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D&D 5E Give me your craziest, most GONZO PC concepts!

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Staff member
You rang? (sorry for the delay - was observing a period of mourning for the New York Giants after getting smoked by the Packers).

My most gonzo PC was created for a Mutants and Masterminds campaign. I played him for a couple of years.

Name: Joséirus, the Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestling (or Wrestlers).

Real Name: José Pacifico Juan-Maria Ramirez. Age 14 1/2.

Birthplace: East L.A. Currently living in Empire City on the East Coast, attending the Empire Valley Institute of Learning.

Joséirusis is the current incarnation of the ancient Egyptian god of Mexican wrestling. He is a master of the "Seven Souls Wrestling" of the Meso-Egyptian pantheon. His signature moves include the Cheops Drop (which summons a pyramid out of thin air and drops it on opponents), the Nile-Driver (which causes a poison-snake infested cube of Nile river water to materialize around a target's head), the Khonsuplex (a "hold" that nullifies the target's superpowers), and the Nut-Buster (a prayer to the sky-goddess Nut asking her to pick the target up and drop them from an enormous height).

José can also summon the Chariot of Ra, a horseless war-chariot made of fire that flies "as fast as a fast sports car". With the help his tag-team partner Epic (an ancient Greece-themed brick known for hitting girls) he would deliver the Lariat of Ra, which was José nullifying a villain's powers and then Epic punching the Hell out of them.

Origin: José was a completely normal Latino boy who played way too much Pokemon on his Nintendo DS until the day the spirit of his ancient ancestor appeared before him and told him he was a god and should fight crime.

Which of course was utter nonsense. The "ancient spirit" was actually José's distant descendent, a bored post-human humantiies grad student from the 41st century named RAMirez who had access to a) 41st century designer drugs, b) friends with a time machine, and c) a prototype reality-hacking device. RAMirez applied a series of "cheat mods" to José code in his current universe-instance. In theory this was part of an experiment to demonstrate the "Ontological Burn-In Hypothesis", AKA, the "Fake It Until You Make It Principle". In practice, it was because RAMirez and his cronies were bored.

So they went around in the past and created fake gods and mythological creatures using super-science to see if they eventually became "real" at some point in the timeline. Other examples of these fake deities include Vespa, the Roman Goddess of Motor-Scooters, Hello Savior! (by Sanrio), El Diablo Robotico, and José's nemesis, Juannubis.

The best part about José's powers is that the wrestling is entirely fake. He doesn't know how to wrestle, at all. He's physically average, except for being a bit quick. When he uses his powers, it looks like a really crudely animated video game, with Joséirus usually flying up to a target, slapping at them, and then the effect techno-magically just happening.

Crowning Moments of WTF?!: In his first outing, José threw a cut-rate Cthulhu into low-earth orbit. Later, fought the Hulk on a plane (in "Hulks on a Plane!"). Once, he put a bespoke sombrero on the Sphinx and accidentally summoned the Robot Devil. In his last adventure, he stole the Spear of Loginus from Hitler's office in 1945 (o he could give it to the Pope as a gift), causing the Nazis to win WW2.

Did I mention Joséirus was a devout Catholic? He went to confession regularly, usually flying into the Empire City Cathedral on his fire-chariot. The GM strongly hinted José would eventually be canonized, thus becoming the Saint of Ancient Egyptian Mexican Wrestlers).

Sooooo much awesome, of which we are not worthy. :laugh:

You rang? (sorry for the delay - was observing a period of mourning for the New York Giants after getting smoked by the Packers).

My most gonzo PC was created for a Mutants and Masterminds campaign. I played him for a couple of years.

Name: Joséirus, the Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestling (or Wrestlers).

Real Name: José Pacifico Juan-Maria Ramirez. Age 14 1/2.

Birthplace: East L.A. Currently living in Empire City on the East Coast, attending the Empire Valley Institute of Learning.

Joséirusis is the current incarnation of the ancient Egyptian god of Mexican wrestling. He is a master of the "Seven Souls Wrestling" of the Meso-Egyptian pantheon. His signature moves include the Cheops Drop (which summons a pyramid out of thin air and drops it on opponents), the Nile-Driver (which causes a poison-snake infested cube of Nile river water to materialize around a target's head), the Khonsuplex (a "hold" that nullifies the target's superpowers), and the Nut-Buster (a prayer to the sky-goddess Nut asking her to pick the target up and drop them from an enormous height).

José can also summon the Chariot of Ra, a horseless war-chariot made of fire that flies "as fast as a fast sports car". With the help his tag-team partner Epic (an ancient Greece-themed brick known for hitting girls) he would deliver the Lariat of Ra, which was José nullifying a villain's powers and then Epic punching the Hell out of them.

Origin: José was a completely normal Latino boy who played way too much Pokemon on his Nintendo DS until the day the spirit of his ancient ancestor appeared before him and told him he was a god and should fight crime.

