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Grand List of iPhone Apps for D&D Gaming


First Post
The biggest issue is that you're not competing against Character Builder or the books, you're competing against iplay4e.com, which includes everything with my character by uploading a single file and does most of what I'd want an iPhone app with 4e to do already. Inputting my character by hand into an app doubles my work after I've already made it. Today, I'm playing a level 27 character in a one shot, and there's no way I'd enter all that data using an iPhone.

I submitted an update to i4e last Friday that includes importing a character from a .dnd4e file. Unfortunately the save doesn't contain everything you'd need, but it gets you a long ways toward having a completed character with a single button tap.

- Items imported successfully:
- Character details (name, class, level, xp, race, speed, armor penalty)
- Stats
- Health details (hp, healing surges, healing surge value)
- Defenses (armor bonuses, stat bonuses, misc/class bonuses)
- Weapons (everything except range)
- Powers (everything except descriptions, range, base damage, keywords) (Adjusted damage, weapon choice are included)
- Feats
- Skills (including which skills are trained)

Next items I'm working on are inventory and more character details.

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First Post
I've submitted my iPhone app its called i4e. It is a character sheet replacement that allows you to store multiple characters on your iPhone or iPod touch. It will let you track powers, stats, hit points, and pretty much everything else.

You can find more information and screenshots here i4e for iPhone: Character Sheets In Your Pocket

I'll post again when it has been approved. I'll start a thread in the software section of the forums if anyone has any questions.

I'm wondering if it will be updated monthly with the new powers... that is the only thing holding me back from spending the money right now.


First Post
i4e allows for completely custom input of powers and skills so anything new that comes in you can enter into the app. 1.1.0 is currently under review and that will add the ability to import from Character Builder .dnd4e files. The way i4e is made it doesn't require an update for new content. I hope that answers your question, if not post again here or email me at i4e_support@cordax.net.



First Post
I don't know what's going on. My app seems to be stuck in Approval Limbo™ (as some developers have aptly called it). It's still be "reviewed". Apple is not answering my e-mails. Things wouldn't be so bad if Apple was at least telling me what's going on with the review process but...it isn't saying a thing.

At this point, i4e is starting to have all the features that I had envisioned for an iPhone/iPod touch character sheet, and Character4ge is looking more and more unnecessary. By the time it gets approved, i4e will do everything Character4ge was going to do and probably eventually meant to do. The only difference will be visual.

I was getting ready to roll out updates to Character4ge with bug fixes and the addition of Adventurer's Vault 2 items, new classes, new races...but I stopped working two weeks after I submitted my app since I had no idea at that point whether or not it would get approved.

It's a shame Apple has to be so unprofessional with its developer community. I've come to question my undying love for Apple. I love Apple's hardware/software package but as a client, Apple has always treated me like dirt. And as a developer, Apple is doing the same.


First Post
i4e 1.1.0 is now available in the iTunes app store.
  • Healing when at negative hit points applies healing from 0
  • Added the ability to import from the DDI Character Builder
  • Number of limited uses wasn't shown when going back into the power information view
  • Skills list now indicates which skills are trained with check marks on the right hand side
  • You can now recharge a limited use power when it has been used
  • Trying to change the weapon name without setting a stat would crash the app
  • Hit modifier in powers now has option for misc bonus
  • Damage modifier now has option for misc bonus to damage
  • Damage for powers can now be just a stat without weapon damage 0 [W]
  • You can now heal and take damage up to 300 points at a time
  • Added spirit keyword for powers
  • Added opportunity action type for powers
  • Made weapons and implements more distinct
  • Corrected some range names in powers
  • Resting now removes temporary HP
  • Added 25/50 range to weapons
  • Fixed issue with no keywords for a power
  • Added Augmentable Keyword to powers for psionics
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First Post
i4e 1.1.1 is now available in the iTunes app store.
  • better detection of import issues
  • sorting feats alphabetically for now
  • added each ally in burst/blast
  • added each undead in burst/blast
  • added range option of "melee or ranged"
  • fixed issue where empty .dnd4e files would crash the app
  • called out restrictions on level as being between 1 and 30, this was causing data not to save.
  • fixed an issue where the damage dice of powers were being overwritten by a default value if an implement was used
  • fixed implement/weapon bonuses
  • powers should now calculate hit bonus and damage values properly regardless of if it uses a weapon, implement or nothing.
  • reflex now looks for armor values to add to it as well


Arcadian Knight
OK anyone got one for the Android (Droid) because I seriously think it rocks (and is much better coverage etc than AT&T ... apple losing out by going with AT&T.

note most of the web apps do work rather well... with only some minor kinks.
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