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Generation Legacy: Issue #6


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Mudaba Adin Institute

July 12th, 2014 1140 local time

Another Saturday morning for the students, many are recovering from a hangover, from Yoshi’s party, while others have other reasons to be sleeping in. But things are not totally back to normal, Kelly’s bodyguard is on the way from Thailand to help out with the search for Mark’s assailant, the news is still having a field day with the events from the previous evening, although the PR for the UNJE has put their spin on things and thankfully painted Mark out of a corner, and blamed the deaths and the destruction at the club on Pantheon.


Ryan was greeted in the morning with a message from Mr. McCallister, a personal invite to the Legacy team for his performance and actions over the last few days. The contract was standard just like the rest of the team, for the most part.


Mark also had a video message from Tommy, “Hey buddy sorry I couldn’t make out to see you last night, I had to take care of Star, sorry about that though, but I got a little surprise for you!” A file downloads to Mark’s desktop, and then opens showing video footage from a fir-person view of an Asian assailant beating the crap out of whoever is behind the camera. The video freezes and the video enhances giving him a good look at the man’s face.

Tommy continues, “You can thank Star for that, I figured you could use that for when Charles comes in, and all that. I figured from that footage Charles should be able to get something right? Anything else you need from me, just send me a call okay good buddy?” the image goes dead.

Mark’s door opens at that moment, and there is Star standing their, “Hey Mark, sorry I couldn’t help more then I could. That assassin was better then me, and he as Tommy put it, beat the living crap out of me. I apologize for failing you. Protecting Tommy’s friends is one of my Prime Directives.”


Although daddy was rather upset about the transfer, once he got the full story he saw the light, though that didn’t make him any happier. Not in the slightest. But then again at least Charles was on his way to help out, even if it did cost Kelly, he was good at what he did, and he did know tons of people, on both sides of the law.


Karen gets an early wake-up from Claire, as she slips into her room, and plops on her bed, and goes, “So!? You two were gone for like forever, what happened?”


After an enchanting evening with Victor, and a night of fresh recuperation, she finds the only thing waking her up is the bright sunlight filtering through the window onto her bed. There is a message on her monitor as well blinking waiting for acceptance.


Anika has a strange dream while she sleeps. She is walking through a glade, and the sky is brilliant blue, and the ground and surrounding lands are covered in ice and snow. She can hear whispers on the breeze, and although she wears only a soft gown, she is not cold. She finds herself walking for what seems like forever, until she is standing the midst of great standing stones, and the runes of the ancient gods of the Norse etched on each one.

Beings of light greet her, their bodies glowing with such power that she could not fully make them out. One reached out to her, but before she could touch them, something reached out wrenched her from that place, and a massive ebon hand held her in a crushing grip, that chilled her to the bone. She watched as the world turned black then the great hand let her go and she was falling… falling into the yawning ebon abyss.

She fell until she slammed into the ground, and found a broken littered landscape of scorched earth, and shattered buildings. Anika sees corpses blasted in fire, and a war raging all around. Two purple angels clash in the sky, and powerful beings clash on opposite sides, but for some reason there seems to be something hidden in the shadows… just outside of her vision. A presence manipulating these events, a hand well tendered, and moving things along to nothing short of Ragnarok. But even with all the death when the fighting dies, and there seems to be nothing left, those that survive see that it was all for naught, and that force moves en masse, and valkyries descend from the heavens on black steeds for their master… for none live that could stop it…

Anika wakes up in a cold sweat… and the glimpses the image of a tall ebon woman, as her eyes adjust to the sunlight filtering into the room. As her vision clears she finds she is alone.


Cassie gets several replies from other elites around the world that agrees with her stance. Many just use online pseudonyms but they seem to empathize with her, and her plight.

While she checks through the messages, Yoshi slips in through the door and gives Cassie a kiss on the cheek and collapses on her bed. He glances over, “So what is up this morning, get any good messages, babe? Oh and guess what, Monday morning my Osprey II GT Custom edition should be delivered. I figure we can take it down to the track and blow some locals away… hey you listening to me?”


James wakes up, with the light filtering over his bed, and he realizes he isn’t alone, laying next to him is Kiyana. He finally remembers that she had slipped in late in the night because she was worried and scared with everything happening. And had fallen asleep in his arms, although nothing major happened. But it was a pleasant sight nonetheless. She was still sleeping softly, her blonde hair spilling over the pillow, and she wore a long chemise. She felt warm against James, which probably brought many other problems…

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Ryan had spent the night watching Bruce Lee movies, studying th techniques for martial arts. Although he had no experience or skill in such areas, Ryan was learning how to attack in a variety of ways, instead of the simple punches and rams he used before. A super fast, super strong flying elite possessed many different forms of attacks. He then notices the message, and his face breaks into a wide grin. My life just couldn't be going better. Sure, I may be the number one suspect in a murder investigation, but who cares? The spy that had been plaguing my life is now gone, I've just been put on Legacy, I mean...this is great! Hmmm. Better read this carefully, make sure I'm not selling my soul or anything.

