[Greyhawk] The Reconquista Rogues Gallery

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First Post
Anastasia Winterheart, Valiant of Mayaheine, Shield of the Faithful

Anastasia Winterheart of Sterich, Valiant of Mayaheine, Shield of the Faithful
Human, Fighter 2, Paladin 6, Cavalier 3 [Xp 60,500]

Appearance: Anastasia is a striking figure. If you can catch her without her helmet on, you'd know she is beautiful, with soft features, an ever-present smile, and an infectious laugh. Her eyes are a deep and beautiful blue. They sometimes betray her mood, frequently becoming a steely grey when she angers. Her hair is a luxurious golden blonde, but being normally bound in leather before being stuffed under her helmet, it is easy to forget sometimes how good it looks when it is let down for a court function, or diplomatic meeting. Anastasia is a tall woman, and though her weight is average for her height, she is obviously strong. It isn't hard to tell she has spent the last 10 years at war. She is muscled, sinewy, and wiry. She is iconically wearing her magical full plate armor, with its multiple filigrees and etchings, her magical shield, with its crest of arms and intricate runework, and her sword, "Clarity" a beautifully etched sword of pure adamantium, shining with a holy light. Her steed, "Faith" is always nearby.

Personality/History: Anastasia speaks with clear confidence. When Morale is low, it is Anastasia that you can expect to hear speaking. She is bold. Courageous. Reliable. She is at the forefront of every charge, crashing lance-first into whatever is most dangerous on the battlefield. Anastasia has a wry sense of humor, and is willing to talk with the troops, and be one of the guys. Though she has been known to "preach" she tries hard to minister to the troops, and others, without being preachy. The war has been long, and the toll great on the land and its people. For her enemies there will be no mercy, only retribution, meted out at the business end of a lance named "Conviction".

Class: Fighter 2, Paladin 6, Cavalier 3
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145lbs.
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Blue, from deep to steel grey
Age: 26

Str: 17 +3 (8)
Dex: 10 +0 (2)
Con: 14 +2 (6)
Int: 10 +0 (2)
Wis: 12 +1 (4)
Cha: 22 +6 (10)

Fort 21 +6 +2 +2 11
Refl 11 +6 +0 +2 3
Will 14 +6 +1 +2 5

Base Attack Bonus: 11/6/1 Melee: 14/9/4 Ranged: 11/6/1

Clarity : 15/10/5 1d8+4 19/X2 Mounted: 16/11/6 1d8+4 19/X2
Conviction: 16/11/6 1d8+4 20/X3 Mounted: 17/12/7 1d8+4 20/x4

AC: 26 (10 + 11 Full Plate +3 +4 Heavy Shield +2 +1 Ring) Touch: 11 (+1 Ring) Flat-Footed: 26

HP: 102

Mounted Combat
Spirited Charge
Weapon Focus: Lance
Power Attack
Divine Might
Divine Shield

Special Abilities:

Aura of Good (Ex)
The power of Anastasia's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp)
Anastasia can use detect evil as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)
Twice per day, Anastasia may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Divine Grace (Su)
Anastasia gets a +6 on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)
Anastasia can heal 36 hp per day. She may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action. Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Anastasia decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)
Anastasia is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)
Anastasia is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)
Anastsia can turn undead 9 times per day. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Remove Disease (Sp)
Anastasia can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week.

Ride Bonus(Ex)
Anastasia is an amazing rider, and gains a +2 competence bonus due to her training as a cavalier.

Courtly Knowledge(Ex)
Anastasia is aware of court etiquette, and gains a +3 competence bonus on all Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty) checks.

Mounted Weapon Bonus(Ex)
When Anastasia is mounted, she gets a +1 attack bonus with both her lance and her sword.

Deadly Charge(Ex)
When Anastasia makes a charge move, she can declare it a deadly charge, and do triple damage on a successful attack, or quadruple damage with a lance.

Burst of Speed(Ex)
Anastasia can coax her mount into a burst of speed 1/day. This ability allows her to make a charge at up to 240'.

Paladin's Mount(Su)
"Faith" (Heavy Warhorse): HD: 8d8 +24(61 hp) AC: 26/11/25(+6 NA, +6 Barding) Ability Scores: Str 20, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 6, Speed: 40' Init: +1 Atk: 2 hooves +13 melee (1d6+5) and bite +8 melee (1d4+2) SQ: Empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws.

Diplomacy: (+21) 11 ranks +6 Charisma +2 synergy(Knowledge) +2 Synergy(Sense Motive)
Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty): (+8) 5 ranks +0 Int +3 Competence Bonus
Sense Motive: (+6) 5 Ranks +1 Wisdom
Ride: (+15) 11 ranks +0 Dexterity, +2 Synergy(Handle Animal) +2 Ride
Handle Animal: (+11) 5 ranks +6 Charisma
Knowledge(Tactics): (+1) 1 Ranks +0 Int
Knowledge(Local): (+1) 1 Ranks +0 Int
Intimidate: (+9) 3 Ranks +6 charisma
Spot: (+1) 0 Ranks +1 Wisdom
Listen: (+1) 0 Ranks +1 Wisdom
Speak Common
Speak Keolandish
ACP: -6 in Full Plate Armor

Spellcasting: Bonus Spells: 0/0/0/0 Spells/Day: 1

"Clarity" - +1 Holy Adamantine Longsword(21k)
"Conviction" - +1 Cold Iron Lance(4k)
Heavy Shield, +2(4k)(With Spikes)
Full Plate Armor, +3(9k)(with Spikes)
Cape of Charisma +4(16k)
Ring of Protection +1(2k)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750g)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2 (4k)
Vestments of Resistance +2 (4k)
200' of Rope(4g)
Miscellaneous Junk

Equipment Slots:
Head: --
Eyes: --
Neck: --
Torso: Vestments of Resistance +2
Body: +3 Full Plate Armor
Waist: --
Shoulders: Cape of Charisma +4
Wrists: --
Hands: Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2
Finger: +1 Ring of Protection
Finger: --
Feet: --

Money: 200g
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[b]Reivik Dalrak[/b] [Elf-Kin ([i]lit.[/i] 'Brother of Vermin') Heavy-Hammer]
NG Male Dwarf Brd1/Bbn2/Ftr4/WarChanter4 [i][CWar][/i]

[b]Personality, Appearance, History[/b]

Reivik looks much as any other dwarf - short, stout, with a proudly-braided 
black beard covering craggy features.  While he has been known to wander 
about in his 'mail nightdress', particularly while relaxing, he is far more 
comfortable while on the road in his suit of full dwarven battle-plate, 
intricately worked with the history of his family in runes inlaid in the steel.

Reivik's weapon of choice is the greathammer Bar, a massive two-handed 
adamantine war-sledge forged by his great-grandfather, and the origin of his 
family name 'Dalrak'.  A faint groove on the right shoulder of his battle-plate 
shows where the shaft of the hammer rides as he walks, specially added to 
the armour to prevent the weapon sliding about awkwardly.

'Reivik' is a traditional name amongst his family - rumours have long dogged 
his line about an ancestor dallying with an elf.  It seems extremely unlikely 
that the incident ever in fact occurred, but mud sticks, and so did the name.  
Rather than fight an impossible battle against gossip and whispers, the family 
adopted the name and bore it proudly.  Truth or not, it is indeed the case 
that the Dalrak family have a tendency to get along better with elves than is 
normal for dwarves.  Reivik has inherited this trait, to an extent - he speaks 
the elven tongue fluently, and has spent much time in their company.

Reivik's passion is for stories, anecdotes, and legends - he has memorised many 
of the tales of the elves, as well as those of his own people, and is always keen 
to recite an apt tale for any given situation.  His childish excitement at the 
prospect of any new myth or history far belies the stereotypical dwarven 

On the other hand, Reivik has a somewhat shorter temper than most dwarves, 
and is given to the occasional tantrum or fit of rage when overly frustrated or 

At present, Reivik is out and abroad, returning from a campaign against the giants...


