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Harassment in gaming


I agree with the statement that men should step up. I disagree that there's a need to label all white men as terrorist because there's some crappy behavior. Again, I don't have to accept sexism and racism in any of it's forms to combat sexism and racism. Further, I don't have to refrain from criticism of people nominally on the same side of the fight as me. Asking that we don't engage in the same, if lesser, forms of behavior we're fighting against doesn't weaken the fight or distract from it. We should be striving to be better at this across the board, and not be accepting of lesser forms of it because it's combating a greater injustice.

And this is exactly why crap against women and minorities continues. Because straight, white men still get bent out of shape when they get "insulted" by the people who are the ones truly being insulted and assaulted.

Guess what? Being "nice" about it hasn't gotten women or minorities JACK SHAT thus far. Because all us straight white guys have had the... yes, PRIVILEGE... to not have to worry about it. So when they've said for years "Hey, this crap is going on!", we've just nodded and went on our way whistling. But now that they've stepped up and begun flinging the MILDEST of insults back at us (in comparison to what they've been suffering through for decades/centuries)... all of a sudden we're now all bruised and mad.

"Hey... you don't need to say that! Why you have to use hyberbole and be insulting like that?"

Because it's the only F-ING WAY IT SEEMS WE'LL LISTEN! That's why.

And yes... if your ego can't stand the idea of being yelled at that people ARE DYING because we are members of a large pool of asshats who have not and are not doing enough right now... then you need to suck it up. Sorry. It's true. So you've been insulted. Oh well. JOIN THE DAMN CLUB! The straight white male demographic is ONLY NOW... after CENTURIES... finally feeling a SMIDGEN of the hate and fear that women and minorities have been experiencing this entire time. So we don't now get to get all bent out of shape about it. Instead, we suck it up... we deal with it... and maybe... JUST MAYBE... instead of complaining about it we all as an entire demographic of people... we continue to work to change things.

And really, just get over ourselves if our egos are hurt. We owe it to them to stop screaming about the splinter in our toe while everyone else is having their feet cut off.

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As a 'white male terrorist' I think she's spot on, and I don't feel particularly upset about her tone or choice of words. But then I'm not as dainty as some of the other white males in this thread.

Exactly. If they choice is between being called a 'white male terrorist' and actually going through the harassment that women and minorities deal with on a daily basis... I'll take the label any day.


I agree with the statement that men should step up. I disagree that there's a need to label all white men as terrorist because there's some crappy behavior. Again, I don't have to accept sexism and racism in any of it's forms to combat sexism and racism. Further, I don't have to refrain from criticism of people nominally on the same side of the fight as me. Asking that we don't engage in the same, if lesser, forms of behavior we're fighting against doesn't weaken the fight or distract from it. We should be striving to be better at this across the board, and not be accepting of lesser forms of it because it's combating a greater injustice.
And so you've taken her story and switched the focus to talk about how she's wronging you.

Because, truly, that's the important take-away.


No flips for you!
And this is exactly why crap against women and minorities continues. Because straight, white men still get bent out of shape when they get "insulted" by the people who are the ones truly being insulted and assaulted.
Oh, good grief, do you actually believe that racial oppression is because people don't like being insulted? Like, for real? This is the corrosive nature of that mindset on display. Any argument or criticism of the message, however warranted, is met with hot anger and calls of 'you're exactly why people are marginalized!' It's absolutely stupid to even being to suggest that holding both sides to the same standard -- don't marginalize groups, don't paint with broad brushes, don't engage in -isms -- is somehow detrimental to the cause of reducing inequity or, god forbid, an actual cause of inequity.

I reject your mindset as harmful. I stand up for people that are being attacked due to their race, sex, or nature, regardless of who's doing the attacking. This usually means that I stand up against behavior directed at minorities and women, but it doesn't mean that because that's the majority of the behavior that I should or must ignore the same towards non-minority men. If the cause is just, it's just no matter what direction it flows in.

Also, to be perfectly clear, the only comments I've made about the OP article is that what she went through was terrible and I'm glad she's bringing it up. My comments otherwise are directed at the people in this thread who are telling other people that they're offense isn't worthwhile because of their race or sex.

