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Greg Tito Is UHURA!

Former Escapist editor-in-chief Greg Tito is now WotC's new Communications Manager according to D&D Brand Manager Nathan Stewart -- "Please welcome Greg Tito newest member of the D&D team. Greg joins our team as Communications Manager and official bag of holding holder." Greg was laid off from The Escapist a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned his recent layoff, whihc also involved others: "Due to budget cuts at Defy Media, the parent company of The Escapist, Game Front, and GameTrailers, a large number of my colleagues have also been let go. This news sucks for everyone, including those left behind to run these publications. My thoughts are with all of you and I hope you bounce back with a new gig soon."

Former Escapist editor-in-chief Greg Tito is now WotC's new Communications Manager according to D&D Brand Manager Nathan Stewart -- "Please welcome Greg Tito newest member of the D&D team. Greg joins our team as Communications Manager and official bag of holding holder." Greg was laid off from The Escapist a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned his recent layoff, whihc also involved others: "Due to budget cuts at Defy Media, the parent company of The Escapist, Game Front, and GameTrailers, a large number of my colleagues have also been let go. This news sucks for everyone, including those left behind to run these publications. My thoughts are with all of you and I hope you bounce back with a new gig soon."

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I wonder what the difference between a Communications Manager, a Community Manager, and the job done by the PR firm WotC uses for all its current outgoing messages?

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I wonder what the difference between a Communications Manager, a Community Manager, and the job done by the PR firm WotC uses for all its current outgoing messages?

Generally a Communications Manager is focused on managing improving both internal communications channels and external business channels. It's not a Public Relations gig per se, unlike community manager. At least that's been my experience.


Looks like WotC picked up a good person and the Escapist is losing or have already lost all their good people. C'est la guerre.

Also... keep this on the down low... but 'game journalism' -- really all 'entertainment journalism' -- is a kind of marketing (with a some exceptions here and there). Don't tell anyone I told you!



Did you just promote him to Admin? :D

I'm just saying, if you're concerned that negative comments on a subject could damage business or other relations, the safest bet is to simply not let people talk about the subject. Noone wants to read a circle-pat party, that'll alienate people just the same, so the best solution is just to not let anyone talk about it. Leave any news on the subject just a statement of fact.

His performance isn't in discussion (except insofar as his track record demonstrates his ability to offend and drive away the people he's meant to court), only his character and ethics are.

Not by people who can actually read what he wrote and aren't out to get this Zoe Quinn person at all costs. (or, more accurately, have a proper sense of perspective on the whole issue).


Doing the best imitation of myself
I am more than a little surprised that WotC would hire someone who is so controversial for a position like this. This thread is evidence of how this action has created negative publicity for something that everyone should be saying "welcome aboard!" and "congratulations!"

The scope of the issue that he comes from is, to my mind, outside of what we talk about here, but it is being talked about. With all of the people who are blank slates to the gaming community at large, I just have to wonder at this move.


Not by people who can actually read what he wrote and aren't out to get this Zoe Quinn person at all costs. (or, more accurately, have a proper sense of perspective on the whole issue).

implying that people who don't agree with you're particular opinion don't have a proper sense of perspective is pretty weak. I think it's perfectly valid for people to question this move. Even if I don't agree with a lot of the accusations that have been leveled his way (I think his intentions were good), I do question anyone who says they will back anyone who accuses others of harassment without doing any sort of due diligence to make sure they are valid accusations. Accusing someone publicly of being a bigot or misogynist is a pretty serious thing to do, and shouldn't be done unless absolutely sure. I mean, it's not like we haven't had witch hunts happen recently with people being accused of being/doing things they never actually did. Oh wait....

So yeah, I like to think I have some perspective on the issue, and think it's alarming that someone would use a very popular platform to back up these accusations without actually looking into them at all with any sense of due diligence.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I know little of gamergate, more than I wish, but since this is an internal position who cares? If this was some position where I was supposed to be expecting on the level reporting or something I'd probably be wary based on what information I've gleaned in the last few minutes. Meh.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
implying that people who don't agree with you're particular opinion don't have a proper sense of perspective is pretty weak. I think it's perfectly valid for people to question this move. Even if I don't agree with a lot of the accusations that have been leveled his way (I think his intentions were good), I do question anyone who says they will back anyone who accuses others of harassment without doing any sort of due diligence to make sure they are valid accusations. Accusing someone publicly of being a bigot or misogynist is a pretty serious thing to do, and shouldn't be done unless absolutely sure. I mean, it's not like we haven't had witch hunts happen recently with people being accused of being/doing things they never actually did. Oh wait....

So yeah, I like to think I have some perspective on the issue, and think it's alarming that someone would use a very popular platform to back up these accusations without actually looking into them at all with any sense of due diligence.

Par for the course in today's media really. :)

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