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Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th


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Providence, RI !

After playing in Piratecat's Boston Superhero game during the small but spectacular BisbeeCon, I have been inspired to create a Rhode Island based superhero group.

Providence, RI is to be their headquarters since it is also where I work. It would be much cooler if my job description included crime fighting and wild mutant powers!

BTW Horacio, Very Cool!

- Xaltar

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Piratecat said:
Sure! Call it Providence RI, and you should be just about right. Smaller than New York or Boston but still considered a sizeable city, Providence is bedeviled with rumors of corrupt government. Seems like a good setting to me!

Rumors, nothing! I thought the mayor was indicted on federal charges earlie this year. The city is nice; one major University (Brown), and RISD (the Rhode Island School of Design) populate one side of the city with lots of students and academics.

HP Lovecraft is buried in Providence as well; saw the gravesite in the family plot when I visited there back in 2000. Miskatonic is really Brown Univ, you know :)


My Spider-sense is tingling... A great new Story Hour must be about to start! :)

Wow! Thanks, Mr. Cat!
Truely, it's a great honour. The most revered story hour writer of these boards likes my story!

That's odd, I've not seen Sepulchrave post here yet :D ;)


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Well, it looks like I'll have yet another Story Hour to read instead of updating my own. ;) :cool:

Looking forward to shouting out a, "GREAT UPDATE" along with everyone else.


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Oh, and don't forget the cliffhangers! Everybody loves cliffhangers!
that's solid advice from someone voted 'cliffhanger- king' by the readers of his storyhour :D

Tell us more! Tell us more!


Love superheroes!

Glad to see a super's game here on the boards. Like the others I am interested in seeing how d20 works with the superhero genre. I myself am slooowly setting up a superhero game using HERO and probably a world akin to BlackOmegas Vendetta world...and similar to ours....

But on with the GARS! Where is the post!?


Wow, people, THANKS!

Really, I didn't expected to find such an interest in my story, thanks a lot! I won't dissapoint you.

Later today, I will post an update with the next PC, Rubber Girl.

About the Expertise/Int 13 error, the player "forgot" that. But as the character concept was good, I didn't say anything ;)

More later!


So let's begin answering some of the questions and sugestions you have posted



Providence, RI... Good idea. Now I need a good map of Providence :D

So my campaign will be centered in Providence, RI. But in Terra 2, Providence is called Golden Apple, RI. Why? There are several reasons...

Even if it is physically modelled over Providence (if I find a map), I want tohave the freedom of modifying it at will. If I want a local baseball team called Applerunners that play in a stadium built over an ancient native burial site, I can do it if I call the city Golden Apple, but if I call it Providence, it would be less real. It's a bit like Lovecraft and Miskatonic :)

And the name, Golden Apple, well, Umbran has seen it, I think (haven't you, Umbran?). Discordia will a key word in this story, so the mythological resonaces of Golden Apple can be very symbolic.

And why near Boston? Well, that's a secret, but in my head, when I prepared the campaign, the city was called Miskatonic. You will read why...



Thanks a lot! I would gladly accept your doublechecking, specially in the FCTF specific stuff. But you will find that I modified/added some powers. In fact, I will post here the modified or new powers when they will appear.



Well, each player created his/her character in the two of the session, origins and stats, commenting everything with me and the other characters. So in fact, I didn't notice the Int 12 & Expertise problem until yesterday when I posted the stats...
And then I thought about it. I like the character concept, and it's not a very important thing... and I think the player forgot to add the +1 Int skill point each level, that means she had forgotten 4+8=12 skill points... I think I will tell her in next session to give me 2 of this points for forgetting the requirement poblem and use the other 10 points...


J'quan: Thanks a lot for the info! Then reality imitates fiction, because Mayor Eastroad from Golden Apple isn't also very clean...

Darklone: Not, I can't bump my own stories. I must add something in each post to conceal the bump ;)

Lazybones: Thanks, Lazybones! If you have questions about the stats, feel free to ask here, I don't want to open a gallery so soon. So ask here all your questions

Ziona: Thanks! I hope I will translate all the action and fun we have playing it. If I succed it will be almost like a comic book

fenzer, Taboo, Xaltar, Lela, Broccli_Head: Thanks! I'm glad you liked the beginning. I hope you will like it all. I hope the story won't dissapoint you :)

Morrus: When the author of the superb FCTS book tells you he wants to see the other PCs, then I'm proud :)

Krellic: Bump foe... hum... idea! :)

drunkadelic: Yes, giving me the pre-release copy was a nefarious plan form Morrus, and I hope it will succed and you buy the pdf... ;)

Ashy: Ol' tiefer, you are welcome! Thanks!

