GURPS Shadowrun [IC] Under the Dragon's Tooth

Deuce Traveler

Tharg adds, "Sounds like we'll need to be driving just ahead of them. Let's plan on the place on the traffic grid closest to her apartments and plan for the second one as a fallback. Maybe we should take a look at those two places Master-Blaster believes would work out."

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Juno nods.

"We'll drive the route, see what looks good. I don't know if I'm much help with the drone, but I can probably get my hands on an EMP device. I know a guy who's into munitions."


~ Jaeger had slowly puffed away on his nicotine, listening in on the plan. His fellow Runners, thankfully, knew their stuff. Nobody cocky and egotistical, nobody wanting to rush off and blow their entire plan awry.

" Beowulf and I can certainly use a few charms and spells to try and keep an eye out on Princess Pop Star from the moment she steps out the door. Combined with some Matrix work, we'll have pretty good surveillance once the night comes."

The filter of the cigarette was dropped to the ground, snuffed beneath the German Elf's foot.

" We may also want to invest in some non-lethal munitions," he advised, " Stick'n'Shock, or Neurostun, something like that. The Duchess of NeoDisco probably isn't going to want to come along quietly, and being able to knock her out safely would help wrap this up easier. May even come in handy if she has a Mage with her too; we're a notoriously easily-fatigued people. Out-of-Towner or not, riddle his nervous system with enough electricity to overload his brain and he'll be out before you can say Gute Nacht." ~


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"I've got my tranq grenade," Juno notes. "That should put Euphoria down, and anyone in her entourage who doesn't have air filtration. And sabot ammo for anyone who does."


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(OOC - Oops, forgot to actually provide some -action-. Sorry! (>_<) )

Juno uses her commlink to give her fixer another call.

"Hey, I need to see if you can get a piece of specialized hardware for me. We called them 'sparkers.' They're handheld explosive-pumped HERF generators. Not sure what the private sector brand is offhand. Got anything like that?"


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The 'Juice' got back to Juno's message pretty quick and said "Well yea, those are restricted to only special units of law enforcement at least. It might take me a day to get my hands on one or two. But its going cost. I would think at least 400 nuyen each. Want me to look into it?"

GM: You can make a Merchant or Streetwise skill check to reduce the cost. I am basing this on a Mini-Hand Grenade (UT146) base cost $10, Wt. 0.25lbs. and an 40mm EMP (TL9) warhead (UT157), LC 2 and x10 base cost, so 100 nuyen for the base and twice for the lower LC (its not illegal per say just highly restricted) and his 'finder fee'.


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Juno winced a little at the cost, but nodded. "Yeah, look into it. Two would be great, but we can work with one if that's what you can get. Thanks."

She looked at the other runners.

"I've got a line on the EMPs. I'll hear back from him tomorrow."


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Later that day (depending on what the players want to do before then) Juice gets back to Juno saying "I can get you two if you want, but I do expect you will be purchasing one. Here's the address. Be there in an hour with the cred. As for Dust-Ball at the bar. She will have the merchandise out back. Don't be late"

GM: We don't need to role-play it, just have to decide if you want to purchase one or two for 400 nuyen each

Master-Blaster also coms in "I hacked their systems and I have two possible routes that they have programmed into the Navcom system on their car. There are a couple of points of crossing were we could set up..."

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