
Creator of The Untamed Wilds
At this point, nothing further seems to be required. Lathir moves back around casually to continue follow the progress of the his new friends.

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Sylvar B.

Sylvar follows Denby as Edward leads him to his cell. Once there he waits for Edward to leave the holding area and says to Denby, The ring you are wearing is interesting, I'd like to examine it closer. Might I borrow it?

OOC : If Denby gives Sylvar the ring, Sylvar will cast identify on it.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
That's A Nice Ring!

Denby smiles at Sylvar, and says: "Sure, not a problem. It's my signet ring. It bears my coat of arms. I'm the third son of one of the most prominent families of the Dyvers Gentry, the Fairweather Family. My father is Lord Ranulf Fairweather of Dyvers." He takes off the fancy, silver ring, and hands it through the bars to Sylvar. When Denby takes off the ring, his appearance does not change.

Alas, once again you have failed to read the spell description. Identify has a casting time of one hour. Plus, there are exotic components to be accounted for. You should clarify your intentions to Denby, and ask if he minds if you hold onto it for a longer amount of time. As things stand, he has the look on his face of someone who expects the ring to be handed back within the next few moments.

[Sylvar: What do you do?]

Sylvar B.

Sylvar looks at Denby as if he expects something to happen. When it doesn't a puzzled look comes over his face. He looks at Denby and says, "If you recall I sent you a whispered message telling you I may have information that could help you understand what may have happened. The truth is that my friends and I suspect some rather sinister magic is in play here. There are some other items that you are carrying that are of interest to understanding what is going on. Could I also examine your belt and your necklace? It will only be for a moment. Your ring, I would like to borrow for about an hour.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Denby Explains


Denby nods at Sylvar, and says: "I own three magical baubles, all of which are family heirlooms, but the ring is not one of them; the ring is not magical at all. It's just a signet ring. My grandfather's greatsword was enchanted to always remain razor sharp, and the belt I wear, also my grandfather's, boosts my strength. The necklace I wear was given to me by my mother---she passed away last year---it is enchanted to keep its wearer safe, by helping to close wounds and increase the speed at which they heal. She commissioned it for me to commemorate my appointment as Sheriff of Caltaran, four years ago. Why are you so interested in the ring?"

Before Sylvar can answer, Denby adds: "Do you know why someone would want to enspell me, to look not like myself? I know something shady is going on, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is. I'm not even sure how all of this happened. I was on my normal patrol, and I stopped to have tea with Brandon Lightfoot, one of the local farmers; we've been friends for years. I left his place, and got clear over the next ridge, when suddenly I felt sleepy. The next thing I know, I'm waking up, and I can see that I'm dressed oddly, and that my physical appearance has changed. But whomever did this to me didn't steal anything. Not a single copper piece. Not my horse. Not my equipment. Not my weaponry. Not my magical baubles. They took NOTHING from me, save my appearance. And it gets worse; when I tried going to my friends for help, not only did they not believe me, but they became angry at me, and shunned me. You saw it, my own deputy, Paulek, turned against me! I thought for sure he was going to hang me, or at least give me a good lashing."

He finishes by saying, "I don't know why, but I like you. I feel that you are the trustworthy sort. Besides, you and your friends have the look of adventurers about you. And most adventurers I've met are an honorable lot, mainly because they start out young, and idealistic, and they rarely live long enough to become jaded by the true level of cruelty that permeates this world. So tell me, friend Gretius, can you help me discover the how and the why of this odd situation?"

[Sylvar: What do you do?]

[Everyone Else: What are you doing while Sylvar is in the jail, talking to Denby?]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir is simply loitering, nonchalantly. He is gaging the ebb and flow of the community activity while he waits for Sylvar. If anything is untoward or exceptional, I wish to note it to share with the others.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
DC: 19
+2 Circumstance Bonus for Lathir's proactive watchfulness.
Base result = 17 (+2)= 19. Success.
Man's spot check (DC:15)
+2 Circumstance Bonus for actively engaging in surveilance activities.
Base result = 8 (+2) = 10. Fail.

Lathir, you notice a man with a forest green cloak, who is trying his best to be inconspicuous. He is very well-trained, and almost escaped your notice. But the events of the previous day have been weighing on your mind, sharpening your senses, and heightening your awareness. Conversely, the man in green, despite being skilled in surveilance, seems nervous, and off-kilter. He seems impatient, as if waiting for something to happen. He is watching the jail, and seems irritated that both Edward and Sylvar seem to be in no hurry to leave. He is not aware of having been spotted.

[Lathir: What do you do?]

