Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II


Lurker (sort of)
Suddenly Hobbes turns around expecting the worse as he can no longer hear his companions around him. He growls with the possibilities of what might of happened as he back tracks his steps. Only to come across them all standing around in a circle pointing down at the ground. silently he creeps up to them as if he was there the entire time.

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Seeing Hobbes return Whitlok addresses the group "Well this looks promising. What say we follow these for awhile, see where they lead? C'mon Hobbes between the two of us we should be able to make some sense of this. The rest of you follow a respectable distance behind so as not to disturb any trail"

OOC: Track


The man with the probe
Hobbes, taking a look at the tracks, agrees that they head Northwest, and that they appear to be several creatures steping in the same tracks. They look older, perhaps half a day old.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Marek d'Cannith - Paragon/Wizard

His head moving from Whitlok to Hobbes and back again, Marek shifts his bag slightly upon his shoulder. "For all my knowledge of woodlore I believe I will just stay here in the back, if you think it best. It is probably the safest bet for all concerned." That said with all seriousness his face quickly splits into his more customary grin.


First Post
Firavel d’Thuranni, Male Elf Rogue/Dragonmark Heir

“Sure, I will continue to watch the backtrail,” Firavel responds, from his position about 20 feet from the party where he is still watching for enemies, while everyone else looks at the tracks.


The man with the probe
Hobbes and Whitlok follow the tracks, while the rest of the party hangs back a bit. The tracks continue about 2 hours to the north west, eventualy curving west, till they split up into a camp, which is evident by the fire remains in the middle of all the footprints. Between Hobbes and Whitlok, they estimate between 4-6 of them, and seem more sure now that they are indeed Ogres. The tracks continue to the west, and are about 2 hours old.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Marek d'Cannith - Paragon/Wizard

Noticing the growing tension as his companions continue to track, the same begins to creep up Mareks spine. The feeling of the forest closing in and strange eyes watching their progression causes him to grip his bow a bit tighter. As the seconds tick away Marek glances furtuvely around for any movement.


First Post
Firavel d’Thuranni, Male Elf Rogue/Dragonmark Heir

Coming into the camp Firavel does a quick search, checking to see if the ogres left anything behind, while making sure to avoid the tracks leaving the campsite to the west.


Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes - Ranger/Barbarian

Moving across the camp to where the tracks enter the forest again Hobbes will attempt to guard the rest of the party as they search about the camp for any further clues.

Smelling blood in the air Hobbes looks forward to battling the enemy and bathing in their blood. Looking on as his companiosn go about thier duties, this group does well and I hope I do not fail them again...


The man with the probe
Firavel and Kerlokh search the campsite, and find food remains, and evidence that there were bedrolls layed out.

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