Guess what? Being "nice" about it hasn't gotten women or minorities JACK SHAT thus far. Because all us straight white guys have had the... yes, PRIVILEGE... to not have to worry about it. So when they've said for years "Hey, this crap is going on!", we've just nodded and went on our way whistling. But now that they've stepped up and begun flinging the MILDEST of insults back at us (in comparison to what they've been suffering through for decades/centuries)... all of a sudden we're now all bruised and mad.
A gross mischaracterization of my stance. Of course their mad, and of course they have the right, even duty, to stand up and speak their anger. I'm not telling anyone to sit down and shut up. I'm certainly not telling the oppressed that they must limit their anger over their treatment and carefully select their words so as to not offend me. I expect that people in bad places are mad about it and speak angrily and intemperately. What I do say is that it's also a valid criticism to point out all -isms, and, while I accept that anger drives angry speech, that the goal here is to achieve less -isms all the way around, not just in one direction (although the most work is certainly needed in one direction). It's about having an ideal, and expecting it to be met, not about defending my imaginary privilege.

[quot]"Hey... you don't need to say that! Why you have to use hyberbole and be insulting like that?"

Because it's the only F-ING WAY IT SEEMS WE'LL LISTEN! That's why.[/quote]
Again, bullcrap. Leveling criticism is how things get better, and mine is against the calls from the non-offended in telling others that they can't be offended because the offender had it worse. I've been listening without being called a terrorist because I'm male. I'm pretty white as well, but legally American Indian as well. That's a pretty damn oppressed people, but I'm not going to shout about it in terms that increase -isms with the idea that it's so one sided that that's a good balancing technique. We don't need to balance -isms by spreading them onto people that don't suffer them. That's a false start.

And yes... if your ego can't stand the idea of being yelled at that people ARE DYING because we are members of a large pool of asshats who have not and are not doing enough right now... then you need to suck it up. Sorry. It's true. So you've been insulted. Oh well. JOIN THE DAMN CLUB! The straight white male demographic is ONLY NOW... after CENTURIES... finally feeling a SMIDGEN of the hate and fear that women and minorities have been experiencing this entire time. So we don't now get to get all bent out of shape about it. Instead, we suck it up... we deal with it... and maybe... JUST MAYBE... instead of complaining about it we all as an entire demographic of people... we continue to work to change things.
I would wager that I do as much as you to correct things. I also take time to point out that if we engage in -isms in our arguments, we're falling into the same trap. After all, power shifts, and establishing that something is okay in one direction between races or sexes will result in issues when that happens. I reject that pointing out bad behavior, even if much less bad or less impactful that other behavior, is a negative. So long as that pointing out doesn't come at the expense of other problems, it's a net good. Since I strongly advocate for equality and take action when I notice inequality, I'm not ignoring the problem in favor of whining about a smaller one. I'm noting that it's an issue and it shouldn't be condoned while strongly taking a position against the kinds of injustices in the OP article. This isn't a binary position where I'm either 100% for one side or 100% against it. I'm for the side of stopping the crap that happened to the OP article writer while also against the -isms she chose to use in her anger. The latter is merely at the level of noting that it's an issue and pointing out the ridiculousness of becoming angry over that statement while the former is in the 'I curbstomp to stop.' Degrees matter, man.

And really, just get over ourselves if our egos are hurt. We owe it to them to stop screaming about the splinter in our toe while everyone else is having their feet cut off.
Ignoring harm to one group because you don't rate that harm as equal to the harms suffered by another group is a poor situation. You shouldn't act to harm any group, even while fighting for the better treatment of another. While the relative harm is, as you note, vastly separated, so is my response. For the harm in the OP, I would not stand by and would engage in violence to stop. For the harm of a poor choice of words while expressing anger, I note that it's not helpful and move on. The intellectual position that any criticism of a oppressed group is tantamount to the oppression is bunk. Privilege theory is bunk as an applied theory. Useful in some ways theoretically, but it's application is full of the same kinds of -isms that it aims to correct. I can be a staunch ally to the oppressed and act as I can to limit that oppression while, at the same time, criticize the dumb ideas of my allies.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I agree with the statement that men should step up. I disagree that there's a need...

With respect, you are (probably) not a victim here. Perhaps you don't get to say what's necessary.

Again, I don't have to accept sexism and racism in any of it's forms to combat sexism and racism.

Well, we have to take that at face value, I suppose. However, if that is true, you, personally, aren't particularly representative. If men, *in general* acted without being given a rhetorical kick in the butt, then the issue would have been resolved long ago. The empirical historical evidence, however, is that a certain amount of agitation seems required to get people off their butts.

Further, I don't have to refrain from criticism of people nominally on the same side of the fight as me.

