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Good vs Evil: D&D Wargaming


With a successful spot check, Axorius is able to teleport invisibly next to the dragon when it pops up again. It gasses a market square, killing more innocents, but when it tries to flee back to safety once more...

A single touch is all it took. One touch, and the massive flow of positive energy poured across the ghostly being... it screams one last mighty scream, and dissapates into the wind.

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Axorius breathes a sigh of relief, but is well aware the the dragon will return. He scans the cavern for any other enemy presence, and seeing none relaxes slightly.

With a gesture and a telepathic message, he sends the remaining Lantern Archon back to the Skylance to relay what happened at Lowgate. Moments later another Archon appears as the domino web of messengers flows across the continent.

(telepathically to Dan and Zan, and any other friendly who is in the city) "Now, we have a different problem. It is very difficult to destroy a Ghost. Usually it requires a righting of the wrong which created it, and for dragons nothing is more important than the hoard. Returning the gold to the dragon may satiate its fury, but it may not further our cause in the war. Perhaps there is a way (Knowledge: Religion +17 again?) to sever the unholy spiritual tie of the dragon to his hoard. Without that tie, nothing chains him to the mortal realm."

(if the Religion check fails, still telepathically) "There are powerful divination magics that might be able to find this solution for us. I hope we can find a way to use them in time."

(whether the Religion check succeeds or fails, telepathically) "The Skylance is making its way here presently, but it will take the better portion of a week to arrive. My Archons are present in most cities of the kingdom as messengers and alarum-sounders. How shall we bring our forces to bear against the enemy? Nay, do not answer yet. We should discuss this in a room warded against Scrying."


Perfect... this pulls us right in the direction of a plot hook I'd wanted to start up...

Wrahn: The mirror replies, "Free the Dragon from that which the Dragon is bound" and displays a picture of an island you've never seen before. The island is in the middle of the ocean, no land is in sight. It is nighttime in the image, and the sky is clear of clouds.

Nameless: The oldest religious tomes speak of times in the ancient past when the dead could not leave to their eternal rest. Every being who died remained as a ghost, and the ghosts resented it... hated the living. And when the barrier was lifted, and the dead were allowed to pass on, thousands chose not to, and bound themselves to things they had possessed in their life.

To combat this, powerful artifacts were created... they had to be powerful, in order to banish thousands of ghosts at a time. These artifacts (and there were several made) not only severed such ties ghosts had to objects, but also prevented magic from working within their range, which legends recount as being extensive.

Artifacts are well known for being nearly impossible to destroy. There must be some still around somewhere... the tomes do not specify where.


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"Thank you, Axorius. I think it would be cheaper to buy a trap the soul or forcecage scroll then to hand the foul beast our rightfully earned spoils."

Then Zan delivers the following message to the survivers: "I would like to call a meeting in 15 minutes, at towns square, to discuss the recent attack."

At the said time:
"I'm am sorry for our losses. This will not end untill we repel the evil that will soon sweep our beautiful country. I ask that you join me, and avenge those that have perished this day. We must prevent this great tradgedy from happening to those that still draw breath! If you do not think you are capable of battleing such fiends, fear not, for I have a way to turn even the most feeble into combat machines! Everyone that is willing to fight, come to the cavern and I will imbue you with great magical might!"

With that, Dan and Zan fly off to the cavern. When (if) people arrive, they will be told the following.

"Thank you for coming. Before anyone volunteers, you should know the details. This process will give you the strength of an ogre, the toughness of a golem, and you will heal faster then you ever thought possible. Armed with this power and the ability to instantly teleport to wherever you desire, we will crush the evil creatures that have wronged you! You will be physically altered, appearing to be part golem, part man. This is not for the feint of heart, volunteer only if you are serious about protecting those you love."

After that, Dan and Zan will work with the masters of things mechanical in the city, to change those who volunteered into war machines. I have left the cost (if any) and how long the transformation takes for Fieari to decide.
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Fieari said:
Perfect... this pulls us right in the direction of a plot hook I'd wanted to start up...

Wrahn: The mirror replies, "Free the Dragon from that which the Dragon is bound" and displays a picture of an island you've never seen before. The island is in the middle of the ocean, no land is in sight. It is nighttime in the image, and the sky is clear of clouds.

She instructs one of the Wrens, "Fly around the island, see if you can spot any identifying features or any structures or unusual traits. Do not land on the island and if you feel you must fly over it, stay will above it."

With that she opens the mirror and let's the Wren fly through, she then closes it, awaiting it's return.


