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D&D (2024) Half Race Appreciation Society: Half Elf most popular race choice in BG3

Do you think Half Elf being most popular BG3 race will cause PHB change?s?

  • Yes, Elf (and possibly other specieses) will get a hybrid option.

    Votes: 10 8.7%
  • Yes, a crunchier hybrid species system will be created

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Yes, a fluffier hybrid species system will be created

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • No, the playtest hybrid rules will move forward

    Votes: 71 61.7%
  • No, hybrids will move to the DMG and setting books.

    Votes: 13 11.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 7.0%


Says who? ;)
Even the text you cite says so.

Tieflings "often migrate" out of the Fiend planes.

By implication, the Tieflings who inhabit the fiendish planes are "typically" Lawful Evil, True Evil, and Chaotic Evil, respectively, the same alignment as their plane.

Mechanically, these would be factions.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It's also the current state of the game.
Orcs are in fact more aggressive, it's right in their lore and mechanics.

They just aren't hardwired to be evil -- 5e added nuance. By the very statements with which you agree
Unless they're a PC. Then they're all heroic and everyone gets along in the all-cosmopolitan worlds.


Compare how those Elves who adhere to Corellon would be "typically Chaotic Good". But most Elves dont. There is a disconnect between the alignment-oriented dominion of Avandor versus Feywild where "any" alignment is possible.

Those Elves who do adhere with the ideals of Corellon are factions who exist in some but not all Elven communities. I tend to think of this faction as the "House of Corellon", where the Elves are family members who honor their ancient parent.


No, the ones born there often do.
Where Tiefling "often" disagree with the Evil alignment of their plane, implies that many other Tiefling are fully Evil like their plane, and remain there, perhaps even more often.

Meanwhile, those Tiefling who grow up elsewhere are "any" alignment. Some of them will be Evil, and "often" members of an Evil faction corresponding to the individual Fiend that originated their lineage.

One thing I miss from the lore is things like examples of names. I'm awful at thinking of names, and so instead I often cut and paste bits of the example names or use them as inspiration.

New lore doesn't have detail like that, and it makes it a lot more frustrating.


Where Tiefling "often" disagree with the Evil alignment of their plane, implies that many other Tiefling are fully Evil like their plane, and remain there, perhaps even more often.

Meanwhile, those Tiefling who grow up elsewhere are "any" alignment. Some of them will be Evil, and "often" members of an Evil faction corresponding to the individual Fiend that originated their lineage.

Again. No.

What does the text ACTUALLY say? What is the tone Wizards ACTUALLY conveys? Its not even difficult, you just continue to interject your own head canon or definitions or intent, where none exists. So, here we go.

Tieflings born in the Lower Planes often migrate to other planes of existence and never look back.

There is no interpretation needed here. Those born in the Lower Planes often migrate out, and never look back. There is no value judgement. There is no explanation, there is no nuance. There is no qualitative here beyond 'often'. Wizards is saying 1 thing, and 1 thing only.

Of those Tieflings born in the worst places in the multiverse, they OFTEN leave. End.

Their descendants are scattered across many worlds and are especially prevalent in Sigil, the torus-shaped city at the center of the multiverse.

Again, this is not open to interpretation. Tiefling descendants are on many worlds, are are especially found on Sigil, which is the center of the multiverse.

Thats it. No judgment. No moral question. No Alignment. Nothing but that. End.

The earliest tieflings joined ranks with non-tieflings to repel fiendish incursions on many worlds, earning the trust of those who might otherwise have mistaken them for Fiends.

Finally, something!

They joined ranks with other species to repel fiendish incursions on many worlds.
They earned the trust of those who might otherwise have mistaken them for Fiends.

These are 2 direct, positive statements. "Joined Ranks" and "earned the trust", are both contributing to the POSITIVE TONE. End.

Thanks to the victories and sacrifices of these legends, tieflings throughout the multiverse enjoy widespread acceptance.

And the peak of nuance (aka subtlety) here.


This cannot even be possibly mistaken for anything but a statement of positive glory for the entire species. At all. If I were to read this, I would assume they are one of the most noble species in the setting!

This is about as nuanced as a hammer to the side of the head. If you gave this to anyone, told them what the "Lower Planes" are, told them Tielfings are born with a touch of this "Lower Planes" in their very essence, and then asked them if Tieflings are good or bad based on the actual Wizards text?

"They are good people who fought against evil and enjoy widespread acceptance."

That is it, that is all. That is what Wizard has SAID. Anything else is your head canon as such as it refers to this Origin UA description.


Again. No.

What does the text ACTUALLY say? What is the tone Wizards ACTUALLY conveys? Its not even difficult, you just continue to interject your own head canon or definitions or intent, where none exists. So, here we go.

There is no interpretation needed here. Those born in the Lower Planes often migrate out, and never look back. There is no value judgement. There is no explanation, there is no nuance. There is no qualitative here beyond 'often'. Wizards is saying 1 thing, and 1 thing only.

Of those Tieflings born in the worst places in the multiverse, they OFTEN leave. End.

Again, this is not open to interpretation. Tiefling descendants are on many worlds, are are especially found on Sigil, which is the center of the multiverse.

Thats it. No judgment. No moral question. No Alignment. Nothing but that. End.

Finally, something!

They joined ranks with other species to repel fiendish incursions on many worlds.
They earned the trust of those who might otherwise have mistaken them for Fiends.

These are 2 direct, positive statements. "Joined Ranks" and "earned the trust", are both contributing to the POSITIVE TONE. End.

And the peak of nuance (aka subtlety) here.


This cannot even be possibly mistaken for anything but a statement of positive glory for the entire species. At all. If I were to read this, I would assume they are one of the most noble species in the setting!

This is about as nuanced as a hammer to the side of the head. If you gave this to anyone, told them what the "Lower Planes" are, told them Tielfings are born with a touch of this "Lower Planes" in their very essence, and then asked them if Tieflings are good or bad based on the actual Wizards text?

"They are good people who fought against evil and enjoy widespread acceptance."

That is it, that is all. That is what Wizard has SAID. Anything else is your head canon as such as it refers to this Origin UA description.
The point of the text is, players who are fans of the Tiefling character concept, dont need to worry about the game-setting punishing them for what they like, by means of built-in endless racist harassment against their Tiefling character.

Tiefling fans "often" appreciate that point.

Meanwhile, the setting also gives the DM a free hand to create Tiefling characters and Tiefing factions that are Evil, fiendish and villainous.



The point of the text is, players who are fans of the Tiefling character concept, dont need to worry about the game-setting punishing them for what they like, by means of built-in endless racist harassment against their Tiefling character.

Tiefling fans "often" appreciate that point.

Meanwhile, the setting also gives the DM a free hand to create Tiefling characters and Tiefing factions that are Evil, fiendish and villainous.


A max level rogue of any setting would appreciate your attempts at evasion.

What is the tone of the text. Good/Positive, Evil/Bad, or 'Nuanced'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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