Jarval: Sepulchrave is maybe one of the best living writters in Earth, I agree. But Mr. Cat almost invented the story hour concept ;)

Maldur: Of course I will use cliffhangers! It will be my revenge! :)

That's all, folks! I will post Rubber Girl stats latter today... :)


Here you have the update promised:

G.A.R.S. cast

Rubber Girl


Drawing done with HeroMachine v2.0 (beta)

Rubber Girl, 1st/6th/2nd level Fighter/Hero/Rogue,

Sarah Peterhason was born in 1982. She always was a shy girl. The early death of her parents had marked her childhood, and beign raised with her ultraconservative aunt Rose in a small village near Golden Apple hadn't helped to develop her character. She never had many friends, she passed most of her time lone in a corner while other children mocked on her.

All this changed when she become a teenager. She was the prettiest girl in the school, and suddently all the boys wanted to speak with her. But she wasn't interested on boys, there were all boring brutes. But she felt an attraction to other girls, attraction that, with the conservative education that her aunt has given her, she considered horribly sinful. She lived a very unhappy life, feeling herself bad and dirty, until she met an older girl, Ellen, who taught her the way of love. Sadly, it didn't last long time, because a jealeous rejected boy told the story to the priest and he informed Sarah's aunt.

Aunt Rose was horrified. The girl she had raised like a daughter, the girl who she had taken care of, the girl that without her help wouldn't have had a normal childhood, that girl was an evil vassal of Satan, an obscene devious creature of forbidden lust. Why did God had allowed that? He, in His mighty justice, wanted to test her, Rose Peterhason. And she would succed the test. That evening Aunt Rose did beat Sarah with a wooden stick until all her back was soaked on blood, and she expelled Sarah from her house, forbidding her to ever come back. Aunt Rose slept that night with the firm belief that she has passed a divine testand succeded in it. That night Sarah almost passed away. Tha pain, both physical and moral, was almost unendurable. She crawled towards Ellen's home, and told her what had happened. Next morning, both girls fled bus to Golden Apple.

Life in Golden Apple wasn't easy for a couple of pretty homeless teenager girls, but soon they learnt to survive. And for some months they were poor but happy. Some petty theft, some street performing, some sall jobs. But a fateful night, when Ellen and Sarah returned to the void old house they called home, they were assaulted by a gang. They wanted their money and (I want to leave this story PG rated, so you can add here what do you think). The girls tried to run, but the gangers were faster. One of them hit Ellen on the head with a baseball bat, and the young woman fell. Sarah was horrified, full of fear and fury as the gangers surronded her. She rose her arm and cried out. And then something bizarre happened, the air solified around the gangers, covering them with a dark gelatinous substance and immobilizing them. Sarah took Ellen's body and fled without looking back.

Ellen died in Sarah's arms that night. Sarah was consummed by the grief, and shocked by the discovering of her parahuman nature. Many others would have begun a path of revenge, using their powers to beat criminals, but Sarah's good nature took her to use her powers to aid other people in distress. Over the next two years, she gained a reputation as guardian angel of innocents in Golden Apple suburbs under the name of Rubber Girl. When in August 2000 Mayor Eastroad searched members for his Gloden Apple Rescue Squad, the masked paladin of weaks known as Rubber Girl was a natural choice to join the initial team, along Seline Douglas (Dandy) and Willian Smith (Grenadier).

For years, since Ellen's tragic death, Sarah hasn't felt love, but when she met Seline she felt in love almost at the moment. Sarah was sure Seline felt the same thing but tried to deny it, and a bit of tension appeared between them for some months, until a happy night when Seline accepted her feelings and expressed her sentiments to Rubber Girl. Since them, the happiest period on Sarah's life began and the two young women began a relation that grows stronger and stronger. The fact that they didn't try to conceal it and the popularity of the two girls gained a lot of support, and the couple has apperared on the top twenty of Most Romantic Couples for two years now.


Rubber Girl, 1st/6th/2nd level Fighter/Hero/Rogue,
Female human; CR 9; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 1d10 + 6d4 + 2d6 + 9; hp: 38; Init +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+7 Dex); BAB +4; Attack +6 melee (varies) or +11 ranged (rubber balls, 1d6); SA Super powers; SQ Sneak Attack (1d6), Evasion; AL CG; Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Balance +11(7+4), Bluff +6(2+4), Climb +6(2+4), Diplomacy +6(2+4), Disguise +6(2+4), Escape Artist +11(7+4), Gather Information +6(2+4), Jump +3(+2+1), Move Silently +11(7+4), Perform +6(2+4), Trumble +11(7+4); Dodge, Expertise, Improved initiative, Power attack, Mobility, Point Blank Shoot, Armor Proficiency (any), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (martial weapons).

