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Well I'm not entirely sure how we are handleing group finances so i've started this thread to discuss treasures, items, group items and wishlists. With our group finally running into some serious treasures perhaps we can start to look for magic items!

Below are some Items Tormal would be looking for at the moment.

Ring of Protection +1/+2, Amulet of Natural Armor +1/+2
Quarterstaff +1 (possible increases to damage ie flaming)
Cloak of Resistance
Belt of strength of some sort :)
Something that increases dexterity
Amulet of health

What does everyone else want?

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Finally! Somebody is speaking up. It's hard for me to preplan for these things when nobody posts. And I don't prefer to spend tabletime looking things up in books. We do that too much already.


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Constituion boosting and/or fortitude boosting (this above all others)
AC/Natural Armor boosting
magic axe or thrown weapon
blur/displacement item

What is the group's system for magic distribution?


As best as I can tell it works like this:
Group finds stuff
If somebody thinks they can use it, they plead/negotiate for it
If nobody pipes up, it ends up in the pack of one of Russ' characters to reappear months or years later. :D


First Post
LOL - very true.

In any case we should try and get some of our stuff not being used sold. Like that magical sheild that is, unless Oceas is going to use it. Tormal still would like to hold onto the immovable rod if no one else protests it. Though, it would still be a group item anyway. But since no one has really said anything about the finances at the moment i'm assuming each character is getting an equal portion (5,000 gp) worth. It's up to them to decide what they wan't to do with it.

As far as a formalized system to handle magical equipment and other treasures... as a gaming group we have never come up with a system that works... or even really tried. I would say now is as good as any. Any ideas? (To be honest i'm at a loss)


To be honest, the group almost tried once. But then the paladin lost two pwoerful magic items in a matter of rounds to a rust monster attack. Everyone was so peeved that a formalized system never materialized.


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Well this is a better formated and more specific list for Tormal. Some of this is stuff he can't afford yet. There is quite a list here but keep in mind it's just a wishlist! :)

  1. Ring of protection +2
    • Amulet of Natural Armor +2
    • Bracers of Armor +2
  2. Cloack of Reisistance +1/+2
  3. Monk's Belt
  4. Quarterstaff
    • +1/+1
    • +2/+2
    • Ki Focus
    • Speed
    • Flaming / Burst
  5. Amulet of Mighty Fists
  6. Boots of Striding Sprining
  7. Gloves of Dexterity
  8. Necklace of Fireballs
  9. Luckstone


First Post
In my other game, mutual consent assigns items. There has on occasion been items that multiple characters wanted, and the group voted who gets the item to put it to the best of the party. Of course lately this has resulted in a lot of unassigned items floating around in characters backpacks, although there is good cooperation in trading certain special weapons back and forth depending on the situation.

Back in the day, my brothers and I devised a lottery system. Everyone gets a random assignment in order. #1 gets first pick at magic. If he takes an item he goes to end of list. Or he can pass and #2 gets the option to choose or pass. and so on. It became sort of a strategy game in and of itself. Take what is available now or hold out at the front of the line for something better. It was a fairly cut-throat game. Scrolls and potions did not count. If an item is taken and then sold later, it was considered party funds- this kept players from bottom feeding-sitting at the bottom of the list and taking everything that came along just in order to sell it.

One way I have seen it, is all items are pooled together and their wealth assessed as if they are to be sold. Players use personal existing wealth and potential assessed wealth to buy items out of the pool. This lets widely desired items be distributed through bidding, and very expensive items (like the mantle) can go to one character, but the party as a whole is compensated for it, as the player has to make a large contribution to community funds. Unwanted or too expensive items are sold.

Of course any of these can be over ridden with commen sense. The rogue would not be allowed to hold onto a Holy Avenger just because its pretty.

Anyone else with ideas?

Not that I want to be nutso over the magic stuff, but we should formalize something either IC or OOC is fine, just so items can either be distributed quickly and put to best use or sold off. In my other game, a manual of dexterity +4 caused a bit of a scuff as the monk, ranger, and bard could all put it to good use. There needs to be something in place when these situations arise for the goodwill of all.

By the way, my monk got the Manual and he is loving it.

And please disregard and or all of this if your current system works. As the new commer, I just want to know what everyone is comfortable with. :cool:


The manual of Dexterity was also desired by the Druid. I still think we made the beter choice giving it to Elensul. As for the assorted items that just float, hey Stephen can use just about anything if the need arises (and he gets a little lucky). :D

As DM, I see items disappear from memory for long periods of time. It's a shame since you could be doing something with those resources. But in the end, it is all up tp you guys. I've just been happy that the Rod has seen a lot of use.

Kind's wishlist for items:
(if you're wondering why shovel isn't on this list, it's because I already have one.)

1. Armor class enhancer
2. Constitution increaser

Those are the two main things that come to mind. I am sure that there are more though

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