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Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th

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Answering my faithful readers :)

denmstrsn: Me too, I would love to sleep until noon everyday.

Crothian: I'm very honoured to be the writer of the first story hour you've read. Now you have begun, you can choose another story hour and read it too ;) I hope you will continue with us.

Supers- freak: Good advise, very good advise!

Jarval: Thanks for the praise!

Bob Aberton: Your penance has been fulfilled :D

Lela: Was it too violent? Too graphic? You still liked it, didn't you?

Caliber: Let me explain something. The city known as Golden Apple, in the first version of this adventure, was going to be called Miskatonic...

FullTinCan: You can be sure, they will hate Red Hair Mark a bit more every day.


And now, the update ;)

G.A.R.S. Chapter 1: Lost old iron

Scene 2, arrival

RG: - Why don't we have a GARSJet like Sentinels have their Flying Justice? I really hate helicopters...
D: - Oh, shut up, Rubbergirl! You've already said that five times in the last ten minutes...
BS: - If she don't close up her mouth, I'll solve her problem. I will push her out with my fist!
RG: - Are you trying to scare me, you overgrown blue monster?
G: - Children, be quiet! We have still some hour in this helicopter and I don't want to die from headache!

After several hours of conversations like that one, the helicopter arrived to the Rocky Mountains area where the plane dissapeared. The emergency transponder from the missing plane was located under them, in a 5 km radius, but the abrupt geography didn't allowed to locate it more precisely. There was a rather heavy storm over the region, and the helicopter couldn't descend, so they had to find a way for going down.

D: - It's seems I'm going to be a flying taxi once more...

The first one was Rubbergirl. As usual, as soon as Dandy left her on the ground se created a soft rubber cushion as landing pad, and soon the two others were landed by a rather tired Dandy.

D: - I knew I should have been asked for more flying guys for the team...


It rained a lot, and even if Rubbergirl made them a sort of rubber coats, they were soon all dump and unconfortable. It was almost twilight. Grenadier throwed small energy balls like flares to light the path. Dandy hoovered over the group, using a portable transponder to try to locate the plane's one. Blueskin was on the head of the party, cleaning the way, throwing casually aside big rocks and broken trees.

They walked for one hour, and there was already full night when one of Grenadier's flares let them see the plane. Dandy darted foward at inhuman speed, while the other ran towars the plane. It seemed the pilot had succeded in an emergency landed, because the airplane was mostly in one piece. It had a huge hole on the right side, and both wings were broken, but the cockpit looked intact. When the others arrived, Dandy flew out of the hole in the side with a puzzled look in her pretty face.

D: - It's empty! No pilot, no cargo!

It wasn't going to be a simple mission...

G: - What's that noise?
RG: - What noise?
G: - I hear a "tic tac tic tac"
BS: - Dandy, did you touch enything?
D: - Oh oh oh...
G: - Rubbergirl, quick, make a protective screen! Go, people, it's a bomb!

They suspected the tic-tac was a bomb, so they acted fast. Rubbergirl deployed a rubber screen between the group fleeing route and the plane, and everybody began to run from the crash site. Dandy took again the role of flying taxy and carried Rubbergirl some 100 yards farther. But before she could return to take the others, the bomb explosed and the area near the plane was engulfed in a fire ball. Blueskin, knowing that Grenadier couldn't survive to such an explosion, took and threw him with her mighty strength, sending it near Rubbergirl and Dandy, just before she was engulfed in the fiereball too.

RG: - Blueskin! Nooooooo!!!!


Next one tomorrow
Your comments are always welcome, so please, write something ;)


First Post
Horacio said:

Lela: Was it too violent? Too graphic? You still liked it, didn't you?

Na, just a joke on my part. And yes, I loved it. Putting the logo in between sections is an amazing choice. Reminds me of the old Batman serries, I can even hear the music when I see it.


I'm just glad Blueskin has some damage reduction, I'd hate to loose someone in the very first mission.


Lela: Glad you liked the logo thing, I am fairly proud of it. It reminds me old Batman series too, and the Superfirends cartoon. I loved Superfriends...

Next update :D :

G.A.R.S. Chapter 1: Lost old iron

Scene 3, Seeking for clues

RG: - Blueskin! Nooooooo!!!!

Nobody could have survived that explosion, they were sure they had lost Blueskin. But when the smoke dissipated, they saw a shadow walking difficulty towards them. It was Blueskin. Her usually blue skin was black and scorched, her clothes were destroyed (besides the typical comicbook-like indestructible strategically placed rags to mantain this story PG-13), her hair and eyebows burnt. She walked with a heavy limp, and seemed near collapse, but she was alive.

BS: - Don't worry, guys, I only need some minutes of rest

And it was true, because a minute later her skin began to look less scorched, her hair began to regrow and the open wound in her leg closed. Five miutes later, she was like usual... with a lot less clothes, of course, but Rubbergirl repaired ir creating for her a superb neoprene-like grey swimsuit.