[b]S[/b]  16 +2 +4 = [b]22[/b]
[b]D[/b]  11    +2 = [b]13[/b]
[b]C[/b]  14 +2    = [b]16[/b]
[b]I[/b]  13       = [b]13[/b]
[b]W[/b]  12       = [b]12[/b]
[b]Ch[/b] 12 -2    = [b]10[/b]

[b]HP   107[/b] [+22 while raging] (6 + 16 + 28 + 24 + 33) 
[b]AC    24[/b] [- 2 while raging] (10 + 1 [Dex] + 11 [Armor] + 1 [Deflection] +1 [Natural]) [Battle Plate]
[b]AC    17[/b] [- 2 while raging] (10 + 1 [Dex] +  4 [Armor] + 1 [Deflection] +1 [Natural]) [Chain Shirt]
[b]BAB  +10[/b]
[b]Fort +15[/b] [+2 vs spells, +2 vs poison]
[b]Refl + 7[/b] [+2 vs spells]
[b]Will + 7[/b] [+2 vs spells, +2 while raging]
[b]Init + 1[/b]
[b]Spd   40 ft.[/b]

[b]XP[/b]  58,100


Combat Expertise
Power Attack
EWP (Greathammer)               [i][RoS][/i]
Weapon Focus (Greathammer)      [i][RoS][/i]
Improved Critical (Greathammer) [i][RoS][/i]
Dwarven Armor Proficiency       [i][RoS][/i]


Speak Dwarven
Speak Common
Speak Terran
Speak Elvish
Speak Giant
Speak Goblin
Speak Draconic
Perform (Oratory)   14 +0     = [b]+14[/b]
Listen               9 +1     = [b]+10[/b]
Knowledge (History)  5 +1     = [b]+ 6[/b]
Intimidate          14 +0     = [b]+14[/b]
Tumble               5 +1 + 2 = [b]+ 8[/b]*
Climb                5 +6 + 2 = [b]+13[/b]*^
Jump                 5 +6 +13 = [b]+24[/b]*^ 
Balance              5 +1 + 2 = [b]+ 8[/b]*

* ACP: -4 in Battle Plate, -1 in Chain Shirt
^ +2 while raging


+4 Belt of Giant Strength                 16000  
+2 Mithral Battle Plate                   12650        [size=1]Heirloom armor: +1 enh.[/size] 
Bar, +1 Giantbane Adamantine Greathammer   5030  [i][RoS][/i] [size=1]Heirloom weapon: Giantbane[/size]
Boots of Striding and Springing            5500               
Wand of Silence (CL 3)                     4500               
Armbands of Might                          4100  [i][CAdv][/i]
Cloak of Resistance +2                     4000               
+2 Gloves of Dexterity                     4000               
3x Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1)        2250               
Ring of Protection +1                      2000               
Amulet of Natural Armor +1                 2000               
Heward's Handy Haversack                   2000               
Masterwork Silvered Waraxe                  420               
Masterwork Cold Iron Waraxe                 360               
Masterwork Whip                             301               
Masterwork Chain Shirt                      250               
Masterwork Tower Shield                     180               
Mundane Equipment                           330
Thunderstones, 3
Daggers, 2      
Flint and Steel 
Chalk, 10       
Javelins, 6     

In Haversack:
Caltrops, 5
Candles, 10
Fishhooks, 10
Grappling Hook
Ink, 2 vials
Inkpens, 5
Oil, 5 flasks
Paper, 100 sheets       
Pitons, 10
Rations, 10 days
Rope, Silk, 50 ft.
Sacks, 5
Waterskins, 2
Tindertwigs, 10         
Tanglefoot bags, 2
Sunrods, 5
[b]Racial and Class Features[/b]

[*]Darkvision 60 ft.
[*]+2 saves vs poison
[*]+2 saves vs spells and spell-like effects
[*]+1 attack rolls vs orcs and goblinoids
[*]+4 Dodge bonus vs giants
[*]+2 Appraise/Craft on stone or metal[/list]

[*]Bardic Music 5/day
[*]Bardic Knowledge +4
[*]Inspire Courage +1[/list]

[*]Fast Movement
[*]Rage 1/day
[*]Uncanny Dodge[/list]

[b]War Chanter[/b][list]
[*]Inspire Toughness
[*]Inspire Recklessness[/list]

[b]Bard Spells[/b]

0: 2/day, Save DC 10[list]
[*]Detect Magic
[*]Mage Hand

[b]Attack bonuses[/b]
+1 Greathammer       +18/+13   1d12+10   19-20/x4     +20/+15   1d12+13   19-20/x4
Javelin                +11      1d6+ 6      20/x2       +11      1d6+ 8      20/x2
Silvered Waraxe      +15/+10*  1d10+ 5      20/x3     +17/+12*  1d10+ 7      20/x3
Cold Iron Waraxe     +15/+10*  1d10+ 6      20/x3     +17/+12*  1d10+ 8      20/x3
Disarm with Whip       +19                              +21                       
Trip with Whip         +17     Trip +8                  +19     Trip +10          
 *includes -2 penalty for Tower Shield
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First Post

Female Elf, 1st-Level Fighter/6th-Level Elf Wizard/1st-Level Spellsword/3rd-Level Eldritch Knight (XP 60,840)
Medium Humanoid (Elf)

Hit Dice: 1d10+6d4+1d8+3d6+22 (68 hp + 30 temporary hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 armor, +2 deflection vs evil), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+12
Attack: +2 Magebane Starmetal Greatsword* +14 melee (2d6+8/19-20) or +2 Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str bonus)* +14 ranged (1d8+6/x3)
Full Attack: +2 Magebane Starmetal Greatsword* +14/+9 melee (2d6+8/19-20) or +2 Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str bonus)* +14/+9 ranged (1d8+6/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities: Elf Traits, Generalist Wizardry, Summon Familiar (Bat), Natural Link, Ignore Spell Failure 10%
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10(+2 vs enchantments)
Abilities: Str 14(18), Dex 16(18), Con 12(14), Int 18(20), Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +6(0), Climb +5(1), Concentration +21(12+2cc), Jump +11(5), Knowledge (arcana) +11(6), Knowledge (architecture & engineering) +6(1), Knowledge (local) +6(1), Knowledge (nature) +10(5), Knowledge (religion) +6(1), Knowledge (the planes) +6(1), Listen[familiar within arm's reach] +5[10](0), Ride +6(2), Search +14(7), Spellcraft +20(11+2cc), Spot[familiar within arm's reach] +8[10](1cc), Swim +5(1), Tumble +11(5cc)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Scribe Scroll, Practiced Spellcaster, Craft Wondrous Item, Sudden Silent, Power Attack, Arcane Strike
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Latalya stands 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 107 pounds. She is 122 years old. Her long, silverblonde hair is worn in a single braid, a few strands of hair framing the fine-featured face with emerald eyes. Her slender figure is dressed in comfortable black leathers, on top of which she wears a simple tunic and her finely crafted chain shirt of interlinked silvery vines. Along with her backpack and a grey-green cloak, she wears a sheath on her back, which holds her greatsword, forged from rare starmetal, next to which she has her darkwood longbow slung over one shoulder.

Latalya speaks Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc and Giant.

Spells: As 11th-level wizard
Wizard Spells per Day (4/6/5/4/3/3; save DC 15 + spell level):
0 - Detect Magic (2), Light, Prestidigitation;
1st - Protection from Evil, Shield, True Strike, empowered Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, extended Critical Strike + Disguise Self*, Critical Strike*;
2nd - Glitterdust, empowered False Life, Rope Trick, extended Swift Fly, extended Wraithstrike + extended Familiar Pocket*, Bladeweave*;
3rd - Slot free (2), Magic Circle against Evil (2), Haste + Phantom Steed*;
4th - Slot free, Dimension Door, Polymorph (2);
5th - Slot free (2), Hold Monster, Greater Blink.

* The free slots are commonly used in the evening to prepare two extended Greater Magic Weapon to be cast on her main weapons and three Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer to generate additional two 1st level slots, two 2nd level slots and one 3rd level slot for the next day, which will be used in turn to prepare Arrowmind Disguise Self, Critical Strike, extended Familiar Pocket (which is cast soon after), Bladeweave, and Phantom Steed.

Active Spell Effects:
[SBLOCK]extended Greater Magic Weapon (2)
extended Familiar Pocket
empowered False Life
Magic Circle against Evil

Lesser Rod of Extend 0/6 used
Lesser Rod of Empower 1/3 used
Pearl of Power (1st) 1/2 used
Pearl of Power (2nd) 0/1 used[/SBLOCK]

0 - Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation;
1st - Alarm, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Shield, Mage Armor, Mount, Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Identify, True Strike, Charm Person, Tenser's Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Disguise Self, Nystul's Magic Aura, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Featherfall, Jump, Reduce Person, Arrow Mind [CV], Critical Strike [CV];
2nd - Resist Energy, Glitterdust, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Command Undead, False Life, Alter Self*, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Darkvision, Fox's Cunning, Knock, Rope Trick, Familiar Pocket [CA], Bladeweave [CV], Swift Fly [CV], Wraithstrike [CV];
3rd - Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Nondetection¹, Phantom Steed, Arcane Sight, Clairaudiance/Clairvoyance, Tongues, Heroism, Suggestion, Fireball, Fly, Haste, Gaseous Form, Greater Magic Weapon, Secret Page, Shrink Item, Slow, Water Breathing;
4th - Dimensional Anchor, Stoneskin¹, Evard's Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Charm Monster, Fire Shield, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Illusory Wall, Greater Invisibility, Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer², Polymorph*, Stone Shape, Orb of Force [CA], Assay Resistance [CA];
5th - Break Enchantment, Major Creation, Leomund's Secret Chest, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Dominate Person, Hold Monster, Sending, Wall of Force, Magic Jar³, Fabricate, Overland Flight, Telekinesis, Permanency, Greater Blink [CA].

