Gloria e Flamae Solei


Agral Orte

"I must confess I´ve been working alone in all my years travelling through Khorvaire" says Agral. "And thus I´m not used to be a leader or a follower of mortal men, though I´ll invest my spirit in doing so now. The title of Seneschal is not made for mw in this ocassion, in the case any of you were thinking on me"

"Now, if time is essential, we must decide how to travel now, before I go to gather my weapons and armor. Then we can meet at an appointed place to catch whatever means of travel we´re going to use, and make our plans as we approach Sigilstar"

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Lhulan Ceth

His pale brow furrowing with distraction, Lhulan gives the newly-comissioned Pious a deferential nod. He'd take the time to say some words of congratulation and promise, if the nature of his faction's first mission didn't concern him so.

'Not a pleasant task,' indeed. I hope the good father will listen to reason, but if it must be done...

He speaks up, humbly. "There's a lightning rail line to Sigilstar." Lhulan has ridden it before, in fact. Sigilstar holds quite a few interesting records and relics. "We should be able to get there in less than a day. It looks like the hardest thing about this task will be getting Father Cilain to see sense."

In fact, unless the Lodge is expecting some unmentioned difficulties, this all looks far too simple...


GreatLemur said:
"There's a lightning rail line to Sigilstar."

"Good. I´ll see you there in an hour, since I don´t need to buy anything." says Agral. "I suggest we buy passage separatedly, and if any of you have a different means of travelling, use it. The key part of this mission is to avoid suspicion, or give the appearance of an organized group."


Slipping the letter of credit into the recesses of his robe, Elohim gives pause to the honor bestowed upon him, but interjects as the tall southern man makes to leave, "pause sir, for you have not properly introduced yourself, an impolite gesture at the least." Turning to Lhulan, "those who have no other means of such swift travel should take the lightning rail as you suggest, which I presume for most is the case. Lhulan, if you would accompany me, I care to do a bit of research before leaving. If you travel by other means, I expect you there tomorrow by dusk."

He waits for the others to file out before taking his leave last.


Lhulan Ceth

His face lights for a moment before he manages to reassert his control. A chance to prove himself to the Pious before the mission has even begun!

And, if I can do so, could I qualify myself for Seneschal? But how can he be expected to choose any of us when we've all just met? Or maybe that's the point of the research?

So thinking, Brother Lhulan bows and nods, swiftly and repeatedly. "Yes. Yes, of course. I suppose I know the Flamekeep archives as well as anyone." That sounded prideful. "Or as well as anyone my age, more likely."

Remembering another concern, he turns to look over the other faction members. "We'll need a way to meet up, won't we? There are inns all around the lightning rail station. I remember one named Kondith's had a rather decent restaurant, last time I was there. It's run by House Ghallanda, so I imagine it's unlikely to have any Church connections." He looks to Judge Elohim for approval.

OOC: Bobitron, is this kind of detail-fabrication okay? If not, I'll edit out Lhulan's last three sentences.


GreatLemur said:
OOC: Bobitron, is this kind of detail-fabrication okay? If not, I'll edit out Lhulan's last three sentences.

OOC: That's fine with me. I want an interactive story, not something one-sided.


This one is definately proving resourceful and swift, the others however seem more passive. Much to be considered.

Elohim taps his staff lightly on the ground causing Rishi to mildly ruffle her feathers, "Kondith's at dusk," he says without pause, it seems he is aware of his pride, although uncertain of himself. He observes the others with a keen intensity, have I seen these before, what do I know of them, inquiring to himself in rhetorical fashion.

OOC: Would a Knowledge (religion) check give me any information on those present?



You find it easy enough to recall all the public knowledge about each of the faction members with only minor research. As a high ranking Inquisitor, much information is available to you; the Flame's Judges keep a close eye on its more powerful subjects.

OOC: I'm assuming a take 10 roll with a bonus of +18. Anything the players posted in the backgrounds that is common or public information is revealed. Deeper secrets may be learned with additional research, but it is beyond what can be uncovered in a single evening. If there is any confusion about what Elohim would know, just ask.


First Post
Ivan Kurgoth

Ivan remains quiet throughout the rest of the introductions. Noting and dismissing the southern fellows lack of introduction. Perhaps they are not what I expected, but...

ooc/ Have I heard of any of the others exploits?[/ooc]

He looks at and then pockets the letter for credit. I wonder what its extent is.
Ivan gives a polite bow to the pious. It's probably for the best, The lodge seems think he will make a better leader, and I doubt their wrong. Now that leaves the seneschal, the solo man doesn't want it and it's not going to be me for I’ve done nothing to deserve it. So it down to another judge or the historian.

He checks his posture and gains a smile. I shouldn't dwell on things, not when I've been named an elite and placed within a group of peers.

Before he leaves to take the earliest lightning rail, he will idly study the tomb and listen to the rest of the group.


Ivan: You have led a life among the same circles as them, so you have heard the names of Lhulan Ceth, Elohim, and Dathen Trament before. Each member has a reputation as a fierce opponent of evil.

You think you recognize the southerner, so he is not completely unfamiliar, but you have never seen or heard of the monk. Perhaps some research would reveal more.

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