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Gen Con Reports?

Eosin the Red

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I had a good time. Didn't get to game near enough but I was usually heading to this place or that place or too introverted to drop in to the various parties where one might be able to hear about these games that people were playing.

My highlights:
The ENnies were a riot. I sat with a Malhavok (award winning) writer and the great guys from Farland.com (award winning fan site). The only way I managed to meet any ENworlders was that they happened to be sitting right behind our table playing Apples to Apples. I managed to sneak up at various times on Pirate Cat, Diaglo, and I wheezled-barged my way into a conversation between fusngate, Teflon Billy, and Nik Chick.

I really didn't get to meet all that many people but I did hook up with a few memorable folks from the Hero Boards. It sucks having split board enjoyment. I got to hang out with DOJ-Hero crew on Wednesday and then slide into the Diana Jones awards.

I am a BSG fan so sitting in the Jamie Bamber (Apollo) Q&A was Geek-Nirvana.

Overall, I was pretty happy with Gencon - but - I have never done any con what-so-ever and realize in retrospect that it could have been "oh, so much better." My next con experience will be better with some preparation and the chance to sit down an chat with some of the folks from around these electronic parts.

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HinterWelt said:
My apologies if you were not pleased with her purchase. If she is the lady I remember, Mike demoed the game for close to 1 hour for her and she had a great time. The game has real pewter charms, gold/silver/brass plated pieces, real wooden nuts, a color rule book and yes, a laminated playing board. Spill water on it and it will not be ruined.

All that said, if SHE is not satisfied, I will give her a full refund.

I am sorry you think the game is not worth it. We heard very different at the con. I had a great time playing it, demoing it to many people and hearing the stories of squirrel warfare.:)


I'm all about the packing. I bought Burning Empires because it looked good and had to stop myself from buying Qin and Weapon of the Gods.

For her, since she loves Squirrels, she loves the game even without playing it. It'll go in her closet and she'll enjoy having it along with her Squirrel Attack RPG.

For me... as mentioned, I'm all about the shinny. Not having a box or flat game board would be deal breakers for me personally.


Teflon Billy said:

I lost my wallet, and the guy at the Toronto Air Canada lost-and-found was decidedly unhelpful and low-grade hostile. To sum it up quickly, things escalated to him shaking his finger about 2 inches from my face and me going to "Pie Face" him--but having my lizard brain decide in mid throw that it was actually a punch.

I'm not sure yet why a lost-and-found employee would...

  • Refuse to contact the people the written orders from his emloyer indicated. Looking at the fax I had (he pretty clearly wasn't much of a reader) he sneeredd "this is not for me...you must check with GTA Lost-and-found"...despite what it said on the fax itself.

  • Fake "Checking for the expedites" (?) by walking down a hallway about 5 feet and standing there for a second (unaware that I could see his reflection) coming back and saying "I have checked and it is not there" when I had already explained that I had just arrived from Vancouver and, unless they put my wallet on a jet fighter, I suspected that it hadn't beaten me here.

  • Starting yelling at me about not "getting tough" with him when I told him to get off his ass and do his :):):):)ing job, as I was pretty much out of time due to his laziness.

I had wasted a lot of tim with this idiot, so by the time I hit him, I was abot 15 mins from boarding my flight. I was already running like a spooked rabbit as he yelled "I am calling the police!" from the floor.

He reminded me of that Pakistani guy from Seinfeld, only older wand with a combover.

So I arrived in Indy without a penny to my name :(

Bleh indeed. Not my finest hour.

Ah man, the old "punch-n-run." Hilarious! :D

Eosin said:
The ENnies were a riot. I sat with a Malhavok (award winning) writer and the great guys from Farlandworld.com (award winning fan site). The only way I managed to meet any ENworlders was that they happened to be sitting right behind our table playing Apples to Apples. I managed to sneak up at various times on Pirate Cat, Diaglo, and I wheezled-barged my way into a conversation between fusngate, Teflon Billy, and Nik Chick.

Hey Eosin, it was indeed great to hang out and down a brew or two with you. :D

Overall, I was pretty happy with Gencon - but - I have never done any con what-so-ever and realize in retrospect that it could have been "oh, so much better." My next con experience will be better with some preparation and the chance to sit down an chat with some of the folks from around these electronic parts.

Yeah, this was my first con too, so I figured that this year would be event-light, which it was. Next year I will have a better grasp of how everything works, so I think it will be even more fun, if possible.