Aust Thale

Vale's Thoughts and Deeds vis-a-vis the Deputies

~ Lots going on here, to be sure.~

Vale is keening observing, and he is considerably gruff about it. As Edward leaves, he hears the exchange between Denby and Sylvar.
To them: "It's been enchanted. Aye, and someone went to some trouble to cast it so that it's permanent. Not magical, mind you. Enchanted. Methinks you've been waylaid by some exceptional brigands." Vale purposely leaves out the existence of the dead Vaelik as he doesn't entirely trust this "Denby", but he does mention more, "I met Sheriff Denby Fairweather not a week ago on the street. Seemed particularly interested in who I was, where I was from, and where I was going. As my foot was not cooperating at the time, I told him the truth; I was recuperating from a bum foot." He looks this Denby in the eye. "And you ain't the man I met, are ye? How long was it that you were sleepy and then forgotten by your friends?" Waiting a moment for his answer, Vale turns abruptly to move toward the door as he is finishing his sentence. "Elf, keep the gent company. I'm going to talk to Edward for a moment, and then check on Gus to see that he doesn't find trouble."


Gus is outside the sheriff's office rubbing his nose on a horse-tie-up, minding his own business and sizing up the morning traffic. He dips his face full on into the water trough and comes up, shaking off the water. He sniffs the air for signs of the dead human or of anything out of the ordinary. He eyes the entrance to the sheriff's door and the druid and warrior who came to this place with Vale. He vaguely smells bacon, and normally would do his darnedest to get Vale close to it. If only Vale would come back outside. He wants to hunt and smell and work and eat piggies.

OOC: Is there any chance that Gus detects the forest green guy, IF he is associated with Vaelik? After all, he smelled Vaelik.

GM: Gus did not detect the Forest Green guy; his scent does not match Vaelik's, nor has it recently mingled with Vaelik's scent. If the man is an associate of Vaelik's, then he hasn't been in close proximity to Vaelik in quite some time. Mingled scents usually last several days.

Vale leaves the holding area and visits with Edward, "Master Eddie, good to see you this morning. I don't know if you recall me; I met you weeks ago briefly at the tavern inn. You were having a pint with another lad. My name is Vale. Vale Stonegallows. I'm a priest and former quartermaster of the Silverhammer Order of the Phalanx. I'm sure you've seen my Dire St. Cuthbert, Augustus, around. His reputation precedes him. Look, I don't mean to add to the confusion, but I overheard your exchange with the gentleman in your cell. Being of priest magicks, I took the liberty of magically studying Mr. "Denby". He's been hexed, or more precisely, his signet ring has been hexed with a permanent illusion. Not the valuable magical variety, mind you. The pain-in-the-arse go-to-great-lengths mischief and shenanigans variety. Insomuch as we know that he says that he knows you, but you do not know him, would you have a suggestion on who might be able to dispel such magic? That is, preferably someone close by and not very expensive? I think this might sort out the issue, or at least eliminate the possibility that he is sick in the noggin'. He said that he knew you, right? "
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Sylvar B.

"Do you know why someone would want to enspell me, to look not like myself?"
So tell me, friend Gretius, can you help me discover the how and the why of this odd situation?"

Sir Denby, I would have to consult the leader of our party, but I suspect that he would be glad to help. I don't know why someone would like to enspell you, but I have a feeling that you are not the only one. If you were transformed, it is very likely that there are others, and there is a plot against the Kingdom. This heightens my suspicions of everyone, including you. If my suspicions are correct, Caltaran is in trouble and this may be the beginning of a grand adventure. (For an instant, Sylvars eyes sparkle and a slight almost imperceptible grin shows on his face when he says "grand adventure".) So we should take this slow, first I'll tell you that my name is not Gretius, it is Sylvar. Gretius is simply a name I came up with one the spot to gather people around. Though I rather like it, I may keep it as a stage name.

Your ring interests me because it has been enchanted. It will take me an hour to identify its exact properties but I suspect that it has something to do with your transformation. I was a bit surprised that your appearance did not change when you took it off. However, it raises my suspicions about a dark conspiracy. Someone went through a lot of trouble to make sure they could replace you. I'm curious about why they just didn't kill you instead.

Also, would you mind telling me about the blood on your shirt, do you know where it came from?

I goofed back there with the auras on Detect Magic; but only slightly. I guess that's what I get for trying to do it from memory. Most of the items were moderate auras, not faint ones. And the necklace is Conjuration, not Transmutation. Also, the sword is Evocation, not Transmutation. (Although the belt is still Transmutation.) And this is a bit of information that you would know, being a spellcaster: Although Transmutation is the school of magic which can change the form of a creature, it is also the school of magic which can enhance the abilities that the creature already possesses. Such bonuses include Strength bonuses; thus, a belt of strength would radiate with a Transmutation aura.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Vale said:
"...would you have a suggestion on who might be able to dispel such magic? That is, preferably someone close by and not very expensive?"

Edward To Vale: "I'm a deputized officer of the Viscount of Dyvers. I could command Father Xavier (The St. Cuthbert Patriarch, who lives here in town) to do so, free of charge, no questions asked, although I doubt it would come to that. I'm sure that he'd be happy to help in any case. He's helped us gladly and readily in the past. Why don't we take a walk and see him? It'll only take a few minutes, the church is literally in the center of town."


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