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D&D 5E Give me your craziest, most GONZO PC concepts!


In 4E I made up a warforged vampire...

I called him I-Strahd. :cool:

Not exactly gonzo, but a bit off the wall...

Jack Daw - In 4E, you could actually play a talking crow - by RAW.
A pixie druid refluffed as a shape-changing crow spirit from the Feywild, who ended up on the Material Plane after seeing the Raven Queen fly past in her raven form, falling in lust and chasing after her...
Rather than four insectoid wings, he had four single raven feathers as wings. He was loud, raucous, sarcastic and greedy...

And had a nasty habit of snacking on dead enemies. ;)

(The predator druid charger build was actually a pretty passable second-tier striker build with the right items. At-will push and prone effects on their attacks were fun. Pixies have a natural flight speed, and they didn't lose it when they wild-shaped. The Pixie Preda-charger adds some tactically interesting aerial charging shenanigans to the build, and the sight of a large crow whirling around the battlefield knocking ogre-sized opponents down and shredding them was vastly entertaining.)

Polly Pureheart, Pint-sized Paladin of Pelor

Polyphemia Peregrine Pureheart is a halfling paladin. Her personality and visual image is straight-up the stereotypical kid's-cartoon "plucky redheaded kid with freckles and a voice like a chipmunk with a head cold"... She has a childlike personality and a child's simplistic black-and-white sense of right and wrong.
When Polly was a little girl in her halfling village every morning she'd walk outside to start her day, stretch and yawn, and then look up into the sky and say, "Hello, Mr. Sun..."
When Polly was still doing it as a teenager, and still retained her childlike personality, everyone assumed that she'd spent too much time staring into the sun and was more than a little bit touched in the head.
What nobody else in the village realized was that, when Polly was six years old, she'd walked outside, looked up and said, "Hello, Mr. Sun..."

And "Mr. Sun" had replied...

Hello, Polly...

(Although I created her as a joke character, I've also played her in a more serious game as a study of how someone with a clear-cut black-and-white world view deals with living in a much more shades-of-gray world.)

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Hellbox: A Warforged created by master craftsmen to be a weapon and living key to unlock gates to the infernal regions in which he was created. He looked as if he had been roughly crafted from blackest iron, with traceries of fiery red and bright gold...perfect for his purpose.

But he rejected all of that, and instead chose to do good in the world. Now, he is hunted because of it.

I started him out in 3.5Ed and 4Ed a couple of different ways, always multiclassed, usually involving Infernal Warlock or Hexblade and Psychic Warrior/Battlemind, occasionally with some kind of Holy Warrior.
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Staff member
RŌG TUS-KARR: a version of pulp-era/Sci-Fi types like Adam Strange, Flash Gordon, Buck Rodgers and Commando Cody. He's a crash landed alien scout, a heavyworlder. He has some advanced sensory & survival tech built into his uniform, plus some jump jets and a handy blaster pistol for a sidearm. Has a small, golden bird-like robot drone for recon, too. As a heavyworlder, he is physically stronger and more durable than humans. He looks like a bipedal, 7'8" tall pink elephant.

Home world: Snuffleupagron 5. (Winos hate him.)


Staff member
Where the hell is [MENTION=3887]Mallus[/MENTION]? He needs to talk about Joseirus, Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestlers up in here.


First Post
Probably doesn't qualify as Gonzo or crazy but...
I've wanted to make a dwarven bard named Dio Rockmaker. He would naturally play traditional dwarven metal music.

To the great annoyance of the other player I'd probably use metal song names in my dialogue.

'It's dark out. Must be just about Two Minutes to Midnight.'

'We're all alone. As if we're a Rainbow in the Dark'

'A swimming cleric? More like a Holy Diver!'

HAH! This, I love it, you had me man at "Holy Diver" ahahah! XD

That is fan-tastic, and I read a whole BUNCH of crazy dudes up in this thread... but figured that quoting them all might just be a TAD annoying X3

So here are mine! They are the only characters I have ever had the pleasure of playing so far, but I hate hate HATE playing characters with no flaws! So, I made:

A high elf Paladin, Elior, named after the light... with a negative intelligence modifier who was lawful neutral. XD I know that that is not off the wall bonkers! But it was rather interesting playing him - Elior would shout out "BY THE MIGHT OF DOL ARRAH!" Far too often, and cared about upholding her laws more than he actually cared about doing what was "right" or tending to peasants or what not. He was rideculed by his allies, not the most intelligent fellow as he was, and despite his hefty armour was often mistaken for a girl. And they told him he could never be a soldier, pah!

My next dude I was confident enough to go a bit more mad, and since I wasn't under the same GM I had a bit more freedom with the character creation. My current character is a Drow! Aversion to the sun, dark vision, hated and feared by those who live on the surface of Midgard! And, rather timid, not to mention a devout cleric.


I love him, also gets considerable amounts of flack from his party, while his only real ally among them is the one with the split personality! >XD


Dusty Dragon
Where the hell is [MENTION=3887]Mallus[/MENTION]? He needs to talk about Joseirus, Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestlers up in here.

Hmm, I do need about 600 more gods for my yoon-suin campaign...