* CLICK for the list of familiar forms.

Head: Headband of Intellect +2
Eyes: Eyes of the Eagle
Neck: Amulet of Health +2
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +2
Torso: Tunic of Steady Spellcasting
Body: +2 Mithril Shirt
Waist: --
Wrists: Bracers of Strength +4
Hands: Gloves of Dexterity +2
Finger: --
Finger: --
Feet: --

Other Equipment: +1 Magebane Starmetal Greatsword, Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str bonus), Silver Arrows (60), Cold Iron Arrows (51), Cold Iron Flail, Heward's Handy Haversack, Traveler's Outfit (3), Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Scroll Case (2), Belt Pouch (2), Sack (4), Silk Rope (100 ft.), Soap, Waterskin, Sunrod (10), Tanglefoot Bag (6), Tindertwig (10), Spell Component Pouch (2), Diamond Dust¹ (500 gp), Ivory Plaque² (50 gp), Crystal³ (100 gp), Boccob's Blessed Book, Pearl of Power (1st) (2), Pearl of Power (2nd), Lesser Metamagic Rod of Empower, Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend (2); 116 gp, 5 sp, 0 cp.

Noctra, bat familiar: Diminutive magical beast (augmented animal); HD 11; hp 34; Init +2; Spd 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good); AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +8; Grp -9; Atk/full Atk -; Space/Reach 1 ft./0 ft.; SQ blindsense 20 ft., low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, speak with master; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 4.
Skills and Feats: Hide +14, Listen +8, Move Silently +6, Spot +9; Alertness.

[SBLOCK]469 CY. Latalya was born in a small elven community in Silverwood. Her rare silvery hair, the high elf inherited from a distant ancestor, who was a gray elf. During the decades of her childhood, Latalya was blessed with a peaceful life, only occasionally would bands of orcs or gnolls trouble the elves, but the rangers swiftly dealt with them. She spent much of her time enjoying the beauty and wonders of nature, listen to song and music and to watch the martial training of the guardians. Swordfighting always fascinated Latalya, and like most elves, she was likewise fascinated by the arcane arts.

When she was older, Latalya began her own training, to become a guardian of the forest herself one day. While she concentrated on her skill with the sword, her training included archery and wizardry as well. Every now and then, the young warrior-in-training would even accompany small bands of rangers on their scouting tour through Silverwood.

577 CY. First giant invasion. The peaceful times ended, when the giants came. The still young elven warrior-mage Latalya was sent from her home in the Silverwood together with a contingent of wood and high elves to support their human allies against the invading giants, when Kimbertos Skotti, the King of Keoland, called for aid. This young elf played only a little role during the war, but the decades of training in the elven arts of archery, swordplay and wizardry proved useful for Latalya, as did the practice she earned during the war. Battle became the center of her life during these years under the crescent moon of Corellon Larethian, and the three cornerstones of her martial and arcane training slowly merged into one.

After the war, Latalya became an adventurer together with others that were left without a purpose after the war. She did not go back to her home, because there was still so much to see and learn; and Latalya was always eager to do so. The years passed as they accumulated wealth and reknown.

585 CY. Second giant invasion. Eight years after the first invasion, the giants had raised another army and once again threatened the human lands with war. Emerging out of the western Crystalmist mountains and the southern Jotens, they catched the human defenders in Geoff and Sterich completely unprepared. The group of adventurers, Latalya has been with for the last few years, disbanded, while they rushed to the aid of the kingdom once again. Many of them being veterans from the first invasion and many battles in between, they were keen on testing their battle experience once more. The elf accompanied one of her former travel companions, a human scout called Fenrin, to the village Fitela, near the southern war front, where his family had lived. On their way southwards, they had been traveling in northern Keoland when the news of the war had reached them, they passed several treks of farmers and other simple folk, who were fleeing away from the waves of attackers with all the belongings they could carry.

<Prologue Events>

588 CY. Eventually, Sterich was reclaimed and the war carried on into Geoff, where the giant armies had more success, devastating the landside and driving the people from their homes. Whole cities were left deserted.

<Prologue Events>

591 CY. The war rages on along the border of Sterich and Geoff, while petty nobles squabble over the spoils in Sterich. And above that all, a new enemy is about to emerge from the shadows...[/SBLOCK]
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James Heard

Mavic Larigne

Final Except For Background Revisions Post Backstory Game

Mavic Larigne "Redface", Hero of Messel, Captain of The Sterich Reddogs
Tall, dark and gaunt-looking, Mavic's once meticulously court-kept beard tended to be unkept and speckled with gray. Recently though, he has recently shaved it off as a way of noting the transitioning of the war. Beyond that, most people tend to notice his rather enormous hands. If the young Mavic hadn't so studiously ignored the pursuits of his older brothers the he would have had fine hands for an archer, or bard. Much of Mavic's appearance suggests Baklunish blood instead of the common Oeridian of Sterich.
Mavic's dress suggests the lackluster nobility befitting his station, worn black and brown suede clothing that wouldn't get in the way of horsemanship is the norm. Sometimes he accessorizes with a wide, flat brim hat to keep the harsh Sterich plains glare out of his eyes or a long red scarf that his youngest sister made for him years before. It is a long whispered about joke amongst his men about his failure to carry a weapon of any sort. In truth Mavic's father's dagger, recovered from the ruins of his family homestead, would prove to be a credible device for melee but Mavic has never drawn it for any reason of war. At Mavic's throat is the Lion of Sterich worn as a cravat pin.

Mavic strikes most as being perhaps cold and distant, but that is not the normal state of affairs. Once possessing of a wry, rapier wit he has since passed on into a somewhat numb state by the endless fighting and endless warfare of reclaiming Sterich. Now his humor runs dark and gallows, and he worships aspects of Wee Jas beyond the merely magical at night when he feels no one would care. Mavic is a person whose personal heroism stems more from his insecurities and guilt than any true sense of obligation toward his fellow man, and the worst of it is that he knows it and it shames him. Mavic actually dislikes the red face makeup that owns to his moniker because it reminds him of particularly bloody and unpleasant times in his life, but he still wears it occasionally for his men.

Mavic Lavigne was born to House Lavigne in CY 558, the last in a long line of unremarkable nobility living on their family ranch some distance to the south of Mittleberg. Despite his position in the family, his parent's enormous debts from paying the doweries of his sisters and outfitting his older brother's entourages, and a frankly atrocious attitude towards the prospect of living the rest of his life in Sterich, his parents conceeded to Mavic's wishes for an apprenticeship at the age of 13 and dutifully sent the young boy off to far away Niole Dra to learn the art of magic. He passed from his apprenticeship to Master with no troubles and soon was off bent upon the life of an adventurer, never pausing much to write so much as a letter or pay much attention to politics. In fact Mavic paid attention to very little besides the welfare of his current companions and himself for a long time.

Then, the giants came. Pouring out of the Crystalmists and Jotens, and scourging the land of Sterich. Scourging his family's lands, a burning ruin that burns even brighter in the darkness of Mavic's heart. When King Skotti mustered his knights to recapture his homeland, Mavic joined and mustered forces of his own. In 588, Istivin reclaimed, Mavic even smiled - for a little while. Then he saw the interlopers and pretenders making a mockery of his kingdom, and the barren ash heap that was left of his family lands. Mavic vowed to reclaim the kingdom, not only from the vicious humanoids that had invaded it, but from the decay and dimishment that now marked it.
Timeline (CY):
Mavic is born, seventh son of Baron Marl Lavigne and his wife Cherwea
Some fierce disagreement takes place on the apprenticeship of Baron Lavigne's youngest son, Mavic
Mavic is sent to Niole Dra to apprentice to a distant cousin, Shaea, who is a priest of the Witch Goddess Wee Jas.
Mavic's mother dies.
Mavic begins his life of adventure, exploring fell dungeons in the Uleks and in lands of the Sea Princes, with his armsman Gregos and an everchanging cast of secondary characters.
Mavic becomes betrothed to Meria, the young daughter of the baron to the west of his father's lands.
Sterich invaded. The coldest winter in Sterich in all of recorded time. Mavic spends much of his fortune hiring mercenaries and adventurers to help him retake his homeland. The evacuation of Fitela goes badly, and many of Mavic's mercenaries are killed fighting a delaying action against the orcs.

Mavic's band of cavalrybegins to call themselves the "Reddogs" thanks to a particularly dense half-orc named Maesle who notes that the royal lion of Keoland "looks like a doggie." Mavic tells the routed warriors, " No son, that's a Lion. We're the dogs." The name sticks even if the story, thankfully, does not.