At the moment, you are not providing *constructive* criticism. Note that, if it didn't have the strong language, we probably would not be discussing the piece, or the topic. So, what should the author have done instead, that would have been at least as effective? What else would have made Ancalagon and Rechan want to post about it instead, hm?

Asking that we don't engage in the same, if lesser, forms of behavior we're fighting against doesn't weaken the fight or distract from it.

Actually, it does both. Look at yourself. You are not willing to engage on the issue until the hyperbolic aspect is removed, and are willing to take up the thread to argue this point. *You* are distracted, your efforts redirected.

Anyone who listens to and accepts your logical fallacy is distracted and redirected, because "not all men" is, when all is said and done, an attempt to dismiss a call to action. Anyone who wants people to engage with that call to action must, perforce, spend time dealing with the logical fallacy before we can maximize actual action. You are distracted, we are distracted, action is weakened. So, really, you're in the way.

Real people, in the real world, cannot have all things. We need to prioritize. Do you want to prioritize your own discomfiture, and that of other men? Is that the priority here?


Staff member
She spoke to me about it afterwards. The convention has a mechanism for people to report incidents, even if they weren't the victim. So, I reported it for her. It turns out that he had several complaints against him that weekend, and while no legal action was taken, he's been permanently banned from the convention.

Good. At the very least, that's the kind of action that needs to be taken. It's also a great illustration as to what happens when people actually do speak up, even if only as witnesses.


I reject your mindset as harmful. I stand up for people that are being attacked due to their race, sex, or nature, regardless of who's doing the attacking.

Yes, the #AllLivesMatter argument. The idea we need to stand up and defend everybody when they've been injured regard of the degree to which they've been injured.

You may think that's noble... but I will be quite frank when I say that I think that is less than helpful. And when you divert attention from the people who NEED the help to make sure that the people don't really need it still feel a-okay... you basically ARE going back to kick in the face of the people in need. Because we each only have SO MUCH TIME AND FOCUS to keep our eyes on our fellow men and women. We can only do SO MUCH. And thus, it behooves us to spray the firehose on the house that is actually on fire and burning down, rather than the one with the flaming bag of dogcrap on the front porch.

In a perfect world... yes... it'd be great if we could all refrain from insulting each other. Great of you to point it out. But guess what... that kind of attitude ain't working. And if all that is left is for us straight, white guys to get reality slapped in our face repeatedly in hopes of waking us up... the least we can do is bite the bullet and take our lumps.


Staff member
Oh, good grief, do you actually believe that racial oppression is because people don't like being insulted? Like, for real?

I would say that the oppression proceeds the discussion, and- whether said discussion includes inflammatory rhetoric or not- is aided and abetted by the fallacious "tone" rebuttal. In this- and in other areas of discourse- when people get insulted, they tend to stop listening to the merits of the positions of others.

Rhetorically, it is a fine line to tread between identifying culprits that overwhelmingly meet a certain description without it being misinterpreted (by all sides) as a vilification of ALL who fit that description. We see it in all kinds of phrases that pop up in modern politics. See "dog whistle."

The key is, in part, being a more discerning listener.

But the "tone" rebuttal? It is a fallacy- how someone complains about a problem does not minimize or nullify the problem's existence, nor addresses how that problems should be handled. It is kind of the judo version of the "ad hominem" attack, ignoring the substance of the claim by starting a tangential convo about how it was said. It is worthless.

Just imagine going to the ER with a compound fracture of your leg, and being told by the attending physician that you won't be treated unless and until you stop screaming and crying so much.


Staff member
Yes, the #AllLivesMatter argument. The idea we need to stand up and defend everybody when they've been injured regard of the degree to which they've been injured.

You may think that's noble... but I will be quite frank when I say that I think that is less than helpful. And when you divert attention from the people who NEED the help to make sure that the people don't really need it still feel a-okay... you basically ARE going back to kick in the face of the people in need. Because we each only have SO MUCH TIME AND FOCUS to keep our eyes on our fellow men and women. We can only do SO MUCH. And thus, it behooves us to spray the firehose on the house that is actually on fire and burning down, rather than the one with the flaming bag of dogcrap on the front porch.

In a perfect world... yes... it'd be great if we could all refrain from insulting each other. Great of you to point it out. But guess what... that kind of attitude ain't working. And if all that is left is for us straight, white guys to get reality slapped in our face repeatedly in hopes of waking us up... the least we can do is bite the bullet and take our lumps.



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