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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Hello, gang!

I'm watching the first live action Scooby Doo movie in my hotel room. So glad I have today off. Got a rental car and am going to roll around the sub 50 degree Memphis shortly.

I have a question though. I am working on leveling Audra Frost and I am looking for clarification on something. I know we cannot have more total ranks in a skill than our level, but if we are pumping ranks into a skill we haven't got maxed out yet, can we pump how many ever it can take to get to that limit or do we only add one per level when we add skill points? Hope that makes sense.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
You can add as many points as you want. The only limit is the max points as determined by level.

Thank you good sir. I hope all my friends back on the East Coast are safe from Sandy's wrath, or whatever she becomes when she goes extra tropical and turns into a nor'eastercane


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In case anyone does not know (like me 5 minutes ago) d20pfsrd.com has started updating there magical equipment to Ultimate Equipment. I know rings/weapons are done, and I am looking at armor now.


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It occurs to me that when creating a deity for whatever world, or realm, or what have you that there need to be included some kind of list of known profanity associated with the deity. It may just be me, but I find it strange to have a PC just shout "OW!", (or worse, nothing!) when that unforeseen bear trap snaps on their leg.

I find it difficult to come up with these myself so I suppose I can't blame others for glossing over it themselves, but it's the kind of thing I'd like to see more often. And who doesn't think that it'd be an interesting addition to our favorite published works?


First Post
have your own personal fantasy language, and then let them fly off the hook as needed into it ;3
"Dra! ... Zoll'Dra...."
Also, if you character speaks something you know no other PC will ever pick up, who is to say how it sound but you? :D
If others have issue, either it is a miner grip or you are back here, but without spending a great deal of effort for that given instance.
Very low relative risk, and the rewards are nice ^_^

Anyways, I'm just wandering, (have not been here in ages!) are the alternate bloodlines alright for use with eldritch bloodline? and if so, I assume using crossblooded would be "no... just... no."

... I'm trying to make a character with a tendency to wade into combat because he is innately strong, not because he is a skilled combatant, (fluff wise, he is highly draconic) so I'm interested in buffing his base stats as he levels up to make him 'naturally superior' and not so much on making him be able to do too many fancy things.

Presently he is set to gain two feats into both the pit-touched (infernal) and the serpent bloodlines, and to go through full DD advancement.
Present character
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Satin Knights

First Post
The wild-blooded bloodlines are available. Cross-blooded is also available, but the drawback of losing 1 spell known at every level is a hard pill to swallow. The -2 Will is also very, very painful.

Now, it gets kind of tricky. Since the Eldritch Heritage says pick one bloodline, and the Improved Eldritch Heritage says "of the bloodline you selected with the Eldritch Heritage feat.", you would need to do the Cross-blooded on your base sorcerer levels to take advantage of Cross-blooded. I am not seeing a power that would be worth the drawbacks.

The following is legal:
Skill Focus(Diplomacy)
Eldritch Heritage Serpentine
Eldritch Heritage Pit-Touched
Improved Eldritch Heritage Pit-Touched
But, that is very feat intensive. It does eliminate the Cross-blooded drawback though. Starting with a Will save of -1 total is just asking for trouble. Even a wand has a better than 50/50 chance of charming you.

Looking over your character writeup start, I have a few suggestions.
a) Sorcerers don't get create water.
b) Acid based draconic seems neutered in an aquatic environment. There are not specific rules on acid attacks being diluted in an aquatic environment, but general physics says there should be. An electric based draconic seems more appropriate. (Think electric eel.) Even though you are going to be spending your career on land, the character should be competent in his original environment.
c) See Alternative Cantrips. That will let you replace Create Water and Acid Splash with more thematically appropriate cantrips.
d) If you are going to eventually take any cleric levels, you need to switch his alignment to neutral instead of chaotic neutral.


First Post
... Just throwing it out there, your solution to avoiding the RP problem of having an acidic neutralized breath weapon neutralized in water is having a electrical one instead, that is defused in all directions, and thus hits you and them, while still being massively neutralized.

Lets just say its a supernatural(magic!) affect and leave the cannon bit there be? water breathing, something being aquatic gives him by default. It lets him use magic and breath weapons, or other abilities, under water without any difficultyI site the wording in of water breathing in black, green and bronze dragon entries :p

As for water, rats, he needed to keep himself wet T_T
will fix :3

As for cross blooded, was talking about using it for eldritch bloodline, not as a sorcerer: he has to be a draconic sorcerer for DD ;3

And as for it being feat intensive, he can walk out with 3 NR and 6 con from 5 feats: a cannon feat rats NR at 1 per feat, and 2 of any stat is worth at least 1, so its worth is, also, it gives other goodies :D

Also, would Linnorm allow advancement into the DD class since its a mutation on dragon?

If so could the level one abilities from serpent and Abyssal bloodlines be used in addition to a full attack in one turn? (last time I, nearly, made the character it was ruled claws of the abyss could not trigger the fanged from DD)
Also, I want to use 11 feats at this point (he needs a borrow speed! XD) ... what? he needs comical amounts of blood born abilities :D

... were do I get the 11th feat from? ^_^;

Also, as for the possibility of picking up divine casting levels latter on, isn't Akutu Chaotic Evil? That would place the character two steps away from him :/
... or I'm a Stupid ass ^_^;
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Voidrunner's Codex

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