Some weeks later, the Reddogs are attached to the Sterich Cavalry under the command of Marshall Karri Velthundle, launching hit and run attacks against the giant forces persuing the evacuated citizens of Istivin to Godakin Keep. Mavic becomes well known amongst certain ears in Sterich for defending the traitorous seneschalof the keep from execution for his crimes and for his flat statement, "Even traitors deserve the right to spill the blood of giants."
Mavic's armsman Gregos is killed delaying a giant while a despondant Mavic weeps at Mittleberg. A young chambermaid named Eshanna is rescued by the Reddogs and Mavic in the subsequent furious counterattack. Though they cannot heal her ruined face without Gregos, she pledges fealty to Mavic.

A broken and morally beaten Reddogs return to the front lines. The Reddogs are transfered to the command of Valtgraf Jorgen Wallur at the request of Mavic's older brother and Latalya's adventuring companion 'Cale' Buren, now called Baron Larigne. The Massacre of Stark Valley occurs, and Mavic is gravely wounded dispatching many gnolls to their earned reward. Mavic earns the nickname "Redface" from the few gnolls that escape the lethal trap, from the fiercesome visage of delivering so many powerful energy spells at close range that his face was damaged from the heat and discharge. Even though the wounds are later magically healed, the sheer recklessness of his actions earn Mavic the Lion of Sterich Gallant medal.

Even before his other wounds were fully healed, Mavic volunteers for yet another suicide mission, this time to assassinate the then Giantking Galmoor. Alas, the King had disappeared and the suicide party returned to Keoland empty handed.
Mavic is joined by his former adventuring companion Erold and brother Gander in an expedition to the Jotens. Both are slain by Mavic when they fall under the magical compulsion of the dragon whose lair they are raiding. Mavic escapes via teleportation and never speaks of the event to anyone but Eshanna. Mavic 'rescues' his youngest sibling Serolia from the clutches of a young knight in Kilm by challenging him to a duel and killing him.

Serolia is sent to safety in Salinmoor.
Gander and Felth, two of the most trusted members of the Reddogs, are killed in an assassination attempt on Mavic's life.

Serolia disappears.
Mavic assists some companions in their efforts to aid some dwarves near Geoff. Mavic's brother Buren is killed in a battle near the Jotens.
Current Year
Male N Human Wizard 11

[B]S[/B] 12+1	(4)
[B]D[/B] 12+1	(2+2 Gloves)
[B]C[/B] 12+1	(4)
[B]I[/B] 22+6	(16+2 LvL+2 Headband)
[B]W[/B] 10+0	(2)
[B]Ch[/B] 14+2	(4+2 Cloak)

[b]Hit Points[/b] 45

[b]AC[/b] 18 ([i]Dex +1, Bracers +5, Ring +2[/i]), 18 [i]Touch[/i], 17 [i]Flat[/i]
[b]Init[/B] +5 ([i]+4 Improved Init +1 DEX[/i])
[b]BAB[/B] +5
 Melee +6/Ranged +6
[b]Speed[/B] 30'
[b]F[/B] +6 [b]R[/B] +6 [b]W[/B] +9

[b]Skills (28+8/lvl) & Feats			Ranks[/b]
Concentration +9 				 8 
Decipher Script +11				 5
[i]Diplomacy[/i] +8					 4
Knowledge (Arcana) +16				10
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +8	 2
Knowledge (Geography) +11			 5
Knowledge (History) +16				10
Knowledge (Local) +16				10
Knowledge (Nature) +13				 5
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +16		10
Knowledge (Religion) +11			 5
Knowledge (The Planes) +9			 3
Spellcraft +22					14
[i]Ride[/i] +6					         6
[i]Survival[/i] +5					 5
[color=slategray]Craft Wand[/color]
[color=slategray]Craft Wondrous Item[/color]
[color=slategray]Able Learner[/color] ([i]RoD[/i])
[color=slategray]Improved Initiative[/color]
[color=slategray]Maximize Spell[/color]
[color=slategray]Scribe Scroll[/color]
[color=slategray]Spell Focus: Evocation[/color]

[b]Languages[/b]: Common, Giant, Keolandish, Draconic, Orc

[b]XP[/b]: 59,180

[b]Spells Known[/b] (Wiz All/11/8/8/8/8/4)
O  :	All

1st:	Magic Missle, Disguise Self, Ray of Enfeeblement, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Reduce Person, Mage Armor, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Unseen Servant, Lowlight Vision ([i]CArc[/i])	

2nd:	Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blindness/Deafness, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Fox's Cunning, Cat's Grace

3rd:	Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Phantom Steed, Nondetection, Dispel Magic, Ray of Exhaustion, Tongues, Gaseous Form, Suggestion ([i]Bought[/i])

4th:	Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Bestow Curse, Greater Invisibility, Rainbow Pattern, Evard's Black Tentacles, Leomund's Secure Shelter, Stoneskin, Hallucinatory Terrain ([i]Bought[/i])

5th:	Cone of Cold, Fabricate, Hold Monster, Feeblemind, Teleport, Wall of Force, Seeming, Permanency, Magic Jar ([i]Bought[/i]), Waves of Fatigue ([i]Bought[/i])

6th:	Antimagic Field, Chain Lightning, True Seeing, Mass Cat's Grace, Summon Monster VI ([i]Bought[/i])

[b]Spells Prepared [/b](Wiz 4/6/6/5/4/3/2)
O: Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Detect Magic
1: Magic Missilex2, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat, Ray of Enfeeblementx2
2: Mirror Imagex2, Tasha's Hideous Laughterx2, Blindness/Deafness, Scorching Ray
3: Fireballx2, Lightning Bolt, Gaseous Form, Dispel Magic
4: Ice Storm, Evard's Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Leomund's Secure Shelter
5: Fabricate, Feeblemind, Hold Monster
6: Chain Lightning, Mass Cat's Grace

Bracers of Armor +5		12,500 ([i]Crafted[/i])
Belt of Many Pockets 		11,000 ([i]CArc[/i])
Ring of Protection +2		 8,000
Boots of Striding & Springing 	 5,500
Vest of Resistance +2 		 4,000 ([i]CArc[/i])
Headband of Intellect +2	 4,000 
Cloak of Charisma +2		 4,000
Gloves of Dexterity +2		 4,000
Ring of Sustenance		 2,500
Wand of Magic Missile (1st)x2	 2,250 ([i]Crafted[/i]) (49 charges in Wand 1)
Lion of Sterich Medal of Gallantry  1,100 ([i]CAdv[/i]) (Bluff-2, Diplo +2, Sanctuary 3x/day Swift)
Potion of Cure Light Woundsx10	   500 (x9 now)
Potion of Pass Without Tracex2	   100
Explorer's Outfit                    x
Noble's Outfit                      75
100 GP worth of Misc Jewelry       100
Military saddle                     20
Bit & Bridlex2                       4
Pack Saddle                          5
Light Warhorse                     150
Pony                                30
Signet Ring                          5
Winter Blanket                        .5
Bedroll                               .1
Scroll Casesx10                     10
Flint & Steel                        1
Mirror, Small Steel                 10
Iron Pot                              .5
Tent                                10
Waterskinsx5                         5
Everburning Paperweight            110
Dad's Dagger                         2
Spellbook                            x
Material Components for Stoneskin   500
Material Components for True Seeing 500

[b]GP[/b] 1036
[b]SP[/b]  9

Ht 6'4		Hair Black
Wt 160 lb	Eyes Black
Age 33

Companions, Cohorts, & Familiars
Malec, Familiar
Animal, Weasel, Male Animal, Weasel : CR 1/4; Tiny Animal ; HD 11d8 (Animal) ; hp 19; Init + 2; Spd 20, Climb 20; AC 43; Atk + 3 base melee, + 9 base ranged; +9 ( 1d3-4, Bite ); SA: Attach (Ex) ; SQ: Scent (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), ; AL N; SV Fort + 3, Ref + 5, Will + 8; STR 3, DEX 15, CON 10, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 10 Skills: Balance +10, Climb +10, Concentration +9, Hide +11, Move Silently +8, Spot +3 Feats: Weapon Finesse

Fage, Mount
Animal, Light Warhorse

Nessen, Pack Horse
Animal, Pony

Eshanna Maile, Female Human Clr8 of Wee Jas

Eshanna might have once been beautiful, but the years have been harsh and unforgiving. Every inch of her body speaks of the unrelenting wounds of her personal war against the giants. One side of her face is horribly rended, beyond even magical healing, from when she was captured by the enemy and tortured. Elsewhere her bones are bent and knotted in gruesome and unnatural ways from the same, and other, incidents. Still, her small compact form radiates energy and drive. Every so often she remarks on the long, flowing hair of her youth - now vanished underneath a severe utilitarian crewcut.

Eshanna isn't much fun, but she's absolutely dedicated to killing giants and the enemies of Sterich.