Yosexi Us , Crab God of Wrestlers. His temple is shaped like a trunkated pyramid, a large platform from which people can see the holy matches (both humans and crab). Strong following among people into crab-man fighting. His aspect is that of a crab, and he demands the sacrifice of amphibians. Temple in Fish District. Holy color is orange. Some of the holy crab-men fighters are clerics of the Crab God, a fact the other holy men are careful to conceal as it would cause trouble and disturb the social order.
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Big Al was a half-ogre fighter who thought he was a bard. He would sing terrible songs and play the lute badly, but no-one ever had the heart (or guts) to tell him he sucked.

My most recent character was Professor Higgins-Boatswain, gnomish wizard, and the world's foremost expert on particle metaphysics.

animal chubs

First Post
I dad a PC, His name was Nihlum and he was a clone that also cut of limbs and other parts to stitch on monster parts. One time he put a sharpened arm bone on the pelvis of one of his undead. Then commanded it to spoon with party members.


Staff member
Dr. Zeus, a genetically engineered hyper-intelligent orangutan who uses high-tech weaponry, mostly based on the theories of Nicola Tesla. A fusion of Gorilla Grodd, Monseur Mallah, Mojo Jojo, and Dr. Zaius. (He was actually an NPC villain in the 1914 version of my Vernian/Wellsian/Space:1889/etc. superheroes setting.)

Brother Sycamore: Clc/Sorc/MysticTheurge/Geomancer (3.5Ed): based loosely on DC Comics' Swamp Thing, he took Plant & Earth as his domains, all of his Drift was plant themed. He's been a nifty healer (via Sacred Healing & Extra Turning). He used Brew Potion in order to grow magical tubers from his body, and his improved familiar was an Earth Elemental.

Adragon Von Basten: Sorc/Ftr (3.5Ed; WOULD have been a BttlSorc/Marshall, but both classes were disallowed): formerly a bouncer in his mother's brothel, he's been on the run since he killed a nobleman's slumming son who got out of control with whom he thought was a whore but was actually a seamstress...and Adragon's beloved. Wears Scale Mail and wields a maul. He casts almost no spells in combat, instead channeling spell energy into his lightning breath weapon (Draconic Heritage, Draconic Breeath).
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Where the hell is [MENTION=3887]Mallus[/MENTION]? He needs to talk about Joseirus, Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestlers up in here.
You rang? (sorry for the delay - was observing a period of mourning for the New York Giants after getting smoked by the Packers).

My most gonzo PC was created for a Mutants and Masterminds campaign. I played him for a couple of years.

Name: Joséirus, the Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestling (or Wrestlers).

Real Name: José Pacifico Juan-Maria Ramirez. Age 14 1/2.

Birthplace: East L.A. Currently living in Empire City on the East Coast, attending the Empire Valley Institute of Learning.

Joséirusis is the current incarnation of the ancient Egyptian god of Mexican wrestling. He is a master of the "Seven Souls Wrestling" of the Meso-Egyptian pantheon. His signature moves include the Cheops Drop (which summons a pyramid out of thin air and drops it on opponents), the Nile-Driver (which causes a poison-snake infested cube of Nile river water to materialize around a target's head), the Khonsuplex (a "hold" that nullifies the target's superpowers), and the Nut-Buster (a prayer to the sky-goddess Nut asking her to pick the target up and drop them from an enormous height).

José can also summon the Chariot of Ra, a horseless war-chariot made of fire that flies "as fast as a fast sports car". With the help his tag-team partner Epic (an ancient Greece-themed brick known for hitting girls) he would deliver the Lariat of Ra, which was José nullifying a villain's powers and then Epic punching the Hell out of them.

Origin: José was a completely normal Latino boy who played way too much Pokemon on his Nintendo DS until the day the spirit of his ancient ancestor appeared before him and told him he was a god and should fight crime.

Which of course was utter nonsense. The "ancient spirit" was actually José's distant descendent, a bored post-human humanities grad student from the 41st century named RAMirez who had access to a) 41st century designer drugs, b) friends with a time machine, and c) a prototype reality-hacking device. RAMirez applied a series of "cheat mods" to José code in his current universe-instance. In theory this was part of an experiment to demonstrate the "Ontological Burn-In Hypothesis", AKA, the "Fake It Until You Make It Principle". In practice, it was because RAMirez and his cronies were bored.

So they went around in the past and created fake gods and mythological creatures using super-science to see if they eventually became "real" at some point in the timeline. Other examples of these fake deities include Vespa, the Roman Goddess of Motor-Scooters, Hello Savior! (by Sanrio), El Diablo Robotico, and José's nemesis, Juannubis.

The best part about José's powers is that the wrestling is entirely fake. He doesn't know how to wrestle, at all. He's physically average, except for being a bit quick. When he uses his powers, it looks like a really crudely animated video game, with Joséirus usually flying up to a target, slapping at them, and then the effect techno-magically just happening.

Crowning Moments of WTF?!: In his first outing, José threw a cut-rate Cthulhu into low-earth orbit. Later, fought the Hulk on a plane (in "Hulks on a Plane!"). Once, he put a bespoke sombrero on the Sphinx and accidentally summoned the Robot Devil. In his last adventure, he stole the Spear of Longinus from Hitler's office in 1945 (so he could give it to the Pope as a gift), causing the Nazis to win WW2.

Did I mention Joséirus was a devout Catholic? He went to confession regularly, usually flying into the Empire City Cathedral on his fire-chariot. The GM strongly hinted José would eventually be canonized, thus becoming the Saint of Ancient Egyptian Mexican Wrestlers).
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