First Post
JoeGKushner said:
I'm all about the packing. I bought Burning Empires because it looked good and had to stop myself from buying Qin and Weapon of the Gods.

For her, since she loves Squirrels, she loves the game even without playing it. It'll go in her closet and she'll enjoy having it along with her Squirrel Attack RPG.

For me... as mentioned, I'm all about the shinny. Not having a box or flat game board would be deal breakers for me personally.

Understood. I hope you did not take my post as aggressive. I am very much about people being happy about the games they purchase from HinterWelt. If someone is not happy, I do not want to "swindle" them or "Hard Sell" a person into buying my games.

Just so you know, we are looking into different packaging (a wooden box) and possibly a different board (wooden).

I hope she enjoys the game.



First Post
HinterWelt said:
Understood. I hope you did not take my post as aggressive. I am very much about people being happy about the games they purchase from HinterWelt. If someone is not happy, I do not want to "swindle" them or "Hard Sell" a person into buying my games.

Just so you know, we are looking into different packaging (a wooden box) and possibly a different board (wooden).

I hope she enjoys the game.


You guys are great. There was no 'hard' sell. And I don't regret buying it. I knew that it wasn't my style game from the get go and had no problems with that. Saw the material, said, "How much", got the price (I think it was cheaper at the Con then at the regular stores by like $5) and went on my merry way.

On the few times I've meet you guys at the Convention you were not only professional but friendly.

My g/f loves it but is worried about losing pieces since there's no box and her cats tend to rip up plastic quickly. Heck, because the rules are so short (looks around...), she might even play it!

I hope it does well enough that the wooden packaging comes true cause then I can get her another one! :)


Rule Lawyer Groupie
Where are the pictures? I want to point and laugh at your silly mugs! :D

I was seriously considering going this year... Been playing D&D and a bazillion games forever and never been to Gen Con... One day, before I die. :p


I had a great time at GenCon and I only wish that I had scheduled more gaming time with the ENW and CM crowd. I felt like I had very little time to really get to meet people.

I have to thank Crothian, PirateCat and Alenda for running fabulous games. I had a lot of fun.

True Dungeon was a blast. We were beaten by the final puzzle, but I loved out group. Thanks to nakia, Rel, Ethernaut, Alenda, Steve Jeung, Dire Wolf for being a great group.

I also want to thank those who played in my Midnight game. You made it a joy to run. It seems that the Behir spelled the doom of at least one PC every time. However, the Book of the Dead was recovered.

I really appreciated the chance to get to meet some many of the people here.


First Post
Beware the GenCon!

andargor said:
Where are the pictures? I want to point and laugh at your silly mugs! :D

I was seriously considering going this year... Been playing D&D and a bazillion games forever and never been to Gen Con... One day, before I die. :p
Gamer Fatigue claimed poor Theoden early....


Ok. I'm going to try, and I stress try to remember as much as possible. ;)

Wednesday - Putting up the booth went really smoothly. Lots of help from Denise, Sidereal Knight, FickleGM, MrsFickleGM, and others I can't remember but were great to have helping.

Played in TheUniverse's Mutants and Masterminds game with OldOne, FickleGM, RangerWickett, and a couple of Ryan's friends for whom I don't remember names. PirateCat showed up late but easily settled in to the role of the Big Dumb Swede. Fun was had by all and only one person died, which was good because he was the traitor.

After that, FickleGM, MrsFickleGM, TheUniverse, EmpressD, Cheiromancer, and I went to dinner and had a blast. Then it was to the little Canadia suite where I got to meet a lot of people for the first time, including fusangite, diaglo, Queenie, DireWolf, Truth Seeker, Xath, LadyToll, Hellhound, Duco Duos, CaesarSlaad, Kiznit, and others I know I'm forgetting. I also was able to catch up with people I'd met before. And I second GV's thoughts on diaglo. He's a great guy to know and is not that old. :)

Thursday - Stumbled out of bed to get ready for GV's Damnation Decade game with Ethernaut, Duco Duos, Rel, and nakiacus. TPK and a helluva lot of fun.

Went to lunch at Buco de Beppo with a gaggle of people, finally getting to meet Litlbeast, Grith Uberalles, and Kafitrar.

True Dungeon was a lot of fun even though we weren't sure if Xath was going to make it (she did of course). Kiznit saved the day and in record time.

