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Gross Fell: The dragon's lair


Thoart asks his companion to protect him while he decides upon a course of action. Seeing that his wolf is ready to defend him, he makes his decision. "Let me see what I can do. Oh, and be ready to fight if this doesn't work.", says Thoart as he casts calm animals on the creatures.

(OOC: I made a mistake when figuring the wolf's hit points and equipment, please note that I have updated my character.)

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First Post
OoC: Cable back up and running... sorry for the delay!

Suprise round

Taklinn: You are the first to react, but pause, waiting for Thoart to make his move.

Creatures: The creature to the north, seeing the party, begins to howl.


An eerie, unnatural sound emanates from its jaws, chilling you all to the bone. The sound is horrible, but you stand your ground.

All of you make your saves

The second one joins the first in its errie howl! Once again, an unnatural howl fills the air. This time, Davik and Lorenz's eyes grow wide in fright.

Bay save
Davik roll: 1 + 9 = 10, fail
Lorenz roll: 10 + 2 = 12, fail
Others succeed

Davik and Lorenz are now
panicked until further notice. Their next actions will be to drop anything they are holding and flee as best they can.

Thoart: You are the next to react, and immediately cast Calm Animals. The creatures do not seem to be affected by the spell.

Taklinn: You cannot reach the animals and fight them in one partial action. The square H3 is 35 feet away (H2, which you specified, is further at 40), just out of reach of what you could hit with 30 foot partial charge. You are able to move to I3.


Creatures: 14
Lorenz: 4 + 8 = 12
Thoart: 4 (from suprise round)
Taklinn: 4 (moved action after Thoart)
Davik: 2 + 0 = 2

Round 1

Creatures: The creature near Taklinn steps towards the dwarven fighter and attacks! Snarling, it bites, but Taklinn raises his shield to block his attacker. The second creature runs up behind Taklinn, flanking him, and attacks too. This one too is unable to pierce the dwarf's thick armor.

Lorenz: A terrible sense of dread clutches your heart! FLEEE!! FLEE!! You must flee! All other thoughts are forgotten as you are siezed by panic. You drop your short sword and your light rock, and you run as fast as you can back into the darkness.

Lorenz: Panicked
Davik: Panicked




First Post
Taklinn: You step to J3 and take a swing at the creature in J4. You hit it solidly, and the creature howls in pain as your axe carves out a solid piece of flesh. You press your attack, and swing again, but the animal seems to blend into the shadows before your eyes, almost disappearing completely. Your axe hits only air.

Roll 1: 14 + 13 = 27, hit
Damage: 3 + 7 = 10
Roll 2: not rolled


First Post
Davik turns tail and starts running back the way the party came in. As he does so, he drops his holy symbol, fortunately it is tied to a string on his neck so it just falls against his chest with a clank.

See, I told them it'd do no good coming in here


Lorenz flees into the darkness, his sudden panic making him completely disregard the fact that he can't see a damn thing without that light rock. Somewhere, in the frightened recesses of his mind, he hopes that he doesn't slam into a wall and knock himself out...
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Torn between chasing after his fleeing companions and helping Taklinn to fight off the enemy creatures, he decides that the immediate and present danger represented by the enemy creatures overrides any concern for the possible dangers that his fleeing companions might face.

Thoart immediately calls upon the powers of the natural world to sharpen his teeth, and through their mystical bond, the teeth of his wolf companion teeth (greater magic fang and share spell). Then, with a word and gesture, Thoart sends his companion to attack the creature that is flanking Taklinn, with Thoart following right behind. (The wolf moves into K4 and Thoart moves into L4).


First Post
Round 1, continued

Thoart: You incant mystical druidic words, and your teeth grow and become razor sharp. Your wolf companion's fangs become frighteningly long, and they gleam to a pointed tip. At your word of command, your companion (ooc: does he have a name?), bounds to the attack, leaping at the nearest doglike creature and snapping at it viciously. The creature, distracted by Thoart, is suprised by the wolf's attack, and seems vulerable. However, its dark form seems to blend supernaturally into the shadows around it, and the brave wolf's powerful jaws snap at thin air!

Wolf attack roll: not rolled

Davik: Supernatural panic takes your heart in an icy grip. Your courage and devotion to Moradin leaves you, and all you can think of is to FLEEE!! You drop your holy symbol, which remains attached to your neck, and run as fast as your legs can take you down the dark passage from where you came.

Round 2

Creatures: The wolflike creatures snarl as they appraise the new threat. They continue to flank Taklinn, and the first snaps at him, but misses. The second growls and bites at Thoart's wolf companion, but misses as well (OoC: How does your companion get 26 AC? I didn't see any bonuses to AC in the druid companion section of 3.5, and I see 14 listed in the MM and MW leather barding is +3 afaik. What am I missing?). The wolflike creatures seem to notice that they are being surrounded, and step closer to the walls.

Lorenz: You continue to flee in sheer terror, running in the darkness. You run straight into a wall, taking 2 points of subdual damage. The path before you is still pitch black, but now which direction to go is uncertain. In your state of mind, you are in no condition to make rational choices and you pick a direction at random and continue running as fast as you can.

Taklinn: I assume you keep attacking the wolf that you hit before.. You relentlessly press on the attack, this time hitting the creature with two solid blows. Your axe smashes the creature's face on the upswing, and hits a severe body blow on the downswing. The creature reels under the assault, and appears to be near death.

Attack roll 1: 15 + 13 = 28, hit
Damage roll 1: 1 + 7 = 8
Attack roll 2: 13 + 8 = 21, hit
Damage roll 2: 6 + 7 = 13

Actions? Need Thoart's action to finish the round, as Davik is still paniced this round

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OOC: The animal companion of a 6th - 8th level Druid gains the following...

HD +4, AC +4, Str/Dex +2, 3 Bonus Tricks, Share Spell, Link (+4 to Wild Empathy and Handle Animal checks), Evasion, and Devotion (+4 save versus Enchantments).

The base AC for the Dire Wolf is 14, the above brings that to 19, and the barding brings that to 22. I have noticed a few other errors and will update the Wolf as soon as possible.

Also, with the 3.5 revision the Dire Wolf will take up a 10'x10' area, with a reach of 5' beyond that 10'x10' area, for a total threatened area of 20'x20'. Could you, for the next battle map, incorporate those changes?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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