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D&D 5E Give me your craziest, most GONZO PC concepts!


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
A halfling monk chassis reskinned as a drahthaar hunting dog! It's small size and adept at unarmed strike...it's even bearded!


Small dog (ghostwise halfling monk), neutral
Armor Class 16 (unarmored defense)
Hit Points 10 (1d8 + 2)
Speed 25 ft.
STR 12 (+1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 08 (–1)
Skills Athletics +3, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5
Saving Throws Strenght +3, Dexterity +5
Passive Perception 15
Languages Understand Common, Halfling, Sylvan
Lucky When Bocoe roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, he can reroll the die and must
use the new roll.
Brave Booce have advantage on saving throws against
being frightened.
Drahthaar Nimbleness Booce can move through the
space of any creature that is medium or larger.
Silent Speech. Booce can speak telepathically to any creature
within 30 feet that share a language.
Unarmed strike Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
As a drahthaar hunting dog, Booce is an outlander that always lived in
the wilderness. He has an excellent memory of geography making him
a good guide. Booce also have no difficulty finding food and water to
survive. Despite being distrustful of strangers, he always find a way to
communicate and make himself understood by others.

Ideal: "I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups."
Bond: "My pack is the most important thing in my life."
Flaw: "I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies."

D&D Playtester
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I had an npc who was a chimpanzee mage... I used modified halfling stats for it.
It had been the familiar of a powerful archmage, but had become Awakened upon his master's death due to a Contingency. It couldn't speak common, but had learned to cast spells in "chimp speech" and used sign language and a small flip-book of common phrases to communicate with the human ranger who'd been the cohort of the archmage and now served the monkey. It dressed like an adventuring mage, right down to wearing a cloak, backpack and a large pouch and carrying a staff and spell book.
The monkey rode on the archmage's Awakened talking horse, who had several levels of fighter and spoke in a very dry, uppercrust British accent.
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Pick any race. They all work. I'll say Goliath for this specific example, though.

Background should be Entertainer: Gladiator.

Beastmaster Ranger 4 and the rest Wolf Totem Barbarian. It's important that the Ranger be Beastmaster.

Main stats should be Str, Cha, and Con. Trained in Athletics, Acrobatics, Persuasion, and Performance.

Feats: Grappler, Tavern Brawler, Martial Adept (Distracting Strike and Menacing Attack)

Your wolf is there to howl and announce your presence, while the Bard plays this song.

Your name is Kevin Nash. And you are a pro wrestler.


I played a priest one time whose spellcasting ability was based entirely on his belief that he himself was ascending to godhood, and the faith of the people he'd convinced to worship him.

I am playing a similar character right now. She's an aasimar light cleric who believes she's a nascent hellgoddess and draws divine power from her faith in her own divinity (or profanity, as the case may be). She also makes Faustian bargains for people's souls and actively tries to convert others to worshiping her.

Edit: she's basically a female Satan. I even named her Mallucia, a contraction and twisting of the Latin words for evil and light.


I'm currently playing a chubby necromancer high-elf. She started out as being an outcast from the elvish lands. Not an outcast as directly being thrown out - but an outcast as she will never returned because she was bullied as a youngster. She have a problem with body fat and was always told she wouldn't be a proper elf.

So, as a result of that, she left the elvish lands and ended up as an apprentice of a magician. She quickly found out that necromancy was one of the directions that elves almost never ventured into so she set herself a goal of being the best necromancer ever. And when she ended up being the best she would travel back to visit the elves and show them.

We're currently level 11 and she still have some work to do, but she's going in the right direction. Last session she animated two undeads who fired longbows at a dragon (without the others in the party knowing about it).


Staff member
Nostrildamus, a gnomish diviner who literally sniffs out the future.

Tuu-Maa, an albino Minotaur from a tribe modeled after Plains Indian culture. He excelled in archery and arcane arts, and many believed him to be an omen for his people.


As long as i get to be the frog
I never played him but I always wanted to create a character whose sole purpose was to run a Ponzi scheme and convince everyone it was legitimate and become the richest and eventually most hated man in the world.


Well, most of my gonzo concepts are for NPC's really. One I had was back in 2nd addition when the Blood War was carried on the Devil's side by 8 great pit fiends. I was wondering what they might look like, and then it hit me we have like Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Rogue, Fighter, Wizard, Sorceror, Monk, Evil Paladin, so I'd just add 20 levels of the respective class on top of a Pit Fiend, which would make them pretty rocking badass, especially if they ever felt the need to actually operate as a party. The Gonzo one was going to be the Bard. I had envisioned something like the Warhammer 40k Noise Marines of Nurgle. Giant pit fiend, axe guitar, some fantastic version of Amps strapped to his back. As I said, Gonzo. If you weren't already halfway there before I mentioned it, you're probably unlikely to ever get there :)

Also I wanted a PC(Paladin probably) who was by declared alignment and intent and deed Lawful Good, but his inherent nature was violently Chaotic Evil. Basically a bad seed as a child, raised by someone who tried to correct his nature. The PC is acts pathologically to do good and stick to the rules, because he's really repressing an evil nature, sorta like Dexter but without actually committing evil when he can get away with it, but constantly waging that inner battle.

And last and probably least, Fancy the Gnome Bard! Generously ripping off a notorious player in the online game Everquest, with a good dose of Tasslehoff Burrfoot thrown in, I made this character in no small part because a good friend of mine has always loathed both gnomes and bards. This was 4th ed, and he was actually pretty damn effective, enough so that my friend grew to like him a bit, after a few sessions of teeth gnashing frustration with me :)
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I've got an eldritch knight where the character is secretly the personality of a sentient sword controlling its wielder.

Towards the end of 3e I played a war forged monk, who was a wizard that had made himself an impenetrable body out of fear of vampires, but was betrayed by his assistant and now had no access to his magic.

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THE BLACK BOKKEN: Bouregard Kensington LeFleur, graduate Cajuninja of the Gumbo Dojo. Known for a using a black bokken (of course) and cayenne pepper infused smoke bombs.

His Master's last words: "Don't go ninjer'in nobody that don't need ninjer'in".

Quotes: "Haiiii-y'alll!", "Kaaaiii-yeeee!!!", "BAM!"

Forgot: don't ever call him a "Swamp Ninja".
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