Goruksblain (Item Aproval)[Aproved]


Goruksblain has the following statistics:

+2 Cold Iron Undead Bane Warhammer (Base: 20,000 gp)
NG, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 17 with 120' Darkvision and Hearing (+9,000 gp)
Can Use Detect Magic at Will (+3,600 gp)
Can Use Faerie Fire 3/day (+1,100 gp)
Can use Cure Moderate Wounds on Wielder 3/day (+6,500 gp)
Special Purpose: Destroy Liches
Special Purpose Power: Item Can Cast Freedom of Movement on wielder (+Undefined, about 50,000)
Ego: 16

Goruksblain is good aligned for purposes of overcoming damage reduction. (+1,000 gp?)

Goruksblain can recognize a Lich's phylactery on sight. (+2,000 gp?)

Aproximate value before cursed properties: 93,200 gp

Cursed Properties
Owner is unable to get rid of item except with the item's consent, which it will normally only grant if it is given to a more powerfull warrior of the correct alignment.
Owner recieves a -5 luck penalty on melee weapon attack rolls when Goruksblain is not in use. For the purpose of this penalty, neither unarmed attacks nor spells count as weapons.
Owner recieves a -3 circumstance penalty on charisma based skill checks.
Nonintelligent undead attack the bearer in preference to all other targets.
Undead within 90' can sense the hammer, but can't tell it's precise location. This effect cannot be masked by magic such as Hide from Undead, and works across dimensional boundaries so etherealness or sticking it inside a portable hole won't help either.

Item requires "magical fuel" -- If at least 5 levels worth of spells are not cast into the item each day, it "feeds" off of the owner's life force instead. This effect imposes a -5 penalty on all saving throws, skill checks, and attack rolls on the owner until the warhammer is properly "fed." Any spell or spell like ability can be used to feed the item, 0th level spells counting as 1/2 a spell level. For each level of spell fed to the item, the item is repaired 5 hp if it was damaged.

Why a proposal
This is a plot driven item, and as such is likely to throw off the wealth/level of whoever gets it. Proposed solution:

Fluctuating power -- Goruksblain tends to occasionally "sleep." When sleeping, it's game statistics become those of +2 Cold Iron Warhammer, cursed so as to be impossible to get rid of. All other properties become dormant. Any DM may decide whether or not the hammer is awake or asleep during his module. (Though I would sort of hope it would at least wake up if the wielder was confronting a lich! By the time that becomes a likely encounter, though, the warhammer will not be quite as obnoxiously outside the wealth guidelines.)
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Also, I'm not sure if this item would qualify as a minor artifact or simply a really potent non-artifact item....


The man with the probe
Interesting. I don't see a huge problem on it, but I'd like to hear a few more thoughts.

That curse will realy hurt at much later levels though.

Rystil Arden

First Post
I would want a player to tell me about this item before I recruited him for an adventure in case the adventure became idiotic due to the item (frex, a mystery where the answer was that a lich who is possessing people and using the phylactery, a small ring, to do so), but otherwise it would be okay.

Also, the "curse" that nonintelligent undead attack the bearer is actually an incredibly overpowered benefit in most situations, but that's a minor quibble.


Rystil Arden said:
I would want a player to tell me about this item before I recruited him for an adventure

Given the proviso about it sleeping at DMs discretion (Fluctuating Power, above) I think that should be a requirement, too.

Rystil Arden said:
Also, the "curse" that nonintelligent undead attack the bearer is actually an incredibly overpowered benefit in most situations, but that's a minor quibble.

I'll get rid of it if you like, mostly intended for flavor. Perhaps we could tone it down and make it just "frequently prefer to attack the bearer" so the DM has more room to prevent abuse.


The man with the probe
Patlin said:
I'll get rid of it if you like, mostly intended for flavor. Perhaps we could tone it down and make it just "frequently prefer to attack the bearer" so the DM has more room to prevent abuse.
Perhaps "Makes it's presence known to undead."

Prevents things like Hide from Undead from working, and warns any liches it's coming.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Bront said:
Perhaps "Makes it's presence known to undead."

Prevents things like Hide from Undead from working, and warns any liches it's coming.
I like that. Or something like Patlin's revision or even something in flavour "Unintelligent undead despise the bearer and seek to make him suffer".

It's just that as written, you can use the curse to dance circles through your allies and force the undead to provoke countless attacks of opportunity, plus even if you don't try cheesy tactics, you still force them to attack the guy with the giant warhammer, who likely has among the best AC and HP.


I apreciate the creative abuse, RA. :)

OK, how about undead within 90' can sense the hammer, but can't tell it's precise location. That'd make surprising any undead pretty difficult, but wouldn't be too bad. This effect cannot be masked by magic such as Hide from Undead, and works across dimensional boundaries so etherealness or sticking it inside a portable hole won't help either.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Patlin said:
I apreciate the creative abuse, RA. :)

OK, how about undead within 90' can sense the hammer, but can't tell it's precise location. That'd make surprising any undead pretty difficult, but wouldn't be too bad. This effect cannot be masked by magic such as Hide from Undead, and works across dimensional boundaries so etherealness or sticking it inside a portable hole won't help either.
No problem--does it say something about me that I saw that curse and immediately thought of that? :lol: :D I'm not a powergamer--I swear! :heh:

That revision works pretty well, I think. They can sense it and they know it's something they don't like and want to kill.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Oh, thinking about it, I just realised that disallowing a PC with Goruksblain because you're running a mystery game with a lich is sort of a Catch-22, isn't it? :lol:

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