Eshanna's deformity gives her a unique viewpoint, she thinks. She's been the beauty of the manor and the monster that parades in victory down the streets only to cause children to cry and people to turn their heads away. Death and the pursuit of deep truths, she now thinks, are the only realities. Mavic Larigne not only seems to pull such mysteries into whirlpools of activity around him, but radiates those qualities himself. Part of her constantly tries to put the steel of conviction back into Mavic, so that he might exemplarize the qualities into a more clarified form. The other part, a smaller part, feels nothing but pity for the man whose soul is even more deeply wounded than her body.

Eshanna began her life as a downstairs maid, and would have happily ended it that way. Fate intervened though, and after she was brutally savaged at the hands of the enemies of Sterich and rescued she dedicated her life to Wee Jas, a goddess as dark and intense as Eshanna's own heart.

Eshanna serves as the heart and soul of the Reddogs, Mavic's most trusted sounding board and keeper of his darkest secrets. Officially she's recognized as nothing more than just another one of the light horsemen, but every Reddog and prudent viewer recognizes her as Mavic's lieutenant. Most of the time Mavic doesn't directly address or redress his men, leaving the managing of the myriad details of keeping the men's logistics up to Eshanna. Some people seem to think that it's because he feels strongly about the orderly conduct of military affairs, but Eshanna knows that he simply looks at them and fears getting close to any more of them dying.

Medium Humanoid ; HD 8d8+16(Cleric) ; hp 56; Init +1; Spd 20; AC:25 (Flatfooted:24 Touch:11); Atk +8/3 base melee, +7/2 base ranged; +9/4 (1d10+3, +1 Sword, bastard); AL LN; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +12; STR 15, DEX 12, CON 15, INT 12, WIS 20, CHA 11. Skills: Concentration +13, Heal +16, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Spellcraft +12. 
Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, bastard, Quick Draw, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spontaneous Healer.
Spells Prepared (Clr 6/6/4/4/3): 0 - Create Water x2, Detect Magic, Mending 
x2, Purify Food and Drink; 1st - Cure Light Wounds x3, Obscuring Mist, 
Protection from Chaos (d), Summon Monster I x2; 2nd - Calm Emotions (d), 
Calm Emotions, Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Restoration, Lesser; 3rd - Create 
Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds x2, Dispel Magic (d), Invisibility 
Purge; 4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Imbue with Spell Ability (d), Lower Spell 
Resistance, Restoration.
Weapons: +1 Sword, bastard: Bane: Giant (8,335 gp).
Armor: +2 Full plate (5,650 gp).
Shields: +2 Mithral Shield, heavy steel (5,170 gp).
Goods: Horse, light (75 gp); Bit and bridle (2 gp); Saddle, military (20 gp); Saddlebags (4 gp); Bedroll (1 sp) Coin: gp (345) (195 gp).Blanket, winter (5 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Signal whistle (8 sp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Traveler`s outfit - Reddog Uniform (1 gp); Caltrops (1 gp) Wooden Holy Symbol of Wee Jas(1 gp)
Magic: Ring: Sustenance (2,500 gp); Wondrous: Periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000 
gp); Wondrous: Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 gp).

Ht 5'4		Hair Blonde
Wt 135 lb	Eyes Brown

8 Human N Ranger 1 "The Sterich Reddogs"

Thom Younger
An enormously tall redheaded boy of about 17, not quite grown into his hands or beard yet. Rosy-cheeked and a bit dull-witted.
Thom Elder
Not Thom Younger's father, but just another Thom. He's missing an eye and some teeth from a gnoll javelin and is the Reddog's designated scrounger. Replace Profession (Hunter) with max ranks in Search.
Merres was a Larigne man for Mavic's father, swept up in the evacuation of Sterich until he joined the Reddogs in 587. Merres was the Reddog sent to Keoland to escort Mavic's sister, and probably the most "gentile" of the Reddogs as well as the most experienced. Merres has been killed twice and raised, and not fond of the experience yet.
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 13 INT 14 WIS 15 CHA 8 and Profession (Hunter) is replaced with CC ranks in Knowledge (Nobility).
Gemlem probably would have been a pickpocket in Flen all his life if Mavic hadn't called out "Hey You! Carry this!" to him one day. He probably racks up more loathsome duties than anyone else because of his running gripe with Eshanna. Alignment: CN
The only other female Reddog besides Eshanna, she gave up her half-orc newborn to relatives for the opportunity to strike against the giants and their allies during the war. She's also tremendously beautiful. Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Orc) instead of Giants. STR 8 DEX 14 CON 10 INT 13 WIS 12 CHA 15
Roen Mek
Even older than Merres, Roen is a portly man who tends to drink too much if allowed to. Roen is from Steryn, where he was a baker before the war and lost his wife and children. Replace 2 ranks Profession (Hunter) with 2 ranks inProfession (Baker).
Thom Younger's best friend and comrade in arms. Miggens pretty much does whatever he's told and whatever Thom Younger does, which makes Eshanna incredibly sweet on him. There's nothing she likes more than a cog that helps turn the wheels.
Merres' son, Anders grew up on Larigne lands and was born into the idea of serving the Barons. Anders is incredibly hard working, ceaselessly seaking out odd jobs and money-making opportunities so that he can "afford to get m'paw back m'self next time." Eshanna is just glad he applies himself that well to Reddog business.

Generic Reddog Template, Male Human Rgr1: CR 1; Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d8+2(Ranger) ; hp 10; Init +1; Spd 30; AC:13 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:11); Atk +2 base melee, +2 base ranged; +2 (1d6, Shortbow); +2 (1d6+1, Shortspear); AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 13, CON 15, INT 8, WIS 14, CHA 10.
Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Profession (Hunter) +6, Ride +5, Spot +6, Survival +6.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track.
Weapons: Shortbow (30 gp); Arrows (50) (3 gp); Shortspear (1 gp).
Armor: Leather (10 gp).
Goods: Horse, light (75 gp); Bit and bridle (2 gp); Saddle, military (20 gp); Saddlebags (4 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Coin: sp (1 sp); Blanket, winter (5 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Signal whistle (8 sp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Traveler`s outfit - Reddog Uniform (1 gp); Caltrops (1 gp) Wooden Holy Symbol of Wee Jas(1 gp)

Revised spell prepared list for Grumpy 1 & 2. More buttkicking and subduing, less outdoorsy stuff.

Mavic's Spell List
Spells Prepared (Wiz 4/6/6/5/4/3/2)
0: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mending, Dancing Lights
1: Feather Fall, Reduce Person, Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Unseen Servant*
2: Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, Blindness/Deafness, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Flaming Sphere, Invisibility
3: Dispel Magic, Gaseous Form, Suggestion, Tongues, Lightning Bolt
4: Evard's Black Tentacles, Wall of Fire, Rainbow Pattern, Ice Storm
5: Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Wall of Force
6: Antimagic Field, Summon Monster VI

Eshanna's Spell List
Spells Prepared (Clr 6/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1)
0: Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink, Light, Read Magic, Guidance, Detect Poison
1: Bless, Bane, Divine Favor, Hide from Undead, Detect Undead, Sanctuary, Protection from Chaos(D)
2: Enthrall, Make Whole, Shatter, Shield Other, Calm Emotions (D)
3: Remove Curse, Searing Light, Stone Shape, Locate Object, Dispel Magic (D)
4: Neutralize Poison, Divine Power, Dismissal, Order's Wrath (D)
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Ranger Rick

First Post
Name George
Rogue 11
Lawful Neutral

A very young elf emerged within during the wars and became a trusted spy than deputy of warlords. This elf was very quick and seemed to be super nimble. Yet compared to the solidiers around him, he looked as fragile as a tooth pick. His name changed to George so that others could pronounce it.

His forest home was dystroyed in the wars and he claims to be a citzen of the Sheldomar Valley. This destruction has made him an avid paticipant in the Wars. Somehow the war has not ravaged his body. His face is unmarked and wounds he has recieved have healed nicely. Therefore his luck is due to change.

He learned his craft well and yet he is destined to always be the second fiddle. He has never accepted the responsibility of taking command as he had not the ambition to be a true leader, he would always be loyal to whom he followed. Initially being a spy, he learned to enter any "locked" domain. Chests or doors where inconsiquential. No one had privacy if George was on the prowl. He also never seemed to need sleep so enemies could not seem to catch him unaware. However, to his enemy he was totally ruthless. He killed with no quarter given and had zero mercy for the fallen. Wounded where never taken. Using invisabilty and his boots of speed he would effieciently kill all those who opposed his leader. Some thought of him as an assassian but he was not. He was never one to be easily fooled and lo be the poor underling who tried and failed.

Between the lines: This young elf was caught deep within the bowels of Baron Veaublanche's solidier encampment. It was the start of the war (CY577) and the ruling Lord decided to spare the young thief's life and convert him into a spy. The lord had determined that if this waif with no training can make it this far, he can be of more use as a comrade than as a hung soul. Baron Veaublanche's internal spy network was thin so he jumped at the opportunity to set one up.

