• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Greatest American DVDs...Belive It Or Not...


Interesting aside: William Katt auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker - he read for the part, along with Kurt Russell reading for Han Solo. Imagine Star Wars with those two! :)

Looks like I have a new Netflix selection... :)

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First Post
Brown Jenkin said:
What the bleepety bleep bleep bleep is going on where this gets released on DVD but Charmed doesn't?

Want some cheese with that whine? ;)

And oh, before you go off on a little rant...try looking it up... :lol:

Charmed - The Complete 1st Season
Release Information:
Studio: Paramount Home Video
Release Type: Season Boxed Set
Release Date: 2/01/2005
Number of Discs: 6
Number of Episodes: 22
Running Time: 972 mins
Retail Price: $49.95 (US$)
$59.87 (CAN$)

THUSLY...it looks like your Charmed will be out the week before. :cool:

EDIT: Here's the AMAZON link to pre-order it:
Last edited:


I thought the Charmed people were holding off on releasing their seasons until DVDs were improved to withstand the excessive freeze-framing... :p


I'm really looking forward to the Greatest American Hero DVD boxed set. I remember back in my senior year of high school, our Spanish IV class had to do a skit in front of the whole school, speaking only in Spanish. We ended up writing "El Mejor Heroe Americano," and I got to be Ralph. I made myself a rather authentic-looking costume and everything, which I wore under my easy-to-rip-off flannel shirt (with snaps instead of buttons).

And then, the day before the play, I broke my collarbone during our final rehearsal. (I was "crashlanding" onto stage from behind the curtain, as if I had just been flying to the next scene, and I landed funny, and suddenly I couldn't move my right arm at all. All it was supposed to be was a sort of somersault roll onto stage, with a whole lot of yelling in fear ahead of time.)

As I was being driven to the Emergency Room by my best friend's mom, my main thought was "It's a good thing this wasn't a dress rehearsal -- I'd hate to show up at the hospital wearing red tights and a cape!"

I ended up in a wing splint for about three weeks, and when the girl who played Bill Maxwell (it was a small class; I was the only guy) came down with laryngitis the day of the skits, we had to cancel. (I was still going to go through with it, wing splint and all, only with a less vigorous "crashlanding.")

Oh well, it makes for a good story anyway. Other guys have sports injuries or war injuries -- I'm the only guy I know with Spanish play injuries.


Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
Brown Jenkin said:
What the bleepety bleep bleep bleep is going on where this gets released on DVD but Charmed doesn't?

My understanding is what has kept Charmed from coming to DVD so long is all the licensing issues with the music.

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Sorry about the charmed thing. This is a new development. I have been checking Amazon for a couple of years now and always seen the message that it wasn't scheduled to be released yet. I am glad they finally are.

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