God Creation - Immortals Ascencion

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Akira Whitlock

no, the quintessence used in artifacts is 1/4 of 1/3of all quintessence for one arti, while the gold doesn't matter much (its more)

Then lets quantify things:
If i am an HD40 god character with 50,000 quintessence
Lets say i want an artifact that is a +10 weapon
Said +10 weapon costs 200k or if i make it as a normal piece of weaponry it would require 100k gold + 8k experience
can i afford this weapon as an artifact as a deity? if so how much quintessence would be require?


First Post
To determine the power of artifacts/epic items, instead of resorting to wealth tables, simply apply the following guidelines:
ECL ÷ 2 = Total enhancement bonuses for epic items which are: bonus squared x 10,000 GP value (such as armor, belt’s of strength, bracers of armor, cloaks of resistance, shields etc.)
e.g. The demon prince Baphomet (39 HD) with full equipment would be ECL 69. So his bracers of armor are going to be 69 ÷ 2 = 34 (round fractions down) total enhancement bonuses. In this case simply bracers of epic armor +34.
ECL ÷ 2.8 = Total enhancement bonuses for epic items which are: bonus squared x 20,000 GP value (such as amulets of natural armor, rings of protection, weapons etc.)
e.g. The greater god Odin (118 Class Levels) with full equipment would be ECL 198. So his greatspear Gungnir is going to be 198 ÷ 2.8 = 70 (round fractions down) total enhancement bonuses. Typically half this figure is enhancement bonus and the other half is made up of weapon special abilities. So Gungnir could be a +35 holy power (8), unerring (25) greatspear of distance (1) and returning (1).
For items that are not necessarily measured in terms of bonuses (such as an Amulet of the Planes or a Rod of Rulership) simply determine the GP value of the item by working out the cost of one of the above item types.
e.g. A +23 weapon would cost 10,580,000 GP (23 x 23 x 20,000).
For combination items (where multiple items are within a single vessel) remember to work out the item cost under the standerd rules.
e.g. A +8 Belt of Strength which also added +8 to Wisdom is not a +16 item (2,560,000 GP). Instead it costs 1,92o,000 million GP.

thanks uk

Akira Whitlock

Question: when you double an ability score(such as str) with legendary str what all is multiplied? Inherent? Base? Divine rank bonus? Equipment?
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Akira Whitlock

So i did a test with a few players and things went pretty well
they played level 200 deities with 40 divine abilities
they faced against a cosmic slime and a hyper sonic dragon(MTG reference)
things i quickly learned
Melee Players deal approx 5k per hit if they hit several times 16+ each turn or 20-40k if they hit only 4-5 times
Mage users are still quite powerful and can deal 100k-1.2m damage each round
Mage users are also quite adept at increasing their saves(at this point) i have heard that saves will get incredibly high making things harder for casters.

question time:
Cosmic Firmament: since we are old ones at the moment and technically we are always within our godly realm
would that mean our divine rank bonuses to AC and saves etc are always increased by double?
Also since we are in our aura at all times i remember reading something about double hp if they are there i cannot remember

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