Ryan carefully scans the document, trying to untangle the legalese and find any irregularities. I have what I want now, he thinks after finishing perusing it. Should I sign it? I don't really agree with the UN's actions, but they're kind of understandable. Besides, I want to go out and fight Pantheon and such, right? And they're my friends, and might need my help. And it's only for a couple of years. And the money! Heck yes I'll sign it.

Ryan signs the form, doing whatever needs to be done to finalize it while humming merrily. He then mentally deletes many of his plans he had stored in his brain. Don't need to worry about those no more. I still need to talk to Jimmy; everyone has a right to know what's going on around here. Of course, it's up to Kal and Aris, but I'm sure they'll probably agree as long as it's kept within the school.

Let's go talk to Mr. McCallister about his, make sure it's legit and stuff. Ryan then flies down the hall towards his office.


First Post

Ryan makes a quick trip down to Mr. McCallister’s office, and finds the door open and the detective from the prior evening, Detective Williams and another gentleman a slim Japanese man with close cropped hair and angular features are standing in his office. Once Ryan gets a good look at him, realizes it is the elite named Kensei. Kensei gives Ryan a polite bow, “Morning Ryan, we were just talking about you.”

The detective turned, “Oh morning, I was hoping I would get a chance to talk to you about last night, and that card. I just want to say that I heard what you did for Mark, that is a wonderful power you have.”

Mr. McCallister nodded, “It is what he does, he helps people, and he cares about his friends and teammates. I am pleased to see that he got my message, I knew the committee would see the light eventually.” He gave Ryan a stern pat on the shoulder, and then spoke to the detective, “You have everything you need, and if you don’t mind I would like to be on hand for any questioning.”

The detective smiled, “Of course you would, well we can get started now if you like,” she gestured to the leather chairs in the large office, “Shall we?”

The man known as Kensei smiled, “Bryant, I will be touring the grounds, I will talk to you later, might as well and see what this whole Legacy thing is all about right?”


"Uh...hi. Nice to meet you," Ryan greets Kensei in turn. Yes! I finally got to meet my favorite JE! Well, don't act like some kind of fan; you're probably going to working with JE pretty often now that you're on the team.

Ryan smiles appreciatively at Mr. McCallister then sits down in one of the chairs. Don't act like a punk or say anything stupid. Just get this farce over with. "So, I assume this is about Mark's attempted murder? I had nothing to do with it, I wouldn't hire an assassin to kill Mark. Further, I wouldn't have the money for it, and you can check my phone and email records to verify that I've made no contact with anyone suspicious." You shouldn't even see me as a suspect; I'm the one who got Mark out of that hospital. Ryan then looks to Mr. McCallister out of the corner of his eye, seeing how he reacts.


First Post
Hammerhead said:
"Uh...hi. Nice to meet you," Ryan greets Kensei in turn. Yes! I finally got to meet my favorite JE! Well, don't act like some kind of fan; you're probably going to working with JE pretty often now that you're on the team.

Ryan smiles appreciatively at Mr. McCallister then sits down in one of the chairs. Don't act like a punk or say anything stupid. Just get this farce over with. "So, I assume this is about Mark's attempted murder? I had nothing to do with it, I wouldn't hire an assassin to kill Mark. Further, I wouldn't have the money for it, and you can check my phone and email records to verify that I've made no contact with anyone suspicious." You shouldn't even see me as a suspect; I'm the one who got Mark out of that hospital. Ryan then looks to Mr. McCallister out of the corner of his eye, seeing how he reacts.
Kensei nodded, "Nice to meet you too, Ryan welcome aboard the UNJE. Sayonara," he bows and exits closing the door behind him.

The Detective takes a seat and listens, and takes notes while Ryan speaks on her PDA. "I don't think that will be needed, it does seem like you don't really have a motive, and I have to admit from what I heard from the rest of the faculty they seem to back you up that you would not be behind such an act. I wanted to talk to you, because I wanted to know who you think would set you up like this, it was pretty obvious, so obvious that I can't help but think that there may have been some other ulterior motive to do so..."

Mr. McCallister does not show an emotion one way or the other and simply listens to see what is said.


First Post
Tokiwong said:

Although daddy was rather upset about the transfer, once he got the full story he saw the light, though that didn’t make him any happier. Not in the slightest. But then again at least Charles was on his way to help out, even if it did cost Kelly, he was good at what he did, and he did know tons of people, on both sides of the law.
Kelly awoke only a few hours after she had fallen upon the bed, despite the passage of a bare few hours, the exhaustion she had felt only 3 or was it 4 hours ago was totally gone. "Talk about a power nap." she jokes to herself, stretching out, shaking out the cramps that she always seemed to have in her legs when she slept on her back, she had been too tired to roll over onto her stomach the night before after turning off her bed-side lamp. It was still dark out when she emerged from her bath feeling well and truly clean, having used gusts of wind to really get out the smell of smoke, and the one or to spots on her face and legs where ash had made it through her shield of wind.