The war ended quickly, but not soon enough for George. His childhood home was in the initial invasion path and all was dystroyed. George had now where to go but ahead into the future. With this new found Lord, he was able to act as both an internal and as an external spy. Baron Veaublanche grew more powerful as the peace before CY 585 progressed. Travel and commerece where increasing. George climbed in experience as well. He would hang out around the ferry to listen to the gossip. Sometimes he was visible sometimes he was not. George also would quickly rife through locked boxes to se who had what. But no matter what, he always replaced everything back. Nothing was taken. He had the patience to wait and acquire his goods through other means. His two big acquisitions (the ring & boots) where purchased by Baron Veaublanche. George was also written in as an heir. He had no reason for traveling trinkets.

At the time of the second invasion, George become head of a secret police for the soon to be war weary, paranoid Baron Veaublanche. As a chief spy, George was knew he would be unable to stick out as a recognizable commander. But than no one remembers who the commanders deptuy & staff are.

[sblock] you work for Baron Veaublanche, who has a small manorial estate just north of Javan's Ferry. (See James' map post 233.) It's an old family, that's about to die out as the baron is quite old and he has no male heirs. He makes most of his money from the ferry across the Javan river, which is quite wide at this point. [/sblock]

[COLOR=Silver]Str 10
Dex 20
Con 10 (-2 racial)
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 10

Fort    6
Reflex 15
Will    7
BAB +8/+3
AC     21 (10 +3 leather +3 ring +5 dex)
Init   +9
HP 46

Ranged +13/+11 Bow 1d8 (under 30’ +6d6+1)
Melee +14/+12 Rapier 7d6 15-20/x2

Nimble Fingers
Weapon Finesse (Rapier)
Improved Critical (Rapier)
Improved Initiative
Point Blank Shot
[b]Skills           Ranks Mod Synergy  Total[/b]
Balance            11   +5   +2    = +18
Bluff              12   +0   +0    = +12
Diplomacy          14   +0   +4    = +18
Disable Device     14   +3   +4    = +21
Hide                5   +5   +0    = +10
Jump                5   +1   +2    = + 8
Knowledge (local)   2   +3   +0    = + 5
Listen             14   +1   +2    = +17
Move Silently      14   +5   +0    = +19
Open Lock          14   +5   +4    = +23
Search             14   +3   +2    = +19
Sense Motive       14   +1   +0    = +15
Spot               14   +1   +2    = +17
Tumble              7   +5   +2    = +14
Handy haversack: Thieves’ Tools, Masterwork; silk rope 50’; waterskin; 
                 bedroll, caltrops, fish hook; flint&steel; grappling hook; 
                 mirror; spade; 3 days of rations, vial of anti venom.,
Leather Armor +1, Ring of Protection +3, Ring of Sustenance, 
Hand of Glory, Ring of Invisibility, Boots of Speed
Rapier MW, Longbow, composite
Efficient Quiver, 60 arrows

Languages: Common, Elven, Orc, Kenosioan

Class: Sneak attack +6d6, trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +3, 
Improved Uncanny Dodge, Feat[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Morley Human Ranger

Morley Stendal

Human Ranger 11
60,500 exp.
Neutral Good

Str: 14 (6)
Dex: 19 (8) +2 level bonuses +2 Gloves
Con: 12 (4)
Int: 12 (4)
Wis: 14 (6)
Cha: 12 (4)

Hp: 79

AC 23 , Touch 14, Flat 17
Init +4 (Dex. +4)
BAB +11, Grap +13
Speed 30’ (base 30’, light load)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5


+14/+9/+4 +1 Glaive, 1d10+3 19-20/x2 2,008 gp (quiver) reach
+14/9+/+4 MW Warhammer 1d8+2 19-20/x3 312 gp (belt)
+12/+8/+3 MW Dagger 1d4+2 19-20/x2 (belt) 302 gp
+14/+9/+4 MW Lance 1d8+2 19-20/x3 310 gp (quiver) reach


+17/+12/+8 or +15/+15/+10/+5 Mighty +1 Shocking Comp. Longbow, 1d8+3+1d6 electrical, 19-20/x3, 110'r 8,600gp (quiver)
60 arrows (quiver) 2gp (10 alchemical silver, 10 cold iron) 2gp
+15/+10/+5, MW Dagger 1d4+2, 17-20/x2, p/s 10'r 302gp (x3) (two in boots one at shoulder)

Medium, 6'1" tall, 165 wt, 23 yrs old
Black hair, Gray eyes, Tanned skin

Speaks Common and Giant

Skills 112 (6x14+14Int+14Hum.)

Appraise xx (+1Int)
Balance xx (1+4Dex +2syn) ac
Bluff xx (5+1Cha)
Climb (5+2Str) ac
Concentration (2+1Con)
Craft Bowyer (4+1Int)
Diplomacy xx (+1Cha +2syn)
Disguise xx (+1Cha +2syn)
Escape Artist xx (+4Dex) ac
Gather Information xx (+1Cha)
Handle Animal (5+1Cha)
Heal (6+2Wis+2 Kit)
Hide (4+4Dex) ac
Intimidate xx (1+1Cha+2syn)
Jump (5+2Str +2syn) ac
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (3+1Int)
Knowledge (geography) (5+1Int)
Knowledge xx (local) (1+1Int)
Knowledge (nature) (5+1Int)
Listen (10+2Wis)
Move Silently (6+4Dex) ac
Profession (+2Wis)
Ride (8+4Dex)
Search (2+1Int)
Sense Motive xx (1+2Wis)
Spot (10+2Wis)
Survival (14+1Wis +2syn—following tracks)
Swim (2+2Str)

-Point Blank Shot (+1 attack and damage within 30’)
-Rapid Shot (Extra ranged attack at -2 to all attacks)*
-Precise Shot (No penalty for firing into melee)
-Track (Follow trail with survival check)*
-Endurance (+4 on certain saves/checks, sleep in light or medium arrow)*
-Improved Precise Shot (Ignore less than total cover/concealment)*
-Many Shot (Fire 2 arrows at once as a standard action at -4 or 3 arrows at -6)*
-Weapon Focus Bow
-Improved Critical
-Improved Buckler Defense

Human Traits
-Bonus feat and skills

Ranger Abilities
-Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons
-Proficiency with light armor and shields (except tower shields)
-Favored Enemy (+6 Damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival vs. Giants)
-Favored Enemy 2 (+2 Damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival vs. Elves, Drow)
-Favored Enemy 3 (+2 Damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, & Survival vs. Outsiders, Evil)
-Wild Empathy (as Diplomacy check to improve attitude vs. animals 11+1cha+2syn)
-Combat style Archery
-Bonus Feats
-Woodland Stride
-Swift Tracker
-Animal Companion
-Divine Spells

Spells per Day
-1st Level 2 DC: 13
--Arrow Mind Di VSM 1 Imm act Personal 1min/lev (D) Threaten adjacent squares with bow, not subject to attacks of opportunity ComAd143
--Entangle Tr VSD 1 act Long 1 min/lev (D) Ref part. N Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft rad. circle PHB227

-2nd Level 2 DC: 14
--Cat’s Grace Tr VSM 1 act Touch 1 min/lev Will n. Y Subject gains +4 Dex for 1 min/lev PHB208
--Nature’s Favor Animal touched gains luck bonus on attack and damage +1/3lev ComAd

-3rd Level 0 DC: 15


Armor +2 Mithril Breast Plate +7 AC Max. dex. +6, armor check penalty -1 8,100 gp.
Shield +1 Darkwood Buckler +2 AC no armor check penalty 1,205 gp.
Explorer’s Outfit over armor
Boots Winged 15,000gp
Gloves of Dexterity 4000gp
Scroll spells--animal growthx2, Summon Nature's ally IIIx2, bear's endurance, bull's strength, owl's wisdom, cat's grace, barkskinx2, Neutralize Poisonx2. 4650gp (case)

Quiver of Elonna, (left shoulder ) 1,800gp
Backpack (center back) 2gp
Bedroll (below backpack) 1sp
Wooden Holy Symbol of Berei (neck) 1gp
Map/Scroll Case (side) 1gp

Healers’ Bag 50 gp (larger belt pouch)
Alchemist’s fire x2 40gp (Bandoleer, 6 on mule 120gp)
Thunderstone x2 30gp (Bandoleer)
Smokestick x2 40gp (Bandoleer)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 100gp (Bandoleer x2)
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds 11,250gp (wand sheath) (48)
Restorative Ointment 4000gp (pouch)
Potion of Spider climb 300gp
Bless Weapon oil x2 100gp
Potion of Remove Curse 750gp
Aid Potionx2 600gp

