GM found! 0-level funnel pending!

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ooc: Hey all. Sorry for being absent, and then lazy. Too much on my plate, and then got shy about checking in. If it's okay, I'm too far behind on this game to catch up and do a good job, so I'll officially bow out. sorry. :blush:

thanks for running this, btw.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I am confused on an issue. The murcurial effect...does it ALWAYS HAPPEN or only if you fail a caster level check?


Scott, it's been 10 days since my last post (other than pointing out issues & answering questions). If you can't get an action up by Thursday night I'm moving on without your actions.

Deuce, yes, Bless on Tender is fine.


You have two caster checks listed but no indication of what those checks are for and no actual description of actions.

As for animals, if you cast animal summoning you decide when summoning. There aren't many animals in the monster chapter so I'll probably have to make something up anyway. As reference, a wolf has 1 HD, a dire wolf 2 HD.

EDIT: Ah, I see. You edited it into an earlier post instead of your latest.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ah, very good that you found it! with the roll I got, I could get a 4 hd creature or two 2 hd creatures.

I wish to take the two 2 hd creatures option as two wolves , please

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