Today, the clothes she wore out into the world were rather conservative, at least for her, looking less like Barbie does bondage, and more like business girl chic. White leggings, with a pair of black velvet boots that came to mid-calf, and an oriental style red top, with a pair of what appeared to be ornately carved chopsticks holding her hair in place was what she dressed in to wander the pre-dawn grounds of the institue. She floated herself through the hallways until she reached the beautiful gardens in time to watch the sunrise, and a more beautiful sunrise over the grounds there never was, the clouds that her sadness the previous night had called contrasted brilliantely with the first soft rays of the sun, putting on a glowing show of pinks and purples. Watching the display, she couldn't help but feel energized by it, hopefully this day would be better then the last.

She was actually a might curious about what was on the news about the incidents of the previous night, normally, the press made up all kinds of things about her, but what they would actually do with something as newsworthy as her being in a club that burned down, and taking on Pantheon, and saving peoples lives, well careers were made a stories that had 1/100th of the sensationalism. She idly wondered if she should call her agent to give him a statement when people started asking. Shrugging, she decided to try something she had done the night before, moving things around with the wind, she hadn't known she could do that in any way shape or form short of creating a tornado, and that would have been very bad.

At first, she strained herself trying to lift a boulder that she was sunning heself upon, but suddenly, her thinking shifted to something Charles had said to her once when he was telling her one of his war stories, she coul almost hear him: "We were outnumbered very badly, but we were very precise in everything we did, while they expended their energy needlessly over a larger area. All the fire-power in the world won't do you any good princess if you can't work with it precisely." he had said.

Hesitantly, she tried to push with the air molecules under the rock, instead of around it, on top of it, and beside it, and wonder of wonders, it worked. Raggedly, and ungracefully at first, but as she grew more precise, the rock stilled its movement, hovering a few feet off the ground as her concentration and pecision increased. This is like soo cool, its almost like I have a whole new power just because I sat and thought about things that people said to me, what would I truly be able to do if I took this traiing that Mr. MacCallister is putting me through seriously? she wonders.

The popstar spent the rest of the morning playing with her new power, seeing what she could do with it, growing more and more excited as the morning wore on. Using her powers was refreshing, more so then it had been, it was like jumping into a cold mountain stream, not that she really actually new what cold was, other then an abstract, she could prance naked through a blizzard and be totally comfortable. She wondered if it was part of using her powers so heavily the night before.

"When the others wake up and get ready, thats when I'll go get Charles, I mean I have the time, so they might as well be there when I meet him." she murmured to herself, thinking about her preperations for the meeting. She had dictated the contract in direct terms with no wriggling room, not that it was needed, or that he would try to wiggle, but because she was a rather direct girl and she trusted him implicitly, and liked him a lot regardless of being a merc. She had also transfered money from her petty cash fund back to her fathers emergency fund including a nice 30% percent interest now that she actually could see what money was where.

Mentally reveiwing the text of her orders for Charles she felt it was as complete as she could make it without a lawyer: Investigate the assassination attempt on Mark, determine the person behind it, and notify me when you have that information, I will pass it on to those I feel need it, and we will proceed from there, full combat pay as a fight can't be ruled out. She would give him the orders, as well as the account number and verification code when he arrived.
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Oh, they're asking for my advice or whatever. That's good. Still, I had better be careful. "Okay, well, I'm not going to lie about this. After Mark made team leader, and I didn't make the team at all, I was angry. I mean, wouldn't anyone be?" Good move there. Still, I have a point. What did he do that I didn't?

Ryan crosses his legs, then continues. "Rei was a former student here. However, according Kelly Mitchell, he joined up with Pantheon last night, prior to the incident at the Matrix nightclub." Ryan coughs something unintelligble after that. "So my theory is that Rei probably hired some assassin to frame me, and get Mark out of the way as well. It's like killing two birds with one stone." Ryan folds his hands, concluding. A nice, simple, easy explanation. Uh oh. I hate those.

"I mean, an elite assassin, hired to take out another elite, isn't going to be cheap. Just take a peak at Rei's bank account, see how much he payed to have Mark killed. I mean, it's probably a student trying to set me up, just follow the money." Does Rei have that kind of money? I'm not sure. Who does? All of the Legacy members would, including me now, from their contract. Jimmy's dad is supposed to be important, he might have some cash or pull. Tommy, of course. Kelly.


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The early morning air is cool to the skin, and she basks in the glow of her newfound powers, as she notices that she is not alone in the Yard. She turns to see a slim Japanese male with short-cropped hair, and a pulse of energy criss-crosses his body, the elite known as Kensei, member of Justice Elite.

He seems to contemplate the scene around her, “Morning Miss Mitchell, you look especially chipper this morning, especially after the events of the previous evening,” he bows slightly.


“Rei Ortega had about 652 dollars to his name when he left the Institute last night. He was a runaway, and had no family, as far as the school records go, and from eyewitness reports the choice to join Pantheon, was one most likely made out of survival then actual choice. But I am curious why do you think he is a spy, or that there is a spy to begin with?” the detective asks.

“I mean do you have reason to believe that someone is keeping tabs on the school for their own ulterior motives, or more precisely on you?” she finishes.

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