Tyreus said:
"Thank you for coming. Before anyone volunteers, you should know the details. This process will give you the strength of an ogre, the toughness of a golem, and you will heal faster then you ever thought possible. Armed with this power and the ability to instantly teleport to wherever you desire, we will crush the evil creatures that have wronged you! You will be physically altered, appearing to be part golem, part man. This is not for the feint of heart, volunteer only if you are serious about protecting those you love."

After that, Dan and Zan will work with the masters of things mechanical in the city, to change those who volunteered into war machines. I have left the cost (if any) and how long the transformation takes for Fieari to decide.
Your speech alone would have inspired the people to take up arms, but the foul attack which claimed, when all was said and done, a total of 47 people, mostly civilians, only stiffened their moral, and did so greatly. You have 450 additional points to use. Your mechanical men may be constructed at a cost of 1000 gp each, however, the people have raised the cry for donations and help... half the price on each mechanical man to 500 to account for free labor... and 11,981gp is raised to help pay the remaining fee.

Axoreius gains 6,000xp and an additional 50 points.


The Wren flies through the mirror... and as soon as it does, the image in the mirror becomes a reflection of the room you are in. You have no way of knowing what is happening now.


The Dragon is surrounded by darkness, curled up into a fetal position. It seems to be straining against an invisible wall of some sort...

When that is done, she wildshapes into an eagle, and Transports Via Plants to a thick bush approximately on the other side of the Green Desert, and flies around in the lands of the north, to learn what she can of the happenings there. She keeps her height, to stay away from any hungry soldiers, and hovers for a bit if she finds anything of interest. Also, the raven scouts are sent out to investigate as well, but spread out.

Flying northeast, you have two options. You can either fly low enough to be seen clearly from the ground, fly within the terrible cloud of smoke and ash in the sky (not really an option, as it will prevent breathing) or fly above said cloud, and see nothing of the ground.

Having said this, Zedrihar begins to leapfrog-teleport northward across the desert, using dimension door to move 960 feet, then running 30 feet, using dimension door again, etc., with a movement of 990 feet per round, or 113 miles per hour. He invokes true seeing before doing so and continues to keep it maintained during travel. Zedrihar will travel across the desert, then into Evil territory, and begin a spiral motion, searching for enemy forces. If he encounters anything unusual or dangerous, he stops leapfrogging and tries to stay out of sight if possible while he considers what next to do. Zedrihar will do this long enough to cross the desert, and then spend no more than four hours in the Evil lands before contacting the other generals to ponder his next move.

It takes two hours to cross the Wild Plains and the Green Desert.

After that, Zedrihar encounters very little for quite a while... towns situated nearly on bedrock, attempting to grow enough food to survive, and even then having most of that taxed away so that poverty is the rule, and anyone managing to survive at all well is the exception, not the rule. These towns and villages are scattered throughout the moor, you would estimate them all within a days ride of each other, but rarely nearer than that.

It takes another 4 and a half hours to reach sight of the sea, circling counterclockwise around the moor. Here, there are fishing villages which look slightly less oppressed than elsewhere, although very primitive. Kobolds outnumber humans in some of these villages. Starvation is considerably less, though still present. They look healthier around these parts though.

It is now a little after 3pm... you head north. In one of the villages you see a slave caravan, being loaded up with humans and kobolds. Since it's more or less effortless for you to free them, you may or may not as you choose, then move on. It takes about two and a half hours to make it near to the mountains, which you do not climb since you're scouting the moor. You turn west. There is a road to follow.

The road leads to a gigantic pit in the ground, digging deep into one of the foothills to the Silgrey Range. It is swarming with halforcs... getting nearer might be dangerous. It is now near sunset. What would you like to do?
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First Post
Fieari said:
Flying northeast, you have two options. You can either fly low enough to be seen clearly from the ground, fly within the terrible cloud of smoke and ash in the sky (not really an option, as it will prevent breathing) or fly above said cloud, and see nothing of the ground.

I'll fly beneath the ash cloud.

BTW- +19 Knowledge (Nature) or +17 Spellcraft check to determine the origin of the cloud of ash & smoke. Isten will fly in the general direction of the origin of the ash/smoke cloud.


It is evident to you that the smoke is comming from the center of the moor. As you fly in that direction, you see very little. Two small villages in a day's flight, which is 64 miles.


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At the end of the day, then, Isten will Word of Recall back to Athko, making an effort to estimate the approximate distance to the origin of the smoke.

Voidrunner's Codex

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