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Greg Tito Is UHURA!

Former Escapist editor-in-chief Greg Tito is now WotC's new Communications Manager according to D&D Brand Manager Nathan Stewart -- "Please welcome Greg Tito newest member of the D&D team. Greg joins our team as Communications Manager and official bag of holding holder." Greg was laid off from The Escapist a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned his recent layoff, whihc also involved others: "Due to budget cuts at Defy Media, the parent company of The Escapist, Game Front, and GameTrailers, a large number of my colleagues have also been let go. This news sucks for everyone, including those left behind to run these publications. My thoughts are with all of you and I hope you bounce back with a new gig soon."

Former Escapist editor-in-chief Greg Tito is now WotC's new Communications Manager according to D&D Brand Manager Nathan Stewart -- "Please welcome Greg Tito newest member of the D&D team. Greg joins our team as Communications Manager and official bag of holding holder." Greg was laid off from The Escapist a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned his recent layoff, whihc also involved others: "Due to budget cuts at Defy Media, the parent company of The Escapist, Game Front, and GameTrailers, a large number of my colleagues have also been let go. This news sucks for everyone, including those left behind to run these publications. My thoughts are with all of you and I hope you bounce back with a new gig soon."

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I dont know what gamergate is. I dont know who Greg Tito is, even after having a quick look at the OP's link. Why am I even typing thi... *poof!*


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
I for one, welcome our new overlord.

He'll be fine. Or he won't. Time will tell, but I don't see anything in his background to makes me think he'll do badly.

So bring on the communications!



First Post
Can someone give me the cliff notes version of this. I've only just now briefly read what Gamergate is about.

Was Greg Tito siding with Gamergate or against it?

Remember in 1995 when M&M's held the election for the new color, and blue was voted in as the new color? Well I have various credible anonymous sources that indicate purple had actually won the popular vote, but the election was rigged for blue to promote M&M's radical agenda.

This is a disgusting and flagrant miscarriage of the democratic process, and is probably the most divisive scandal of our time. Who even knows what kind of far-reaching consequences this controversy will ultimately have? Only time will tell. I only know that if we don't organize and rally in the sphere of social media and start sending death threats to Susan Brownmiller, our children's children will be eating M&M's with blue candy shells.


Dragon Lord
I didn't know who he was when this thread was posted. He is DMing a weekly stream. He's a fairly entertaining DM that seems to enjoy the game.

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