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Hands of Fate - Chapter 1 - The Orbs of Insight


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Fangor the Fierce said:
Nedander could trade in his his standard action for a move action. You can always trade in the standard action for a move action, just not trade in a move for a standard...get it? Leaving the update to the battle in the cave until you post your move action. Due to the fact that you could GREATLY influence the outcome by taking your move action....

OOC - Somehow my group must have missed this rule. Don't think I remember
it ever being used.

Nedander will move to L5 using dodge on the normal kobold and hoping his
mobility will enable him to avoid any swipes the kobold may make.

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Ghin Coldstream: One mean Motha'!

*Ghin turns his head slightly towards Mugen while keeping his eyes firmly set to the grove before him. A broad smile cracks his serious face.*

"Heh! Late to the party, quick with the wit, eh Mugen? Though I would be most delicious if I do say so myself."

*He chuckles softly, body ridged and tense. With a simple nod to Jean he continues."

"I agree with both of your plans. I'll advance from here and flush it out with this fine animal with me. You two enter from the eastern face. Training has shown me that opponents shown no escape often fight with the strength of three. Let us show it compassion and advance slowly. You two to the other side quickly, I'm going to enter on the count of 30."

*With this Ghin begins his slow and deliberate countdown, readying his advance*

#As long as there are no complaints and Jean and Mugen are all set I'll advance (5 foot steps, Full Defense) into the grove with weapons drawn and shield in hand. I'm also assuming the dog will sit on my right side as I enter.#


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Mugen nods, and heads begins to round the grove, counting down from thirty in his head.

[ooc: mugen moves round to the side of the grove and waits for the count to get low before he begins to enter.]


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Temujin said:
Mugen nods, and heads begins to round the grove, counting down from thirty in his head.

[ooc: mugen moves round to the side of the grove and waits for the count to get low before he begins to enter.]
Same for Jean

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
As Mugen and Jean agree to head to the other side of the grove, they both suddenly realize that the noises have stopped while they traversed to the other side. Once they get into position, they are up to 20, and only have 10 more to go.

Ghin, holding his position counts to 30, and when he gets to 15, Shilo begins a low growl, but increasing in volume steadily. There is DEFINATELY something in there that he doesn't like. Holding back your urge to jump in there, you wait patiently, 14..., 13..., 12..., 11..., 10... and it is just as you get to 9 that you hear it. The sounds of branches breaking, snapping with a sound that warns of a large beast running, not walking, as the sounds are quick and sparatic.

Jean and Mugen, also hear the sounds, but further off than Ghin. Shilo, readies his body, crouching and starts his fierce barking, a deep menacing bark, that is immediately answered with an enormous growl from the creature within. By this time, it is down to 1, and you start moving in. After a few steps, Jean and Mugen see that the trees continue, and then clear out to show an small ridge about 10 feet high overlooking the grove below.

Ghin, moving slowly in, Shilo charges forward, not waiting on you. The brush breaks easily for him to pass, and then you hear the imminent meeting of the two beasts. A loud growling roar is heard, that must be the beast within. Shilo can be heard barking, snapping and growling. Everyone moves forward, but as you get into the clearing, you all hear a slight yelp.

Getting to the clearing, you all arrive near the same time. Mugen and Jean manage to spot something large and dark colored rush towards them, and then disappear beneath them. Ghin arrives to see that Shilo is hurt, obviously the creature that did this must be a large beast, to have easily damaged such a brute of a dog as Shilo is. Shilo is bleeding, but not stopping, as he continues his barking. Ghin gets to Shilo, and sees the others as well above the ridge. But what he also sees is that the ridge has a hole going into it. He beliieves he sees something moving in there, and the growling from within verifies that this is where the creature is.

Jean and Mugen, you barely see the creature, and notice that is not a very large beast, but looks menacing. It is dark colored, and covered in fur. You can only glimpse it as it runs into the leadge underneath you. Shilo is taking a stance, barking wildly at the creature.

The hole is about 5 foot wide, and provides a dark recess, which you can not see how far the hole goes. Quickly glancing around, you see that the creature indeed was gnawing at an animal, that you discern by the fur and whats left to be a sheep. Blood, bones and fur litter the immediate area, as you surely must have stumbled upon the beast while it was feeding.

Shilo stand 10 feet back from the hole, with Ghin immediately behind him. Jean and Mugen are atop the ridge that the hole burrows into. They could make it to either side of the hole if they moved 15 feet. It looks is if the creature is intent on staying put, but growling loudly as Shilo approaches.


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"I don't believe there are any other exits to this den, if that is what it is." States Mugen, glancing down into the hole. Kneeling down to rest on the balls of his feet, he continues speaking. "Why don't you guys guard the hole, while I attempt to start a fire, and smoke it out."