Waterskin-2 water and wine (side of backpack and belt) 2gp and 10gp
4 Torches (2 backpack 2 mule) 4cp
Flint & Steel (Belt pouch) 1gp
5 Tindertwigs (Belt pouch) 5gp
Trail Rations- 2 days (backpack) 1gp
Silk Rope 100’ with grapnel (backpack) 15gp
Travelers’ outfit (backpack) 1gp
Tent (Mule) 10gp
Animal Trainer's Kit 75gp (mule)
Camouflage Kit 40gp (mule)
Sunrodx5 (1 backpack, 4 mule) 10gp

Light Warhorse 150gp
MW Military saddle 210gp
Saddle Bags 4gp
Bit and Bridle 2gp
MW Studded Leather horse Barding 250gp
MW Studded Leather dog Barding 200gp
Mule 8gp
Pack Saddle 5gp
20 days animal feed 1gp
10 days dog feed 5sp
10 days trail rations 5gp

Coins- 7 pp, 58 gp, 12sp, 6cp (pouch)
500gp x2, 100gp x5, 50gp x3, 10gp x10 gems (pouch)

-Morley is a moderately handsome man of early middle years. His face is somewhat lined from a life spent outdoors. He wears a short beard and mustach neatly trimed. His skin is tanned and marked with a few scars. He is jolly fellow who enjoys his friends or the company of a good tavern. His wit is sharp and sometimes has a bite when someone offends him. He is polite to a fault and his manners are surprising well honed for one who spends so much time in the wild. He is rarely seen in anything other than his armor and well worn comfortable looking clothes suited to the outdoors. He wears a leather hat with a broad brim to shield him from rain and sun. A large Warhammer hangs at his belt and a quiver loaded with weapons and arrows is on his back. A large Mastif dog dressed in studded leather is usually at his heel.

-Morley was born in Sterich. He grew up on an isolated farm and spent his youth roaming the woods near the family farm. Eventually, his family's land was overrun by humanoids and giants during the invasion. Morley used his woodcraft to help his mother and siblings escape just in time. His father was part of the militia that fought the invaders. He is lost and presumed dead. Morley vowed to fight back and regain the land his family lost. His mother and youngest brother now live in Istavin. The middle brother is in the army, while his sister is a priestess of Berei. The family have been followers of Berei for generations, but Morley is not a deeply pious man.

Animal Companion "Beau" Beauregard Dog (riding)

Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (42 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (+3 Dex, +8 natural, +3 barding, +1 Dodge), touch 14, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+7
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip (Ex)
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment spells and effects)
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +8, Listen +7, Spot +6, Swim +3, Survival +2(+4 when tracking by scent)
Feats: Alertness, Track, Dodge, Improved Natural Attack (bite)
Environment: Temperate plains
Tricks: Attack, defend, down, stay, perform, heel, fetch, guard, & seek.
Special Animal Companinion: Link, share spells, evasion, devotion

Beau is a big mastif type dog with tawney brown colored short hair. When going into danger he is equiped with armor. Normally, his role in combat is to stand before Morley while Morley uses his bow or a reach weapon.

Trip (Ex)
A war trained riding dog that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the dog.
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[B]Name:[/B]       Gregor
[B]Class:[/B]      Druid 10 / Warshaper 1
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'7", 174 lb)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral       

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    11     [B]XP:[/B] 61,207 / 66,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]      +7     [B]HP:[/B] 112 (11d8+44)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3  (6p.)*    [B]Grapple:[/B]  +9
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1  (4p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]    30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2  (8p.)     [B]Init:[/B]     +6
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)       

* +1 @ 4th level, +1 @ 8th level

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 17             10     +5     +0     +2   +0    
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  15

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +12              +9    +3   
[B]Ref:[/B]   +5              +3    +2   
[B]Will:[/B]  +9              +7    +2  

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Sling               +10/+5    1d4+3     20/x2     B       (range 100')
Dagger              +10/+5    1d4+2     19-20    P/S

Common, Keolandish, Druidic, Sylvan

Shapeshift (Predator, Aerial, Slayer)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy +10
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Venom Immunity
Morphic Immunities
Morphic Weapons

Blind Fight [Human]
Improved Toughness [1st]
Improved Initiative [3rd]
Power Attack [6th]
Multiattack [9th]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 82    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 14/7

[B]Skills:                 Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

Concentrate +16         13     +3
Heal +15                13     +2
Jump +6                  4     +2
Knowledge:Nature +16    13     +1     +2
Listen +15              13     +2
Spot +15                13     +2
Survival +17            13     +2     +2


0:  6  (Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds x2, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Light)
1: 5+2 (Faerie Fire, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Stone, Produce Flame)
2: 5+2 (Cat's Grace, Lesser Restoration x2, Spider Climb, Warp Wood)
3:  3  (Neutralize Poison, Protection From Energy, Water Breathing)
4:  3  (Cure Serious Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm)
5:  2  (Cure Critical Wounds x2)

[B]Equipment:                    Cost  Weight[/B]
+3 Wild Leather Armor      36160gp    15lb
+1 Sling of Distance        8000gp     -lb
 - Bullets (10)              0.2gp    10lb
MW Dagger                    302gp     1lb

Rod of Lesser Extend        3000gp     5lb
Pearl of Power 1st (2)      2000gp     -lb
Pearl of Power 2nd (2)      8000gp     -lb
Everburning Torch            110gp     1lb

Wand of CLW (50)             750gp     -lb
Wand of CMW (50)            4500gp     -lb

 - CMW (2)                   600gp     -lb
 - Darkvision (4)           1200gp     -lb
 - Shield of Faith +3 (4)   1200gp     -lb

Belt Pouch (2)                 2gp     1lb
Healer's Kit (10)             50gp     1lb
Spell Component Pouch          5gp     2lb
Waterskin                      1gp     4lb

                    Total  65880.2

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 40lb / 58lb light load
[B]Money:[/B] 119gp 8sp 0cp
[/sblock][sblock=Background]A scruffy looking man in his early thirties, Gregor looks somewhat out of place in polite company. Usually dressed in old, stained leathers with his shaggy hair and beard lying loose around his head and shoulders. He often looks distracted or wary, but when his attention becomes fixated on something he is very much alert, and his eyes burn with a fierce life.

Gregor's early life was fairly unremarkable. The second son of a farmer, born and raised in Sterich. When he was finished with his chores, he would take to wandering, exploring the lands out past his father's plot. Eventually he got bored with farming at all, and decided to move on. An old druid who lived nearby took him in and began training him as an apprentice. Gregor took to the life well, and when the old man died, took up his mantle. He lived at the boundary between the humans and the wilderness, helping each in little ways as he could.

He was fairly well settled into his life when the invasion came, and utterly unprepared for the savagery and swiftness of the humanoid hordes. He did his best to help some of the nearby farmers to escape, but there were many he could not get to. He tried to reach one last stead, only to find it already burning. Orcs and goblinoids gathered around the fire, and one spotted him. He ran, and they gave chase. Running headlong into the woods, heedless of direction, only desiring to get away, he found himself running into another patrol. Trying to calm himself and remember his magic, he took the form of a wolf, and faded back into the woods. He was spotted a few times but the horde far less eager to chase a mangy wolf than a fleeing man.

And so began a long descent for Gregor. He tried to get away from the invaders, but they were seemingly everywhere. He could not risk his normal form, he was far too tempting a target. Far better to journey as the wolf. He moved through the wilderness, but still the hordes blocked him. He could only move around them. He stayed a wolf for far too long. He lived wild, while the horde occupied the Sterich. At first it was simply safer, but later fear drove him. The invasion had calmed, perhaps he could have made his way back to civilization, but the thought of being caught terrified him, and so he remained where he was, hidden. Eventually he began seeing humans again, fighting back against the hordes, but he still did not reveal himself. He fled the liberators as readily as the invaders. Instinct drove him to stay away, stay in hiding.

