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Storyteller01 said:
PS: My apologizes for being snarky about the sniper rifle/grenade combo. It's possible mechanically, and real life shouldn't interefer in your fun.

No worries! And thanks for the great material.

It's odd the the d20 future rules make no mention of anything special about a sniper rifle other than cost and range. Maybe in the future technology has produced a sniper rifle that even your average marine can't damage too badly.



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Game designers aren't weapon specialists. Heck, infantry doesn't know as much about the weapon as the sniper who uses it.

Anyway, we had a sniper with a similar combo (an underslung single shot rocket propelled grenade launcher), but the idea was to be as precise with the rocket launcher as they were with the rifle. If she didn't maintain them daily, they lost their MW bonus.

The character concept was long distance support with thermal imagining and bullets capable of punching through most materials, or of putting the rocket through narrow windows to take out groups. The 'sniper rocket' was her long distance answer to cleave ;).

The character was based on a sniper house rule though. Using the rocket almost always negated the sniper shot capabilities if guards are outside (they now know where you are). Made a great distraction for infiltrators.
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Written by Storyteller01:

Yep, White Phospherous is a nasty thing. :]

Sorry, no link. I can type them up with an OGC attachment (since they already are) tomorrow.

End quote.

Please do so.


First Post
Atmosphere Eater:
-4d6 fire damage
-20 radius
-Lasts 3 rounds
-Creatures invulnerable to fire still take half damage.
-Objects within range take damage, but objects with a hardness of 10 only take damage on the first round.
-Water doesn't hinder this effect.
-There is no save listed in the item description.
-Although not listed, all other grande weapons in this game have a range inc of 10 ft.

Charge Mace (3.0):
-Small Bludgeoning weapon, 2d6 damage

Monofilament axe (3.0):
-Medium Slashing weapon, 2d10 damage, ignores 2 points of natural or armor AC and 5 points of hardness

Inertial Harness (3.0):
- +1 Armor check penalty, +5% arcane spell failure, burst rounds strike on every 4 above what is needed to strike (usually every 5), reduces the suppressive fire penalty to -2 (usually -4)

Wideview Scope:
-10x magnification for distance penalties for spot checks
-Doubles weapons effective range increment
-Attacker keeps half their Dex bonus while aiming (usually considered flat footed)

Don't have the stats for Shadow Run. Sorry 'bout that. :)



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How about this:


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    131.8 KB · Views: 58


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Dragonstar has a dwarven 'power-pick' that achors itself in a target. It can also be used in the uglosh (butchered spelling). Nasty stuff (auto-hits every round) if you're willing to take the movement penalty.

Combine this with some 'spike & line' tech, and you have some evil battlefield control.

Warhammer has a monofilament injector. Pierces the body, injects 30+ feet of monofilament wire, then pulls it back out again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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