"Or we could hold it at bay long enough to try and block the entrance with pikes, or wall it up or such, but I don't really have the patience for that. That is, unless you want to go in after him..."

[ooc: Mugen will try to look behind the area for other holes in the den.]
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"Hmmm, the puppy is shy." Jean gets down towards the entrance of this cave by Shilo and Ghin. "How about some fire to lighten his mood hey?" "You flush him out, we'll be here to greet him."


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Ghin Coldstream: Bringer of Light!

*Ghin moves before the hole, peering in to get a better view. Relising its just a wee bit to dark for him he begins chanting, waving his hands over his shield.*

"Licht kommen weiter! Pelor: Gott des Lichtes, bist mein Führer!"

*With this his shield begins to glow boldly yet softly with a yellow shine. Readying it again in his hand he motions for the other two with a determend look on his face.*

"I cannot allow this beast to fall should it be just that: A simple Beast. I'm going in to view this creature more closely. Worry not good fellows, Pelor is my light."

*Ghin heads in slowly, attempting to get a better look at the beast. Each step is taken smoothly and deliberatly as if trying not to startle the creature.*

#Ghin is walking forward (5 Foot Steps, Full Defence). He has cast light on his shield and is attempting to judge the creatures intentions. Evil: it dies. Non-Evil: it lives#

#Spells Remaining:
0:Create Water, Purify Food and Drink
1:Shield of Faith, Bane, Protection from Evil#

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
In the cave..........

With the battle now split, and Kevin hurt, decisions are made rashly. Nyela, glancing back as Kevin calls for help, turns and sees Gray Sparrow also in danger, as she is almost cut off from the others. With a cry out to the Kobolds, she yells, "Get away from her!" as she lets loose another bullet at the leader. (rolled 14+6 ranged Sling+1 Inspire Courage-4 Close Combat=17 Hit for 4 damage) The leader cries out, as the rock hits his side, embedding itself into his flank.

Meanwhile, Kevin has his own problems, as this creature is hanging on with the last bits of its life. WHile the creature keeps its grip, Kevin manages to whirl the chain once more, and bring it down at the Dire Weasel. (Rolled 11+6 Att+1Inspire=18 Hit for 8 damage) The chain slices into the dire weasels neck, making it lose its grip again, but as it falls, it goes limp, with the life now out of it. Staring down, Kevin sees it start to twitch, as it dies.

Darius, seeing that Kevin is now free of the weasel, turns his attention to the other kobolds, and moves nearer to the fleeing kobolds, managing to make it to threaten the kobolds, should they decide to try another attack. (Moved to K5)


OOC - Waiting for Gray Sparrows actions....Kevin, since you killed the Dire Weasel, you are allowed one move action, if you choose to take one.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
In the grove:

Mugen looks around the area, but finds no other exits or entrances to the hole below. Moving near to the entrance, the three of you begin forming a plan, when the creature in the burrow begins to growl loudly.

Ghin, intent on finding out more of this creature boldly walk to the entrance, casts a spell on his shield to provide him light, and enters the darkness, while Jean and Mugen wait outside....

Walking in this entrance, you still have to hunch, as the hole is only 5 foot in diameter, but not perfectly round. It is dug into the ground and looks to be from an animal. As you walk slowly, you can make out that the burrow goes deeper, for about 20 feet, before levelling out. You can not make out what is ahead, as the levelling of the burrow makes a ledge above your head that prevents you from investigating what the deeper parts of the burrow look like.

Suddenly, as you near the end of the downramp, about 20 feet from the entrance, you hear the creature loudly and clearly. It is not growling anymore, but more of a charging roar. The ground beneath you shakes as the creature, not liking your descent into its burrow, attempts to fend you off. Its massive head is the first thing you take note of, as its fangs are bared and claws bring it closer to you. It was waiting for you.

Its furry hide with squat build, propelled forth by its strong forelimbs, clawed and ready to attack, catch you unawares. Its claws scratch at you, and instinctively, you put your shield up, making a wall against the creature. Somehow, it manages to get by the shield, and strike your arm, cutting it deeply. (Your AC went up to 22, for full Defense, but the creature still rolled high enough to hit...5 damage)

In these tight quarters, it will be hard to effectively fight this creature, and you must choose what you would do next.

Jean and Mugen hear the creature inside, abviously not too thrilled about the human that went into its den...

OOC - Ghin, I gave you a basic roll for knowledge of this creature, and you are able to know that it looks like a badger, but much bigger...

As for Initiatives, Mugen 23, Jean 20, Ghin 13, Creature 7

Have fun!

Voidrunner's Codex

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