Dinner was fun. But no karaoke. Apparently they do it on Wednesday nights only. So, next year, y'all know what we're doing Wednesday night after the Canadiana suite! :D

Friday - Old One's Mythic Heroes game was a lot of fun. We saved the day and only had to sacrifice a rescuee or two to do it!

Stu's game was one of my two favorite games of the Con. We had the perfect group so, of course, the jokes and sexual innuendos were flying. And someone remind me that, in the future, when you get the first choice of characters, don't pick the one out of three that has the crappiet powers. :p

The Ennies were amazing and, even though it was hot as hell, it looked amazingly well run and was fun to attend. And I got to meet fett527. :) I just wish Piratecat had taken his pants off. :(

[sarcasm]Nothing happened at the Red Garter. It was boring and I wish I hadn't gone. Next year I think I'll skip it completely.[/sarcasm]

Saturday - Stopped by the Ennies booth and found FickleGM and MrsFickleGM. We took stuff to the park and met up with fett527, nakiacus, and Ethernaut. No game was run but we still had a great time throwing the frisbee around and actually participating in some physical activity. Too bad KenM wasn't there.

Alenda's Halfling Musketeer game was my other favorite of the Con. The bad French accent were out in full effect. Too bad we had to burn the wine. :moment of silence:

True Dungeon was next with SK, SK's Love Monkey, TheUniverse, and QueenD. We didn't survive this time. I let everyone try to figure out the last puzzle and, although I was going to get it right even though I knew the answer, I decided not to at the last minute. Next year, I'm only doing it once.

The line to get into Hentai was more fun than after actually getting inside. We waited for about 45 minutes. After getting inside, we saw a really, really funny music video and then part of a comical documentary. About 5 minutes into the documentary, the ceiling started the shake. Apparently the GenCon dance was in full swing. We went out in the hall and were told to get in line again and wait another 15 minutes. Uh, no. Everyone dispersed (I think some were just glad for the excuse to leave ;)) and I went back to the hotel. I stumbled upon the "old guard" as I called it, sitting around BSing and getting plastered. At about 2am I had to go sleep or I would have passed out.

Sunday - My highlight of the Con was Sunday morning. As I Piratecat, KidCthulu, and I were walking to his game, Kevin told me that he had been looking forward to gaming with me for a while. Considering how awesome of a GM he is, I took that as a huge compliment. :D

His game was a blast and Rel's speech and actions, after beating the big bad guy, were awesome.

Sunday afternoon was me hanging out with people, breaking down the Ennies booth, sadly saying goodbye, and then napping until dinnertime because my cold had hit me that morning. I had leave dinner early because I was exhausted.

All in all it was one of the best times I've ever had and I look forward to doing it again next year. :win:

Frozen DM

This was my second Gen Con and I had a great time again this year.

Getting to actually get in a serious 20+ hours into my own Shackled City campaign with my gaming group (all but one member was at Gen Con this year). It was a good way to catch up on gaming time missed in july. Although, it was odd going out of our way to drive to Indy (from Montreal) and then spend so much time on our own campaign.

Getting to try Dread. First off, this game is an absolute blast to play. I got to try it out late on Thursday (mmm, 10 PM to 2 AM is a great time to be playing a horror game. We actually managed to make it to about 2.5 hours before someone knocked over the Jenga tower. Props to these guys for their much deserved ENnie award.

Iron DM. Great game. I really am curious about how some of the other DM's used the 3 themes this year (Mistaken Identity, Minotaurs and Magma). Our DM (DM Dude with his awesome hat) did a great job of putting together some really tough encounters. And what better way to end Iron DM than with a TPK?

The exhibit hall had some great stuff this year, although for some reason it felt a little smaller, but that might just be because this is my second con. I did get some great deals, and finally was able to trade some of my extra D&D mini rares for the Beholder mini I've so long sought out. I picked up Savage Worlds after trying out the game. It was pretty fun. And I picked up most of the new books out at the green ronin booth (True20 and mutants and masterminds mostly).

The best part of the con for me, though, were the people. I have to say, like last year, I am impressed with just what good people the gaming community is filled with. On Saturday after Iron DM I accidently forgot my unmarked bag of extra rare D&D minis at the table. This bag also included the Beholder mini I had been looking for. Altogether worth a few hundred dollars in minis. It would have been easy for someone to just grab the bag and run, no one would have ever caught them, but instead, they were returned untouched to the lost and found. I'd love to thank whoever that was, because it was really the best part of the con for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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