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Guardians -Welcome to the Wild Wild West


I aim to misbehave
Phoenix [Brandon Laine] HP: 4/4, 0S / 0L Armor +8

Billy said:
"Hey, partner, this ole lass is tryin to make us worse than train poppers. Ain't no need for us to fight."

"While I can appreciate that, your firnd shouldn't be trying to fit cement shoes on my friend - how about burning shoes for him?" Phoenix asked as he blasted Granite.


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First Post
Initiative order:
Akuma – 22(1), Shadow – 22(2), Shaman-21(1), Lightspeed- 21(2), Billy the Kid- 21(3), Tornado- 17, Whisper- 16(1), Granite- 16(2), Pheonix- 13(1), Wendigo- 13(2), Aztec-13(3), Leprechaun- 11, Longhorn- 10, Karma- 7, Banjax- 5

A WHOOSH! of air and a trail of heat follow a fire ball as it slams into Granite leaving nothing more than the smell of cooked air.

OOC: Pheonix hits with a roll of 17. Granite's save vs DC 23 is 15 (VP for 25) saves.

A terrible roar echoes down the hall as suddenly all of the air is suddenly destroyed in the doorway leaving a small patch of air near Lightspeed. Phoenix snaps his mouth shut to keep the precious air in his lungs while Banjax and Tornado follow suit.

OOC: Extra Effort to slam Area onto Suffocate w/ Phoenix as primary. Attack of 23 misses. Reflex of 18 for Tornado, Banjax, Lightspeed, and Pheonix are 6,12, 21, 25 - fails, fails, wins, wins. Fort of 18 for Tornado and Banjax are 15, and 5 - Fail, fail. Fort of 14 for Lightspeed and Pheonix are 17 and 10- succeed, fail. Constitution check DC 10 for Tornado, Banjax, and Pheonix are 11, 15, 5 (I used a HP for a 17)- win, win, win.

Little Sandra vaults over the top railing and lands with a crash as the gigantic Aztec. She muscles her was through the door and next up next to Billy and Granite.

You run, quickly. You see Leprechaun barely get to the doorway in front of you. You are almost there.

OOC:This is an awesome combat for you so far.

Back downstair:
Karma comes charging down the stair behind Whisper.

Banjax quickly pats himself down and opens a compartment on his leg pulling a syringe from his leg. A flash of the forcefield and the syringe has been emptied into his chest. The nanobots are quickly conferting the CO2 in his lungs back to breathable oxygen.

OOC: That would be round 1. Shadow is up first in round 2.


First Post
Longhorn continues moving towards the combat, making sure to not get caught up with everyone else in a nice, area affect capable ball of people.


First Post
Gideon said:
Skills - Balance +8, Escape Artist - 5, Intimidate +8, Jump +9, Sense Motive +12
This is part of the power but I don't really understand how you would get his Intimidate and Sense Motive. Do you have an explination?

ooc: I would be intimidated by someone who leaves 3" fist shaped dent on a reinforced steel door, regarless of whether he was possesed or not. As for Sense Motive, can't really explain that one. Maybe it is changed in the second addition

IC: Shadow/Akuma pauses for a moment as flexes his hands. "Oh yea, the strong ones are always fun." He mutters quietly as he turns on his recent companions and attempts to punch wichever is closer.

ooc: use a hp on the possesion roll if it is less then 12 unless of course Akuma doesn't mind punching his one time teammates (bad guys never seem to really like one another)


First Post
Initiative order:
Akuma – 22(1), Shadow – 22(2), Shaman-21(1), Lightspeed- 21(2), Billy the Kid- 21(3), Tornado- 17, Whisper- 16(1), Granite- 16(2), Pheonix- 13(1), Wendigo- 13(2), Aztec-13(3), Leprechaun- 11, Longhorn- 10, Karma- 7, Banjax- 5

Your muscles tense and you let your fist fly right past Shaman's face. You focus inward for a second to make sure the mind of Akuma is caged.

OOC: Attack with an 11 misses. You don't get an automatic power check. Akuma just gets a will save. If you want to, you can reroll the power check with a half action but that will soak your attack part of your turn and he will get a new save. If you think it works differently, explain in OOC thred. Akuma's will save vs DC 19 is 8-fails.

Shaman pulls his head sharply back out of the way staring at you in shock. His features clear a moment later. "Ah, your mind isn't your own." A sharp stab with his hand towards you and a few words and a glow of white light shoots by your shoulder.

Lightspeed dashes into the room again and slams his fist into Granite, slamming him back into the wall, on his way to pummelling Wendigo. Granite stays slumped up against the wall as he tries to recover his wits.

OOC:Attack of 18 hits. Dmg save vs 24 is 15. Fails by 9. 1 Hit and stunned. Lightspeed is now by Akuma, Wendigo, and Shaman.