Which of course was utter nonsense. The "ancient spirit" was actually José's distant descendent, a bored post-human humantiies grad student from the 41st century named RAMirez who had access to a) 41st century designer drugs, b) friends with a time machine, and c) a prototype reality-hacking device. RAMirez applied a series of "cheat mods" to José code in his current universe-instance. In theory this was part of an experiment to demonstrate the "Ontological Burn-In Hypothesis", AKA, the "Fake It Until You Make It Principle". In practice, it was because RAMirez and his cronies were bored.

So they went around in the past and created fake gods and mythological creatures using super-science to see if they eventually became "real" at some point in the timeline. Other examples of these fake deities include Vespa, the Roman Goddess of Motor-Scooters, Hello Savior! (by Sanrio), El Diablo Robotico, and José's nemesis, Juannubis.

The best part about José's powers is that the wrestling is entirely fake. He doesn't know how to wrestle, at all. He's physically average, except for being a bit quick. When he uses his powers, it looks like a really crudely animated video game, with Joséirus usually flying up to a target, slapping at them, and then the effect techno-magically just happening.

Crowning Moments of WTF?!: In his first outing, José threw a cut-rate Cthulhu into low-earth orbit. Later, fought the Hulk on a plane (in "Hulks on a Plane!"). Once, he put a bespoke sombrero on the Sphinx and accidentally summoned the Robot Devil. In his last adventure, he stole the Spear of Loginus from Hitler's office in 1945 (o he could give it to the Pope as a gift), causing the Nazis to win WW2.

Did I mention Joséirus was a devout Catholic? He went to confession regularly, usually flying into the Empire City Cathedral on his fire-chariot. The GM strongly hinted José would eventually be canonized, thus becoming the Saint of Ancient Egyptian Mexican Wrestlers).

I feel at this point, I must declare it official: Thread Winner!!!!!!

You had me at "Hulks on a Plane!"


Dusty Dragon
Well... I'm going to "cheat" again and present my most Gonzo "lowly NPC that hangs out with the PC" type.

Udit was a human that came from the Lamarakhi, a culture of river people living on clans. He was exiled for being sexually deviant - he was unwilling to sleep with his brother's wife (as it is customary in his culture). Udit went from job to misadventure until he gained employment at as a carrier/gofer for a noble house of slugmen, and was assigned to a PC (a slugman cleric).

Udit's face was heavily pock-marked, but not due to illness. Rather he once drank a poison that would grow back his missing teeth. This worked too well, and he had to yank out dozens of teeth from his face. The potion also made him grew several dozens extra toes. He hide these toes by constantly wearing high quality boots he stole (they are actually enchanted and do extra damage). He is very proud of his boots and roughly 50% of his arguments for doing/not doing something boil down to "I have good boots!"

Udit also got magical tatoos, one that allows him to carry more stuff (magical ant), and the other that allows him to stretch his limbs beyond the norm, although he takes damage for doing so (magical octopus).

Udit appears fairly easy going but he's actually feeling a lot of stress and likes to relax by indulging in various narcotics... but not while on duty.


Staff member

You need to somehow solve a campaign issue by summoning the spirit of the Nile to flood the LA storm drainage system, just so you can look at the effects and say in amazement, "Ay, Hapi, I did not know you could do it like THAT!"
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First Post
My characters in general tend to skew more gonzo than not. From Pia Bloobledoop, Gnome Paladin of the Sea God who is constantly asking people to convert, to Agna Ironoak, my rowdy, abrasive Dwarf Druid. But if you're asking for my most gonzo D&D character then without a doubt you want Pleasant-Odor-Of-The-Earth-After-The-Rain.

Pleasant-Odor is a Goblin Shaman (Classwise I'd probably make them a Nature Cleric in 5E). Pleasant-Odor comes from a tribe of good aligned goblins that live in a swamp. Pleasant-Odor's gender identity is nonbinary and they use they/them pronouns. They're the smartest goblin in their entire tribe, and shortly after becoming a shaman, Pleasant-Odor decided to travel the world and learn as much as they can. During their travels, Pleasant-Odor discovered that most other goblin tribes did not share the peaceful beliefs of their tribe. They also noticed that many goblins were enslaved or oppressed by other forces. Pleasant-Odor was outraged by the plight of their people. They swore an oath to help all of Goblinkind.

Thus, Pleasant-Odor-Of-The-Earth-After-The-Rain founded the Goblin Goblin Liberation Front. An organization dedicated to helping the goblin race by freeing them from the control of evil forces that would oppress them and teaching them that they too deserve a place in society and that by abandoning their evil ways, goblins can find peace and happiness among the other races of the world. Not only that, but the Goblin Goblin Liberation Front is also dedicated to teaching the other races of the world to overcome their anti-goblin prejudice and help uplift their future goblin friends.

So far, the Goblin Goblin Liberation Front is solely comprised of Pleasant-Odor, but armed with their stacks of pamphlets and posters, Pleasant-Odor is ready to spread their message to everyone they meet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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