RG: -I'd wish I could color my creations, I would leave this hero nonsense and create fashion...


The group returned to the former crash site, now a big burned patch in the mountain. But this time, following Grenadier's expert advise, they were precautious. Dandy hoovered over the trees, seeking for potential threats, while Grenadier threw a burst of energy balls in the hope of inutilising or at least fire other possible traps. Rubbergirl prepared to make a fast shield if neccesary, and Blueskin simply tore off a big tree and took the big quaterstaff hoping to use it against the head of the bastard who set the bomb trap. She was really pissed off. Nothing waited for them now, besides a lot of fragments of scorched steel, ashes and burned trees. It seemed that somebody was too interested in erasing any possible clue. So the groups debated what to do.

RG: - We should leave this job to a crime-fighting team, Dandy. This is no more a rescue mission...
BS: - Somebody tried to kill us, Sillygirl, and he ruined my costume. I won't let him go before I hit him in the head with my stick!
G: - Technically the girl has reason, it isn't our task anymore, and you know it, but...
D: - But I'm not going to let anybody think he can hurt the GARS and going on. Let's solve the mistery, guys!
RG: - O.K., let's do it, but I don't think it's a good idea...
BS: - Dandy, give her a Scooby Snack if she quit whinning!


According to Dandy's report, the plane was empty. That meant the cargo had dissapeared. And another question raised, why the bomb?

RG: - Becaus ethey wanted to kill us, of course!
G: - I don't think so... I think they didn't want us to find something.
D: - But it was empty!
G: - Are you sure? You only were inside five seconds, are you sure it wasn't anything you could have missed?
D: - Well... I...
G: - So did I think.

But if the had moved all the cargo, they should have left a trail (at least if they haven't taken it by air, but our heroes didn't want to consider such eventuality), so they could find it outside the scorched explosion. They began to search for clues. They spent two hours, using Grenadier's makeshift energy flares to lit the scene, until Rubbergirl found an interesting thing.

RG: - Guys... I think I've found something, you should come here. Quickly!
BS: - The little girl is scared, Dandy, go to confort her.

Half a second latter, Dandy landed near her girlfriend, while she stooped and vomited. Because under a tree, five hundreeds feet from the crash site, there was a dead body. A dead body with a hand size hole in the skull and a absolutly terrorized grimace in the face. Dandy vomited too while the others arrived.

Grenadier, more used to nasty things like that because of his extense military experience, examined the copse. The cause of the death seemed horribly clear: the brain of the death man has dissapeared, probably extracted by the big hole in the skull. One thing was sure, the man wasn't a crew member, they had seen the photos of the crew while travelling to the site. Greanadier seek in the copse's clothes and found a wallet with an ID card and a key card of a read motel, the Eighteenwheels Haven. Dandy used her radio to call the helicopter, but it couldn't come for them until first morning lights, so they decided to return to the crash site and rest there.

RG: - So what are we doing now, guys?
D: - It seems we're going to the Eighteenwheels Haven, Rubbergirl.
RG: - (sigh) So we're not passing the whole affair to the police, aren't we?

(no answer)

G: - I don't like it, people. It was almost too easy, finding the key in the copse's wallet and all that. I don't like it.
BS: - It's a trap, guys, we all realize it, don't we?
D: - So what do you propose?
BS: - To follow the clue, of course.

So they did.


Next one this tomorrow
Your comments are always welcome!
Last edited:


First Post
You're Frnech, or Spanish? Your English is pretty good, and you do a good job telling the story. The players sound pretty fun, and I'm digging the game, but hey, write faster!

:) See, I now know why you're always out there commenting on all the story-hours. It's because no single storyhour ever gets updated fast enough. :)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Horacio said:

Half a second latter, Dandy landed near her girlfriend, while she stooped and vomited. Because under a tree, five hundreeds feet from the crash site, there was a dead body. A dead body with a hand size hole in the skull and a absolutly terrorized grimace in the face. Dandy vomited too while the others arrived.

I had to read this twice. The idea of a hand sized hole in a skull is cause for pause.

Great work Horacio.


Oh! :eek:
The bumper gets bumped :)
Thanks a lot, people!

fenzer: Glad you liked the image, I tried to do it as graphic as possible ;)

Krellic: Yes, ironic and funny. Here you have your update!

Caliber: I've been reading comic book since I was a little child, and I've always oved when a super takes something giant and uses it as a weapon. Lamp posts, trees, gas pipes, everything can the used as clubs or quaterstaffs...

Supers-freak: I'm Spanish but I live in France. Thanks for the compliment about my English. I hope it is true and I'm not doing too many mistakes...

And now, the update

Voidrunner's Codex

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