakia said:
Xath (enjoy the True Dungeon tokens!),

There is no conceivable way in which I could not enjoy those tokens. I mean, a +1 mace?! That rocks socks! Thanks nakia. :)

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Zath said:
It was completely kharma that the cieling fell in on the ballroom after everyone left. ...Stupid Westin.

The ceiling fell in? I hadn't heard that, but that is hilarious. Serves them right. Sure no one from ENWorld had anything to do with it? :D


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Farland said:
The ceiling fell in? I hadn't heard that, but that is hilarious. Serves them right. Sure no one from ENWorld had anything to do with it? :D
Kharma = Hellhound.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Thunderfoot said:
On Wednesday - I visited the Canadiana suite and met Rystil Arden and Old One. And though I met a few others that night, I was definitely the odd man out. Being my first ENWorld event, it was a little unnerving trying to meet people without feeling like I was "shoe-horning" my way into your conversations.

I know what you mean--it was my first ENWorld event too. If I 'shoehorned' anybody, I apologise for it. It was totally awesome to get to meet so many of you, though, and I hope to meet even more next year!

I'll post a summary in a bit after I can collect it all.


Xath said:
Truthseeker. Thanks for barricading me from the creepy following guy. Mik says to tell you that he'll buy you many drinks next year in appreciation.

I must also thank Truthseeker. He came by the GR booth Saturday morning and gave me a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label in honor of our ENnies wins. It was much appreciated and with Nicole in the office it will not go to waste. Thanks, Truthseeker!

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Teflon Billy said:

I lost my wallet, and the guy at the Toronto Air Canada lost-and-found was decidedly unhelpful and low-grade hostile. To sum it up quickly, things escalated to him shaking his finger about 2 inches from my face and me going to "Pie Face" him--but having my lizard brain decide in mid throw that it was actually a punch.

I'm not sure yet why a lost-and-found employee would...

  • Refuse to contact the people the written orders from his emloyer indicated. Looking at the fax I had (he pretty clearly wasn't much of a reader) he sneeredd "this is not for me...you must check with GTA Lost-and-found"...despite what it said on the fax itself.

  • Fake "Checking for the expedites" (?) by walking down a hallway about 5 feet and standing there for a second (unaware that I could see his reflection) coming back and saying "I have checked and it is not there" when I had already explained that I had just arrived from Vancouver and, unless they put my wallet on a jet fighter, I suspected that it hadn't beaten me here.

  • Starting yelling at me about not "getting tough" with him when I told him to get off his ass and do his :):):):)ing job, as I was pretty much out of time due to his laziness.

I had wasted a lot of tim with this idiot, so by the time I hit him, I was abot 15 mins from boarding my flight. I was already running like a spooked rabbit as he yelled "I am calling the police!" from the floor.

He reminded me of that Pakistani guy from Seinfeld, only older wand with a combover.

So I arrived in Indy without a penny to my name :(

Bleh indeed. Not my finest hour.

There really ought to be an ENnie in it for you. :D


Well, I'm about ready to leave work, so I'll keep it short - OMFG, those were the best five days EVAR.

I got home and in a half-asleep stupor, posted a 1300 word babble-fest about how much fun it was. I still missed a bunch of stuff...

Anyway, I will recap:

Wednesday - We arrive, check-in, head to the booth setup. Helped get the booth together (reveal is a natural "get it done" guy). Played in The Universe's M&M game with reveal, RangerWickett, OldOne, John Crichton, John Crichton's friend Jason and a late to arrive PirateCat. The game was fun and John Crichton died (he later shared a bit of his money with me at the poker table...thanks Matt). Going out to eat with The Universe, QueenD, Cheiromancer, reveal and my wife was a blast. The Canadiana was fun, meeting all the people (I did the list the people thing on CM, so I am not even going to try to here...it hurts the brain)...

Thursday - I was roped into playing in PirateCat's M&M game (they had to twist real hard ;)). It was great...PC lives up to his rep. Manned the booth with Queenie122 and little Arabella, which was cool. Did True Dungeon with OldOne, Xath, Reveal, kiznit, MrsFickleGM and a guy...we won thanks to kiznit. Went to dinner at Buca di Beppo with a large crew (fusangite, reveal, Buttercup, SteveJung, Truth Seeker, diaglo, MrsFickleGM, Psion, Cathix, Cathix's Sean (who I don't know on ENW...hmmm), and one other person who I am not remembering (sorry). I was then late to Rel's Sky Galleons game (due to eating out), but had a blast playing that. Got home late and was very tired (anti-friz cream is not toothpaste).

Friday - I played in Sidereal Knight's Call of Cthulhu game and it was very cool. Then I went straight to fusangite's Gamma World game, which may have been more horrific than the CoC game, but for vastly different (and HOT) reasons. Went out to eat before the ENnies with reveal, The Universe and QueenD. The ENnies were fun, but hot and cramped. As I was waiting for the TBR to move out, I stood in the hall chatting. I walked up to Chris Pramas and shook his hand, saying "You don't know me, but congratulations" (I was that guy, Chris - I almost introduced myself as Nisarg). The post-ENnies festivities (the did not happen) were amazingly fun. Claudio was a man among children...

Saturday - I didn't run my game due to "fatigue" (not quite Claudio's level of fatigue), but had a good time at the picnic gathering. I then got to the costume contest in time to see the Gelflings dance (I missed Xath, sadly). I then went out to eat at Smokey Bones with Teflon Billy, Rel, kiznit, OldOne, Kid Cthulhu, MrsFickleGM, Dire Wolf, Queenie122, Arabella and Nakia. Mine and my wife's orders were the only ones that were screwed up and very late, but we got our food for free. I then played in Rel's Risus game with Queenie122, Dire Wolf, OldOne, Cathix, and Sean (I was sleepy and didn't do real well - but it was still a fun game).

Sunday - I played in Alenda's Honey I Shrunk the Adventurers game and will forever fear teddy bears. It was also fun (all the games I played in were excellent). I then went to the dealer hall for 25 minutes (my grand total for the convention was 30 minutes in the hall). I bought Pleasure Palace of the... from Suzi (thank you again for finding me a copy to purchase). Then I helped tear down the booth and I headed for home...

I'm sure that, between my two recaps, I am still missing tons...that's how fun it was.


FickleGM said:
Went to dinner at Buca di Beppo with a large crew (fusangite, reveal, Buttercup, SteveJung, Truth Seeker, diaglo, MrsFickleGM, Psion, Cathix, Cathix's Sean (who I don't know on ENW...hmmm), and one other person who I am not remembering (sorry).

This jog your memory?


No reveal, I'm afraid. You missed Lhogrim and Kiznit.

In the above pic is: fusangite, Buttercup, TruthSeeker, Lhogrim, MrsFickleGM, "Grith" (I don't know his id over here either, if any), Cathix, Diaglo, SteveJung, and FickleGM. Of course, I'm holding the camera. ;)

Eosin the Red

First Post
Farland said:
Hey Eosin, it was indeed great to hang out and down a brew or two with you. :D

Thanks for the correction ~ bookmarked websites are hell on recall. :eek:

Funny thing, I saw a metric ton of folks in Farland T-Shirts on Saturday and Sunday (some of them eating behind us at the Ram) but I never managed to spot you guys again. Here is to next years golden ENNie! for Farland World.

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