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Graverended Grimoire (House Millithor in the City of the Spider Queen V)


Living EN World Judge
Paxus Asclepius said:
"Have you arcanists under your employ? I would not wish to involve outsiders in this unless you have a hold on them that is strong indeed."

Eol shrugs briefly,saying 'I meant the Wizards in your own House, M'lady. My Lord Graz'zt has been less-than-forthcoming with information of any sort of late. Jynessa will not be able to ferret out much from him.'

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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Tierak Morcane, Drow Arachne/Thaumaturge

"Eol, Eol. I have no mages worth mentioning in my employ. A handful of apprentices, nothing more. No, the only arcanists of power in this city are Quertus 'Millithor' and Gromph Baenre, and neither can be trusted."


*Narcelia frowns slightly.* What in the Nine Hells could he want? This is too much coincidence for him not to be coming about this news. *She scowls at the thought and nods to her majordomo to let Kilcif enter.* This had better be good.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue/Forbidden Warrior)

*Kilcif grunts and grumbles obviously displeased at the waste of time and he quickly pushes past the majordomo and enters on his own accord.*

As Kilcif gives the chain a quick tug, though Zaphael lucks out do to the slack in her leash, he calls over his shoulder to her, “Come slave.”

Once in the chamber Kilcif loudly, and bluntly, address the drow woman as he walks towards her, “Matron Narcelia, I’m sure you have heard the news that brings me here so what are your House’s plans in the events about to unfold?”

*Now close to the Matron’s chair Kilcif stands his arms crossing his massive chest while Zaphael takes her typical spot with her own arms trying to encircle one of Kilcif’s.*


*Narcelia frowns at the bugbear's intrusion. She waves her majordomo off, though, and greets Kilcif as though he hadn't just barged in.*

"So good to see you again, Kilcif," she purrs. "Can I offer you any refreshments? Something to eat, drink, torture?" *She smiles sweetly, while she seethes in anger. She casts an eye over Zaphael.* This damned bugbear. Who or what is that slave to him anyway? she thinks, not for the first time.

*After a pause, she continues.* "I won't know what news you refer to, unless you tell me. I receive so much interesting information every day, that it's hard for me to tell what you mean." *She is obviously lying for form's sake, but she waits for Kilcif's answer anyway, just in case he means something else.*


First Post
Teliek sends a brief message to the communications officers of his followers (who have voluntarily allowed themselves to be Dominated to establish a telepathic link with their master. He has been careful not to give them any direct orders, only recommendations, so that they can keep their mental independence and do not act like they are Dominated), recommending them to prepare to be summoned by Gate within a week from now. One way of doing that, he mentions, would be to travel to Ordulin on business. He recommends that they inform the other members of their cells that their precense is also requested in the city.
As the critical moment approaches he will send them further information and recommendations. He mentions that the possible rewards for their cooperation are staggering, both in measure of power and wealth. The rewards, even if the plan fails, are promised to be considerable.

Then he makes inquiries with a few of his connections in the underdark, requesting that they inform Kilcif the chosen of Hruggek that there is a job waiting for him in Ordulin. He mentions considerable but unspecified rewards.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Kilcif: Bugbear/Male (Barbarian/Ranger/Rogue/Forbidden Warrior)

Kilcif nods his head thoughtful, “No nothing to eat, I wouldn’t want you suffering from a weak stomach, but a drink, wine perhaps, would be a welcome refreshment.”

* As he waits for one of the matron’s servants to bring him a goblet he looks upon Narcelia with obvious annoyance as he grunts in exasperation.*

“I’m shocked Matron Narcelia, I truly thought one of your position would have a more capable means of being informed…” He smiles sweetly back at her, “I guess that explains why you’re happy to see, and maybe why my services are so invaluable to you?”

The bugbear pauses for a second looking for Narcelia’s reaction, “Anyhow, it’s an honor to tell you my dear Matron that there is a dying god, interesting news isn’t it?”


*Without looking, Narcelia waves to a servant to get Kilcif some mediocre wine. Standard protocol. Why serve the superior things to those who don't need to be seduced?*

"Kilcif, dear, of course I know about the dying god. Who doesn't? I suggest that next time you choose to irritate my majordomo"--she gestures to the miffed man standing in the shadows to the side of the audience chamber--"you come with more, shall we say, timely information."

*She raises a snowy eyebrow.* "Unless, of course, you have something to add to that?" *She reclines in her throne as if she doubts that could be true.*
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Out into the night the two winged angels of darkness fly at the bidding of their master. Valisa goes to the darkest places, listening to the most shadowed conversations, seeking out the truth of this dire matter. Vashila goes to question the light, those who stand out in the open, using honeyed words and sweet fangs to draw out the information she desires.*

*Both return sated and scintilating with information. You also know that many of the lesser fools that has this precious information are now incapcitated or dead.*

"Master, it seems that all the greatest and strongest are getting ready to go seize this power. And you would need them to get through all of the remaining guardians. Only the most powerful would have a chance of getting through all the traps the god has set. Going at this alone would be... too difficult for any one person."

"And you have to be ready to seize the power. You have to the god first, even if you have to travel with others. The first one that gets there will be able to try to claim the power. You will have to be very cunning and strong master. You have to get your other 'friends' to come with you to claim your prize."



*Torellan frowsn at the news*
"This complicates things, I was hoping that the matter could be resolved just between Quertus and I... No matter, this shall only prove a slight delay.
Come, we shall see what Matron Narcelia has to offer for our 'help' in her race for the power. Remember to put on your bests, dears, the Matron's servants seem to be ill at ease around undead, and we don't want to play with them this time."

*Torellan dons his hat of disguise, indicating that his angels should do likewise. He then heads out to see Narcelia, entering her chambers in mist form without even asking for permission, as is his way.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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