Finally, when the land had been reclaimed he found himself slowly drifting back to himself. Somewhere along the way, after years as an animal, he had lost his humanity. But the villagers returned, and the farmers, and with them his memories. After four years as a wolf, Gregor the man walked back into the world. However, something was still missing from him. The hills and woods haunted him, and so he made his way to Istivin, seeking to reclaim something by living among the humans. But there is something wrong with Istivin as well, something savage, something to fear. Gregor is not much better for living within it's walls, but he continues to seek himself there.[/sblock][sblock=Shapeshifting Forms][sblock=Predator, The Wolf]
[B]Str:[/B] 18 +4     [B]Level:[/B]    11     [B]HP:[/B] 112 (11d8+44)
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2     [B]BAB:[/B]      +7
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3     [B]Grapple:[/B] +11
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1     [B]Speed:[/B]    50'
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2     [B]Init:[/B]     +6
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0       

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 21             10     +5     +0     +2   +4 (natural armor)    
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  19

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +12              +9    +3   
[B]Ref:[/B]   +5              +3    +2   
[B]Will:[/B]  +9              +7    +2  

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Bite                  +13     1d6+8     20/x2   P/B/S     (magical)
Morphic Bite                  1d8+8

Mobility [Form Bonus]

[B]Skills:                 Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Jump +16                 4     +4     +8
[/sblock][sblock=Aerial, The Hawk]
[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3     [B]Level:[/B]    11     [B]HP:[/B] 112 (11d8+44)
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2     [B]BAB:[/B]      +7     
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3     [B]Grapple:[/B] +10
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1     [B]Speed:[/B]    30'  Fly 40' (good)
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2     [B]Init:[/B]     +6
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0       

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 17             10     +3     +0     +2   +2 (natural armor)    
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  15

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +12              +9    +3   
[B]Ref:[/B]   +7              +3    +2    +2   
[B]Will:[/B]  +9              +7    +2  

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Talon                +12      1d6+5     20/x2    P/S      (magical)
Morphic Talon                 1d8+5

Fly-by Attack [Form Bonus]
[/sblock][sblock=Slayer, The Bear]
[B]Size:[/B]       Large

[B]Str:[/B] 22 +6     [B]Level:[/B]    11     [B]HP:[/B] 112 (11d8+44)
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2     [B]BAB:[/B]      +7   
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3     [B]Grapple:[/B] +17
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1     [B]Speed:[/B]    40'
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2     [B]Init:[/B]     +6
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0       

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 25             10     +3     +0     +2   +8 (natural armor)    
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  23

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +16              +9    +3    +4   
[B]Ref:[/B]   +5              +3    +2   
[B]Will:[/B]  +9              +7    +2  

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical  Type[/B]
Bite                  +15     1d8+8     19-20   P/B/S     (magical)
Claw                +13/+13   1d6+3     19-20    P/S      (magical)
Morphic Bite                  2d6+8
Morphic Claw                  1d8+3

Improved Critical: Bite [Form Bonus]
Improved Critical: Claw [Form Bonus]

[B]Skills:                 Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Jump +14                 4     +6     +4
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First Post
Reivik Dalrak - Reposted

[b]Reivik Dalrak[/b] [Elf-Kin ([i]lit.[/i] 'Brother of Vermin') Heavy-Hammer]
NG Male Dwarf Brd1/Bbn2/Ftr4/WarChanter4 [i][CWar][/i]

[b]Personality, Appearance, History[/b]

Reivik looks much as any other dwarf - short, stout, with a proudly-braided 
black beard covering craggy features.  While he has been known to wander 
about in his 'mail nightdress', particularly while relaxing, he is far more 
comfortable while on the road in his suit of full dwarven battle-plate, 
intricately worked with the history of his family in runes inlaid in the steel.

Reivik's weapon of choice is the greathammer Bar, a massive two-handed 
adamantine war-sledge forged by his great-grandfather, and the origin of his 
family name 'Dalrak'.  A faint groove on the right shoulder of his battle-plate 
shows where the shaft of the hammer rides as he walks, specially added to 
the armour to prevent the weapon sliding about awkwardly.

'Reivik' is a traditional name amongst his family - rumours have long dogged 
his line about an ancestor dallying with an elf.  It seems extremely unlikely 
that the incident ever in fact occurred, but mud sticks, and so did the name.  
Rather than fight an impossible battle against gossip and whispers, the family 
adopted the name and bore it proudly.  Truth or not, it is indeed the case 
that the Dalrak family have a tendency to get along better with elves than is 
normal for dwarves.  Reivik has inherited this trait, to an extent - he speaks 
the elven tongue fluently, and has spent much time in their company.

Reivik's passion is for stories, anecdotes, and legends - he has memorised many 
of the tales of the elves, as well as those of his own people, and is always keen 
to recite an apt tale for any given situation.  His childish excitement at the 
prospect of any new myth or history far belies the stereotypical dwarven 

On the other hand, Reivik has a somewhat shorter temper than most dwarves, 
and is given to the occasional tantrum or fit of rage when overly frustrated or 

At present, Reivik is out and abroad, returning from a campaign against the giants...


[b]S[/b]  16 +2 +4 = [b]22[/b]
[b]D[/b]  11    +2 = [b]13[/b]
[b]C[/b]  14 +2    = [b]16[/b]
[b]I[/b]  13       = [b]13[/b]
[b]W[/b]  12       = [b]12[/b]
[b]Ch[/b] 12 -2    = [b]10[/b]

[b]HP   107[/b] [+22 while raging] (6 + 16 + 28 + 24 + 33) 
[b]AC    24[/b] [- 2 while raging] (10 + 1 [Dex] + 11 [Armor] + 1 [Deflection] +1 [Natural]) [Battle Plate]
[b]AC    17[/b] [- 2 while raging] (10 + 1 [Dex] +  4 [Armor] + 1 [Deflection] +1 [Natural]) [Chain Shirt]
[b]BAB  +10[/b]
[b]Fort +15[/b] [+2 vs spells, +2 vs poison]
[b]Refl + 7[/b] [+2 vs spells]
[b]Will + 7[/b] [+2 vs spells, +2 while raging]
[b]Init + 1[/b]
[b]Spd   40 ft.[/b]

[b]XP[/b]  58,100


Combat Expertise
Power Attack
EWP (Greathammer)               [i][RoS][/i]
Weapon Focus (Greathammer)      [i][RoS][/i]
Improved Critical (Greathammer) [i][RoS][/i]
Dwarven Armor Proficiency       [i][RoS][/i]


Speak Dwarven
Speak Common
Speak Terran
Speak Elvish
Speak Giant
Speak Goblin
Speak Draconic
Perform (Oratory)   14 +0     = [b]+14[/b]
Listen               9 +1     = [b]+10[/b]
Knowledge (History)  5 +1     = [b]+ 6[/b]
Intimidate          14 +0     = [b]+14[/b]
Tumble               5 +1 + 2 = [b]+ 8[/b]*
Climb                5 +6 + 2 = [b]+13[/b]*^
Jump                 5 +6 +13 = [b]+24[/b]*^ 
Balance              5 +1 + 2 = [b]+ 8[/b]*

* ACP: -4 in Battle Plate, -1 in Chain Shirt
^ +2 while raging


+4 Belt of Giant Strength                 16000  
+2 Mithral Battle Plate                   12650        [size=1]Heirloom armor: +1 enh.[/size] 
Bar, +1 Giantbane Adamantine Greathammer   5030  [i][RoS][/i] [size=1]Heirloom weapon: Giantbane[/size]
Boots of Striding and Springing            5500               
Wand of Silence (CL 3)                     4500               
Armbands of Might                          4100  [i][CAdv][/i]
Cloak of Resistance +2                     4000               
+2 Gloves of Dexterity                     4000               
3x Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1)        2250               
Ring of Protection +1                      2000               
Amulet of Natural Armor +1                 2000               
Heward's Handy Haversack                   2000               
Masterwork Silvered Waraxe                  420               
Masterwork Cold Iron Waraxe                 360               
Masterwork Whip                             301               
Masterwork Chain Shirt                      250               
Masterwork Tower Shield                     180               
Mundane Equipment                           330
Thunderstones, 3
Daggers, 2      
Flint and Steel 
Chalk, 10       
Javelins, 6     

In Haversack:
Caltrops, 5
Candles, 10
Fishhooks, 10
Grappling Hook
Ink, 2 vials
Inkpens, 5
Oil, 5 flasks
Paper, 100 sheets       
Pitons, 10
Rations, 10 days
Rope, Silk, 50 ft.
Sacks, 5
Waterskins, 2
Tindertwigs, 10         
Tanglefoot bags, 2
Sunrods, 5
[b]Racial and Class Features[/b]

[*]Darkvision 60 ft.
[*]+2 saves vs poison
[*]+2 saves vs spells and spell-like effects
[*]+1 attack rolls vs orcs and goblinoids
[*]+4 Dodge bonus vs giants
[*]+2 Appraise/Craft on stone or metal[/list]

[*]Bardic Music 5/day
[*]Bardic Knowledge +4
[*]Inspire Courage +1[/list]

[*]Fast Movement
[*]Rage 1/day
[*]Uncanny Dodge[/list]

[b]War Chanter[/b][list]
[*]Inspire Toughness
[*]Inspire Recklessness[/list]

[b]Bard Spells[/b]

0: 2/day, Save DC 10[list]
[*]Detect Magic
[*]Mage Hand

[b]Attack bonuses[/b]
+1 Greathammer       +18/+13   1d12+10   19-20/x4     +20/+15   1d12+13   19-20/x4
Javelin                +11      1d6+ 6      20/x2       +11      1d6+ 8      20/x2
Silvered Waraxe      +15/+10*  1d10+ 5      20/x3     +17/+12*  1d10+ 7      20/x3
Cold Iron Waraxe     +15/+10*  1d10+ 6      20/x3     +17/+12*  1d10+ 8      20/x3
Disarm with Whip       +19                              +21                       
Trip with Whip         +17     Trip +8                  +19     Trip +10          
 *includes -2 penalty for Tower Shield

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