As the streak of light left by Lightspeed shines on Billy's face you can see he is very sad. "Your friend attacked first, then old stone butt tried to stop him from moving for right now and then you shoot him with fire. And then you try to be righteous. BullS*&$!" Billy rises of f the floor slightly and lets the lead fly. One bullet flies over your shoulder while the second one plows straight into your arm.

OOC: Rapid shot 24 misses, 29 hits. Phoenix's dmg save vs DC 25 is 20. Fails by 5 - hit. Your no longer forced to be friendly towards him.

Tornado tries to use his own mutation to fight Wendigo. His power strikes out trying to push the air back into the room. With a final sucking sound, Tornado lands wobbily on his feat.

OOC: Air Control vs. Air control. Wendigo gets a 19 vs Tornado's 14. Wendigo wins.

Whisper finishes her charge down the stairs and just slides to a halt, mouth hung wide open caught by Billy's charm.

Granite stands back up and slams his fist into Aztec barely pushing her backwards.

OOC:phoenix's turn.


I aim to misbehave
Phoenix [Brandon Laine] HPs 3/4, 1S / 0L Armor +7 (Energy field:1 )

Billy said:
"Your friend attacked first, then old stone butt tried to stop him from moving for right now and then you shoot him with fire. And then you try to be righteous. BullS*&$!"
"Whatever, ya whiny little terrorist," Phoenix replied, clearqly irritated by the gun-toter. Flames licked out the the bullet hole, running down Phoenix's arm like blood. The Living fire seemed to augment the blast he directed at the Kid.

"That was a mistake, kid," Phoenix commented.

OOC: Damage was 10 vs armor of 8, one rank lost. HP spent to push energy blast to to PL 10. Dodge vs. all


First Post
Initiative order:
Akuma – 22(1), Shadow – 22(2), Shaman-21(1), Lightspeed- 21(2), Billy the Kid- 21(3), Tornado- 17, Whisper- 16(1), Granite- 16(2), Pheonix- 13(1), Wendigo- 13(2), Aztec-13(3), Leprechaun- 11, Longhorn- 10, Karma- 7, Banjax- 5

The flames streak down the hall and barely clip the Kid's shoulder sending him spinning into the wall. The scrape of his gun against the metal sends a spine shivering shriek down the hall. He just smiles back.

"Tag, I'm it."

OOC: Attack of 18 hits. Damage save vs DC 25 is 15 (VP for a 29) saves. The bad guys are burning up their VPs.

You continue to feel the vacuum pull away all of the air around you. The final wisp of Tornado's breath almost gets ripped from his body. While Phoenix's anger keeps his lungs pumping.

OOC: Wendigo's Suffocation is still in effect. Banjax used an HP to Gadget himself immunity to suffocation. Con check of DC 11 for Tornado and Phoenix are 6(HP 14) and 22. Both Save.

Aztec slams her fist into Granite but fails to crack his defenses.

"Aw...You know Stoney. Your really startin to bug me."

"Come on, Butterfly. Time to do some good-deedin'

You finally make it to the top of the stairs skidding into the opening. You can hear the sounds of battle echoing up the stairwell. Tornado floats in the door chest heaving. Whisper stands slack jawed in the bottom door with Karma charging past barbed wit already going to work. Leprechaun is moving as fast as his little legs will take him. Standing almost 3/4 of the way down the stairs.

Karma charges past the group at the door firing taunts like bullets from an uzi. "Look at you Billy, Some one forget to tell you and your 'friends' it isn't halloween?"

OOC:Taunt of 29 vs 25. Billy will attack Karma next round.

Banjax lets loose a blue burst of energy that scorches the wall by Aztec and Granite.

OOC:Attack of 14 misses.

- Please remember to list HPs and wound levels and things


First Post
Shadow hp: 4/4 status: good to go

"Lightspeed, take out the shaman wannabe." Shadow calls out to the speedster as he moves closer to the Wendigo throwing a punch at him.

ooc: use a hp if the roll is less then 14
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I aim to misbehave
Phoenix [Brandon Laine] HPs 2/4, 1S / 0L Armor +7 (Energy field:1 )

the Kid said:
"Tag, I'm it."
"Isn't that sweet," Phoenix replied sarcastically. " 'you're it,' like on a spit."

'Wonder if we are doing things for the wrong reasons, here?' Brandon thought. It didn't matter, they were here to put these terrorists down and that's what he would do.

OOC: Normal energy blast at PL8. Dodge vs. all


First Post
Longhorn: HP 4/4, no conditions

Longhorn will come down the stairwell in a controlled fashion, letting loose an energy blast at any villain that passes by the door, ending up at the bottom of the stairs, ready to run into the room and deal pink-girly pain to the terrorists.

Voidrunner's Codex

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