Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Respen: 13, 4 = Fail

Vale: 9,7 = Fail

Sylvar: 12, 16 = Fail

Dewydd: 17, 18 = Made Sense Motive Check

Vega: 4, 16 = Fail

Lathir: 28, 8 = Made Spot Check

Angus: 12, 25 = Made Sense Motive Check

Gus: 18, 21 = SUCCESS

(Situational bonus: Dogs tend to notice movement in their peripheral sight, +2. 18+2 = 20 Spot. Made it. // Gus' sense motive: Base roll (1d20 + Wis [1] + Dog's judge of character bonus [5] = 1d20+6. DC lowered to 13 because of situational modifier: Opponent notices the presence of a trained guard dog / feels uneasy [-5].)

Father Xavier: 30, 26 = SUCCESS

Father Clarence: 10, 7 = Fail

Beringer: 9, 10 = Fail

I still haven't heard from Kasnik. Once I have his rolls, I will continue.

Those who made their Sense Motive checks (Dewydd) feel that something is "off" about this whole situation...

Those who made their Spot checks (Lathir, Possibly Kasnik) will get a PM shortly.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Angus, having sensed that something about this situation is not as it should be, nudges into Lathir, gently, with his shoulder. Lathir comfort the bear with a pat.
- in a quiet voice: Lathir -
"Easy, Angus, I am seeing. Be alert."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
And so it begins...

Kasnik: 15, 11 = Fail

SURPRISE ROUND: Only those who made BOTH rolls may act.

Guard Init: 19

Father Xavier Init: 17

Gus Init: 8

The guard suddenly gets a hardened look on his face, and charges Beringer, bringing his 2-handed sword to bear!

The attack is swift, and unexpected; Beringer, who is still in chains, can do nothing but watch as the guard charges him, slicing down upon his collar bone, and sinking the blade 6 inches PAST that point, dropping Beringer with single, blood-spewing blow!

To-Hit: rolled 30 (vs. AC 14) = Hit
Weapon Damage: 17 points.
Sneak Attack Damage: 10 Points.

Beringer: Hit Points: 21 Max.
Current Status: -6

Father Xavier, who noticed what the guard was doing, shouts, "Stop that man! Assassin!" and casts a spell, which comes a moment too late.

Spell: Hold Person
DC: 19
Guard's Save: 1d20+4 = 15 [Fail]

The guard freezes in place, as Father Xavier's spell takes effect!

Gus charges past Vale, having sensed something awry; as he reaches the helpless guard, he attempts to hobble him, biting his leg savagely! The guard is helpless to resist, and is knocked prone by Gus' attack!

Gus rolls 25, which hits. Damage: 4 points.
Guard current status: Has taken 4 points damage, helpless / held, prone.

Initiatives For Normal Round: (If your name isn't on this list, then you need to roll initiative, and post it on the OOC thread!)

Angus: 21
Guard: 19 (Held, Prone, 4 Damage)
Vega: 18
Xavier: 17
Clarence: 15
Gus: 8
Beringer: 6 (Unconscious, bleeding out)
Eldonius: 5

It will probably be tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan. 4th) before I can post an updated positioning map.


Rushing up, I grab the guard's hands, move them behind his back, and then use my masterwork manacles to bind him. "Quickly Father, heal Beringer. If an assassin has been sent after him, it means he might have valuable intel."
OOC: 25 Initiative (20 roll + 1 DX Mod + 4 Improved Initiative).

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The Assassination of Beringer Crestwall

Initiative for Normal Round:

Dewydd: 25
Sylvar: 21 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Angus: 21
Guard: 19 (Held, Prone, 4 Damage)
Kasnik: 18 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Vega: 18
Respen: 17 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Xavier: 17
Clarence: 15
Lathir: 11
Gus: 8
Beringer: 6 (Unconscious, bleeding out)
Eldonius: 5
Vale: 3

(I have recently decided that in the case of tied initiative, players should receive preference over allied NPCs; tie-breaker resolution will only occur between two players.)

NOTE: I rolled initiative for Respen and Vale, since Jeff has been non-responsive lately; I think his workload in real life finally caught up to him, ha ha.


Dewydd acts first, quickly applying manacles to the downed guardsman.

Sylvar, it's your turn. We are still in rounds. What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sylvar rushes up to Beringer, and casts a spell on him. Beringer now appears as a double image, blurred and hard to make out. Everyone realizes that this is probably a precaution against further attacks from yet-unseen foes.

Angus is up next. (Lathir, what do you want your companion to do?)

Aust Thale

Respen & Vale - More Than Zapruder


~ WHAT?!? ~

Respen is caught off-guard, not truly surprised but exceedingly flat-footed. He races to Dewydd's location as Dewydd is securing the assassin, clasping his staff in his right hand and Dewydd's shoulder in his left, extending his magical defenses to Dewydd and offering additional protection.

"Dewydd, I've your back! Once you are done, I will guard him. He came from the guardhouse? Vega! Help me!" Respen takes a better look around to find the highest point with a straight line to their location. He scans in a 270 degree arc at Dewydd's back, allowing Vega (if she is so inclined) to move in front of Dewydd and the assassin.


~ Shenanigans! More shenanigans! ~

With concern for Gus, and still slightly hobbled by his healed but tender foot, Vale is the last out of his saddle, and is chagrined for it. "Bloody hell, Gustus! Hold him!", he instructs the monster of the dog, only half-realizing the spell cast by Xavier as he lays out the assassin.

"Beringer!" Vale moves as quickly as possible to his side, and if another cleric hasn't already, he casts Cure Moderate Wounds with the furrowed brow of earnest prayer. If another cleric has attended him, he makes way and covers the casters with his axe, preparing Divine Favor to area cast the party if this contest becomes a wider feud. "After that dustup in Caltaran, this pitiful welp won't die on my watch."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dungeon Master Record-keeping post:

It is currently Angus's turn; Lathir, what is Angus going to do?

Initiative for Normal Round:

Dewydd: 25
Sylvar: 21 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Angus: 21
Guard: 19 (Held, Prone, 4 Damage)
Kasnik: 18 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Vega: 18
Respen: 17 (PC always wins tie w/ friendly NPC)
Xavier: 17
(?) Mystery Guest #1: 16
Clarence: 15
(?) Mystery Guest #2: 13
Lathir: 11
Gus: 8
Beringer: 6 (Unconscious, bleeding out)
Eldonius: 5
Vale: 3

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