Posessions: Typical for the fiancee of one of the wealthiest gils on the city, almost everything that can be bough on the open market.

Hero Points: 48.

Attack, proyectile (1 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can throw hard rubber balls (1d6 dmg) at 10 ft range. Base rank 1.

Create Object (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can create rubber objects (of Harness 10) out of thin air with a size maximun of 5ft x 5ft x 5ft at close range (25 ft) from her. Can mantain two different objects and if left unattended, each object dissolves in a black puddin like substance in 9 minutes (1 mt/level). Base rank 4. Medium Creation (2 ranks), Enduring Creation (1 ranks), More creations x1 (2 rank), Minor hardness (1 rank), Average Hardness (1 rank), Close range (1 rank).

Entrangle (10 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can produce an immovilicing rubber in a 10ft x 10 ft x 10 ft area. Base rank 8. Radius 5ft x1 (2 ranks).

Heightened Dextery (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +8 Dextery. Base rank 3. Increased effect x3 (9 ranks).

Impact Resistance (6 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. Can reflexively create rubber cushions between her and any upcoming obstacles, nullifying the first 8 dice of damage. Base rank 2. Increased effect x2 (4 ranks).

Shield (5 HrPt) Innated. Activated. Can create a rubber shield that gives her +7 AC from a 180 arc. Base rank 4. Opaque (1 ranks).

Superleap (2 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. Can leap a vertical distance equal to 0.5 x base speed (15 ft) and a horizontal one equal to base speed (30 ft). Base rank 2.


Superleap is a new power I've done. it's cost is based on Flight (5 ranks) with a big restriction (must land after each movement).

Your comments are always welcome!

Dandy, Female human Hero 8/Specialist 1; CR 9; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 8d4 + 1d4 + 9; hp: 29; Init +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 230 ft; AC 18 (+6 Dex, +2 Heightened defense); BAB +4; Attack +12 melee (1d4 unarmed), +6 melee (varies) or +12 ranged (varies); SA Super powers; SQ Knowledge Focus (High Society), Skill Specialisation (Trumble +2) ; AL NG; Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20.

Skills and Feats: Balance +10(6+4), Bluff +9(5+4), Diplomacy +9(5+4), Disguise +9(5+4), Hide +10(6+4), Intimidate +9(5+4), Move Silently +10(6+4), Perform +9(5+4), Ride +10(6+4), Swim +4(0+4), Trumble +12(6+4+2); Dodge, Expertise, Improved initiative, Improved unarmed strike, Weapon finesse (unarmed), Power attack, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons).

Posessions: Typical for one of the welthiest girls on the East Coast, almost anything that can be bought on open market.

Hero Points: 64.

Flight (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. Can fly with good manueverability. Base rank 8. Poor to normal manueverability (2 ranks), Normal to good manueverability (2 ranks).

Heightened Accuracy (3 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +2 bonus to attack roll. Base rank 1. Increased effect x1 (2 ranks).

Heightened Charisma (2 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +2 Charisma. Base rank 2.

Heightened Defense (4 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +2 haste bonus to Defense. Base rank 2. Increased effect x1 (2 ranks).

Heightened Dextery (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +8 Dextery. Base rank 3. Increased effect x3 (9 ranks).

Heightened Fortitude (5 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. +5 Fortitude saves. Base rank 1. Increased effect x4 (4 ranks).

Heightened Will (4 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. +4 Will saves. Base rank 1. Increased effect x3 (3 ranks).

Invulnerability (4 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. DR 5/wood. Base rank 2. Increased effect x2 (2 ranks). (Just wondering, but why wood?)

Super Speed (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. Speed of 230 ft per round. Base rank 1. Increased Speed x9 (9 ranks), Greater Speed x1 (2 ranks).

Uncanny Dodge (6 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. Retien Dex bonus to AC even when caught flatfooted. Base rank 6.

Yeah, you got it handled. We were a little worried that figuring out the powers might be a little tough, but you have calmed our worries. The only 'errors' are small ones, and as for the Expertise thing, I can see no reason why it would be unbalanced to let the character have the feat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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